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某些抗生素药物、生物活性物质在水生动物机体中的残留,往往直接影响着人类的健康.要从根本上解决这一问题,必须树立环境保护观念,大力研制、开发和推广使用功能强、价格低、性能优、无毒副作用、利于环保的绿色水产饲料添加剂.本丈综述了绿色水产饲料添加剂的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

胆碱作为一种B族维生素,具有多种生理功能,对动物的生长发育起着重要作用.本文就近年来胆碱在水产饲料中的应用与研究,包括胆碱的生物学功能以及在水产动物饲料中的应用做一综述,以促进其进一步研究应用.  相似文献   

本文阐述了1986年至今水产饲料中大豆蛋白替代鱼粉的研究成果以及研究进展。  相似文献   

水产养殖产业的不断增长,导致鱼粉的需求量和产量之间的矛盾急剧加大,迫切需要新的蛋白源来替代鱼粉,从而保证水产养殖的可持续发展。南极磷虾具有生物量大、分布广、营养价值高的特点,符合新型蛋白源的要求,具有较大的开发潜力。本文对近年来国内外学者就南极磷虾粉在水产饲料中的应用研究现状进行了概括和总结,主要包括南极磷虾粉对不同水产动物的生长、健康、最终品质的影响以及氟在不同组织的累积情况,并对今后南极磷虾粉的研究发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

误区一:使用优质鱼粉价格昂贵,使用劣质鱼粉(掺假的“配方鱼粉”)可以降低饲料成本。“配方鱼粉价格便宜,但单从“配方鱼粉中鱼粉的价格来讲是上升的,使用“配方鱼粉在饲料中的添加量要高于用纯鱼粉的添加量,饲料的成本要高于用纯鱼粉的饲料。掺假鱼粉有些是不得已而为之,比如:用鱼干做成的鱼粉,由于脂肪含量高,不掺羽毛粉无法粉碎,故用鱼干做的鱼粉中一般都掺30%~40%的羽毛粉。这些掺假鱼粉中的羽毛粉是不能被消化吸收的。从经济效益上来讲,宁可用少量的优质鱼粉,也不要用大量的劣质鱼粉。误区二:优质饲料必须大量使…  相似文献   

水产养殖业的迅速发展带动了水产饲料业的进步。福建省水产饲料业经过近30年的稳步发展,饲料研发能力、产品产量与质量等均有较大的提高。本文概述了福建省水产饲料业的崛起与学科建设,指出了福建省水产饲料学科建设的重点发展方向。  相似文献   

豆渣作为大豆制品的主要副产物,含有丰富的蛋白质且必需氨基酸含量丰富,具有较高的营养价值.我国是世界第一水产养殖大国,但鱼粉等饲料蛋白源的匮乏及市场价格的节节攀升严重制约了我国水产饲料工业的发展.因此,开发新型饲料蛋白源将成为我国水产饲料工业发展的助推器.本文综述了豆渣的营养成分、豆渣中的抗营养因子以及在水产动物饲料中的研究,为豆渣在水产饲料生产中的运用提供指导.  相似文献   

在挤压蒸煮工艺中 ,水分是重要的催化剂。它不仅有利于适当的蒸煮 ,促使淀粉糊化和蛋白质变性 ,而且有利于提高挤压生产速度和降低吨能耗。但膨化机挤出的饲料水分含量高达 1 8-2 6% ,只进行冷却处理 ,水分不易降低到安全贮存标准。虽说在环境温度条件下饲料可以自然干燥 ,但不仅速度慢 ,而且需要很大的场地 ,还取决于当地的气候条件 ,水分难以控制 ,尤以南方春季和初夏空气湿度大时最严重。因此 ,大部分挤压蒸煮饲料必须进行机器干燥。1 干燥原理空气经热源加热 ,在风机作用下 ,经一定的路径通过湿料层 ,并在饲料低速运行、翻转或搅拌中 ,…  相似文献   

几种常见调质器的工作机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗健 《渔业现代化》2007,34(1):44-44,47
随着饲料工业的不断发展,市场对颗粒饲料品质的要求也越来越高。调质作为饲料加工的组成部分,其作用也越来越被重视,特别是近几年来国内外水产养殖业的迅猛发展,加之水产饲料对颗粒品质的特殊要求,使饲料调质工艺与设备得到了突飞猛进的发展,调质设备的种类也层出不穷。  相似文献   

饲料挤压加工工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汤永忠  侯雁  盛凯 《渔业现代化》2002,(4):37-37,23
膨化挤压是在一定压力、水分和高温下的一种熟化工艺过程。在膨化挤压工艺中主要的设备是挤压机 (膨化机 ) ,挤压机能起到粉碎、混合、剪切、熟化、成形、膨化及灭菌等多种作用 ,可促使蛋白质变性。因为这个过程改变物质结构 ,所以膨化加工是一种复杂的物理和化学变化过程。挤压加工工艺适合水产饲料、宠物饲料以及其它特种养殖饲料的加工。用于水产饲料加工的优点有 :挤压加工工艺合并了加热和加压的作用 ,能够控制颗粒饲料密度、提高饲料转化率、增强饲料在水中的稳定性、提高养殖产量和效率。在水产饲料、宠物饲料加工方面 ,挤压加工工艺…  相似文献   

