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为研究不同农药剂型及表面活性剂对药液在亲水和疏水植物叶片表面的持留及铺展行为的影响,通过数码显微镜连续摄像的方法,测试了40种药液液滴在棉花(亲水性)和水稻(疏水性)叶片上的持留及铺展行为。选用5%氯虫苯甲酰胺悬浮剂、25%三唑酮可湿性粉剂和20%三唑酮乳油3种不同剂型的农药,以及Silwet 408、NF100和AgroSpred 730 3种不同表面活性剂,配制不同药液,通过注射器产生液滴并用数码显微镜记录液滴在水稻和棉花叶片上的铺展行为。结果表明:农药剂型对药液表面张力影响不显著,但加入不同表面活性剂却对表面张力影响显著,其对降低表面张力影响的显著程度依次为Silwet 408AgroSpred 730NF100;同种表面活性剂对悬浮剂的影响最大,其次是可湿性粉剂,对乳油的影响最小;加入NF100可增加药液液滴在水稻叶片上的持留能力。结合表面张力结果,证明表面张力并非增强药液持留和铺展能力的唯一因素。  相似文献   

为明确不同氮肥施用量对杀菌剂防治小麦白粉病效果的影响, 于2016年-2017年?2017年-2018年和2018年-2019年3年度在河北廊坊研究了正常氮肥施用水平和减施氮肥水平下25%乙嘧酚悬浮剂(7个梯度)对田间小麦白粉病的防效?结果表明, 不同的氮肥施用量对药剂防治病害的效果有一定影响, 在相同药剂用量下减施氮肥处理(N2)药剂的防效大多要显著高于正常施氮处理(N1)?对3年度不同氮肥施用水平下药剂用量与病情指数或防效的关系模型以及随机系数回归模型比较分析发现, 其模型的斜率无显著性差异, 截距大部分有显著性差异?通过防效混合效应模型构建的不同分位数模型(10%?30%?50%?70%?90%), 获得了2种氮肥施用水平下不同用量的25%乙嘧酚悬浮剂防治田间小麦白粉病的效果?同时, 利用防效的关系模型计算了2种氮肥施用水平下25%乙嘧酚悬浮剂对小麦白粉病防效和药剂用量对照表, 为氮肥减施情况下药剂用量的合理选用提供了科学依据?  相似文献   

To help explain the increased residual activity of a deltamethrin suspension concentrate (SC) formulation against grasshoppers, the persistence, location and nature of residues from the SC and an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation have been compared. Wheat plants were sprayed in a cabinet sprayer at 7.6 g ha?1 for the EC and 5.6 g ha?1 for the SC, then weathered outdoors for 16 days. With the SC formulation, residues were more persistent, more residues were located on the exterior of the leaves, and less deltamethrin was converted to inactive isomers. Eight days after spraying, the exterior deltamethrin residues were 0.13 μg plant?1 from the SC versus 0.06 μg plant?1 from the EC. Thus, more residual deltamethrin is available to grasshoppers with the SC formulation.  相似文献   

The effects of several nonionic surfactants on [14C]glyphosate mono(isopropylammonium) diffusion across isolated tomato fruit cuticles (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were compared under controlled atmospheric conditions (25°C; 65% R.H.) using a model system consisting of 1-μl droplets applied to isolated cuticles on agar blocks. Rates of diffusion for glyphosate (10 g acid equivalent litre?1 in the applied solution) and overall amounts recovered in underlying agar blocks were influenced by the ethylene oxide (EO) chain length for a homologous nonylphenol surfactant series (10 g litre?1). Glyphosate uptake increased with EO content, reaching an optimum at a mean of 17 EO, then decreasing below control values for surfactants with 40 EO. There was a strong influence of the hydrophobe on glyphosate penetration for different surfactants with similar mean EO content (10 EO). The primary aliphatic amine enhanced penetration the most, followed by the nonylphenol while the aliphatic alcohol showed no improvement on glyphosate transfer across cuticles. Water soprtion was greatly enhanced by a primary aliphatic amine (10 EO) and by a nonylphenol (17 EO). The aliphatic alcohol (10 EO) and a shorter-chained nonylphenol (4 EO) did not significantly enhance water sorption. Comparison of water sorption with glyphosate diffusion across cuticles suggests a strong relationship between the two. Change in solution pH over a limited range had no significant effect. Promotion of cuticular hydration by surfactants may thus play an important role in the enhancement of foliar uptake of water-soluble herbicides such as glyphosate.  相似文献   

