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赵磊 《西南园艺》2010,(4):71-73
介绍土地整理和耕地质量的内涵,分析我国土地整理后耕地质量的现状、存在的问题,最后提出土地整理中加强耕地质量管理的一些对策。  相似文献   

近年来,重庆市石柱县龙沙镇成功实践农村土地"预流转+整理流转"模式,推进转变农业发展方式,促进土地规模经营,使土地产出效益剧增。该镇主要采取了:(1)成立土地流转部,储备预流转土地。(2)完善农业基础设施,集中整理流转土地。  相似文献   

从耕地"占补平衡"入手,介绍了土地整理中出现的边坡问题,进而通过植物的选择、厚层基材的组成、施工工艺3个方面,阐述了TBS边坡绿化在土地整理中的应用。  相似文献   

一是整合支农扶农政策和资金,对农业产业化项目分类给予基础设施建设补助。二是加快推进土地集中,流转规模达到40万亩,结合农业产业调整和土地规模经营,有针对性地推进土地开发整理,完成土地整理8万亩,新增耕地8000亩,改造农田基础设施建设3万亩。三是加快农业示范基地建设,培育10年休闲农业示范基地,新建茶叶、蔬菜、特色花木、特色水果等特色产业标准化生产基地5万亩。  相似文献   

有机蔬菜近年来获得较大发展,仍存在很多问题.有机蔬菜种植技术应用中,管理模式落后和种植技术应用认识不足具有普遍性.本文分析了有机蔬菜种植从选种到田间管理,提出强化土地整理、种苗优化选择、施肥等措施,望能给相关研究带来有益思考.  相似文献   

1栽植要点1.1果园规划平原地尽量南北走向,便于通风透光,采用三角定植,竖看成线,横看成行。山地或梯田地,根据山向按照等高线环山栽植。1.2土地整理在栽植前一年冬季将土地深翻,以利于土壤沉实,深度不少于60 cm。栽植时先将深翻的土地荡平,然后沿行向起垄,垄宽100~120 cm、高30 cm左右。挖60 cm见方的树穴,将腐熟好的土肥与熟土拌匀后回填,苗木根系周围放置2/3细土与细土肥拌匀的土壤,防止肥多烧根。  相似文献   

苏坡 《吉林蔬菜》2013,(10):59-60
土地制度改革一直是我国农村经济体制改革的核心内容,搞活农村土地流转,已成为当前农业和农村发展的必然趋势。对农村土地承包经营权流转制度改革进行多方面的探索,发展农村土地租赁、土地整理、土地入股、土地合作社等多种流转模式,为推进适度规模经营和现代农业发展提供了宝贵的实践经验。农村土地承包经营的内外部环境发生了很大变化,关  相似文献   

整形修剪是栽培大樱桃必不可少的工作.为了促使大樱桃早结果、结好果、多结果,既便于管理又降低生产成本,将大樱桃树整理成具有一定的骨架和外形,以充分利用土地和空间,最大限度的实现长期壮树、优质、高产,就必须对大樱桃树进行修剪.  相似文献   

舒城县地处安徽中部,年平均温度15.6℃,无霜期224天,年降雨量1100 mm.本地区采用大棚春甜玉米—夏毛豆—冬莴笋栽培模式,实现了大棚蔬菜周年生产,提高了土地利用率,且整个生产期用工少,效益显著,群众普遍采用,现将该项栽培模式整理如下.  相似文献   

高芬 《现代园艺》2014,(13):109-110
为促进城市裸露土地有效治理,制定了城区裸露土地绿化实施方案,对裸露土地进行了调查统计,并按照绿化方案实施了绿化。  相似文献   

高速公路绿化的数量、质量和功能有其独特性,它与一般的城市园林绿地有很大的区别。以上海A15高速公路附属绿化工程(3标)的建设为例,从施工部署和现场施工两个阶段,着重分析土方工程和种植工程的质量控制及其关键技术,探讨提高高速公路绿化工程质量的方法。  相似文献   

陈来生 《北方园艺》2012,(15):51-53
简介了青海东部农业区半地下式日光节能温室的特点,根据该日光温室特点,进行土方工程量分析,提出了半地下日光节能温室土方工程量计算方程,以青海省半地下式温室为例计算了畦面下切深度或日光温室室内长度,为该类型日光温室建造和优化设计提供了分析方法和参考依据。  相似文献   

浅谈低碳园林的设计与施工   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着低碳概念的普及推广,各行各业都有相应的低碳措施。园林行业也不例外。园林绿化项目其自身的目的之一就有调节气温、吸收温室气体、改善城市小气候的作用。因此其本身就是一种低碳项目。在设计和施工中因注意讲究因地因事制宜,做到施工低能耗,维护多节能的低碳园林。  相似文献   