挤压蒸煮技术在水产饲料业的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国饲料工业是一个新兴的产业,起步于20世纪70年代中后期,首先是畜禽饲料业的发展,直到80年代初水产饲料工业才开始启动。我国饲料工业生产的配合饲料产量呈直线上升,产值位居我国国民经济41个主要行业中的第20位,成为国民经济的基础产业之一[1~3]。20世纪80年代以来,我国的水产饲料工业发展很快,对我国水产养殖业的高产、稳产起了重要作用。但随着养殖规模的不断扩大以及养殖品种的多样化发展趋势,对水产饲料的要求也越来越高,传统加工方法生产的配合饲料已难以适应现代水产养殖业发展的需要,而应用挤压蒸煮技术生产的颗粒膨化饲料能较好…  相似文献   

喹乙醇在鱼饲料和鲤鱼组织中的残留量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
白琦  王之盛 《水产科学》2001,20(6):22-23
测定了喹乙醇在鱼饲料和鲤鱼组织中的残留量。用体积分数为 2 0σ/v的甲醇提取饲料中的喹乙醇。用乙腈 -乙酸乙酯 (体积比为 3∶2 )提取鱼组织中的喹乙醇。高效液相色谱条件 :Hypersil-C18为分离柱 ( 12 5mm× 4 0mm) ;流动相为 15σ/v甲醇 ;体积流量 1 0ml·min-1;紫外检测波长 2 60nm。喹乙醇在 2~ 2 0 μg·ml 1线性关系良好 ,相关系数 0 9996。测定下限为 2 0mg·kg 1。  相似文献   

本文综述了影响养殖鱼类对饵料蛋白质需求的因素,通过外在因素和内在因素两个方面分析了节约蛋白源的有效途径,并初步探讨了养殖鱼类饵料蛋白研究存在的问题与发展趋势。  相似文献   

Feed conversion efficiency (FCE) is the effectiveness with which feed is converted to saleable fish product. Feed costs are a major input to aquaculture production systems, and genetic improvement in FCE may therefore have an important influence on profitability. FCE is usually expressed by a composite measure that combines feed intake and growth rate. The two most common measures are feed conversion ratio (feed intake/weight gain over a specified time interval) and its inverse, feed efficiency. Feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency are measures of gross FCE, because they do not distinguish between the separate energy requirements of growth and maintenance. There is abundant evidence of substantial genetic variation in FCE and its component traits in terrestrial livestock species and, although data are few, the same is likely for cultured fish species. The major problems with selecting from this variation to genetically improve FCE in fish species are:
It appears impractical to measure feed intake on individual fish, so that family mean data must be used.
We do not know the optimal time period over which to test fish for FCE.
We do not know the genetic correlations between FCE under apparent satiation or restricted intake conditions, or between FCE at different times in the production cycle.
If these problems can be overcome, selection to improve FCE might be best achieved by measuring feed intake of growing animals, and by utilizing genetic correlations that are likely to exist between feed intake and other production traits to develop a weighted selection index.  相似文献   


Contamination of fish feed (FF) with aflatoxigenic fungi is an ongoing hazardous risk and is the first route for transferring aflatoxins to consumers from fish products. Prevention is the gold standard to deal with microbial food contamination. Different FF samples (n = 38) were screened for the occurrence of fungal contamination, and identified Aspergillus flavus isolates were assessed for the presence of aflatoxigenic production genes (Nor-1, Ver-1, and Omt-A) and the ability to produce aflatoxins. Biocontrol of aflatoxigenic A. flavus was proposed via exposure to plant (Cinnamon bark, Athl, and Lilac leaves) smoldering fumes (PSF). Numerous fungal species were identified from FF; Aspergillus spp. was the prevalent genus, followed by Penicillium spp. and Fusarium spp. The complete set of aflatoxigenic genes was detected in 54.8% of A. flavus isolates and was correlated with their aflatoxin-producing ability. The PSF exposure was successful for inhibiting A. flavus growth in agar media and in contaminated fish feed. Cinnamon PSF was the most effective and could entirely inhibit fungal growth at a proportion of 20 g/m3 in both treatments. The PSF exposures could be suggested as effectual techniques for complete biocontrol of aflatoxigenic fungi in fish feed to protect fish and consumers from their threatening effects.  相似文献   

低值鱼蛋白的开发利用问题一直受到各国关注,对鱼蛋白的综合利用手段也作过多种尝试,相继有多种形式或用途不同的鱼蛋白制品问世。迄今为止,饲料蛋白制品仍为主要利用形式,同时,由于食用鱼蛋白具有蛋白质利用率高的优点,其技术和产品的研发越来越重要。现代鱼品加工技术中,食用  相似文献   

The overall goal of our research is to develop fish with superior growth, and feed efficiency attributes. Feed intake is integral to these characters. Over the last several years we have been working with channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in two directions tied to feed intake regulation. One direction has been to identify genes functioning as physiological regulators of feed intake, and the other has been to measure and characterize the genetic variation in feed intake within and among distinct catfish populations which reveal a wide range in feeding response. The goals are to uncover the genetic basis of physiological variation, to understand the genes and interactions that produce the phenotypic differences observed and to exploit these differences in a selective breeding program. To investigate the links between genetic variation and physiological variation, differences in voluntary feed consumption were documented in two strains of channel catfish. Treatment with orexigenic compounds affected both strains similarly, though anorexigenic compounds inhibited feeding in one strain more than the other and low temperature treatment affected the strains differently with respect to feed efficiency. Phenotypic variation in feed intake among families within one strain suggested that approximately 40% of the variation in feed intake is due to genetic sources. Future work aimed at utilizing strains and families with divergent phenotypes for identifying the specific genes responsible for this variation is discussed.  相似文献   

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