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As a result of government policy and consumers' attitudes to environmentally compatible growing systems, research is focused on reduction of pesticide input into the environment. This aim is approached in different ways. With so-called “closed growing systems”, soil fumigants are no longer needed, resulting in an estimated 60% reduction in the total use of pesticides. Further, far smaller quantities of (systemic) pesticides need to be added to plants, via the nutrient solution, than with soil-grown crops. Water disinfestation is essential to minimize the spread of diseases and heat treatment and ozonization are already used under commercial conditions. Filtration appears to be neither reliable nor practical. Other disinfestation methods are under investigation. Ventilators may be provided with insect-proof screens to minimize infection pressure, especially on young plant material. Air filters in combination with mechanical ventilation may be an option for the future to raise healthy plants. A further reduction in the use of pesticides can be achieved by developing biological and integrated control of insects and fungi. Simultaneous application of several biocontrol methods in the fruit vegetable area has increased the complexity of IPM. Open rearing systems of parasitoids on alternative hosts to control cotton aphids and leaf miners are promising. IPM is highly dependent on the availability of selective chemicals. Biological control of root-infecting fungi in substrate crops shows promise. Integrated control of powdery mildew in cucumbers using a combination of nutritional and climatic management and varieties showing partial resistance will be studied. Improvement of application techniques for pesticides is being studied by plant pathologists in cooperation with technical experts. The aim is to reduce pesticide application rates, to minimize losses to the environment and to avoid health risks for the worker. By developing decision-support systems for crop protection, optimal use of beneficial insects is achieved and unnecessary applications of chemicals are avoided. A programme to develop such a system for the sweet pepper crop is under way.  相似文献   

The official Netherlands government policy to reduce the volume of chemical plant protection products, that will be laid down in a policy document later in 1991, includes the reduction of chemical haulm killers in potato growing. Although the prospects are promising, the reduction of chemical haulm killers has to be introduced gradually, thus enabling farmers and industry to meet the demands for reliable and effective mechanical equipment. Introduction of mechanical haulm destruction techniques has to go hand in hand with adaptation of alternative growing and harvesting techniques, choice of cultivar, etc., which have to satisfy phytosanitary and profitability requirements. During a transition period, at least one efficacious chemical compound must be available in case of emergency, where mechanical equipment cannot be brought into action for climatic reasons.  相似文献   

豇豆Vigna unguiculata 喜温喜光,是一种适合在我国南方种植的豆科蔬菜。长期以来,豇豆病虫害多发重发,其中,蓟马是豇豆上最主要和最顽固的害虫之一。传统的化学防治方法对蓟马的防治效果常常不理想,并易造成农药残留问题。本文概述了我国豇豆产业的种植情况和以蓟马为主的病虫害问题及豇豆蓟马研究现状,并从农艺措施、理化诱控、生物防治、化学防治和抗性治理角度总结了豇豆蓟马的综合防治技术。最后,从构建豇豆蓟马的有害生物综合治理(integrated pest management, IPM)技术体系、加强基础研究和防控技术产品开发、建立科学用药和农药监管制度3个方面提出建议,以期为我国豇豆产业的绿色可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

蔬菜产品从"田间到餐桌"需要经过一个较长的链条,其中蔬菜的生产在这个链条中占有重要地位。蔬菜安全生产是社会和谐发展的客观要求,是经济效益持续稳定的根本保障,生态健康也对蔬菜安全生产中农药的科学使用提出了更高要求。蔬菜生产过程中的污染包括产地环境污染和农业投入品污染,其中又以作为重要的农业投入品的农药引起的污染为主。农药是蔬菜安全生产中减少病虫草等危害损失、保障蔬菜产量的重要核心因素,但如果农药使用不科学就会污染环境、破坏生态平衡、造成蔬菜产品农药残留超标、作物药害或导致人们中毒,直接危害人类健康。国外为推行农产品质量安全从"田间到餐桌"全过程控制,随之相继出现了如良好农业规范(GAP)、良好生产规范(GMP)、危害分析和关键点控制体系(HACCP)等生产管理和控制体系。我国对农药污染控制技术手段比较薄弱,为缓解我国蔬菜生产、病虫害防治和农药污染之间的矛盾,必须对农药的使用进行全程调控。  相似文献   

