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Production characteristics of pan-size (approximately 227 g) channel catfish (Ictalurus puncturus) were determined in cages and open ponds stocked with fingerlings to densities of 20,000 and 12,500 fish/ha. After 145 days, mean fish weight in all treatments exceeded 227 g. Mean survival was similar in all treatments. Food conversion ratios were significantly better in ponds than in cages but density did not affect the ratios. Neither density nor production system affected production (as measured by total weight produced) when initial density differences were considered (analysis of covariance). Variability in total length at harvest was similar between production systems; however, low density treatments were less variable than high density treatments. Results of this study indicate that pan-size channel catfish can be cultured efficiently at stocking densities well above the 12,500 fish/ha (5,000 fishlacre) generally used when culturing fish to larger sizes.  相似文献   

Production characteristics of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) reared in cages and open ponds were compared. Fish reared in open ponds had significantly better growth and food conversion ratios than fish reared in cages. Cages and open ponds stocked with fish which were closely graded in size produced fish with less size variability at harvest compared to ponds and cages stocked with nongraded and coarsely graded fish. The decrease in size variability at harvest was reflected in a greater proportion of marketable fish.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare water quality and channel catfish production in earthen ponds located in two dissimilar physiographic regions of the southeastern United States and supplied with water of disparate quality. Ponds at Auburn, Alabama are on acidic Piedmont soils and filled with poorly mineralized runoff water; ponds at Stoneville, Mississippi are on slightly alkaline alluvial clays and filled with groundwater of high total alkalinity and hardness. Channel catfish were stocked at 8,750 fish/ha, fed daily, and provided nightly aeration in 0.04-ha ponds at both sites. Ponds were managed as similarly as possible. Minimum daily water temperatures and pH were higher at Stoneville than at Auburn, and there were greater concentrations of suspended clay turbidity, dissolved inorganic phosphorus, total ammonia-nitrogen, and nitrite-nitrogen at Auburn than at Stoneville. The taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton community was broadly different between the two sites. Taste tests revealed off-flavor in fish at both sites, but there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in flavor scores between sites. The quality of flavor was somewhat different between sites, and these differences in quality were thought to result from observed differences in the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities. All differences in water quality seemed to be directly or indirectly related to the dissimilarity in the quality of the water supply and soils at the two locations. Although some water quality variables differed between sites and changed over time at both sites, environmental conditions never deteriorated enough at either site to cause serious stress or mortality in fish. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in average net fish production, survival, weight of individual fish at harvest, or feed conversion ratios. Average net fish production and feed conversion ratios, respectively, were 4,905 kg/ha and 1.27 at Auburn and 5,286 kg/ha and 1.27 at Stoneville. The results of this study demonstrate the need for site-specific investigations when conducting certain types of aquaculture research.  相似文献   

Three intensive growout trials using Penaeus vunnumei were conducted in round ponds in Hawaii in 1987. A 337 m2 experimental pond was stocked at 100 shrimp/m2 for two trials; a 2,000 m2 commercial prototype pond was stocked at 75/m2 for one trial. In the experimental pond trials, shrimp survival averaged 88 ± 10% (SE) and feed conversion averaged 2.2 ± 0.2. Growth averaged 1.5 ± 0.3 g/week, yielding 18.2 ± 1.7 gram shrimp in 80 ± 5.5 days. Combined production in the experimental trials was 32,272 kg/ha in 174 days (from stocking of trial 1 to harvest of trial 2). Comparing these results to 1986 results (Wyban and Sweeney 1988), it was concluded that shrimp growth is not affected and production is doubled by increasing stocking density from 45/m2 to 100/m2. Pooling data from 1986 and 1987, a significant linear regression was obtained when weekly growth of shrimp above four grams individual size was regressed on mean weekly pond temperature: growth = 0.37 * temperature - 8.44, (r2= 0.41; P < 0.01). Multiple regression to examine effects of shrimp size, pond biomass, and shrimp age on the temperature-growth relationship was not significant. In the commercial prototype pond trial, survival was 67% and feed conversion was 2.0. Growth averaged 1.4 g/week, yielding 18.1 gram shrimp in 88 days. Production was 9,120 kg/ha. Individual shrimp size distribution at harvest in the commercial pond was similar to experimental pond results, indicating that shrimp growth in the two systems was comparable. Financial characteristics of a hypothetical 24 pond shrimp farm using these results were determined using an electronic spreadsheet model (hung and Rowland 1987). Feed costs were 40% of total operating costs while postlarvae and labor were 14% and 16% of total operating costs, respectively. Breakeven price (BEP) was far more sensitive to changes in revenuedetermining inputs such as survival and growth than to comparable changes in costdetermining inputs such as feed and postlarvae costs. Together these results suggest that commercial scale round pond production mimics experimental scale production and that round pond technology has commercial potential.  相似文献   

