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Breeding soundness examination of yearling beef bulls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yearling beef bulls were subjected to a breeding soundness examination (BSE) at completion of performance testing programs at 4 locations over 5 years. Of 862 bulls, 80.1% were classified as satisfactory potential breeders, 7.3% as questionable potential breeders, and 12.7% as unsatisfactory potential breeders. Year (P less than 0.01), location (P less than 0.01), and breed (P less than 0.01) affected the percentage of bulls classified as satisfactory; age of the bulls did not affect this percentage. Adjusted mean scrotal circumference (SC) measurements were 31, 33.2, and 34.8 cm for bulls classified as unsatisfactory, questionable, and satisfactory (P less than 0.01), respectively. Of 109 bulls classified as unsatisfactory, 2.8% were so classified because of poor semen quality alone; 41.3% had no ejaculate in 4 separate electroejaculation attempts. Other abnormalities in these 109 bulls included reproductive tract infections (22%), persistent penile frenulum (16.5%), testicular abnormalities (8.3%), fibropapilloma (1.8%), hernia (1.8%), aplastic epididymis (1.8%), penile abnormalities (1.8%), pendulous sheath (0.9%), and eye abnormalities (0.9%). Age had a significant effect on SC in bulls at 3 locations and on percentage of normal cells, primary abnormalities, and secondary abnormalities as well as BSE score at 1 location. Percentage of primary and secondary abnormalities as well as SC were different across years at 2 locations, and percentage of normal and motile cells as well as BSE score were different across years at 1 location. Breed effects were significant for SC, percentage of primary abnormalities, and BSE score at 3 locations and for percentage of normal and motile cells at 1 location.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the breeding soundness examination procedure in plains bison bulls. DESIGN: Multiyear (1993 through 1997) cross-sectional clinical procedure evaluation. ANIMALS: Two hundred thirty-four 28- to 30-month-old bison bulls at Custer State Park. PROCEDURE: Breeding soundness examinations were performed on all bison bulls using 1992 Society for Theriogenology guidelines for beef cattle semen evaluation and reproductive tract examination. Linear and logistic regression analyses were used to detect correlations and associations among breeding soundness examination variables. RESULTS: Scrotal circumference (SC) was significantly correlated with body weight, percentage of normal spermatozoa, percentage of primary spermatozoal defects, and percentage of motile spermatozoa. Scrotal circumference was positively associated with increased odds of semen collection, satisfactory motility (> or = 30% motility), satisfactory morphology (> or = 70% normal spermatozoa), and simultaneous satisfactory motility and morphology. Receiver-operator characteristic curve analysis selected 29 cm as the optimal SC cutoff most predictive of simultaneous satisfactory spermatozoal motility and morphology. Only 36.2% (83/229) of the bison bulls had a SC of 29 cm or greater and satisfactory spermatozoal motility and morphology. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: SC is a good indicator of adequate spermatozoal motility and structure in bison. We recommend use of 30% spermatozoal motility, 70% normal spermatozoal morphology, and 29-cm SC as minimal satisfactory measurements for breeding soundness examinations of 28- to 30-month-old bison bulls that have been raised on forage-based nutrition.  相似文献   

Breeding soundness of beef bulls after circumcision: 33 cases (1980-1986)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Case records of 33 beef bulls that had preputial prolapses and underwent circumcisions were reviewed. Data retrieved included age, breed, duration of preoperative medical treatment, complications of surgery, length of time from surgery to first breeding, ability of bull to copulate, duration of active breeding, and complications resulting in breeding unsoundness. The mean age of all bulls was 3.5 years (1 to 7 years). Breeds represented included Santa Gertrudis (n = 13), Beefmaster (n = 8), Brangus (n = 7), Brahman (n = 4), and Angus (n = 1). The mean duration of medical treatment before surgery for all bulls was 16.4 days (2 to 38 days). There was no statistically significant difference between the mean duration of medical treatment before surgery between bulls that became breeding sound (16 days), compared with those that were breeding unsound (19 days). However, bulls requiring more than 14 days of medical treatment before surgery were approximately 3 times (relative risk, 2.8) more likely to develop postoperative complications than those bulls requiring 14 days of treatment or less. Eleven bulls (33%) developed one or more postoperative complications. The complications resolved in 4 bulls, but 7 were never able to breed. Of these 7 bulls, 4 had problems directly related to the circumcision, 2 had extensive fibrosis of the prepuce already present at surgery, and 1 was discharged from the hospital with no apparent complications but was never able to breed. Twenty-five of the 33 bulls (76%) were breeding sound for 1 or more years after surgery.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of trans-scrotal ultrasonography and testicular fine needle aspiration cytology in assessing bulls for breeding suitability. These two techniques were also compared with semen analysis. Bulls presented for breeding soundness evaluation were assessed using all three techniques. The findings of each technique were compared. There was agreement in classification of fertile bulls using all three techniques, suggesting that the combined use of these techniques enhances routine breeding soundness examination. Use of the three techniques also enhances detailed investigation of suspected sub-fertile bulls while accurately identifying testicular cause(s) of sire sub-fertility.  相似文献   


This review considers the proceedings of the 1964 and 1969 seminars on breeding soundness in the ram, the motivating factors which led to these meetings, and the conclusions that can now be drawn from them.  相似文献   

