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含钾矿物中钾的释放及其与溶液环境中离子种类的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过室内试验研究探讨5种含K矿物中K在不同溶液中的释放规律(释放量和释放速率).结果表明,不同含K矿物中K释放速率和释放量的顺序均表现为:黑云母>蛭石>金云母≥白云母>钾长石,不同K矿物释K速率在酸溶液中差异最大,其次在钙和钠盐溶液中,在水中的速率差异最小,这主要是受其矿物本身结构的影响.不同离子对含K矿物中非交换态K释放的促进作用差异显著:H~+>>Ca~(3+)>Na~+>H_2O>NH_4~+.随矿物K有效性增加,H~+和Ca~(2+)对矿物K释放的促进作用越大,而且H~+较Ca~(2+)对黑云母、金云母和长石中的K有更突出的促释作用.此外,Ca~(2+)较Na~+显著促进了黑云母和蛭石中K的释放,但对其他矿物中K释放的影响两者无显著差异.NH~+_4则显著抑制了各种矿物中K的释放,对黑云母和蛭石的抑制作用更强于对金云母和白云母的作用.  相似文献   

我国北方主要土壤非交换性钾释放速率的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
采用连续流动交换技术研究了我国北方25个供试土壤非交换性钾的释放速率。结果表明,土壤晨交换性钾释放缓慢,而持续时间长;最大释放速率变幅为0.195 ̄2.30mg/(kg·min),600分钟平均释放速率变幅为0.066 ̄1.121mg(kg·min),释放持续时间一般在600分种以上。在600分种释放时间内非交换性钾释放百分率变幅在5.4% ̄39.6%之间。土壤非交换性钾释放速率与盆栽耗钾试验中玉  相似文献   

土壤含钾矿物的释钾研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
介绍土壤中含钾矿物的类型、结构特点、钾素含量与钾素释放的关系,区分了含钾矿物在土壤中的构成及分布特点,同时对国内外关于含钾矿物钾素释放规律的研究状况,钾素释放的作用机理、动力学特性,以及影响土壤含钾矿物钾素释放的因素做了综述。  相似文献   

采用两种化学连续提取法及连续耗钾实验,研究了几种耕作土壤非有效性钾释放特性及有效性。结果表明,供试土壤非交换性释放特性和有效性与粘土矿的密切相关,富含伊利石的土壤非交换性钾的释放量大,速率快,有效性高,黑麦草吸收该土壤的非交换性钾量及总吸钾量高,生物量大。而富含高岭石或蒙脱石的土壤非有效性钾有效性明显较低,非交换性钾的释放量和速率,黑麦草吸收该土壤的非交换性钾量,总吸钾量及生物量的均值分别仅为富含  相似文献   

不同提取方法土壤非交换性钾释放动力学及其速率的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Ca2+饱和土壤的 0.50molL-1硝酸、0.0 1molL-1草酸和氢质阳离子交换树脂恒温连续提取法 ,利用Elovich和二级动力学模型 ,结合生物吸钾试验 ,研究探讨了描述土壤非交换性钾释放及其速率较为理想的连续提取法及其动力学模型。研究结果表明 ,氢质树脂提取法的Elovich模型描述非交换性钾释放及其速率的效果较为理想 ,拟合方程的相关系数达极显著水平(r =0.982~ 0.996 ) ;不同时间非交换性钾累积释放量的计算值与实测值的标准差最小 (S =1.335~2.480 ) ;通过速率方程计算的不同时间非交换性钾释放速率与黑麦草吸收的非交换性钾数量的相关性也最为密切 (r =0.944~ 0.963) ,故氢质阳离子交换树脂连续提取法结合Elovich模型是描述土壤非交换性钾释放及其速率较为理想的组合方法。以伊利石为主的 2、3和 8号土壤非交换性钾释放速率明显高于其它以高岭石或蒙脱石为主的供试土壤  相似文献   

山东主要土壤供钾能力和非交换性钾释放的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
用生物耗竭方法,研究和比较了山东省主要农业土壤:棕壤、褐土和潮土的供钾能力。结果表明,以土壤交换性钾、缓效钾含量和耗竭过程中作物吸钾总量和吸收来自土壤非交换性钾的数量、比率及土壤非交换性钾释放速度和数量为依据,评价土壤供钾能力有褐土>潮土>棕壤的总趋势。  相似文献   

土壤非交换性钾的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

通过化学分析 ,X-射线衍射及镜检法研究了黑土、白浆土、黑钙土等吉林省主要耕作土壤的含钾矿物组成及不同形态钾的含量。结果表明 ,土壤中的含钾矿物以含钾长石和伊利石为主 ,钾长石主要集中在土壤砂粒部分 ,伊利石主要存在于土壤的粘粒部分。土壤的含钾矿物总量约占土壤矿物总量的 1/ 3多些 ,比南方土壤高 ;缓效钾含量丰富 ,供钾潜力大 ;速效钾含量在黑土、黑钙土中较高 ,而在白浆土中稍低。 3种土壤的全钾量与含钾矿物总量、粘粒中伊利石含量与粘粒含钾量、伊利石含量与缓效钾量、细砂中含钾长石含量与细砂中全钾量、缓效性钾与速效性钾之间呈极显著或显著相关。  相似文献   