Fingerling channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," were stocked into sixteen, 0.4-ha ponds at 11,120 fish/ha or 19.770 fish/ha. Half the ponds at either density were managed as single-batch cropping systems and half as multiple-batch cropping systems. Each of the four combinations in the 2 X 2 factorial design was replicated in four ponds over a 3-year study period. Ponds were not drained until the study was terminated. Average net fish production (totaled over 3 years) was 23,717 kg/ha for the single-batch, high-density treatment; 19,501 kg/ha for the multiple-batch, high-density treatment; 17,396 kg/ha for the single-batch, low density treatment; and 16,857 kg/ha for the multiple-batch, low- density treatment. Both stocking density and cropping system significatly (P < 0.05) influenced net production. Average size of fish at harvest was significantly (P < 0.05) lower at the high stocking density and in the single-batch cropping system. Feed conversion was better (P < 0.05) at the low stocking density and in the single-batch cropping systems. Poorer feed conversion in multiple-batch systems is believed due to harvest-to-harvest carryover of large fish, which convert feed to flesh less efficiently than small fish. Observed mortality and total fish loss (observed mortality plus fish unaccounted for upon termination of the study) were not affected (P > 0.05) by cropping system but were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in ponds stocked at the high density. Production data were used to assess discounted net revenues from a synthetic 131-ha farm based upon a price of $1.54/kg either for all fish harvested or for fish harvested that were ≥0.35kg. When based on all fish harvested, discounted net revenue was highest for the single-batch, high-density treatment, but the low average size of fish harvested from ponds in that treatment (0.49 kg/fish) would not be acceptable across the industry. The multiple-batch, low-density treatment had the second highest discounted net revenue based upon all fish harvested and the highest revenue when only fish ≥ 0.34 kg were valued. Of the treatments analyzed, this was judged the economic choice for the channel catfish industry.  相似文献   

Market size requirements for catfish change periodically, and catfish farmers must adjust quickly. Data from catfish pond studies at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) were used to develop mathematical models of catfish foodfish in multiple-batch culture across a variety of management alternatives. Two different functional forms (Cobb–Douglas and a modified translog) were each developed into average and stochastic frontier models. Inefficiency terms were found to be non-significant in the frontier models, thus making the average and frontier models equivalent. In the average regression models, the modified translog form demonstrated superior statistical values as compared to the Cobb–Douglas form, but the latter resulted in lower prediction error and was validated with the Chow test when used to predict observations from commercial catfish farms. This approach appears to have merit from the perspective of its statistical properties, and represents a step towards development of a model that could be used for farm management purposes.  相似文献   

