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The performance of low concentrations of methyl bromide against diapausing larvae of Ephestia elutella at 15 and 25°C was assessed in extended exposure periods. At concentrations of 1.9 mg litre?1 and below, test batches required higher concentration-time (ct) products for 100% kill at 25°C than at 15°C. The minimum concentration at which the concentration: time relationship still applied was between 1.3 and 1.9 mg litre?1 at 15°C, whereas at 25°C it was between 2.7 and 4.0 mg litre?1. For many individuals within each population sample, however, lower concentrations at moderate dosage levels remained lethal. At 25°C, a ct product of about 90 mg litre?1 h gave between 53 and 77% kill at 6.1, 4.0, 2.7 and 1.9 mg litre?1. The trends observed suggest that the most tolerant members of the population have an enhanced ability to detoxify methyl bromide at the higher temperature. The implications of the results for the build-up of resistance and for practical control measures are discussed.  相似文献   

Ephestia elutella larvae in diapause were exposed at 25°C to methyl bromide at 12 mg litre?1 for 3.5 or 7.5 h and then immediately exposed to a lower concentration. The minimum effective concentration (that at which Haber's rule, concentration × time = k, a constant for mortality, still applied) was about 3 mg litre?1 in tests with no previous exposure toa high concentration, but it was about 2.5 mg litre?1 for individuals surviving a 3.5 h exposure to 12 mg litre?1, and was about 1.6 mg litre?1 for those surviving a 7.5 h exposure to 12 mg litre?1. These exposures to 12 mg litre?1, respectively, killed 2–20% and 50–75% of larvae exposed, and hence the smaller the proportion of survivors of exposure to a high concentration, the lower the minimum effective concentration needed against them. Thus the low concentration persisting at the end of a practical fumigation should contribute significantly to the success of the treatment and be much more effective than any similar low concentration present soon after the introduction of gas.  相似文献   

Organophosphates are valuable insecticides used to control Helicoverpa armigera on cotton in Australia. Those most commonly used for Helicoverpa spp. control are pro-fenofos, parathion-methyl and chlorpyrifos. However, there is an emerging organophosphate-resistance threat in Australian H. armigera, which is compounded by cross-resistance between profenofos and parathion-methyl. An insensitive acetylcholinesterase has been identified as the common resistance mechanism. No resistance to chlorpyrifos has been detected and acetylcholinesterase remains fully sensitive to the chlorpyrifos oxon. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A Helicoverpa armigera population was collected from Shandong province, China. After 15 generations of selection in the laboratory, the H. armigera strain developed more than 20-fold resistance to spinosad. At LD50 level, no significant cross-resistance was found between spinosad and chlorpyrifos, methomyl, avermectin and chlorfenapyr except for fenvalerate with a low cross-resistance of 2.4-fold. However, LD99 values of fenvalerate against the parental and resistant strains were not different significantly. After inhibitors were used, spinosad resistance could be partially suppressed by piperonylbutoxide (PBO) and triphenylphosphate (TPP), but not by diethylmaleate (DEM). Activities of p-nitroanisole O-demethylase (ODM) developed to 8.26-fold compared with the parental strain, but no obvious changes were found in activities of carboxyl esterase (CarE) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST). The results indicated that resistance to spinosad in the cotton bollworm might be associated with an increase in cytochrome P450 monooxygenase.  相似文献   

Pheromone-based mating disruption of the almond moth (Ephestia cautella) (Walk.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was carried out in a chocolate factory in Sweden. Population monitoring was conducted with pheromone-baited traps and water traps. Pheromone traps showed a 94% catch reduction, and monitoring with water traps showed a significant decrease in total catch (5.0 and 1.6 individuals per trap per week before and during treatment respectively). The significance of the results was tested by fitting the observed data to a first-order autoregressive model. This made it possible to test the data with a 95% confidence interval, comparing trap catches before mating disruption treatment with trapping data during the experiment. It is suggested that this statistical approach may be used more frequently in mating disruption experiments where it is extremely difficult to control external factors and therefore equally difficult to use a comparable control plot to evaluate the treatment.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The aim of this research was to explore the chemical composition and evaluate the insecticidal activities of Ruta graveolens, Mentha pulegium and Ocimum...  相似文献   

The toxicity of deltamethrin, bifenthrin, and endosulfan to the fourth-instar larvae of rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker), was measured at 17, 27, and 37 °C. The three insecticides all displayed a positive temperature coefficient between 17 and 37 °C. The temperature coefficients of deltamethrin, bifenthrin, and endosulfan were 5.59, 1.68, and 2.85, respectively. However, temperature coefficients of deltamethrin and bifenthrin between 17 and 27 °C and between 27 and 37 °C varied. The inhibition of the above three insecticides to mitochondrial Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase from the fourth-instar larvae of rice stem borer was determined at 17, 27, and 37 °C. The inhibition of deltamethrin to the specific activities of Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase showed a negative temperature coefficient, but endosulfan exhibited a positive temperature coefficient. Inhibition of bifenthrin exhibited the contrary temperature coefficients between Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase and a negative temperature coefficient for the former and a positive temperature coefficient for the later.  相似文献   