我国南方一些土壤的钾素状况及其含钾矿物   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
朱永官  罗家贤 《土壤学报》1994,31(4):430-438
本文研究了我国南方一些土壤的钾素状况及其含钾矿物。结果表明,土壤含钾矿物的含量和种类因成土母质和土壤发育程度而异。花岗岩发育土壤的含钾矿物随粒烃增大而增加(>50μ除外),沉积岩发育的土壤情况相反。土壤的非交换性钾与云母类矿物含量呈较好的相关性(r=0.669^*),交换性钾与土壤CEC呈极显著正相关(r=0.808^**)。不同粒级对土壤全钾量贡献不一,花岗岩发育土壤的全钾量主要集中于10-50  相似文献   

应用生物法研究土壤含钾矿物与土壤供钾能力间关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
郑文娟  鲍士旦 《土壤学报》1994,31(3):267-276
本文主要通过矿物鉴定,生物试验方法,辅以电超滤(EUF)法及常规化学分析研究了黄潮土,黄棕壤,灰潮土和红壤的含钾矿物类型,含钾量及其不同粒级中分布与土壤供钾能力间关系。研究表明,四种壤的含钾矿物,全钾量主要分布于土壤0-50μm部,并以0-2μm部分的最丰富。随着土壤粒径增大,土壤含钾矿物组成逐渐简单化,含量逐渐降低。通过生物试验证明,土壤中三个粒级的供钾能力亦是0-2μm>2-10μm>10-5  相似文献   

土壤非交换性钾释放动力学特征及其生物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李婷  王火焰  陈小琴  周健民 《土壤学报》2015,52(5):1078-1087
采用生物耗竭法和0.2mol L-1的NaTPB化学浸提法,利用不同动力学方程对我国8种主要土壤非交换性钾的释钾特性及其生物有效性进行定量评估。结果表明,供试土壤非交换性钾释放分为快速释放和稳定释放两个阶段,一级动力学方程、Elovich 方程、双常数曲线方程和抛物线扩散方程均能描述土壤非交换性钾的释放过程。根据双常数方程中的参数(a)所表征的土壤非交换性钾释放速率常数,供试8种土壤的释钾能力按取土地区存在着自西向东、自北向南渐减的趋势。盆栽试验中,在累积释钾量高且释放速率快的土壤上,黑麦草累积生物量、累积吸钾量和相对含钾量较高,表现出强的供钾能力;与此相反,累积释放量低且释放速率慢的土壤上,黑麦草各项指标偏低,供钾能力较弱。以黑麦草钾素丰缺临界值34.00 mg kg-1 DW-1和土壤非交换性钾释放速率396.32 mg kg-1 h-1作为评价指标,供试8种土壤中,仅取自新疆石河子、陕西常武和黑龙江哈尔滨地区的土壤在短期不施用钾肥的情况下能保证黑麦草丰产且不出现缺钾症状。因此,为了维持土壤钾素平衡和保证作物高产稳产,在我国西北、东北地区耕地土壤中应加强秸秆的循环利用,而在华中和华东地区则需增施钾肥和有机肥。  相似文献   

Oxalic acid plays an important role in improving the bioavailability of soil nutrients. Batch experiments were employed to examine the influences of oxalic acid on extraction and release kinetics of potassium (K) from soils and minerals along with the adsorption and desorption of soil K^+. The soils and minerals used were three typical Chinese soils, black soil (Mollisol), red soil (Ultisol), and calcareous alluvial soil (Entisol), and four K-bearing minerals, biotite, phlogopite, muscovite, and microcline. The results showed that soil K extracted using 0.2 mol L^-1 oxalic acid was similar to that using 1 mol L^-1 boiling HNO3. The relation between K release (y) and concentrations of oxalic acid (c) could be best described logarithmically as y = a + blogc, while the best-fit kinetic equation of K release was y = a + b√t, where a and b are the constants and t is the elapsed time. The K release for minerals was ranked as biotite 〉 phlogopite 〉〉 muscovite 〉 microcline and for soils it was in the order: black soil 〉 calcareous alluvial soil 〉 red soil. An oxalic acid solution with low pH was able to release more K from weathered minerals and alkaline soils. Oxalic acid decreased the soil K^+ adsorption and increased the soil K^+ desorption, the effect of which tended to be greater at lower solution pH, especially in the red soil.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) release from sources that are not initially exchangeable is attributed to depletion of interlayer K of micas and clay minerals or weathering of feldspars. The aim of the present study was to estimate the K release from interlayer K. Soil samples from 17 field experiments in ley on a range of mineral soils in Norway were used in the study. The change in K‐fixation capacity was used as an estimate of depletion of interlayer K. It was assumed that the increase in K‐fixation capacity during 3 yr of cropping was equivalent to the amount of K depleted from the interlayer positions. Mean K fixation increased in the majority of the soils during 3 yr of grass cropping both with and without K application. The increase in K fixation indicated that without K application, the K uptake from interlayer K amounted to 43%, 28%, and 26% of the K yield for clay soils, high‐K sandy soils, and low‐K sandy soils, respectively. Including K uptake from exchangeable K in the topsoil and from subsoil, the explained K uptake amounted to 79%, 69%, and 81% for the three groups of soil, respectively. Simple linear‐regression analyses showed that the change in K fixation during 3 yr of grass cropping was best explained by the percentage of clay in the soil.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) release and kinetics were studied in soils of north western India varying in soil properties. Mathematical equations were tested for their applicability to describe K release in the alluvial soils. The major portion of total K was released within 1 h of the reaction. The initial rapid K release was followed by a slower rate of K release. The linear equation adequately described the K release kinetics. The next best fit to satisfactorily describe the reaction rates of K release was the first order equation. There existed two separate first order equations indicating different rates of K release. Soils having higher native potassium and clay released higher amounts of K and at a faster rate. However, the first order equation showed that the faster rate of reaction might be inhibited by higher amounts of clay, probably because of the restrictive properties of illites.  相似文献   

