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本刊讯矮砧密植集约高效栽培模式是苹果生产先进国家普遍采用的栽培技术,也是我国现代苹果产业发展的方向。与传统乔砧密植栽培相比,以矮砧宽行密植为基础的现代苹果栽培模式,具有便于实施果园生草制、机械化作业、肥水一体化、高光效、省工省力等诸多优点,能够实现早结果,早丰产,优质、高产、高效的目的。  相似文献   

正4是矮砧好,还是乔砧好?根据我国气候条件和自然条件,还是以矮化自根砧为宜。今后苹果苗木的繁育和栽培方向应当是自根砧矮化苗木。苹果传统栽培与现代栽培模式相比,在苗木上最大的区别是"根"。矮砧密植栽培是当前世界苹果生产上主要的栽培模式,也是我国苹果栽培发展的必然方向和趋势。为什么强调应用"自根砧"?因为自根砧是由母株的营养体繁殖而成,所以其个体基因类型与母株相同,若砧穗组合相同、栽培条件相  相似文献   

正1我国发展矮砧苹果的重要性矮砧苹果集约化栽培制度不仅是世界苹果产业发展的趋势和方向,更是我国现代苹果产业发展的重要标志。矮化砧木是实现苹果矮砧栽培的最主要途径。目前世界苹果主产国新建果园基本上是采用矮砧集约化栽培,大多数国家已占苹果总面积的90%以上。而我国现有苹果园90%以上为乔砧果树,果园郁闭,光照不良,管理费工,是一个高消耗、低产出的传统栽培模式。矮化自根砧苹果园666.7m2产量一般为4~5t。我国目  相似文献   

##正##苹果矮砧密植集约栽培模式具有树冠矮小,管理方便,节省劳动力,结果早、产量高、见效快,通风透光,苹果品质好,便于标准化作业,易于标准化生产等优点,是世界苹果生产先进国家普遍采用的栽培模式,也是我国现代苹果产业发展的方向。沂水县从2007年实施苹果矮砧密植集约栽培基地建设项目,目前已发展到800hm~2。  相似文献   

苹果现代矮砧集约栽培,是近几年我国新建规模化苹果园的首选模式。综述了苹果现代矮砧集约栽培优质花果管理技术,包含专用授粉树的应用、生物授粉、花果调控、果实套袋、适期精确采收,以及防灾减灾技术,以期为我国苹果产业健康持续収展提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

苹果矮砧集约栽培是世界苹果生产先进国家普遍采用的栽培模式,也是中国现代苹果产业发展的方向。概述了现代苹果矮砧集约栽培模式园起垄覆盖结合生草免耕技术的要点。  相似文献   

红富士苹果“三优”栽培技术模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>苹果栽培经历了乔砧稀植、大树精细修剪、乔砧密植早期丰产等栽培模式阶段。目前,我省现有苹果园大部分是以乔砧密植早期丰产修剪技术体系为基础的苹果园,很多面临着群体郁闭、树体衰弱老化和生产力下降的问题。也面临着新一代苹果栽培模式的选择问题。河北农业大学园艺学院苹果研究室在总结近30年的前期研究工作基础上,借鉴国外先进生产模式,认为制约我国苹果进军国际市场的主要因素是现有的乔砧密植栽培模式不适应现代化苹果生产的要求。  相似文献   

<正>现代苹果矮砧集约化栽培模式采用良砧、良种与良法配套,具有早果丰产、优质高效、轻减省力、规模化经营、标准化生产、机械化作业、专业化分工及对环境友好等突出优点,是世界苹果生产先进国家普遍应用的一种省力高效栽培模式,是我市苹果产业的发展方向和主推模式。该模式区别传统栽培模式的主要特点有:矮砧大苗、宽行密株、设立支架、行间生草、树盘起垄、肥水一体、机械作业、高光效修剪、绿色病虫防控、节本省力等。  相似文献   