探索屋顶造地与建筑占地,屋顶种菜与城市菜篮子工程的关系.研究证明屋顶造地可达到建房只占空间不占地,大大节约建房用地.屋顶菜园与地面菜园无本质差别,产量相同甚至更高,城市屋顶种菜具有更高的经济、社会、生态效益,屋顶菜篮子前景广阔.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to simulate urban micro-climate change due to the variation of wind flow and temperature assuming situations before and after applying programs using urban infrastructure regeneration technologies (UIRTs), and to then quantitatively estimate effectiveness on the urban regeneration schems. UIRTs focus on improving the recycling efficiencies of reclaimed water and biogas produced and to enforce the linkage among all environmental infrastructures associated with water, waste, and energy in an urban block. To implement the micro-climate analyses, data such as land use, topography, building height and materials, and weather conditions were collected, and the results estimated based on fluid simulations of cold wind and temperature variation pathways. There were three programs used in the urban regeneration project in J city: river restoration, traditional market revitalization, and a primary school eco-school. The height of cold wind from the ground level was significantly elevated, and the maximum wind velocity differential between before and after increased by 0.12 m/s due to the expansion of the waterfront space and grassland through the three programs. Overall, a temperature at the ground level dropped by 1.6 °C. Based on these results, the three programs improved the urban environment at ground level, and might ultimately be capable of diminishing the urban heat island effect and mitigating the energy consumption of urban areas.  相似文献   

Urban greenery has various beneficial effects, such as engendering peace of mind. The green view index (GVI) effectively measures the amount of greenery people can perceive and is a suitable indicator of urban greening. To date, the most common way to measure the GVI has been to photograph the street environment from eye level and use image-editing software to calculate the area occupied by vegetation. However, conventional methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the calculation results may vary among individuals. In recent years, the use of Google Street View (GSV) photos and calculation of the GVI using automatic image segmentation have rapidly developed. In this study, we demonstrate the advantages of GSV and image segmentation over conventional methods, verify their accuracy, and identify the shortcomings of modern methods. We calculated the GVI in the central part of Sapporo, Japan, using the automatic image segmentation AI “DeepLab” and compared the results with those measured by Photoshop. At the exact GSV locations, we also acquired photos and again calculated the GVI using AI, subsequently comparing the results with those obtained on-site manually. Although the correlations were high, automatic image segmentation tended not to identify lawns and flowers planted in the ground as vegetation. It was impossible to determine the year when the GSV photos were taken. In addition, the distance to greenery was biased, depending on the position on the street. These points should be considered when using these modern methods.  相似文献   

用西峰黄土高原1971—2005年5、10、15、20cm地温和1984—2005年梨树发育期资料,分析了地温的时间变化规律及其对梨树发育期的影响。结果表明,西峰10cm地温,除夏季外,其余季节呈持续升高的趋势,春季增温最明显,变幅也最大;冬季增温幅度次大;秋季增温幅度最小。冬季、春季地温与梨树的各发育期均为负相关,即地温高发育期早,地温低发育期迟。冬季地温与梨树发育期相关最显著的是叶变始期和开花始期,相关系数为-0.41~-0.52,信度为0.05;春季地温与之相关最显著的是开花始期,相关系数为-0.68~-0.69,信度达0.001。春季地温对梨树发育期的影响具有明显的持续性和滞后性,冬季地温对梨树发育期影响有阶段性,春季地温对梨树发育期的影响比冬季明显。  相似文献   

地被植物与高尔夫球场景观绿化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在高尔夫球场景观绿化中地被植物的应用越来越受到重视,成为不可缺少的高尔夫球场景观的组成部分,通常在乔木、灌木和草坪组成的自然群落之间起着承上启下的作用.同时,由于高尔夫球场的特殊性,及地被植物生态习性各异、生长发育开花和休眠期也不尽相同,因此,地被植物可以在更好地满足高尔夫球场功能的同时,形成极为复杂的季相变化,与其它园林植物相比有特殊的优势和更为广泛的用途.  相似文献   

School ground greening might provide multiple benefits for children across age, gender and competence through allowing participation in the greening process and experience of nature and vegetation. However, the process of school ground greening must nurture a positive relationship between children and newly planted vegetation during the first years after establishment. This study explored how green space planning, management and maintenance approaches influence children's school ground use and experiences through a series of field observations following establishment of new vegetation in a landscaped area at a school in Malmö, Sweden. The methods included documentation of vegetation, observations of use and interviews with children and teachers on three occasions during one and a half years following the first planting. The greening approach appeared successful, especially for younger children (up to around 11 years), who were more positive and also used the area more than older children. They also used it for pretend play, which was rare in the school ground before greening. Experiences from continuous participation and physical use appeared important for children establishing a positive and caring relationship with the landscaped area. The results suggest that school ground greening should be well integrated with pedagogic activities. Damage to woody vegetation can be limited by establishing other landscape elements that are attractive for play and by using fences without hindering access.  相似文献   

明确了晴天时,甜樱桃日光温室上午8~10时为气温升温阶段,11~13时为气温高温阶段,14~16时为气温降温阶段。昼间地温变化幅度为2.3℃,连续晴天时日平均地温上升约0.3℃。阴天时,日光温室气温和地温均保持稳定下降趋势,连续阴天日平均地温下降幅度较大,是连续晴天温度上升速度的2倍。  相似文献   

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