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Midwest U.S. herds (n = 63) were studied to identify risk factors for harboring Salmonella enterica among slaughter-weight pigs. Samples collected on farms (feces) and at slaughter (distal colonic content, cecal content and ileocolic lymph nodes) were cultured using conventional means. Approximately 15 pigs were studied per herd, for a total of 3754 samples. The proportion of pigs positive in one or more samples was calculated for each herd. Herd characteristics were described by a combination of interview and written survey. Logistic regression was used to detect relationships between the detection of Salmonella and potential herd-level risk factors. The mean individual pig prevalence was 5% for feces, 4% for distal colonic content, 15% for ileocolic lymph nodes, and 17% for cecal contents. One or more Salmonella isolates were detected in at least one sample type in every herd. The five most common serovars were S. Agona, S. Derby, S. Schwarzengrund, S. Typhimurium and S. Senftenberg, with 25 additional serovars detected. Salmonella prevalence estimates were positively correlated among all samples except distal colonic content and ileocolic lymph nodes. Pigs with culture positive fecal samples were at increased odds of being detected positive for each of the slaughter-collected samples examined, namely distal colonic content (OR = 30.5), ileocolic lymph nodes (OR = 12.9) and cecal content (OR = 23.2). Herds with positive fecal sample(s) had increased odds of having positive cecal content (OR > 1.5), distal colonic content (OR = 15.3) and ileocolic lymph nodes (OR = 12.7). Pigs from herds with at least some bowl drinkers had eight-fold higher odds of testing Salmonella positive than did pigs from herds with only nipple drinkers. Pigs from herds with only dry feeders had five-fold higher odds of testing Salmonella positive when compared with pigs from herds with combinations of wet/dry style feeders. Interventions at these two points should be considered when designing growing pig facilities to reduce Salmonella shedding.  相似文献   

Between August 20, 2001, and September 17, 2002, 1429 samples including drag swabs, egg belt or egg rollout swabs, fan-blade swabs, rodent organ and intestinal pools, beetle (Alphitobius diaperinus) pools, housefly (Musca domestica) pools, chicken organ and intestinal pools, and egg pools were obtained for Salmonella culture from two flocks from two different commercial layer ranches. The two ranches were purposefully selected for the study based on their previous status of Salmonella Enteritidis isolation using environmental drag swabs in cooperation with practicing veterinarians. Salmonella sp. was isolated from 337 out of 979 (34.42%) non-egg samples. No Salmonella was isolated from 450 egg pools collected from either ranch. S. enteritidis was isolated from samples obtained from ranch 1 from manure drag swabs, 4/284 (1.4%); rodent organs, 1/24 (4.2%); and housefly pool cultures 1/21 (4.8%). Salmonella Enteritidis was isolated from ranch 2 from mouse organ and intestinal pool samples, 1/24 (4.2%). Salmonella group B was isolated from all sample types except the insects. There was a statistically significant difference in isolation rates among seven serogroups of Salmonella: groups B, C1, C2, D, E, K, and untypeable (Pearson chi-square 18.96, P = 0.002). Overall, statistically significant differences were observed with respect to Salmonella isolation among the types of samples taken (Pearson chi-square 118.54, P < 0.0001). Intensive monitoring for Salmonella Enteritidis can be used to optimize a Salmonella reduction program for an individual poultry biosecurity unit.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania egg quality assurance program (PEQAP) has made major gains in the reduction of Salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis (S. enteritidis). However, S. enteritidis continues to be a major food safety concern for the commercial egg laying industry. Despite intensive control efforts through PEQAP, some commercial egg layer houses still remain positive for S. enteritidis. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether S. enteritidis isolates obtained from historically environmentally S. enteritidis-positive houses were resistant to commonly used disinfectants. Archived S. enteritidis isolates (environmental, rodent, or egg) were compared with recently obtained isolates from the environment, rodents, or eggs from the same S. enteritidis-positive house. In addition, the isolates were compared with archived isolates from those premises that appeared to have eliminated S. enteritidis from their layer facilities. The official methods of the use-dilution analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists were used to evaluate each disinfectant product. Two phenolic, one quaternary ammonium, and one combination product containing quaternary ammonium and formaldehyde were evaluated, in addition to one sodium hypochlorite detergent. All products diluted according to the manufacturers' recommendations killed the S. enteritidis isolates in this test system. There was no difference in susceptibility or resistance to the disinfectants used between the isolates from those facilities that remained S. enteritidis-positive and those that appeared to have eliminated S. enteritidis from their facility.  相似文献   