An in‐pond confinement system to separate channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, by size within a single pond provides an opportunity for improved growth of understocked fish in ponds with larger market‐sized fish. A barrier of polyvinyl chloride–coated galvanized wire mesh was constructed in five 0.10‐ha earthen ponds to partition the pond into one‐third and two‐third sections, while five other 0.10‐ha ponds were left as traditional open ponds for a control. To evaluate catfish performance in this confinement system, fingerlings (25 g) were stocked at 14,820/ha into the smaller one‐third section of the barrier and carryover fish (408 g) at 2580 kg/ha into the larger two‐third section of the barrier. The control ponds were stocked with the same sizes and numbers of fish in a traditional earthen pond without a barrier. Yield, survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR), growth, and economics were compared between treatments. Fingerling yields were greater in the barrier system that allowed fingerlings to be separated physically from larger carryover fish. There were no differences in yield of carryover fish, survival, FCR, or growth between the control and the barrier ponds. Partial budget analysis revealed a positive net change of $367/ha or $38,125 for a 104‐ha catfish farm (at a market price of $1.54/kg of additional stockers produced). The value of the greater weight of understocked fish produced in the barrier system was greater than the annualized cost of installing the barrier, for farmers raising fish in multiple batch. Thus, on an experimental basis, the confinement system was economically profitable; however, trials on commercial farms are needed to evaluate performance on a larger scale.  相似文献   

本文采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶不连续圆盘电泳及特异性组织化学染色技术,结合CS910型双波长薄层扫描研究了鮰鱼杂交F_1代鱼种(斑点叉尾鮰×长鳍叉尾鮰)肌肉、肝脏、晶体、肾脏、心脏、脑6种组织中的LDH同工酶系统的分化表达谱式。结果表明,杂交F_1代鱼种的LDH同工酶系统具有明显的组织特异性。本文还论述了杂交F_2 代鱼种LDH同工酶的特征并推测其 LDH同工酶可能AB~1B~2或 LDH-A,-B,-C共同控制。  相似文献   

Fingerling HS‐5 channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, NWAC 103 channel catfish, D&B blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus, HS‐5 female channel × D&B male blue catfish F1 hybrids, and NWAC 103 female channel × D&B male blue catfish F1 hybrids were stocked into twenty‐five 0.04‐ha earthen ponds at 12,500 fish/ha and grown for 277 d. Fish were fed daily at rates from 1.0 to 3.0% biomass based on feeding activity and temperature and adjusted weekly assuming a feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.8 and 100% survival. At harvest, 40 fish from each pond were sampled, and all other counted and weighed. Mean survival, growth rate indexes (a), FCR, and skin‐on fillet percentages were not significantly different. Mean harvest weights and net production were higher for HS‐5 channel and its hybrid than for the NWAC 103 channel, NWAC 103 hybrid, and D&B blue catfish, partially because of their larger mean stocking weights. D&B blue catfish was more uniform in size than NWAC 103 channel and NWAC 103 hybrid. D&B blue catfish was the easiest to seine. HS‐5 hybrids and NWAC 103 hybrids had lower mean head percentage and a better processing yield than their parent channel catfish.  相似文献   

Economic trade-offs associated with single- and multiple-batch production of channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," were analyzed using multi-period and risk programming mathematical models. Single-batch stocking strategies maximized net returns above variable cost, primarily because poorer feed conversions in multiple-batch systems resulted in lower net returns. In the absence of off-flavor, single-batch production would increase annual net returns by 5%. For every 25% reduction in off-flavor incidence, annual net returns increased by 1-3%. The 10-year average fall-to-spring price differential was less than the cost of holding fish through the winter, based on an assumed inventory holing cost of $0.08/kg/month. For each reduction in holding cost of $0.02/kg/month, annual net returns increased by 8-9%. Multiple stocking was selected as a risk-reducing strategy, but expected income decreased by 8% to 35% depending on the number of ponds stocked in multiple batches. Cash flow restrictions decreased annual net returns by 18% because multiple-batch stocking strategies were required to meet financial obligations.  相似文献   

