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Unter Laborbedingungen wurde der modifizierende Einfluß der Bodenfeuchte auf die Reaktion mikrobieller Aktivitaten gegenüber einem Herbizid untersucht. Hierzu wurde das relativ stark auf Bodenmikroorganismen wirkende ‘Flüssig Herbogil’ (Dinoterb) mit zwei Dosierungen in zwei Böden eingesetzt. Das Präparat hemmte die von der Biomasse abhängigen Kenngrößen Glucose-induzierte Kurzzeit-Atmung und Dehydrogenaseaktivität (Reduktion von Triphenyltetrazoliumchlodd) dosisabhängig und stimulierte die Stickstoff-mineralisierung bei 60% der maximalen Wasserkapazität, ohne die Nitdfikation stark zu beeinflussen. Die Reduzierung der Bodenfeuchte auf 30% der maximalen Wasserkapazität erhöhte die Hemmwirkungen des Mittels auf die von der Biomasse abhängigen Parameter (besonders die Dehydrogenaseaktivität) im Sandboden, aber kaum im Lehmboden. Die Stimulation der Stickstoffumsetzung im Sandboden war dagegen bei 30% der maximalen Wasserkapazität am gedngsten. Zwischenzeitliches Anfeuchten modifizierte diese Effekte je nach Termin unterschiedlich stark, wobei teilweise zusätzlich eine Nitrifikationshemmung auftrat. Die meisten Wirkungen waren auch nach 12 Wochen noch feststellbar. Herbicide effects on microbial activity in the soil under varied ecological conditions: influence of soil moisture The modifying influence of soil moisture on the effects of herbicide on microbial activity in soil was investigated under laboratory conditions. The herbicide dinoterb (Flüssig Herbogil), known for its biocidal activity, was applied to two soils at two doses. At 60% water-holding capacity (w.h.c), glucose-induced short-term respiration and dehydrogenase activity (reduction of tdphenyltetrazolium chloride), both of which are related to microbial biomass, were more strongly inhibited by the higher dosage, whereas nitrogen mineralization was stimulated without marked inhibition of nitdfication. Reducing the soil moisture to 30% w.h.c. increased the inhibition of those activities related to microbial biomass (particularly dehydrogenase activity) in the sandy soil, but had hardly any effect in the loamy soil. However, the herbicide-induced stimulation of nitrogen transformation in sandy soil was only minimal at 30% w.h.c. Temporary moistening of the dry soil modified the herbicide effects depending on the sampling time. In some cases, however, an additional inhibition of nitrification occurred. Most herbicide effects lasted over 12 weeks. Effets d'herbicides sur I'activité microbiologique du sol sous des conditions écologiques variées: influence de I'humidité du sol L'influence modificatrice de I'humidité du sol sur les effets des herbicides sur I'activité microbiologique dans le sol a étéétudiée en conditions de laboratoires. L'herbicide dinoterbe (Flüssig Herbogil) connu pour son activité biocide a été appliquéà 2 doses sur 2 sols. A une capacité de rétention en eau de 60% (whc) la respiration à court terme induite par la glucose, et I'activité de la deshydrogenase (réduction du chlorure de tdphenyltetrazolium), toutes les deux liées à la biomasse microbienne, étaient beaucoup plus fortement inhibées par les doses les plus élevées, tandis que la minéralisation de I'azote était stimulée sans une inhibition sensible de la nitrification. La réduction de I'humidité du sol à 30% (whc) a augmenté l'inhibition de ces activités liées à la biomasse microbienne (spécialement I'activité de la deshydrogenase) dans les sols sableux, mais à pérne dans les sols limoneux. La stimulation induite par I'herbicide de la transformation de l'azote dans les sols sableux, cependant était seulement minimale à 30%. L'humidification temporaire d'un sol sec a modifié les effets de I'herbicide en relation avec l'époque d'échantillonnage, Dans certains cas, cependant, une inhibition complémentaire de la nutrification est intervenue. La plupart des effets de l'herbicide ont persisté pendant 12 semaines.  相似文献   