家禽生产行业是一个动态的领域,鸡蛋生产者是其中一个部分,也不能逃出此规则。2012年初欧洲实施的传统笼养禁令便是家禽生产行业需要灵活应对变化,以实现当前和未来可持续发展的极好例子。禁止使用传统鸡笼的主要目的是提高母鸡的福利标准,但替代型蛋鸡饲养系统的卫生标准又如何呢?  相似文献   

In order to estimate the prevalence and distribution of Salmonella enteritidis in U.S. commercial egg-production flocks, a survey of spent laying hens was conducted over a 3-month period. Seven of the 10 largest spent-hen processing plants in the United States participated. Ceca were sampled twice weekly from birds presented for slaughter at these plants. Samples were cultured for Salmonella and S. enteritidis, and S. enteritidis isolates were phage-typed. Overall, 23,431 pooled cecal samples were collected from a total of 406 layer houses. Salmonella (any serotype) and S. enteritidis were recovered from 24% and 3% of the pooled samples, respectively. The distribution of S. enteritidis phage types was consistent with data reported by others. Regionally, the estimated prevalence of S. enteritidis-positive houses (i.e., at least one positive sample found in a house) for the Northern, Southeastern, and Central/Western regions was 45%, 3%, and 17%, respectively. Overall, the prevalence of Salmonella-positive houses was 86%.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the risk factors for Salmonella spp. contamination of Senegalese chicken carcases during slaughtering. One hundred and twenty traditional slaughterhouses were studied from January 2000 to December 2002 in and around Dakar. A questionnaire was administered to the slaughterers and samples of breast skin were taken to assess the Salmonella spp. status of chicken carcases. Results showed that 43.3% of the chicken batches were contaminated with Salmonella spp., with Salmonella Hadar and Salmonella Brancaster as the two main serovars. Salmonella spp. contamination of the live birds before slaughtering was related to contamination of the carcases after slaughtering. Feed withdrawal before slaughtering and thorough cleaning and disinfection procedures decreased the risk of Salmonella contamination. One individual worker for each slaughtering stage was also associated with a decreased risk of Salmonella contamination. Using scalding water for plucking increased the risk of contamination. These results will help slaughterers to produce safer products for local consumers.  相似文献   

This study was to identify the risk factors for Salmonella spp. contamination of Senegalese chicken carcases during slaughtering. One hundred and twenty traditional slaughterhouses were studied from January 2000 to December 2002 in and around Dakar. A questionnaire was answered by the slaughterers, and samples of breast skin were taken to assess the Salmonella status of chicken carcases. Results showed that 43.3% of the batches were contaminated with Salmonella, indicating Salmonella Hadar and Salmonella Brancaster as the two main serovars. Salmonella contamination of the carcases after slaughtering was related to contamination of the live birds. Feed withdrawal before slaughtering and thorough cleaning and disinfection procedures decreased the risk of contamination. One individual worker for each slaughtering stage was also associated with a decreasing risk of contamination. Using scalding water for plucking the chicken carcases increased contamination risk. These results will help slaughters to produce safer products for local consumers.  相似文献   

Faecal, dust and other environmental samples were collected from the floors, droppings belts, egg-collection systems and other areas of 14 cage-layer flocks, 10 barn egg production flocks and seven free-range flocks, and cultured for Salmonella species. The distribution of the organism varied with its prevalence and with the vaccination status of the birds. No one sample type was found to be suitable for identifying all contaminated houses. Salmonella was also frequently found on egg-packing equipment and in samples from rodents and wild birds.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to ascertain whether the growth of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) or Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) would be suppressed in the presence of antibodies contained in egg yolks. Specific pathogen-free chickens (102 days of age) were subcutaneously immunized with oil-adjuvanted bacterin of SE or ST, twice within a four-week interval. During 160 to 170 days of age, eggs were collected, the yolks were removed and mixed with an equal volume of physiological buffered saline, inoculated with ten colony forming units (CFU) of SE or ST, and incubated at 37 degrees C or 20 degrees C for 23 hr. The growth of organisms in each yolk solution was examined. The egg yolk derived from non-immunized hens was examined in the same manner as the controls. There was no difference in the growth titer between the antibody-positive yolk and the negative yolk. The result suggests that the antibodies in the yolk do not influence the growth of each organism, even if the hens are highly immunized.  相似文献   