A multiple-batch study was conducted using stocker catfish (0.09 kg/fish) and carryover fish (0.39 kg/fish) to look at the effects of different stocker densities on fish production. Twelve 0.1-ha ponds were stocked with 7,400; 11,120; or 14,825 stockers/ha, and equal weights of carryover fish (2,268 kg/ha). Fish were fed once daily to apparent satiation with a 32% protein floating feed and aerated with a single 0.37-kW electric paddlewheel aerator. No significant differences were detected for gross, net, and net daily yields, growth (g/d), or survival. Sub-marketable yield (<0.57 kg) increased as stocking density increased. However, marketable yields (≥0.57 kg) were not affected by density. Carryover fish in high-density ponds had a significantly lower (P < 0.05) mean weight at harvest, but mean stocker weight was not different across densities. Economic analysis found breakeven prices increased and net returns decreased with increased stocking density when sub-marketable fish were not considered as revenue. The study indicated the possibility that stockers compete with large carryover fish, particularly at higher densities.  相似文献   

Catfish were cultivated in 0.3 m3 site-specific cages built for fish culture in irrigation ditches. Poor growth (239 g ± 4.2) in 1989 was probably due to velocity of water and variability of fish size at stocking. Addition of baffles to the cages and hand grading of fish eliminated these problems in 1990. A power failure near the middle of the 1990 growing season forced the brief move of the fish from the ditch to a pond. Catfish reached an average weight of 465 g in 1990 over roughly the same growing season as in 1990. Before the cages were moved, fish at lower densities had significantly higher growth (588 ± 3, 515 ± 3) than those at higher densities (396 ± 4.6, 334 ± 4). However, at the end of the experiment, growth was not significantly different between densities (P > 0.05). Perhaps stress to fish caused by moving cages obliterated the previous density differences in growth.  相似文献   

Cottonseed meals were evaluted as partial and complete replacements for soybean meal in pond feeds for channel catfish grown at densities of 5,300/ha. The following dietary treatments were used: 1) glanded cottonseed meal (GC) in which ½ of the soybean meal was replaced; 2) glandless cottonseed meal (GLC) in which all of the soybean was replaced, 3) a control feed (C) typical of commercial catfish feeds. The feeding trial was conducted in 0.04 ha earthen ponds for a period of 176 days. Natural prey species were present in all ponds. Final weights and condition factors of fish fed the GC feed were reduced compared to those fed the GLC or C feeds. This response did not appear to be related to dietary gossypol levels. Even though the GLC feed appeared to be deficient in available lysine, final weight and feed conversion of fish fed the GLC feed were equal to those fed the C feed. Possible nutrient contributions of natural food available in the ponds could not be determined. There were no significant differences in feed conversions or dressout percentages of fish regardless of dietary treatment. Fish fed the GLC feed exhibited a higher percentage of fat and lower percentages of moisture, protein and ash (dry weight basis) in edible tissue than fish fed the other feeds. Free gossypol levels in edible fish tissue were below 100 ppm.  相似文献   

Four treatment groups that received repeating cycles of fixed feed deprivation for either 0, 1, 2, or 3 d (control, treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively), followed by periods of refeeding with a 36% protein commercial catfish feed once daily as long as the active phase of compensatory growth (CG) persisted, were assessed in flow-through aquaria. No-feed periods elicited the CG state and were immediately followed by days of ad libatum refeeding. At the end of 10 wk, average growth rate (AGR) of fish was higher ( P < 0.05) than the control by 40%, 180%, and 191% for treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively. The average weight of fish in treatment 3 was heavier ( P < 0.05) than the average control group at the end of the study period. Mean daily feed consumption was 3.91%, 5.03%, 5.36%, and 5.98% for control, treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively. Mean feed consumption per fish per day was 24%, 71.3%, and 70.7% higher than the control in treatment 1, treatment 2, and treatment 3, respectively. Restricted feeding is one of the effective methods to contain ESC-related losses in commercial channel catfish fingerling operations. The mean cumulative survival of treatment groups registered higher ( P < 0.05) survival to Edwardsiella ictaluri infection compared to the daily fed control fish. Results from this study show that compensatory growth response triggered by periodic non-feeding days can improve growth rate, feed consumption, and improved survival to ESC infections in channel catfish fingerlings.  相似文献   