The effect of the fungicide, diclobutrazol, on the germination, growth, chloroplast pigment and sterol content of winter wheat seedlings has been studied. At 250 μEm it retards their germination and growth, producing smaller, darker green and apparently healthy young plants. This is largely due to the 2S,3S–enantiomeric component. The increased greenness is not due to a direct effect on chloroplast pigments. It inhibits sterol 14—demethylation, causing an increase in the content of 4α,14α–dimethyl sterols, and also increases the proportion of campesterol, a 24—methyl sterol, relative to that of the 24—ethyl sterols, stigmasterol and sitosterol. Both the 2R,3R– and 2S,3S–enantiomers appear to be able to cause these changes in sterol content.  相似文献   

Surfactants increase the uptake of some foliar-applied chemicals to a greater extent than would be expected from their effects on surface tension and spray coverage. This study of the uptake of 2, 4-D [(2, 4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid] evaluated the effect of surfactants on penetration through and sorption by isolated cuticles of apple leaves. [14C]2, 4-D was placed in glass chambers affixed to enzymatically isolated adaxial apple leaf cuticles after the cuticle segments had been treated with various surfactants. The same surfactant pretreatments were included in sorption studies in which cuticle segments were immersed in [14C]2, 4-D for 96 h. Quantities of 2, 4-D passing through or sorbed by the cuticle were determined. Similar experiments were conducted with unaltered cuticles and cuticles dewaxed with chloroform. The hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) of polyethylene-glycol-based surfactants was inversely related to the sorption of those surfactants by the cuticles and penetration of 2, 4-D. Sorption of 2, 4-D by apple leaf cuticles was unaffected by surfactant pretreatment. Dewaxed cuticle membranes showed a similar response to 2, 4-D penetration and sorption following the surfactant pretreatment.  相似文献   

The effects of octylphenol (OP) and four of its ethoxylated derivatives on uptake into, and distribution within, maize leaf of 2-deoxy-glucose (2D-glucose), atrazine and o, p′-DDT are reported. The surfactants and OP (2 g litre?1 in aqueous acetone) increased the uptake, at both 1.5 and 24 h, of the three model compounds (applied at 1 g litre?1) having water solubilities in the g, mg and μg litre?1 ranges. The uptake of 2D-glucose was positively correlated with the hygroscopicity of the surfactants. The uptake of DDT and atrazine increased with the uptake of the surfactants, being inversely related to their hydrophile:lipophile balance (HLB). Uptake of 2D-glucose and atrazine was enhanced at high humidity, the relative enhancement for atrazine increasing with increasing ethylene oxide (EO) content of the surfactants. A significant proportion of the atrazine and DDT entering the leaf was recovered from the epicuticular wax, the amount of atrazine recovered from the wax increasing with the EO content of the surfactants. The proportion of the surfactants taken up which was recovered from the epicuticular wax was minimal at an EO content of 12.5–16 mole equivalents. The appearance of the deposits on the leaf surface differed markedly among the surfactants, with similar trends for all three chemicals and without visible evidence for infiltration of the stomatal pores. The total quantities of glucose and atrazine translocated were increased by all surfactants but that of DDT was not, despite increases in uptake of up to 7.5-fold. Relative translocation (export from treated region of leaf as a percentage of chemical penetrating beyond the epicuticular wax) was reduced in all cases in the presence of surfactant. Up to 30% of the applied [14C]chemicals was not recovered from the treated leaf after 24 h. The reduced recovery of 2D-glucose, but not that of atrazine and DDT, was largely attributable to movement out of the treated leaf, with approximately 70% of the chemical taken up being translocated basipetally. Loss of atrazine and DDT was a result of volatilisation. There was no evidence that either [14C]2 D-glucose or [14C]atrazine was metabolised to [14C]carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

The following are extended summaries based on posters presented at the 8th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry (IUPAC), held in Washington, DC, USA, 4–9 July 1994. They are entirely the responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board of Pesticide Science.  相似文献   

This study determined the uptake of three model compounds, applied in the presence and absence of surfactants, into the leaves of three plant species (Chenopodium album L, Hedera helix L and Stephanotis floribunda Brongn). The results with 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and epoxiconazole in the presence ofsurfactants (the polyethylene glycol monododecyl ethers C12EO3, C12EO6, C12EO10 and a trisiloxane ethoxylate with mean EO of 7.5, all used at one equimolar concentration and therefore different percentage concentrations) illustrate that the initial dose (nmol mm(-2)) of xenobiotic applied to plant foliage is a strong positive determinant of uptake. This held true for all the xenobiotics studied over a wide concentration range in the presence of these surfactants. Uptake on a unit area basis (nmol mm(-2)) could be related to the initial dose of xenobiotic applied per unit area (ID) by an equation of the form: Uptake = a [ID]b at time t = 24h. ID is given by the mass of xenobiotic applied, M divided by the droplet spread area, A. Total mass uptake is then calculated from an equation of the form: Total Uptake = a [ID]b x A.  相似文献   