Integrated pest management (IPM) and sustainable agriculture benefit from selective and environmentally benign crop-protection products. The performance of these products, however, is threatened by resistance. If it is to be prevented from standing in the path of progress, resistance must be managed. As agricultural practices move towards IPM and sustainable crop protection, selection pressure will be concentrated on products which are compatible with these systems. Producers, researchers, government and extension workers cannot solve these complex problems alone. The key to success is collaboration. The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) was set up by the crop-protection industry in 1984 to promote and co-ordinate its contribution to resistance management. Today, it is collaborating with research institutes, government organisations and extension services to combat resistance. IRAC focuses on research and communication projects which reduce selection pressure, organising workshops in ‘resistance hot spots’ and providing input to draft legislation. Selected examples of IRAC's collaborative work are described. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

Vegetables attract high applications of pesticides, and farmers in developing countries use many acutely toxic insecticides to control pests on these crops. With the liberalisation of agricultural markets in developing countries, the number of small-scale farmers growing vegetables for both domestic and export markets is increasing. Demand for supplies of year-round and exotic fruit and vegetables has grown in industrialised countries, but with rising quality standards and traceability requirements it is difficult for small-scale farmers to benefit from this lucrative non-traditional agricultural export trade. The demand is high for vegetables in the expanding cities in developing countries, and farmers in peri-urban areas, or rural areas with good access to the cities, are in a position to find a growing market for their produce. Poor storage facilities will often mean that farmers are forced to sell at peak times when prices are low. Farmers rarely have access to training in pesticide use, and have only limited or no access to advice on the complicated management of pesticides. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN is concerned about high levels of poor quality and adulterated pesticides on sale in developing countries. Surveys repeatedly show that without training, farmers are unable to make good crop decisions: recognition of pests and their predators is generally low, leading to decisions to spray to kill any insect; knowledge of product selection, application rates and timing is poor; different products are often combined in the belief that the effect will be greater; re-entry periods after spraying and essential harvest intervals are not known; and without knowledge of alternatives, farmers will often assume that the only solution to pest problems is to spray more frequently. From a consumer's point of view, few developing countries are able to monitor pesticide residues, particularly for produce grown for home consumption: most countries do not have laboratories for even simple residue testing. Changes in European Maximum Residue Limits means that export crops will be rejected if they contain residues at the Limit of Detection of pesticides not registered in Europe. Season-long field level training in Integrated Pest Management can help farmers to become better decision-makers, and to greatly reduce pesticide use while reducing risks to their own health and environment, producing safer products for consumers, maintaining yields, and increasing incomes.  相似文献   

Vegetables are one of the important crops which could alleviate poverty and malnutrition among the smallholder farmers in tropical Asia and Africa. However, a plethora of pests limit the productivity of these crops, leading to economic losses. Vegetable producers overwhelmingly rely on chemical pesticides in order to reduce pest‐caused economic losses. However, over‐reliance on chemical pesticides poses serious threats to human and environmental health. Hence, biopesticides offer a viable alternative to chemical pesticides in sustainable pest management programs. Baculoviruses such as nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) and granulovirus (GV) have been exploited as successful biological pesticides in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Maruca vitrata multiple nucleocapsid NPV (MaviMNPV) was found to be a unique baculovirus specifically infecting pod borer on food legumes, and it has been successfully developed as a biopesticide in Asia and Africa. Entomopathogenic fungi also offer sustainable pest management options. Several strains of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana have been tested and developed as biopesticides in Asia and Africa. This review specifically focuses on the discovery and development of entomopathogenic virus and fungi‐based biopesticides against major pests of vegetable legumes and brassicas in Asia and Africa. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