Unter Laborbedingungen wurden die beiden Dichlorprop-Praparate ‘U 46 DP-Fluid’ (Race-mat) und ‘Duplosan DP’ (optisch rechtsdre-hende Form) auf zwei ackerbaulichen Boden mil und ohne Luzernemehl angewendet. Wahrend der bis zu 12 wochigen Bebrütung wurden ver-schiedene mikrobielle Aktivitaten untersucht. Die aus einer simulierten gleichmäßigen Vertei-lung der flachenbezogenen praxisüblichen Aufwandmenge der Herbizide in der oberen Bodenschicht resultierende einfache Konzentra-tion verursachte in beiden gedüngten und ungedüngten Boden keine merklichen Einflüsse. Die 10 fache Konzentration führte jedoch bei der Kohlenstoff- und vor allem bei der Stickstoffmi-neralisierung zu langanhaltenden Stimulationen, die die 100 fache Konzentration noch wesentlich verstärkte bei gleichzeitiger Hemmung der Nitri-fikation und der Biomasse-bezogenen Ak tivitäten Glucose-induzierte Kurzzeitatmung und Dehydrogenase (TTC-Reduktion). Das Verhältnis von mineralisiertem Kohlenstoff zu Stickstoff wurde hierb i stark zugunsten des Stickstoffs verschoben. Ein Vergleich der beiden Dichlorprop-Präparate zeigle bei den niedrigen Konzentrationen im Boden kaum unter-schiedliche Effekte, bei höheren wirkte das Racemat jedoch deutlich stärker als die P-Form ‘Duplosan DP’. Influence of racemic and optically active dichlor-prop-herbicides on microbial activities in soil Under laboratory conditions the dichlorprop herbicides ‘U46 DP-Fluid’ (racemate) and ‘Du-plosan DP’ (optical active form) were applied to two agricultural soils with and without lucerne meal. During incubation for up to 12 weeks several microbial activities were investigated. When a single concentration of the herbicides in soil was used, which resulted from simulation of homogenous penetration of the area-related field rate into the upper 5-cm layer, no marked effects occurred. The higher concentration (×10), however, stimulated the carbon and especially the nitrogen mineralization for a longer time. The highest concentration (× 100) strongly enhanced these effects and simultaneously inhibited nitrification and the biomass-related activities glucose-induced short-term respiration and dehydrogenase (TTC reduction). In addition the relationship between mineralized carbon and nitrogen shifted to favour nitrogen. The comparison of the two dichlorprop herbicides at low concentrations hardly showed different effects, whereas at the higher concentrations the race-mate acted stronger than the P-form ‘Duplosan DP’. Influence de l'herbicide dichlorprop sous formes racémique et optiquement active sur l'activité microbienne du sol Les herbicides à base de dichlorprop ‘U 46 DP Fluid’ (racémate) et ‘Duplosan DP’ (forme optiquement active) ont été appliqués au laboratoire à deux sols agricoles, avec et sans farine de luzerne. Pendant l'incubation, qui durait jusqu'à 12 semaines, plusieurs activités microbiennes ont étéétudiées. À la concentration correspondant à la répartition homogène dans les 5-cm superficiels du sol de la dose employée dans la pratique, les herbicides n'exerçaient aucune influence détectable, que le sol ait reçu ou non de la fumure. À une concentration 10 fois plus élevée, ils stimulaient de façon durable la minéralisation du carbone et surtout de l'azote. À une concentration 100 fois plus élevée, ces effets étaient plus prononcés, la nitrification était inhibée ainsi que les activités à la biomasse: la respiration en temps courte induite par le glucose et l'activité déshy-drogénase (réduction du TTC). De plus, le rapport de minéralisation carbone/azote changait en faveur de l'azote. À la plus basse concentration, les effets des deux herbicides n'étaient pratiquement pas différentes alors qu'aux plus hautes concentrations le racémate était plus actif que la forme P ‘Duplosan DP’.  相似文献   

Within plant protection the products from citronella oil and neem mostly were used against pests. Their application for weed control is still at the beginning. This special application, however, needs higher dosages. The possible soil contamination and the missing microbiological-ecotoxicological information initiated our laboratory trial. The dosages used were relatively high as was necessary for weed control. They allowed the investigation of dose-effect relationships. In a loamy sand soil the biomass-related dehydrogenase activities as well as the carbon mineralization (actual and cumulative CO2 formation) were measured. Because a soil with and without lucerne meal amendment was used the specific activity increase (=?LIA) could be calculated for both microbial parameters. Mostly both microbial activities were dose-dependently stimulated by the neem compound. Citronella oil at the beginning inhibited with the higher dosages and later on stimulated these activities. Most of the stimulations may be caused by the microbial decomposition of the organic compounds amended to the soil, which overlie some expected biocidal effects. This allows a preliminary estimation of the microbiological-ecotoxicological effects as less critical. Depending on the very high amounts needed for weed control, however, a final evaluation should consider additional investigations with further microbial activities and other soil organisms.  相似文献   