A putative serine protease with a potential role in the plant biotic and abiotic stress response was purified from wheat leaf apoplastic fluid and partially characterized. Following two-dimensional electrophoresis a protein of Mr = 75 k and a pI of 4.2 to 4.5 was observed. This protein displayed in-gel protease activity and was specifically inhibited by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and partially inhibited by Ca2+ and Zn2+, but not by E-64 or leupeptin. An internal tryptic fragment of 13 amino acids was identified by MALDI QqTOF MS/MS, and this peptide showed a high level of homology (85–100 % identity) to a highly conserved region of known plant subtilisin-like proteases. We demonstrated that the protease activity increased until a late stage of wheat leaf development and increased in response to heat shock. In both cases Rubisco large subunit was degraded with time. Protease activity was also increased during biotic stress. Leaves challenged with leaf rust (Puccinia triticina), showed an approximately three fold increase in protease activity during an incompatible interaction, compared to activity in mock-inoculated leaves and to leaves in a compatible leaf rust interaction. These results suggest that the expression of this serine protease could be involved in the defense response against both abiotic and biotic stresses.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in the shoots of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was inhibited by certain phenylurea herbicides applied via the nutrient solution. Recovery from this inhibition after short treatments was used as a measure of the rate of inactivation of these herbicides in the leaf tissue of a variety tolerant to metoxuron (Caribo) and of a less tolerant variety (Manella). The introduction of chlorine atoms into fenuron greatly reduced the rate of inactivation in both varieties, whereas that of a methyl or butoxy group had little or no effect. Metoxuron was inactivated more readily than chlortoluron and both compounds were inactivated more rapidly in Caribo than in Manella.  相似文献   

Single-spore cultures of wheat- and barley-adapted isolates of Septoria nodorum were serially passaged through detached leaves of wheat or barley. Rare instances of change in host adaptation were observed after passaging but associated changes in other characters, including heterokaryon compatibility, identified the changed isolates as contaminants. Inoculation of progressively more dilute spore suspensions to detached leaves revealed that some isolates were highly infective to the host to which they were adapted, with a high probability of a single spore initiating infection. Inocula deliberately contaminated with a small proportion of spores of opposite host adaptation revealed changes when passaged on wheat that mimicked the rare changes observed on passaging pure wheat- or barley-adapted isolates. These results suggest that adaptation to wheat or barley is a stable property of pure cultures of S. nodorum and that the occasional changes in host adaptation observed on passaging result from selection of contaminants.  相似文献   

The performance of carbendazim and its chemical precursors benomyl, thiophanatemethyl and methyl 4-(2-aminophenyl)-3-thioallophanate ( I ) ( “NF48” ) as systemic fungicidal seed treatments on barley was investigated. In field trials all treatments significantly decreased smut (Ustilago nuda) at 3.2 g kg-1 of seed; the order of effectiveness was I > benomyl > thiophanate-methyl > carbendazim. Control of barley mildew (Erysiphe graminis) followed a similar pattern but results were less clear-cut. Measurements of uptake and translocation from seeds, treated with radiolabelled fungicide and planted in pots of Woburn soil in a controlled environment room, showed that seedlings accumulated much more I than the other compounds over 28 days. This substantial early uptake into leaves could explain why I was particularly effective against smut in the field trials. Comparisons of amounts taken up. with solubility in water, octanol/water partition coefficient, extent of adsorption on soil and pKa values suggested that the effects of these properties on availability in the soil solution may be more important than their influence on penetration into the root in determining relative uptake and disease control in the case of localised applications such as seed treatments.  相似文献   

土壤干旱对小麦叶片光合和氮素水平及其转运效率的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
研究了两个冬小麦品种(济南17和鲁麦21)的叶片氮素含量动态变化及其转运效率对4个土壤水分水平分别占土壤最大持水量的75%~80%、55%~60%、40%~45%及30%~35%)的响应。结果表明:中度和严重土壤干旱显著降低了叶片相对含水量、叶绿素含量、光合速率、气孔导度、氮素含量和生物产量,但中度干旱提高了叶片氮素转运效率和籽粒蛋白质含量。尽管高蛋白小麦品种济南17叶片的氮素含量较低,但氮素转运效率较高,适度土壤干旱对其籽粒蛋白质的激发作用亦较强。表明适度土壤水分亏缺可促进叶片氮素向籽粒运转,有利于改善小麦品质。  相似文献   