我国蔬菜害虫生物防治研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国是蔬菜生产、消费和出口大国,蔬菜害虫是影响蔬菜产量和品质,制约蔬菜产业发展的重要因素。传统化学农药的长期大量使用,不仅造成生态环境污染、影响食品安全,还导致害虫抗药性逐渐增强,因此,生物防治成为害虫综合治理的重要措施。我国生物防治技术经过几十年的发展,在天敌昆虫资源的发掘、应用、技术研发和配套措施等方面取得了显著的进步。本文综述了我国蔬菜害虫生物防治的研究和应用进展,并分析了当前存在的问题和发展趋势,以期为今后的害虫研究和防治提供思路。  相似文献   

Aerial application of pesticides is generally the method used by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the control of pests of rangeland, cultivated crops, and forested areas. With increased restrictions placed on pesticides, then- continued use requires improved application technology to meet acceptable levels of risk at reasonable cost The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of USDA is developing an aerial spray drift model for use by their field personnel to minimize drift from aerial application of pesticides to environmentally sensitive areas. Input information utilizing a low cost, field-deployable microcomputer includes aircraft type, application technique and hardware, pesticide formulation, meteorological conditions, and type (roughness) and extent of the site. Expected output computations will be: 1) distribution pattern of downwind deposition, including evaporation corrections and matching to empirical field measurement; 2) optimal aircraft swath spacing; and 3) buffer distance between the target area and the environmentally sensitive areas.  相似文献   

Because of increasing government fees, the chemical industry in The Netherlands has shown interest in taking over the performance of any additional field trials required for obtaining the registration of pesticides. A system is described whereby the chemical industry arranges and performs such trials under the surveillance and supervision of the Plant Protection Service, the Service retaining control of standards, the right of evaluation, and the final assessment of efficacy. Areas of responsibility are defined, suggestions for the future are given and the system is seen as developing satisfactorily.  相似文献   

The influences on pest control that are external to the pesticide industry are discussed first. The complexity of the interrelationship between the five main parties to the pesticide controversy (the farmer, the public, the pesticide manufacturer, wild life interests and the government) explains in some measure the intensity of the controveersy itself. It is to be hoped that with increasing knowledge all parties will be able to move together along an agreed, optimum course.The responses within pest control in general, and the pesticide industry in particular, to these external influences are then discussed. Existing pest control practices largely utilise control at the level of the individual. Much current research relates to population control procedures. The pesticide industry is concerned with innovations relating to the mode of action of conventional insecticides as well as to new ways of using chemicals to control insect populations. It is suggested the long term success of population control procedures depends as much on the provision of appropriate organisasuccess of population control procedures depends as much on the provision of appropriate organisational requirements as on solving the technical problems.Finally, the likely future couse of pest control is considered. It is suggested that over the next 10 years or more the major burden of pest control will continue to fall on the pesticide industry much as at present. The first innovations, over the period 5–15 years hence, are likely to concern conventional pesticides with novel modes of action. Population control procedures will gradually become established and this process will accelerate over the period 10–20 years hence and beyond. However, full benefit from such procedures will only accrue if organisatonal requirements have been met.  相似文献   

For registration, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) separates pesticides into conventional chemical pesticides and biochemical and microbial pesticides. Natural products generally fall into the latter category. The USEPA has specified the test requirements for registration in the United States in the guidelines for registration of biorational pesticides (Subdivision M of 40 CFR Part 158). A discussion of the regulatory issues requires some reference to the accompanying scientific developments. The potential application of chemicals that affect insect behavior and development appeared an extremely promising approach to the reduction of adverse environmental and health impacts associated with many conventional pesticides. In addition to these benefits, the new biopesticides generally affected a very specific range of target species. However, although juvenile hormones and semiochemicals offer exciting new approaches to pest control, and are potentially valuable components of pest management strategies, acceptance of these techniques has been slow. Commercial development has been difficult for several reasons. Regulatory requirements may appear burdensome. Unconventional pest-control technologies may call for special formulations or application equipment. It may not be easy to establish the efficacy of non-lethal potential techniques. Investigators who derive funds from the public sector may have neither responsibility nor resources to carry the technology beyond the experimental stage. Because most activities in this field have been heavily research-oriented, few workers have possessed the additional resources to obtain safety data or data to satisfy regulatory requirements. Difficulties in preparing and administering guidelines for registration of biopesticides lie in the novelty of the pest control agents and the diversity of the techniques involved in their effective use. Rapid advances in molecular biology and other disciplines continually strain the capabilities of regulators who are responsible for making safety assessments regarding pest-control agents. Although regulatory authorities are familiar with conventional pesticides, safety assessment of biopesticides calls for totally different approaches.  相似文献   