Effect of carious pesticides of a sugar-fact spray programme on biological activities and chloridazon degradation in soil. II Pot trials and laboratory experiments In pot trials and laboratory experiments degradation and plant availability of Chloridazon (Pyramin) in soil, applied alone and in combination with other pesticides of a sugar-beet spray programme were investigated and also the influence of these treatments on soil dehydrogenusc activity and straw decomposition. After an initial lag-period chloridazon degradation was rapid, and obviously was unaffected by plant growth and other pesticides. The average lime for 50% decrease of the initial concentration was 10 days. The water-extractable portion of chloridazon in soil was not affected by the presence of other pesticides and was about 43% 1 week after application and decreased to 0% during the following week. Pyramin alone did not influence straw decomposition, and the spray programme was slightly stimulatory. In pot trials with and without plains, dehydrogenase activity was not significantly inhibited by Pyramin, whereas with the spray programme and bare soil, slightly reduced enzyme activities were observed. Under laboratory conditions the spray programme was more inhibitory than Pyramin alone. There was no correlation between biological soil activities and chloridazon degradation.  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of a pesticide spray sequence on the behaviour of terbutryn residues and on soil microbial activity. Part II. Influence on microbial activity In laboratory incubation experiments (at 10 and 20°C and 30 and 60% soil water-holding capacity) soil microbial activities (dehydrogenase, respiration after glucose amendment and nitrogen transformations) were scarcely affected by 20·9 and 28·0 mg kg?1, respectively, of terbutryn in two soils of different sorption properties. In contrast, dinosebacetate, alone or mixed with terbulryn, triadimefon or parathion, inhibited dehydrogenase activity and respiration even at a low rate of application (2·87 mg kg?1). Following application of a 10 times higher rate to a highly adsorbent soil there was an initial inhibition of nitrification followed by an enhanced rate of nitrogen mineralization. Triadimefon and parathion, alone and in combination with other pesticides, caused both stimulation and inhibition of microbial activity; the reason is not clear. The effects on dehydrogenase and respiration were confirmed in field experiments. Dehydrogenase activity was the most sensitive and so could be a useful test for the side-effects of pesticides on soil micro-organisms. Additional work on nitrogen transformations is needed to interpret the results.  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of a pesticides spray sequence on the behaviour of terbutryn residues and on soil microbial activity. Part I. Behaviour of terbutryn residues In laboratory incubation studies (at 10 and 20°C and 30 and 60% soil water-holding capacity) terbutryn dissipated with half lives of 19–113 days at a standard rate of application (2·09 or 2·8mg kg?1) and 62–258 days at a 10-fold higher rate. There was little difference between two soils of different sorptive properties. The water-extractable residues showed that terbutryn was extensively adsorbed by both soils with only 12–18%‘plant-available'. Persistence of terbutryn in the field was consistent with the laboratory results and was predicted satisfactorily with a mathematical simulation model. In the laboratory, terbutryn breakdown was inhibited by the simultaneous application of dinoseb acetate and stimulated by triadimefon and parathion but these results were not confirmed in the field.  相似文献   

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