The relationship between antibody response to Salmonella enteritidis vaccine and internal organ burden of S. enteritidis is not fully understood. The genetic relationship, therefore, between postchallenge S. enteritidis burden and antibody response to S. enteritidis vaccine was determined in broiler breeder chicks. Sibling chicks from a broiler breeder male line were either inoculated with a pathogenic S. enteritidis or vaccinated with a commercial S. enteritidis vaccine. Spleen, liver, cecal wall, and cecal content samples from S. enteritidis-challenged chicks (n = 120) were cultured for enumeration of bacteria. Unchallenged chicks (n = 314) were vaccinated at 11 days of age, and serum samples were taken at 10 days postvaccination. Antibody response to vaccination and number of S. enteritidis in cecal content cultures were negatively correlated (-0.772), demonstrating that genetic potential for greater antibody response to S. enteritidis vaccine is associated with lesser S. enteritidis bacterial burden in cecal content of broiler breeder chicks. The findings suggest that genetic selection for vaccine antibody responsiveness can lower bacterial burden in the gut lumenal content and, thus, potentially reduce contamination of poultry products at processing.  相似文献   

A microbiological survey of 10 mice-infested poultry farms was conducted to determine the role of mice in the epizootiology of S. enteritidis infection. Five of the farms were rated as clean of S. enteritidis and five as contaminated based on culture results of environmental samples for S. enteritidis. Of 2103 environmental samples and 715 mice and rats tested, 5.1% and 16.2%, respectively, were culture-positive for S. enteritidis. On contaminated farms, S. enteritidis was isolated from 24.0% of the mice and 7.5% of the environmental samples, which represented 75.3% of all Salmonella isolations from mice but only 18.0% of Salmonella isolations from environmental samples on these farms. S. enteritidis was not detected in mice on clean farms. Phage types 13a and 14b were the two most frequently isolated phage types from mice and environmental samples. Although only a single phage type was isolated from single free-standing poultry houses, multiple phage types were isolated from multi-house complexes. A bacterial count from the feces of one mouse yielded 2.3 x 10(5) S. enteritidis bacteria per fecal pellet. S. enteritidis persisted at least for 10 months in an infected mouse population.  相似文献   

The level of Salmonella enteritidis contamination in Zambian table eggs and ready market chicken carcasses was studied. Nine of the 240 (3.8%) pooled samples of table eggs and 18 of 382 (4.7%) chicken carcasses were contaminated with S. enteritidis. All the isolates from the table eggs belonged to the enteropathogenic invasive phage type 4, whereas seven isolates from the chicken carcasses belonged to phage type 4, three were phage type 7, and eight were untypable (rough type). All the isolates were sensitive to gentamycin, ampicillin, tetracycline, cotrimoxazole, amoxycillin, furazolidone, and chloramphenicol.  相似文献   

Levels of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis infection and serum S. Enteritidis antibodies after experimental S. Enteritidis challenge and feed withdrawal were investigated in S. Enteritidis-vaccinated and unvaccinated hens. The results were used to determine whether formalin-inactivated S. Enteritidis vaccination can protect layer hens from S. Enteritidis challenge during feed withdrawal periods. S. Enteritidis infection rates were evaluated from cloacal swabs, eggs and organs. Serum antibody titers to deflagellated S. Enteritidis whole cells (DEWC) and S. Enteritidis FliC-specific 9-kDa polypeptide (SEp 9) were examined by commercial ELISA kits. Cloacal S. Enteritidis recovery rates were lower in the vaccinated than unvaccinated group. Recovery rates of S. Enteritidis from samples increased after feed withdrawal and decreased after re-introduction of feed. S. Enteritidis counts in cloacal swabs were lower in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated group (P<0.05). More S. Enteritidis-positive eggs were detected from the unvaccinated group. Before S. Enteritidis challenge, the DEWC ELISA titer of the vaccinated group was higher (P<0.05) than the unvaccinated group; subsequently, the S. Enteritidis DEWC ELISA titers of both groups increased gradually. In contrast, only the vaccinated group elicited high SEp-9 antibody titer during post-challenge and feed withdrawal. Additionally, vaccinated hens yielded negative S. Enteritidis isolation rates from egg contents. There is a correlation between negative S. Enteritidis isolation rates and high SEp 9 titers in vaccinated layer hens challenged with S. Enteritidis and subjected to feed withdrawal regimens. These findings suggest the S. Enteritidis vaccination of pullets may protect against S. Enteritidis infection during forced molting and that SEp 9 titer could be a potential indicator of antibody protection against S. Enteritidis infection. The potential of the SEp 9 peptide as an antigen for S. Enteritidis vaccination in the future is worth noting.  相似文献   