Pesticides pose a difficult problem for policy makers as society generally seeks to reduce any adverse impacts of their use, while industry claims they are important contributors to economic success. Attempts to direct policy according to scientific findings are hampered by the multidimensionality of the potential impacts of pesticides which may affect consumers, operators, wildlife and the environment. Pesticide risk indices seek to reduce these multidimensional impacts into a single dimension and have been increasingly used to understand variation in the hazard posed by pesticides at both field and regional level. This study uses one such risk index, the environmental impact quotient (EIQ), to estimate the hazard posed by pesticide usage from 1991 to 2003 on several vegetable crops grown in the UK. Results are reported for the EIQ and for the environmental impact (EI) for brassicas, peas, beans, onions, leeks, lettuce and endives. The EIQ is a dimensionless estimate of the toxicity of a product, while the EI, which combines the EIQ with data on actual usage, estimates the overall hazard of the use of a product. The exact trends in EIQ and EI varied with crop over the period 1991-2003, but overall the EIQ decreased by 19% and the EI decreased by 34%. However, the mean EI per hectare decreased by only 3%. This suggests that some of the observed reduction in EI at the national level may be related more to decrease in crop area than changes in pesticide use and management. If these observed losses in crop area are being replaced by vegetable imports from overseas, then this raises the possibility that the UK is effectively exporting any problems related to pesticide use. The ethics of this remain unclear.  相似文献   

韭菜迟眼蕈蚊研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
韭菜迟眼蕈蚊是葱韭蒜类蔬菜重要的地下害虫,尤喜食韭菜,其幼虫俗称韭蛆。因该虫发生量大且为害严重,近几年有些菜农大量使用化学农药,造成韭菜农药残留超标,"毒韭菜"事件频发,已引起社会各界的广泛关注。有关韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的研究主要集中在生物学特性和防治方法两方面,如生活习性、发生规律、化学杀虫剂室内毒力测定和田间药效比较、筛选等。有关组织学、解剖学、生理学的研究甚少,而分子生物学方面的研究尚未见报道。本文对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的研究成果进行了综述,分析了当前防治方法存在的问题,为今后的研究和防治提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Pesticide management is characterized, in terms of government responsibility, by an increasing need for flexibility to cope with fast change in science, technology, agricultural practice and environmental policy. The feasibility study in question was started at the end of 1974, when it became clear that the variety of conventional information systems often caused delay, especially in the administrative follow–up of the official procedures with which government is involved. This concerns approval and registration as well as providing pesticide information to quite a variety of interested parties, such as industry, importers, dealers, users of pesticides and government agencies (Plant Protection Service, Extension Services, Public Health and Environment Authorities, Labour Inspectorate, etc.). The computer–based pesticide management information system which is being developed now by a multi–disciplinary project–group should meet the needs of all those having government responsibility in the field of pesticide management. It is planned as an on–line, geographically dispersed retrieval and storage system with terminal facilities for all users. The system is to be controlled by the Pesticides Bureau of the interdepartmental Committee for Phytopharmacy.  相似文献   