关于我国苹果矮砧密植栽培的思考   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
乔砧密植是目前我国苹果栽培的主要形式,但苹果乔砧密植存在许多问题,如单产低、果实品质差、费工、技术复杂推广难度大等;矮砧密植具有结果早、产量高、果实品质优良、省工、技术简化易推广等优点,因此应用矮砧密植是苹果发展的必然趋势;我国矮砧密植栽培实践中存在着矮砧选择不当、栽植过深、栽培技术不配套等问题,直接影响了矮砧效果的发挥。从苹果生长结果习性、我国苹果栽培区域的立地条件等方面探讨了应用矮化砧木的必要性及适合矮砧密植栽培的条件,针对当前矮化栽培中出现的一些问题,结合作者多年的实践,从育苗、建园、整形修剪等方面提出了苹果矮砧密植栽培的技术要点,并举出成功的实例。  相似文献   

正乔砧栽培与矮砧栽培是苹果生产中的两种主要方式,它们之间存在着较大的差别,我国从上世纪60年代开始试验推广矮砧苹果栽培,几起几落,始终没有成为苹果生产的主流。回顾矮砧苹果栽培的发展历程,其在我国发展缓慢的原因是多方面的,但管理中套用乔砧苹果管理模式是导致种植失败的主要原因之一。根据矮砧苹果生长特性及在我国栽培的表现,我们认为矮砧苹果与乔砧苹果在栽培中存在以下明显区别,在生产中应认  相似文献   

枣原产我国,是我国特有的经济林树种,尤其沧州金丝小枣更是驰名中外。但由于常年管理不当,烂果落果较重,品质上不去,甚至在献县小枣主产区,产量、质量也一直处于低落状态,次果占较大比重。为此,我们于1998-2004年在献县郭洼村进行枣密植丰产栽培技术示范。  相似文献   

A high throughput DNA extraction method with high yield and quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Z Xin  J Chen 《Plant methods》2012,8(1):26-7


Preparation of large quantity and high quality genomic DNA from a large number of plant samples is a major bottleneck for most genetic and genomic analyses, such as, genetic mapping, TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesion IN Genome), and next-generation sequencing directly from sheared genomic DNA. A variety of DNA preparation methods and commercial kits are available. However, they are either low throughput, low yield, or costly. Here, we describe a method for high throughput genomic DNA isolation from sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] leaves and dry seeds with high yield, high quality, and affordable cost.


We developed a high throughput DNA isolation method by combining a high yield CTAB extraction method with an improved cleanup procedure based on MagAttract kit. The method yielded large quantity and high quality DNA from both lyophilized sorghum leaves and dry seeds. The DNA yield was improved by nearly 30 fold with 4 times less consumption of MagAttract beads. The method can also be used in other plant species, including cotton leaves and pine needles.


A high throughput system for DNA extraction from sorghum leaves and seeds was developed and validated. The main advantages of the method are low cost, high yield, high quality, and high throughput. One person can process two 96-well plates in a working day at a cost of $0.10 per sample of magnetic beads plus other consumables that other methods will also need.  相似文献   

红花菜豆是豆科菜豆属中以嫩荚,种子及块根供食用的栽培种。别名赤花蔓豆、多花菜豆、龙不豆等多年生缠绕性植物,一般作一年生栽培.原产中南美洲,现世界各地均有分布。红花菜豆原来在我国栽培的面积较小,但随着外贸出口的迫切需要,我国的红花菜豆生产发展迅速。其产品已远销日本和非洲、欧洲、美洲等10多个国家和地区,成为我国出口创汇的重要产品。  相似文献   

