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ABSTRACT This paper focuses on cyclical and regional variations in vacancy dynamics in labor markets with persistent imbalances between demand and supply. In particular the so-called matching approach is used to investigate labor market efficiency across regions and over the business cycle. In this matching approach the relationship between the flow of filled vacancies and regional stocks of unemployed job seekers and vacant jobs is specified in a “search production” function. The matching approach is applied to the Dutch labor market, which is characterized by strong disequilibria and persistent regional differences in unemployment and vacancy rates. To explore the development of these regional imbalances from a demand side perspective, the dynamic structure of regional data on vacancies is analyzed over the business cycle. The movements of vacancy duration and the change in the vacancy stock over time appear to be similar across Dutch regions. Moreover, an investigation of the structural causes of regional variations in vacancy duration via shift-share analysis makes clear that regional differences in sectoral composition of unfilled vacancies do not contribute to regional differences in vacancy duration in the period 1989–93. Estimation results of a matching model reveal that there are no region-specific differences in labor market efficiency to produce filled vacancies. The ratio of vacancies to unemployment appears to be the critical determinant of the matching process in the Dutch regions. Another general (non region-specific) finding is that the estimated labor market efficiency increases during recessionary and recovery periods while it decreases during an economic boom.  相似文献   

分析了当前我国玉米产业面临着供需格局发生重大变化、竞争力不强、资源环境强约束等问题,提出了新时期玉米产业发展应调整思路,建立用养结合型、农牧结合型种植结构,提升玉米产品质量结构,完善玉米产业链结构,最后提出了调整收储政策、创设结构补助调整政策、强化科技创新等政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question produced when the control over nonhuman resources affect division of labor based on specialization. In a simple economy with two final goods and a nonhuman resource as an initial input of production, it is proved by using the new classical microeconomic method that readjusting the initial allocation of property rights can help push the division development of labor, although the ex post transaction costs will increase. The model shows that it is an improper division of labor that the Government directly involves itself in production by founding state owned enterprises, and these enterprises at least should withdraw from competitive industries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT While previous research has generally found that immigration raises unemployment for natives, effects are often more muted than expected. Anticipated out‐migration responses have been similarly difficult to discern. However, these findings may be byproducts of the long‐run nature of most inquiries, which furthermore do not account for changes in natives’ labor force participation. In response, this study evaluates the impact of the arrival of low‐skilled immigrants on low‐skilled natives in urban areas over a five year period. Initial static results from the Census Basic Monthly Survey clearly indicate that immigrants have a significant negative impact on natives’ labor force participation. Building upon these static panel results, characteristics of immigrants’ destination choices are examined along with the ensuing adjustment process through dynamic analyses of local markets. Surges of immigrants significantly reduce the labor force participation of low‐skilled natives, emphasizing this often neglected channel for labor market adjustment. Previous work may thus understate the true impact of immigrants on local labor markets by focusing on the longer term and ignoring adjustments through participation.  相似文献   

1、循环经济的含义 在已有的国际经验中,循环经济的历史结果是,社会资本结构建立在社会成本结构之上的良性循环。循环经济反映在社会进步上,是社会资本在社会可持续发展前提下的良性积累,以避免国际社会工业化进程中普遍出现过的生产-污染-治理-生产-污染-治理的恶化循环现象。  相似文献   

农业产业结构调整的影响因素及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业产业结构受诸多因素影响,归纳起来主要有三种,即自然因素、社会因素和原则因素。其中自然 因素是基础,社会因素是动力,原则因素是规范,只有综合考虑这些因素并合理应用,才能搞好结构调整,收到 预期效果。本文对主要影响因素进行了分析,并对应用作了探讨。  相似文献   

A case study of the Hong Kong watch industry demonstrates the adaptive flexibility of labor-intensive industrial clusters. The study describes the evolution of industry in Hong Kong, and highlights the unique attributes of the country's economic history which have influenced the structure of production systems in the country. Focusing on the role of global competition, the case study identifies the constraints posed by a labor-intensive flexible production system in the face of continuous technological change in the industry.  相似文献   