手性农药因对映体在生物活性、毒性、环境行为等方面的差异性而备受关注,充分了解对映体的立体选择性对开发高活性农药及减量使用具有重要意义。本文聚焦手性农药对映体的立体选择性效应,系统地调研了对映体生物活性和毒性选择性差异,并进行了分类梳理,重点综述了手性农药对映体的生物活性及毒性和环境风险的差异性,阐述了手性农药对非靶标生物造成的氧化应激、内分泌干扰等慢性毒性,同时关注选择性的规律与机制,为环境友好型高效手性农药的开发、手性农药的风险评估及管理、手性农药对映体立体选择性机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The usage of pesticides on vegetable crops grown mostly on arable holdings in Norfolk in 1972 is reviewed. During the spring of 1973, visits were made to about 300 holdings which grew vegetables for human consumption in 1972. Of these, 74 holdings were in Norfolk. An analysis has been made of the cropping on the holdings in Norfolk and it was shown that vegetables were usually grown as part of an arable rotation rather than as a mainly horticultural enterprise. The usage of pesticides to control pests, diseases and weeds has been examined for the more important vegetable crops together with the reasons for usage and methods of application. A comparison is made between the usage in 1972 and that of 1969.  相似文献   

我国有占世界19%的人口,但仅有占世界9%的耕地,因此保证国家粮食安全是头等大事。在确保生态环境安全的前提下,如何增加作物产量和保障农产品质量安全始终是我国农业快速发展面临的一大挑战。在高效、负责、透明的政府能力建设中,我国农业的绿色发展和高质量发展战略,我国农药管理的法制建设、市场监管、食品安全、环境监测、有害生物治理、应用技术服务及推广等都取得了显著进步。到2021年底,我国已经登记了740多个农药有效成分,41 433个农药产品。2021年,全国1 705家农药定点企业,共生产了化学农药原药249.8万t。不仅满足了国内有害生物防控的实际需要,还出口180多个国家和地区,农药出口额达到234亿美金。我国还有的10个高毒农药品种,已经控制在1.3%以下,且安排在未来5年内会陆续退市。本文还分析梳理了今后我国农药管理发展所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

传统农药剂型利用率不高,进而引发了一系列生态环境安全问题。发展高效、安全的农药新剂型对于农业可持续发展具有重要意义。纳米技术的迅猛发展为现代植物保护开辟了新的应用前景。利用纳米材料与技术构建纳米载药系统,可有效提高农药利用率,减施增效,降低农药残留与环境污染。本文对纳米农药的主要剂型和增效机理进行综述,对目前纳米农药存在的问题与应用前景进行了探讨。纳米农药能够显著改善农药有效成分的分散性和稳定性,促进对靶沉积与剂量转移,减少流失和降解,进而降低农药施用剂量和施药频率。目前纳米农药的研究仍处于初期阶段,在规模化制备、定性与定量检测以及相关评估法规等方面仍需进一步研究完善。  相似文献   

As an initial part of a programme aimed at promoting safe and sound agricultural practices in Ghana, a study was made of farmers' perceptions of pesticides for use and application in vegetable production, using a small survey of 137 farmers who applied pesticides. Field surveys, interviews, questionnaires and analytical games were used to obtain information on the type, scope and extent of use of pesticides, farmers' knowledge of pesticides, and their perceptions about the chemicals' potential for harm. Data from this sample of farmers were used to describe the status of use of pesticides in vegetable cultivation in Ghana. Using chi2 tests, associations between farmers' age and possible pesticide poisoning symptoms, their farm size and method of spraying pesticides, and their perception of pesticide hazard and its perceived effectiveness against pests were also examined. The survey showed that knapsack sprayers were the most widely used type of equipment for spraying pesticides. However, on large-scale vegetable farms of 6-10 acres, motorised sprayers were also used. Various inappropriate practices in the handling and use of pesticides caused possible poisoning symptoms among those farmers who generally did not wear protective clothing. Younger farmers (<45 years of age) were the most vulnerable group, probably because they did more spraying than older farmers (>45 years of age). Farmers did not necessarily associate hazardous pesticides with better pest control. The introduction of well-targeted training programmes for farmers on the need for and safe use of pesticides is advocated.  相似文献   

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