成年犬的饲养管理主要包括饲养、疾病防治、散放运动等工作。一、成年犬的饲养犬的饲养就是根据犬的不同生理阶段、不同使用目的,按照成年犬的饲料日粮标准保证均匀充足而丰富的蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、矿物质、  相似文献   

种鹅的饲养管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(接第8期11页)2育成期的饲养管理育成期指4周龄至产蛋前这段时期,本期饲养的关键技术是限饲和调整均匀度。限饲的原则是保证鹅的体重稍有增长而不能降低。这一时期根据育成鹅的生理特点,主要在种鹅培育上下功夫,要为其创造适宜的饲养管理条件,并根据体型外貌进行选择与淘汰。育成期对育成鹅要进行限制饲养,控制体重,防止过肥,使其各部器官特别是生殖器官得以充分发育,为以后高产创造条件,以提高种鹅的种用价值,后备种鹅必须实行限饲计划(见表6)。如体重控制不住,过早性成熟,易造成卵黄性腹膜炎,开产时双黄蛋比例增多,易出现大肠杆菌性败血症…  相似文献   

鹅的饲养管理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鹅是草食水禽 ,以放牧、饲喂青绿多汁饲料为主 ,结合补料和科学饲养管理以提高经济效益已被越来越多的养鹅户所采用。为此 ,笔者将鹅的饲养管理技术作一叙述。1 雏鹅饲养管理1 1 育雏前的准备接雏前首先要选好鹅舍的场地 ,要选择在有水源、草源丰富、草质良好的地方 ,鹅舍坐北朝南为好。对育雏室内外进行彻底的清扫消毒 ,堵死鼠洞、蛇洞。保证育雏室干燥、通风、光线好。墙壁可用 2 0 %的石灰水粉刷 ,地面、天花板用 2 0 %的漂白粉溶液或0 1 %的消毒王溶液喷洒消毒 ,喷洒后关闭门窗 2 4h ,然后打开门窗 ,使空气流通 ,自然干燥。或者采…  相似文献   

从种公羊的科学饲养,规范管理和合理利用方面进行了探讨,以期提高种公羊的利用率。  相似文献   

朗德鹅 (Landaise)又称大雁鹅、雁鹅。原产于法国西部的朗德地区 ,是著名的肥肝专用鹅。郎德鹅是以食草为主的水禽 ,属节粮型家禽 ,可以利用稻麦茬地、草滩、草坡以及田间路旁房前屋后疏林隙地、湖滩河边及零星草地放牧鹅群 ,既不与人争粮 ,又不与牛、羊争草。因此 ,发展养鹅业符合我国人多地少的国情 ,对调整我国畜牧生产结构和人民的肉食结构能起到很大的作用。1 朗德鹅的主要特点(1)个体大 ,生长速度快 ,头部肉瘤不明显或没有 ,喙尖而利 ,颈上部有咽袋 ,颈粗短 ,颈羽稍卷曲。成年公鹅 7~ 8kg ,母鹅 6~ 7kg ,大的可超过 10…  相似文献   

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) (a single intravenous injection with 0.042 mg busereline acetate) was administered to control stallions (n=5), aged stallions (n=5) and stallions with lack of libido (n=5). Jugular blood samples were taken at -10, 0, 10, 20, 40 and 80 minutes after treatment and measured for luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone concentrations. A single intravenous injection of hCG (3000 IE) was given 1 day later. Venous blood samples were taken at -60, 0, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 240 minutes after treatment and measured for the testosterone concentration. The experiment was performed in the breeding season. There was a wide variation between stallions in basal concentrations of LH and testosterone. The treatment groups all showed a significant increase in LH and testosterone concentrations after treatment with GnRH. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between the control, the lack of libido stallions and the aged stallions in the production of LH before and after stimulation with GnRH. The aged stallions had higher basal LH concentrations. GnRH induced a rise in plasma LH in all groups, but the greatest response was observed in aged stallions. No response to GnRH was seen with respect to plasma testosterone. There was an increase in plasma testosterone following hCG; however, this increase was very small in aged stallions. After stimulation with hCG the control and lack of libido stallions had a significant increase (P<0.05) in testosterone production. In conclusion, stimulation with either GnRH or hCG can be a valuable method to test whether the function of the stallion's reproductive endocrine system is optimal.  相似文献   

猪的生长育肥阶段是指小猪体重达到30公斤后,在被运往屠宰场前的最后一个阶段。饲养育肥猪的丰要目标是猪只生长速度快、饲料利用率高、屠宰品质好、饲养周期短及病死率低。实际生产中,生长育肥猪被统一饲养在一个固定区域,所以,要充分认识该区域对猪只的影响。  相似文献   

仔猪断奶一是营养的改变 ,由吃温热的液体母乳为主改成吃固体的生干饲料 ;二是由依靠母猪生活变成完全独立的生活 ;三是生活环境的改变 ,由产房转移到仔猪培育舍 ;四是最容易受病原微生物的感染而患病。诸多因素影响断奶仔猪正常的生长发育。因此 ,必须根据仔猪的生理特点 ,采取一系列综合措施。1 仔猪日粮1 1 饲粮的能量浓度若提高饲粮能量浓度 ,日增重、饲料转化率、断奶成活率等各项生产指标均得到明显改善。早期断奶仔猪的饲粮 ,能量浓度应不低于 1 4 6 5MJ/kg。饲粮中应添加高能量的油脂 ,以植物油为佳 ,如豆油、椰子油等 ,添加比…  相似文献   

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