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20世纪80年代以来,转基因动物技术一直是动物遗传育种领域的一个研究热点。它在改良动物生产性状、提高畜禽抗病力以及生产人药用蛋白等非常规畜牧产品等方面均有着广阔的应用前景。然而由于动物转基因的效率很低、难以控制转基因在宿主染色体中的行为、无法控制转基因表达的频率和水平等,转基因的稳定遗传问题也未能解决,以致难以形成转基因畜禽品种或品系,因而转基因动物技术在动物育种中的广泛应用尚需时日。随着动物基因组计划的深入进行,转基因技术将会得到不断的发展和完善,从而在未来的动物育种中大显身手。  相似文献   

The compatibility of the social systems of humans and companion animals has facilitated the formation of a unique interspecific relationship. Some of the most common behavior problems that people have with their pets are a result of the type of relationship that has formed between them. In most cases, neither pet nor owner is exhibiting abnormal behavior; rather, they are demonstrating normal species-typical behaviors that are unacceptable to the other species.  相似文献   

一正确诊断 正确诊断疫病是选择兽药的前提。对动物的发病原因及发病过程要有足够的认识,最好对分离的病原菌尽早进行病原学诊断、药敏试验、联合药物试验等,选择对此菌敏感的药物。用于治疗细菌的病原学诊断针对性更强,细菌的药敏试验和联合药敏试验与临床疗效的符合约为70%~80%。如有条件,可作细菌学的分离鉴定来选用抗菌药。  相似文献   

1 动物福利理念的提出与发展  动物福利理念的提出 ,已有 2 0多年历史。1 976年 ,Hughes将饲养于农场的动物福利定义为“动物与它的环境协调一致的精神和生理完全健康的状态”。 1 990年 ,我国台湾学者夏良宙提出 ,就对待动物而言 ,动物福利可以简述为“善待活着的动物 ,减少死亡的痛苦”。自 1 980年以来 ,欧盟及美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国都进行了动物福利方面的立法 ,在畜禽饲养、运输和屠宰过程中实施。瑞士政府近年来通过立法禁止出售和进口由笼养系统生产的鸡蛋。1 998年 6月 ,丹麦议会通过了一项关于妊娠母猪和青年母猪室内装置…  相似文献   

控制兽药残留是发展无公害畜产品的关键环节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国畜牧业建设取得了巨大成就,结束了畜牧产品长期短缺的历史。但是,随着兽药和药物添加剂在畜禽饲养过程中的长期大量应用和不合理使用,滥用药物现象十分普遍,比如在饲料中添加盐酸克伦特罗(瘦肉精)、激素类药物、禁用药物等,导致了动物产品中有毒、有害物质的残留。由此引发的“食肉中毒”事件不断发生,畜产品安全问题已引起社会的广泛关注和各级政府的高度重视。畜产品的安全问题,直接关系到人们的身体健康,关系到畜产品的出口,关系到农民收入的增加,关系到农业产业结构的调整和农村经济的发展。为此,国家一方面发布了一系…  相似文献   

1充分认识养殖业生产环境,正确估计畜禽应激状态下营养物质供给量,保障动物按需供应营养素改革开放20余年,我国畜牧业发展迅速,产品结构已改变了长期以来以猪为主的传统饲养格局,实现了猪、鸡、牛、羊等全面发展的新局面。饲料工业的迅速发展,推动了畜禽养殖业逐步摆脱传统饲养方式,向集约化方向迈进。畜牧业已由传统的家庭副业发展为农业和农村经济的支柱产业,已成为农民脱贫致富奔小康的重要渠道。多年来,我国在注重高新技术和产品引进的同时,引进了几乎世界上所有最先进的品种,其中有些畜种在国内直接进入商品化生产,如AA肉鸡、三元杂交…  相似文献   

畜禽产品生产质量的提高,有赖于有效的控制动物疾病和疫病,今年在我国不少地方发生的禽流感疫病,提示我们不仅要在动物饲养管理中注意防制疫病,更要在动物产品流通环节中加强对疫病的控制。本文从中国动物检疫法出发,详细描述了动物和动物产品流通领域的综合监管工作,为完善我国动物和动物产品的流通监管工作提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The intensification of pastoral animal production results from several major developments including increased forage production and utilisation, diet supplementation, breeding animals to increase milk, meat or wool production, and changes in management. The impact of increased intensification on welfare will differ across species and systems. More intensive-grazing systems and the feeding of novel forages will underpin all moves to intensification. More intensive grazing generally reduces opportunities for shade and shelter. Improved nutrition will generally benefit welfare but competition for available feed may cause increased social pressure. Increased flock and herd size will be associated with a reduction in the human:animal ratio and less time to observe individual animals. Remote monitoring of activity and health might counter this impact.

Intensification of dairy production will result in larger herds, more year-round milking, robotic milking, use of housing and yards year round, and total mixed-ration feeding. Larger herds mean longer distances to walk to and from the dairy shed, and more lameness and less time to spend on self-maintenance activities such as grooming. Holding and feeding dairy cows on yards will cause an increase in lameness and mastitis and perhaps an increase in agonistic behaviour but will reduce time spent walking. Intensification of sheep production will involve increased flock size, increased fecundity, breeding from hoggets, and breeding ewes all year round. Housing during lambing might be considered appropriate, as would feeding to lift milk yields. Increased fecundity with an increase in triplets will increase lamb mortality rates, but housing ewes, when managed well, will result in reduced lamb mortality. Intensification of lamb finishing will be by improved nutrition. Intensification of beef production will include more breeding of heifers at 15 months, and more problems with dystocia.

Intensification of pastoral production will have positive and negative effects on animal welfare. The balance will be determined by the quality of management and stockmanship, and the pressure on businesses to be profitable.  相似文献   

2001年12月11日,我国正式成为世界贸易组织的成员国,从此我国将享受到WTO成员国的有关待遇如最惠国待遇,但同时也应严格履行其义务。动物及其产品的检疫工作也是如此,要遵守《动植物卫生检疫协议》(SPS协议)、技术性贸易壁垒协议等,特别是检疫技术标准及措施要与国际接轨,动植物卫生检疫规定要有透明度等。这就要求我们要面对各国的技术性贸易壁垒,积极采用国际标准和国外先进标准,制定出合理的兽医法规,防止人畜共患病传播,制定合理的贸易协调机制,促进我国贸易发展,这样才能应对入世的挑战。为防止危险性疫病随…  相似文献   

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