试验长吻(鱼危)鱼种4 000尾,规格 75~100 g/尾,分5只网箱放养.经过 151~232 d 的饲养,共收获长吻(鱼危)3 852尾,总产3 192.5 kg,平均单产26.6 kg/m3,平均体质量0.829 kg/尾,成活率96.3%,平均利润439元/m3,投入产出比12.2.  相似文献   

Threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, or fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, were co‐cultured with channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in earthen ponds to determine the effects of planktivory on plankton community dynamics and catfish fillet quality. Fathead minnows had no effect on the plankton community structure or catfish fillet flavor, color, and fatty acid composition. Fillet color was also unaffected by the presence of threadfin shad. Small differences were found in fillet fatty acid composition for catfish from ponds with shad, but these differences probably have no biological significance. Threadfin shad did, however, have important impacts on the plankton community structure and catfish flavor. Size‐selective filter‐feeding by shad reduced cyanobacterial abundance relative to ponds with catfish‐only and fathead minnows. Relative abundance of smaller phytoplankton in the groups Chlorophyta, Cryptophyta, Bacillariophyceae, and Euglenophyta increased in ponds with shad. Relative abundance of small zooplankton (rotifers) also increased in shad ponds. Reduced abundance of large, colonial cyanobacteria that are known to produce odorous metabolites caused a corresponding reduction in off‐flavor prevalence and intensity in catfish from ponds with threadfin shad when sampled in September. Although threadfin shad dramatically reduced catfish off‐flavor prevalence during the warm season, they apparently caused a high prevalence of “fishy” off‐flavors in the February sample. This undesirable flavor appeared to be caused by catfish foraging on shad killed during a preceding period of exceptionally cold water temperatures. Use of threadfin shad for phytoplankton biomanipulation therefore presents a dilemma: catfish–shad polyculture reduces prevalence of cyanobacteria‐related off‐flavors in warm months but may cause undesirable forage‐related off‐flavors in the colder months. Catfish farmers must consider these benefits and risks when deciding to use threadfin shad as a management tool.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Control of reproduction in cultured fishes has been improved by the use of gonadotropin releasing hormones (GnRH's) and, in many fishes, the use of dopamine (DA) receptor antagonists. However, little successful use of these treatments has been reported for channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus . This study was conducted to investigate the potential of treatment with a gonadotropin hormone releasing hormone (GnRH) and a dopamine (DA) receptor antagonist to improve cage spawning success in channel catfish. Two and 3-yr-old catfish were selected from ponds. All males were injected with des-Gly10, [D-Ala6]-Leuteinizing hormone releasing hormone ethylamide (LHRHa, 50 μg/kg body weight). Females were randomly assigned to the various injection treatments, control (vehicle injected, C), LHRHa only (L), DA receptor antagonist (pimozide) only (P), and LHRHa and pimozide (LP). After injections, one male and one female were paired and placed into 1 m wide × 1.5 m long × 1.2 m deep spawning cages with a metal spawning can. Spawning cans were checked from 1 to 10 d after injection and successful spawning events were recorded. Five trials were conducted between 13 May and 5 June 1998. The LP treatment yielded significantly more spawns than any other treatment (LP, N = 24, 83% > L, N = 25, 44% > C, N = 23, 43 % > P, N = 11, 36%). The greatest promotion of spawning with LP treatment was in the first two induction trials. In the subsequent three trials, differences between treatments were not significant, although LP tre.ated females tended to spawn more frequently. Percent hatch (60.5 ± 3.4%) did not differ between treatments. Treatment of females with LHRHa + pimozide is a potentially useful method for increasing spawning success, particularly early in the spawning season.  相似文献   

在面积为6667m2 的池塘混养、鲂鱼种,搭配鲢、鳙及银鲫。、鲂及银鲫投喂配合颗粒饲料,鲢、鳙不投饵。设置2台3kW增氧机,饲养209d,结果共产鱼6960kg,团头鲂6889 6kg,异育银鲫345kg,鲢、鳙共2137 4kg,平均产量为2 45kg m2,平均成本为11 45元 m2,平均利润为6 48元 m2,投入产出比为1∶1 56。  相似文献   

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