AIM: The phagocytotic function and morphological changes of pulmonary alveolar macrophages (AM) of rat in high glucose or high glucose and high insulin conditions were studied. METHODS: AM were harvested from Wistar rats by bronchoalveolar lavage and were activated by Bacille Calmette - Guerin (BCG), interferon a-2b (IFNa-2b)or BCG and IFNa - 2b. The adherent rate, nitroblue retrazolium (NBT). reduction function and the concentrations of NO and TNF-a in culture rat AM were evaluated. The ultrastructure of AM was Observed by using transmission elects microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: In high glucose or high glucose glucose and high insulin conditions, the adherence of AM postponed(P< 0.01 ), NBT reduction of AM significantly decreased(P<0.01); the volume of NO and TNF-a produced by AM after stimulation with BCG and IFNa-2b + BCG was significantly lower in high glucose groups than in the controls (P < 0.01); their surface pseudopodia was reduced and shortened and the numbers of Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum decreased. CONCLUSIONS: The impaired phagocytotic function and ultrastructure of activated rat AM were much the same regardless of high glucose or high glucose and high insulin level in a short time. Diabetic subjects were predisposed to infection of the lung, which was frequently recurrent or even fatal.  相似文献   

昌邑线穗梨是山东省地方名贵果品,果实呈纺锤形,金黄色,个大,平均单果重550g,最大达1250g;果肉细嫩、脆甜、汁液多,富含维生素C,极耐贮运。曾于1996年被评为山东省优质果品,获银奖,是一个有发展前途的优良品种。为了更好地发展昌邑线穗梨,确保果品优质高产,达到无公害果品标准,农业局自2000年起开始对昌邑线穗梨的栽培技术进行研究,2005年有666.7hm^2线穗梨取得了无公害农产品认证,平均666.7m^2产量4000-5000kg,效益达6000-8000元。现将优质无公害栽培技术总结如下。  相似文献   

面向市场调结构 提质增效促发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了目前果树产业中存在问题 ,提出了结构调整策略和近期果树生产发展思路  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effects of tripartite motif-containing protein 8 (TRIM8) on the apoptosis of mouse cardiomyocytes (MCMs) induced by high glucose and high free fatty acid (HGHF) and the underlying mechanism. METHODS: The MCMs were divided into normal glucose (NG) group (glucose at 5.5 mmol/L), high glucose (HG) group (glucose at 33 mmol/L), high free fatty acid (HF) group (sodium palmitate at 300 μmol/L) and HGHF group (glucose at 33 mmol/L and sodium palmitate at 300 μmol/L). The expression of TRIM8 in the MCMs was knocked down by siRNA, and the MCMs was further divided into control group, scrambled siRNA (Scra-siRNA)/PBS group, TRIM8-siRNA/PBS group, Scra-siRNA/HGHF group and TRIM8-siRNA/HGHF group. To further confirm the specific mechanism of TRIM8 in the MCM injury induced by HGHF, the MCMs were subgrouped into HGHF/DMSO group, HGHF+TRIM8-siRNA+DMSO (HGHF+Ts/DMSO) group, HGHF/ML385 group and HGHF+Ts/ML385 group. Accordingly, apoptosis was analyzed by flow cytometry, and the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were measured by flow cytometry and DHE staining. The expression of TRIM8, nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC), heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO-1) at mRNA and protein levels was determined by qPCR and Western blot. RESULTS: HGHF increased the expression of TRIM8, and suppressed the expression of Nrf2, GCLC, HO-1 and NQO-1 in the MCMs (P < 0.05). Compared with Scra-siRNA/HGHF group, the intracellular ROS content and apoptotic rate were decreased in TRIM8-siRNA/HGHF group (P < 0.05). Correspondingly, the expression of the antioxidant molecule Nrf2 and its downstream genes GCLC, HO-1 and NQO-1 was increased (P < 0.05). In contrast, the addition of Nrf2 inhibitor ML385 partially reversed the inhibitory effect of TRIM8 expression knock-down on HGHF-induced apoptosis of MCMs. CONCLUSION: TRIM8 exacerbates the HGHF-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis by modulating Nrf2 antioxidative pathway.  相似文献   

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