陈西 《种子》2016,(12):62-65
种子标准化建设是现代种业发展的根本保障和技术手段,对现代种业的可持续发展具有重要意义,是种业供给侧结构调整的关键.通过调查陕西种子标准化历程及现状,研究种子标准化建设与现代种业发展的关系,探讨陕西种业供给侧结构调整的思路及定位,分析如何以种子标准化的应用与推广来促进陕西种业供给侧结构调整的对策,加速陕西种子产业化步伐,推动陕西现代种业发展.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Regional analysts often identify industry clusters according to a single dimension of industrial interdependence, typically by trading patterns as revealed in national or regionalized input–output data. This is despite the fact that the theory underpinning regional industry cluster applications draws heavily on Marshall's theory of external economies, including the important role of labor pooling economies and knowledge spillovers in addition to spatially co‐located suppliers. This article investigates whether industry clusters identified based on trading relationships (value chain clusters) are meaningfully different in industrial composition and geography than those derived from an analysis of occupational employment requirements (labor‐based clusters). The results suggest that value chain linkages are a weak proxy for shared labor requirements, and vice versa.  相似文献   

调整产业结构是实现中国农业可持续发展的必然选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国现阶段农业存在着产业结构不合理、生产利润低、政策支持力度差、产品与市场需求不相宜等现象,必须立足于大农业和农村经济的长远发展,从多层次、多角度考虑,对农、林、牧、渔各行业之间的比例关系进行调整,对产业结构、产品结构、生产要素结构和贸易结构进行调整,发展优势产业,有计划地控制粮食种植面积和适度规模经营,提高畜牧业在农业中的地位,重视技术与制度创新,发展特色农业经济,而不应当仅仅在种植业内进行简单的品种换位。  相似文献   

Functional economic areas have long been recognized as the appropriate unit of analysis for examining the spatial organization of regional economic activity. While easily defined conceptually, few fine-tuned empirical delineations based on either trading or commuting patterns have been produced. In this paper, labor market areas (LMAs) based on commuting patterns of Saskatchewan residents are constructed for two points in time, 1981 and 1991. Detailed Statistics Canada data on place of work and place of residence for the experienced labor force were used 38 distinct LMAs were identified for 1991, and 37 for 1981. The 15 largest LMAs, which included just under one-half of all rural municipalities (RMs) in southern Saskatchewan, grew in absolute terms and gained in relative importance during the decade. Another 23 (22) smaller LMAs in 1991 (1981), provided jobs for modest but declining numbers of both commuters and noncommuters. The remaining 30 percent of all RMs had such low or diffused levels of commuting that they were not included in any LMA in either year. A pattern apparent for all LMAs was an intensification of commuting within the labor market area. Although there was a reduction in the number of commuters from centers of employment to surrounding areas between 1981 and 1991, there was an even larger increase in commuters to centers of employment. While commuting to a job in an urban center is still a distinct possibility for the rural labor force living within the 15 largest LMAs, it is increasingly less likely for those residing elsewhere in rural Saskatchewan. In these remote areas, alternatives to urban-based employment are required.  相似文献   

李贵喜 《种子科技》2003,21(2):69-70
市场经济条件下,农业的发展需要种植业结构的调整。种植业结构调整直接带动种子产业的发展,种子产业的发展反过来又促进农业种植结构的调整,农民的增收。要抓住优化农业种植结构调整这个机遇,大力发展种子产业。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on labor market dynamics in four ways. First, unlike most of the existing literature, it uses the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). This panel survey, with a 32‐month window of observation, allows a more precise measure of employment flows than other data sources. It was found that one out of three workers experiences a job transition during the observation period. Second, it focuses on the state of California during an economic cycle. According to these estimates, the net decline in employment represents just 2.6 percent of all job rotations (separations offset by accessions), and gross job flows were as important during the downturn as they were during the economic expansion. Third, it estimates gross flows by sector, and finds significant variation in gross flows relative to employment across sectors of economic activity. Fourth, it examines the coexistence of cyclical and structural changes of California in the early 1990s. The results suggest a labor market link between structural changes and economic cycles.  相似文献   