The word stability is ubiquitous in colloid science but means different things to different people. In a suspension concentrate it is possible to identify three different physical processes which may lead to instability in a particulate system, namely a change in particle size due to Ostwald ripening, particle aggregation and particle sedimentation. Although these processes may occur simultaneously they are here treated separately in order to promote understanding of the physical forces involved.  相似文献   

聚羧酸盐和聚氧乙烯醚磷酸酯分散剂复配体系有利于提高农药水悬浮剂的物理稳定性。本研究选用430 g/L戊唑醇水悬浮剂 (SC) 作为研究对象,研究了聚羧酸盐分散剂850和聚氧乙烯醚磷酸酯分散剂601p复配体系的胶束流体动力学直径以及对戊唑醇SC黏度、Zeta电势、比吸光度和流变性质的影响。结果显示:单独用601p制备的戊唑醇SC的分散稳定性要高于单独用850制备的,而用两者复配体系制备的戊唑醇SC的稳定性明显高于用单一分散剂制备的。进一步研究发现,分散剂的复配比例对戊唑醇SC的物理稳定性也有不同影响,其中当m(850) : m(601p) = 1 : 1时,复配分散剂的胶束动力学直径不再变化,制得的戊唑醇SC分散稳定性最好,表现为黏度相对较小,Zeta电势为 –40.8 mV。  相似文献   

覆膜集雨栽培对冬小麦产量及养分吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用垄上覆膜集雨保墒、沟内种植的栽培方法,在半湿润易旱的关中红油土上进行了冬小麦田间试验,探讨覆膜集雨栽培对冬小麦产量及氮磷钾养分携出量的影响。结果表明,覆膜集雨的增产效果明显。覆膜条件下,高氮处理的生物产量与籽粒产量比低氮处理分别增加15.9%、22.6%;高氮高密度条件下,覆膜的生物产量与籽粒产量比不覆膜分别提高39.5%、28.9%,其中,高氮低密度(即高氮宽垄覆膜集雨)处理的籽粒产量和生物产量最高,产量可达7898kg/hm2;覆膜集雨种植可协调土壤水分和养分的关系,促进了地上部的养分携出量,有利于植株的协调生长,最终获得高产。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To assemble a laboratory population of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei for a competition experiment, controlled crosses were performed among 30 parent isolates, which were characterized by their pathotype (i.e., the phenotype observed on a differential set containing lines including host resistance alleles) and their response to the fungicides ethirimol and triadimenol. Variability in the response to the chemical inducer of host-resistance acibenzolar-S-methyl (BTH: benzo[1,2,3]thiadiazole-7carbothioic acid-S-methyl ester) was introduced by using isolates collected in fields repeatedly treated with this chemical. Based on their pathotype and response to ethirimol, 137 isolates recovered from the crosses were chosen to assemble a laboratory population. This protocol produced variability in the laboratory population for traits chosen only in the parents (triadimenol) or both in the parents and the progenies (ethirimol). It was therefore postulated that the variability in the response to BTH, if present in the parents, was also present in the laboratory population. No association between these traits was observed. The effect of BTH on the evolution of the laboratory population was compared with the effect of the fungicide ethirimol. The laboratory population was exposed to selection pressures and its evolution was followed over 10 generations. Ethirimol treatments always induced a decrease in sensitivity, whereas no consistent trend was observed for sensitivity to triadimenol (not selected). This result indicates that the application of ethirimol induced a selection pressure. For BTH, (toxicological) sensitivity tests have not detected any consistent evolution, but pathotype diversity indicated that in cases when BTH was applied with ethirimol, BTH induced a further selection pressure in addition to that of ethirimol.  相似文献   

The sorption of two anionic surfactants and a series of seven nonionic alkylphenolethoxylate surfactants of increasing hydrophilic/lipophilic balance (HLB) in a loamy clay soil was evaluated. The effect of low doses of these surfactants on the sorption characteristics of the fungicide triticonazole was investigated. The critical micellar concentration (CMC) of the surfactants in pure water and soil–water systems, and surfactant sorption were estimated by surface tension measurements using a batch equilibration technique. Triticonazole sorption, alone and in the presence of low doses of surfactants, was also measured by batch equilibration. CMC of the alkylphenol surfactants increased with their HLB. The sorption of surfactants increased with their lipophilicity. CMC in the soil–water systems were considerably higher than in pure water. Sorption of the most lipophilic alkylphenol surfactants at the higher doses significantly increased triticonazole sorption. Proposed mechanisms are modifications of soil surface properties, and increase of soil organic carbon content. Sorption of the other nonionic and anionic surfactants only resulted in monomeric surfactant concentrations in pore water, and did not affect triticonazole sorption. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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