Transmission of parasites and pathogens is generally positively density-dependent: as an insect population's density increases, the risk of an individual becoming attacked or infected also increases. In some insect species, individuals experiencing crowded conditions are more resistant to natural enemies than those experiencing low density conditions, and they are predicted to divert resources to increase resistance. This phenomenon is called density-dependent prophylaxis. Here, possible expression of prophylaxis in fifth-instar larvae of Beet Webworm, Loxostege sticticalis, to biocontrol agents was investigated under rearing densities of 1, 10, and 30 larvae per jar (650 mL). Larvae reared at the moderate density and those reared in isolation displayed the greatest and lowest resistance, respectively, to an entomopathogenic fungus and a parasitoid. Moreover, larvae from the moderate density treatment exhibited elevated phenoloxidase, total haemocyte count and antibacterial activity in the haemolymph, whereas phenoloxidase levels in the midgut were not affected. The results suggest that larval rearing density significantly affects the immune system, and they provide evidence for density-dependent prophylaxis of larval L. sticticalis against its biocontrol agents. These results have implications for understanding the population dynamics and biocontrol of beet webworm.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The present investigation aimed to throw light on the effect of Bacillus subtilis SPB1 biosurfactant on the third larval instars of the Mediterranean...  相似文献   

<正>白眉野草螟Agriphila aeneociliella(Eversmann)是近年来小麦上的一种新发害虫,2010年在山东莱州小麦田首次发现(王海英等,2013),2013年在山西晋城、2014年在山东高密、2015年在青岛即墨等地相继发生为害。白眉野草螟1年发生1代,以幼虫越冬,5月上中旬以老熟幼虫滞育越夏,9月中下旬打破滞育化蛹,成虫羽化产卵,下代幼虫为害秋播小麦(曾娟等,2014),整个世代周期与我国北方冬  相似文献   

为明确温度对甘蔗条螟Chilo sacchariphagus生长发育和繁殖的影响,在20、23、26、29和32℃不同温度下测定甘蔗条螟各虫态的发育历期和成虫繁殖力。结果显示,在20~32℃范围内,各虫态发育历期随温度升高而缩短,20℃下完成1个世代需要83.30 d,而32℃下仅需35.56 d。各虫态的发育速率与温度呈显著正相关,符合Logistic回归模型。卵期、幼虫期、蛹期、成虫产卵前期以及全世代的发育起点温度分别为15.87、9.90、13.67、10.79和11.27℃,有效积温分别为69.49、490.99、142.95、26.72和717.68 d·℃。雌、雄成虫寿命均随温度的升高逐渐缩短,雌成虫产卵量在26℃时最高为136.37粒/头。卵和蛹在26℃时的存活率最高,分别为94.71%和93.55%,在29℃时幼虫的存活率最高,为47.73%,在26℃时全世代的存活率最高,为42.08%。表明温度是影响甘蔗条螟生长发育和繁殖的关键因素,26~29℃是甘蔗条螟生长发育和繁殖的适宜温度。  相似文献   

Dynamics of pyrethroid resistance in a field population of cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) was demonstrated by continuous monitoring with twin discriminating dosages, and the influencing factors were also experimentally analysed. Resistance in a field population in China increased rapidly in the 3rd and 4th generations when population density became higher and insecticides were applied repeatedly, then decreased suddenly during over-wintering and slowly in the 1st and 2nd generations when insecticide spraying was suspended. Resistance increase could be countered by dilution as a result of immigration of susceptible moths from corn fields, which were found to be a natural refuge for this pest in China. The reduction of resistance during over-wintering and the 1st and 2nd generations was affected by the lower fitness of resistant cotton bollworms to low temperature and disadvantages in reproduction. The possibilities of managing the resistance in field populations on the basis of these observations are discussed. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The cross-resistance and biochemical mechanism of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), to spinosad was studied in the laboratory. S. exigua population were collected from Shanghai suburb. After five generations of selection, the resistance of S. exigua to spinosad increased 345.4 times compared with the susceptible strain. There was no cross-resistance between spinosad and fenvalerate, phoxim, methomyl, abamectin, and cyfluthrin. When the inhibitors, PBO, TPP, DEF, and DEM were used as synergist in the susceptible strain and resistant strain, the synergistic ratio was 0.7-, 0.5-, 1.0-, and 0.6- fold for the susceptible strain, and 9.8-, 1.5-, 2.6-, and 1.5-fold for the resistant strain, respectively. The results revealed that PBO had significant synergistic effect on the resistant strain. The activity in vitro of microsomal-O-demethylase and glutathione S-transferase in the resistant strain was 5.2- and 1.0-fold of the susceptible strain, respectively. The results implied that microsomal-O-demethylase might be important in conferring spinosad resistance in the S. exigua population.  相似文献   

采用室内观察的方法,使用万能视频成像装置(LY-WN-HP SUPERCCD),对空心莲草野螟Herpetogramma fuscescens(Warren,1892)各虫态的形态学特征进行了系统观察。结果发现:成虫体小型,灰褐色。卵椭圆形,初产时乳白色,块状,外被腊质层。孵化前,部分卵壳分离为白色蜡质外层和棕黄色内层两层。幼虫共5龄,前胸背板骨化,中、后胸背部各具4个圆形斑,排成一列,两侧各具2个圆形斑;腹部各节背部具4个圆形斑,两侧各具3个小圆黑斑,黑斑上均具细长刚毛,气门明显。蛹棕红色,臀刺近锥形,其末端具1分叉短刺。  相似文献   

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