基于SD和模糊综合评价的土地整治项目社会影响评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用系统动力学的因果回路图分析土地整治的社会影响,运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价方法评估土地整治典型项目的社会影响程度。通过典型案例分析,该项目社会影响成功度综合评价结果为“基本成功”,其中“社会效率”成功度最高,“社会公平”次之,“可持续发展”成功度最低。运用系统动力学的理论对土地整治的社会影响的影响因素和传导途径进行解析,通过层次分析法和模糊综合评价法可对相关社会影响进行定量评估,研究成果可为土地整治项目的社会影响评价工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

黑麦与光稃野燕麦杂交后代的减数分裂研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江龙  张庆勤 《种子》2003,(2):37-38
本研究以黑麦和光稃野燕麦为亲本,对其杂种后代的减数分裂进行了研究。结果表明:杂种后代植株染色体数减少,花粉母细胞染色体数有14,15,16,17;染色体数越多,减数分裂中期I单价体出现的频数,多价体的类型和频数也增多,二价体基本稳定在6~7。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Using the Social Capital theoretical framework, territorial agglomerations of firms, such as in the industrial district, can be identified as dense strong‐tie networks and are thus suitable for exploiting activities. This paper addresses the possible exploring limitations of these clustered firms. Following alternative explanations, such as the structural holes and weak tie approaches, it is proposed that local institutions may play a role as intermediary agents between external disperse networks and internal dense networks, therefore enabling these firms to deal with the requirements of an ever‐changing environment. The paper also develops an empirical section where the Spanish ceramic tile industrial district is described in order to illustrate theoretical arguments. Findings suggested a number of ways in which local institutions may facilitate the creation of value for firms. Particularly, local institutions interact with many external firms and institutions and undertake research projects with local firms. In addition, some quantification of the participation of firms in the activities carried out by institutions is offered, suggesting explanations for the barriers that prevent firms from gaining direct access to external networks.  相似文献   

Labor market segmentation and migration are two phenomena that are dramatically reshaping the spatial, economic, and social relationships of many urban cities in both developed and developing countries. To this point, the bulk of Chinese literature falls within the context of area studies, without much effort to link Chinese migration and emerging labor market outcomes to larger global trends and discourse. This research attempts to link the body of internal Chinese migration and emerging labor markets to labor market segmentation theory, primarily developed by urban economists and sociologists. My findings provide evidence that applying labor market segmentation theory to examine emerging markets in China offers fruitful results that help to identify the new urban stratification that exists in China. I employ a set of quantitative methods using employee‐level field data that I collected in Urumqi in 2008 to identify distinct segments within Urumqi's labor market and argue that migration is a major driver of labor market segmentation. Cluster analysis shows Uyghur minorities and women are found to be overwhelmingly concentrated in the lower sector, composed mostly of “bad” jobs. Discriminant analysis reveals that migrant status and ethnicity are the most important variables that deepen the gap among the labor market segments. The social inequality created as a result of market segmentation can partially explain Uyghur discontent in the region and the July 2009 riots, one of the worst riots in Xinjiang's modern history.  相似文献   

文章分析了优良品种和种子产业在发展农业生产中的作用,提出了种子产业的社会目标是不断提高新品种在农业生产中的贡献率,实现途径是不断选育新品种,不断提高良种覆盖率.  相似文献   

西藏阿里地区是我国海拔最高的地区,独特的地理位置和气候特点,形成了阿里地区独特的种植业生产格局。本文分析了珂里地区的种植业生产现状,提出了种植业结构调整措施、种植业布局和种植制度的调整,为阿里地区的种植业生产和农业发展提供依据。  相似文献   

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