Our objective was to assess the association of managerial practices, general hygiene and Salmonella infection in Senegalese broiler flocks. Seventy broilers farms were studied from January 2000 to December 2001 around Dakar. A questionnaire was submitted to the farmers and samples of fresh broiler droppings were taken. A 28.6% of the flocks were infected by Salmonella (mainly Hadar and Brancaster serovars). Salmonella infection of the previous flock (OR=6.82) and of day-old chicks (OR=3.73), frequent poultry farmers’ visits (OR=5.38) and keeping sick birds inside the farm (OR=5.32) increased the risk of Salmonella infection. But, using antibiotics on day-old chicks (OR=0.17) and a detergent for cleaning (OR=0.16) decreased the risk.  相似文献   

Ninety-six S. enteritidis isolates obtained from three commercial layer flocks in 1988-90 were examined following DNA extraction, restriction enzyme digestion, and gel electrophoresis for plasmid size profiles and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The S. enteritidis isolates from the three flocks had three, eight, and two different plasmid profiles, respectively. Only four isolates from one flock lacked plasmids. A 36-megadalton (mDa) (54-kilobase) plasmid was present in 73% of the isolates, either alone or in combination with other plasmids. Isolates with only the 36-mDa plasmid had identical RFLPs. The diversity of plasmid profiles was greater than that of phage-types among isolates from the three flocks: 12 unique plasmid profiles vs. four phage-types. Mixed infections with S. enteritidis strains having distinct plasmid profiles occurred in all three flocks. Reinfection of these flocks in 1990 with one or more of the strains obtained earlier was evident, because some of the original isolates and the 1990 isolates had matching plasmid profiles and were of the same phage-types. Isolates from both environmental and tissue samples, examined from one flock, were found to share the same plasmid profile and phage-type.  相似文献   

Eighty-six Salmonella enteritidis isolates obtained during a surveillance program of poultry farms in Maine were subjected to phage-typing, plasmid profiling and fingerprinting, outer-membrane polypeptide analysis, and antimicrobial sensitivity testing. Isolates were obtained from a variety of sources, including poultry-farm environmental samples, chicken organ samples, human stool samples, cat feces, and live-trapped rats and mice. These isolates were compared with 21 S. enteritidis isolates originating outside of Maine. Phage types isolated in Maine included 13a (60%); 14b (29%); 23 (5%); 8 (2%); and 2 (2%). All S. enteritidis isolates from Maine carried plasmid DNA, and 97% of these isolates carried a 40.3-megadalton plasmid alone (6%) or in conjunction with several smaller plasmids (91%). All 52 phage-type 13a isolates harbored 40.3- and 3.0-megadalton plasmids. All 25 phage-type 14b isolates carried 3.3- and 1.3-megadalton plasmids, and 22 isolates also carried the 40.3-megadalton plasmid. All isolates displayed highly similar outer-membrane polypeptide profiles and were sensitive to a variety of antimicrobials commonly used against gram-negative organisms. The above data suggest that phage type and plasmid content may be related in the cases of phage-type 13a and 14b isolates, and that traditional plasmid-borne antimicrobial resistance determinants were not present in Maine isolates. Results also indicate that phage-typing can be a valuable epizootiological tool for monitoring the potential spread of these strains throughout the Northeast.  相似文献   

Japanese quails were inoculated orally with 1 x 10(10) colony-forming units of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 isolated from chicks to obtain information concerning S. enteritidis infection and egg transmission. The inoculation resulted in a bacteraemic infection with seeding of the liver, spleen, intestine, peritoneum, ovule, ovary and oviduct. Some infected birds showed diarrhoea, ruffled feathers, depression, loss of appetite and death. However, most infected birds remained clinically normal with normal egg production. Salmonella enteritidis was isolated from the albumen of 7, yolk of 15, shell of 13, and shell membrane of 15 of 164 eggs. The experiment suggests that S. enteritidis phage type 4 is invasive for Japanese quails and the infected eggs laid by S. enteritidis infected quails are probably the result of transovarian infection.  相似文献   

In order to determine the epidemiological link between the Salmonella Enteritidis contamination in a rat-infested chicken layer farm, an attached egg processing facility and liquid egg samples, several S. Enteritidis isolates were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and bacteriophage typing. A total of 33 S. Enteritidis strains were isolated from a total of 4,081 samples. Similar pulsed-field patterns were generated by S. Enteritidis isolates from liquid eggs, rats and effluent water. Additionally, only two phage types were detected among the S. Enteritidis isolates, PT 1b and PT 6. These results suggest that S. Enteritidis isolates from rats, egg processing facility, and liquid eggs are genetically related. Furthermore, S. Enteritidis infection in rats in layer farms poses a serious public health concern and should be included in future epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

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