In a model experiment, which imitated the rhizosphere of rice, the effect of organic acids (oxalic acid, citric acid) and protons on the release of non-exchangeable NH4^ and the resin adsorption of N was studied in a paddy soil, typical for Zhejiang Province, China. Oxalic and citric acids under low pH conditions, in combination with proton secretion, favored the mobilization of NH4^ ions and increased resin adsorption of N. The release of non-exchangeable NH4^ was associated with less formation of iron oxides. These could coat clay minerals and thus hinder the diffusion of NH4^ ions out of the interlayer. Protons enhanced the release of NH4^ , and then they could enter the wedge zones of the clay minerals and displace non-exchangeable NH4^ ions.  相似文献   

采用大田试验研究稻草、稻草灰、硅钙钾肥、枸溶性钾肥和氯化钾肥5种含钾物料对冬油菜产量及钾素吸收的影响。结果显示,在施钾(K_2O)120 kg/hm~2时,各含钾物料的施用均可显著增加冬油菜产量和钾素累积量,与不施钾对照相比,含钾物料处理的油菜增产率为14.5%~34.9%,地上部钾素(K)总累积量增幅为71.8%~143.0%。不同含钾物料的施用效果不同,以枸溶性钾肥效果最好,其次是稻草灰和氯化钾肥。5种含钾物料的钾素表观利用率以枸溶性钾肥、稻草灰和氯化钾处理较高,其显著高于硅钙钾肥和稻草处理。各含钾物料的施用对土壤钾素供应的影响不同,油菜收获后的土壤速效钾含量以氯化钾肥和稻草灰较高,土壤缓效钾含量则以枸溶性钾肥处理最高,均显著高于其他处理。综合结果表明,在等量钾肥投入下,稻草灰和枸溶性钾肥表现出与氯化钾肥相同的施用效果。  相似文献   

解钾细菌C6X对不同富钾矿物含量土壤钾素迁移的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了改善黄土高原地区煤炭开采引起土壤质量急剧退化的现状,该文以玉米为供试植物,通过日光温室短期盆栽的方式,系统研究解钾细菌C6X和玉米生长对土壤钾素迁移的影响.结果表明:1)玉米生长条件下,解钾细菌在富钾矿物质量分数45%上层土壤(0~20 cm)中对速效钾增量的促进作用最佳.2)解钾细菌和玉米生长协同提高上层土壤钾素固定能力,缓效钾增量在土壤富钾矿物质量分数68%为最大值.3)解钾细菌和玉米生长协同促进土壤钾素上移能力,在富钾矿物质量分数45%水平,土壤上移速效钾呈最大值;同时,解钾细菌促进土壤上移速效钾和玉米钾素积累量二者趋于线性稳定,利于土壤钾肥长期管理.因此,解钾细菌和玉米生长协同促进土壤钾素的释放和固定,并促进土壤钾素上移.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) is one of the essential nutrients required by crops in large quantities; however, its use in agriculture by farmers is less than required in developing countries. This neglect has led to excess mining of K in soils by crop plants and has resulted in a negative balance of K in soils. This loss necessitates the need of more use of potassium fertilizers in agriculture. Rocks and minerals offer a potential fertilizer to utilize in agriculture as source of K. The crop trials revealed that feldspar, mica, glauconite, nepheline and shoenite are good sources of K for crops, especially in highly weathered acid soils. However, some researchers have reported no agronomic benefit of feldspar or granite rock application to crops. Overall the size modification, acidulation, microbial inoculants and preparation of K-enriched compost are the effective techniques to utilize K-bearing rocks and minerals. Very limited information is available on these aspects. Thus, in this review, an attempt has been to consolidate up-to-date information of indigenous rocks and minerals as possibilities for alternate sources of K for crop plants. Moreover, this area of research needs attention to utilize indigenous K sources, which can aid to limit the import and cost, of the establishment of potash fertilizer-based industries in developing countries.  相似文献   

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