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Limb Fractures in the Dog and Cat—IV Fractures of the Fore Limb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— A review is presented of the diagnosis and treatment of fractures of the fore limb in the dog and cat. A series of 200 fractures and dislocations including the scapula (1), humerus (21), ulna (7), radius and ulna (25), metacarpus and phalanges (19) are discussed including methods of external support.
Résumé— Un compte-rendu est présenté sur la diagnose et le traîtement des membres de devant chez le chat et le chien. Une série de 200 fractures et dislocations sont discutées, y compris l'omoplate (1), l'humérus (21), le cubitus (7), le radius et le cubitus (25), le métacarpe et les phalanges (19) de même que les méthodes de support externe.
Zusammenfassung— Ein Überblick wird über die Diagnose und Behandlung von Vorderbein-brüchen bei Hunden und Katzen gegeben. Eine Serie von 200 Brüchen und Verrenkungen, ein-schliesslich Schulterblatt (1), Oberarmknochen (21), Ulna (7), Radius und Ulna (25), Metakarpus und Zehenglieder (19) sowie äusserliche Stützmethoden werden besprochen.  相似文献   

Abstract— A review is presented of the post-operative therapy and management of limb fractures in the dog and cat. Immediate post-operative care, post-anaesthetic recovery care, plaster casts, oedema, gangrene, pressure sores, dermatitis, physiotherapy, manipulative therapy, diet and specific fractures are all discussed.
Résumé— Une étude est présentée sur la thérapeutique post-opérative et le maniement des fractures de membres chez le chat et le chien. Les soins immédiate post-opératifs, les soins de recouvrement post-anesthésiques, moulages de plâtre, oedèmes, gangrènes, douleurs de pression, dermatoses, physiothérapie, thérapeutique manipulative, régime et fractures spécifiques sont tous discutés.
Zusammenfassung— Überblick über postoperative Therapie und Manipulation von Glieder-brüchen bei Hunden und Katzen. Alle Umstände von postoperativer Behandlung, über post-operative Behandlung zur Bewusstseinserlangung bis zu Gipsverbänden, Hautödemen, Gangränen, Druckgeschwüren, Dermatitis, physikalischer Therapie, Manipulationstherapie, Diät und spezifischen Brüchen werden besprochen.  相似文献   

Abstract— A review is presented of the histological, clinical and radiographical features of fracture healing with particular reference to limb fractures in the dog and cat.
Résumé— Une étude est présentée sur les conditions histologiques, cliniques et radiographique de la guérison des fractures avec une mention particulière aux fractures des membres chez le chat et le chien.
Zusammenfassung— Ein Überblick wird über charakteristische histologische, klinische und radio-graphische Merkmale bei Bruchverheilung mit bescnderem Hinweis auf Gliederbrüche bei Hunden und Katzen gegeben.  相似文献   

The function of the communicating branch of the distal caudal cutaneous sural (DCCS) nerve to the tibial nerve was investigated in 7 adult dogs and was found to contain the motor component of this nerve. This function was studied by direct visualization of the contraction of the hind limb plantar muscles and by direct electrophysiologic recording of motor unit action potentials in these muscles, following stimulation of the DCCS nerve. Contraction of all of the mm. interossei, the mm. lumbricales, the m. adductor digiti quinti and the m. adductor digiti secundi was observed with the stimulation of either the tibial or the DCCS nerves, although there was a qualitative variability in the plantar muscles exhibiting the strongest contraction with stimulation of the latter nerve. This communicating branch was not found in one of the experimental dogs, suggesting some individual variability in the DCCS nerve anatomy and subsequent function. This study conclusively demonstrated that the canine DCCS nerve contains both motor and sensory nerve fibers, which is similar to this nerve in the rat, but anatomically and functionally different to that in the human and the cat.  相似文献   

Abstract— The method of treating clinical cases of radio-ulna fractures and the results obtained are described.
Résumé— L'auteur décrit le procédé employé pour trailer les fractures radio-cubitales, ainsi que les résultats obtenus.
Zusammenfassung— Die Methode zur Behandlung klinischer Fa!Ie von Frakturen an Elle und Speiche und die dabei gewonnenen Ergebnisse werden beschrieben.  相似文献   

In family Lemuridae, anatomical variations exist. Considering its conservation status (near threatened) and presence of similarities between strepsirrhines and primitive animals, it was thought to be beneficial to describe the gross osteology and radiographic anatomy of the pelvis and hind limb of ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) as a reference for clinical use and species identification. Radiography was performed in 14 captive adult ring‐tailed lemurs. The radiographic findings were correlated with bone specimens from two adult animals. Additionally, computed tomography of the hind limbs was performed in one animal. The pelvic bone has a well‐developed caudal ventral iliac spine. The patella has a prominent tuberosity on the cranial surface. The first metatarsal bone and digit 1 are markedly stouter than the other metatarsal bones and digits with medial divergence from the rest of the metatarsal bones and digits. Ossicles were seen in the lateral meniscus, inter‐phalangeal joint of digit 1 and in the infrapatellar fat pad. Areas of mineral opacity were seen within the external genitalia, which are believed to be the os penis and os clitoris. Variations exist in the normal osteology and radiographic appearance of the pelvis and hind limb of different animal species. The use of only atlases from domestic cats and dogs for interpretative purposes may be misleading.  相似文献   

Mandibular Fractures in the Dog A Retrospective Study of 157 Cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One hundred fifty-seven mandibular fractures in 105 dogs occurred most frequently in male dogs less than 1 year of age. Automobile trauma was the most common cause. Fractures in the premolar region were significantly more frequent than fractures in other regions, and 113 fractures (72%) were open. One hundred forty-two fractures were stabilized, with tape muzzles being the most common method. Postoperative complications, the most common being dental malocclusion, occurred in 53 fractures (34%). Acceptable cosmetic and functional results were achieved in 89 dogs (85%). Fractures in the rostral portion of the mandible had shorter average time to clinical union than other mandibular fractures. Average time to clinical union for fractures in the caudal portions of the mandible was longer than that currently reported.  相似文献   

王建明  苏凯  雷英 《野生动物》2014,(3):346-348
1只雄性马来熊突发后躯瘫痪,初始表现为精神委顿、行动迟缓,继而发展为双后肢肌肉麻痹、瘫软,并伴随大小便失禁,因四肢无力支撑躯体,行动时后肢须拖拉前行。采集患熊的粪、尿镜检,结果未见异常,结合其发病突然的临床特征,诊断为因外力损伤造成的下运动神经元瘫痪。下运动神经元瘫痪,是脊髓周围神经或脑周围神经的运动纤维受损的结果。针对病情采取了中西医结合的治疗方法,一方面利用冲击疗法肌肉注射泼尼松龙,以抑制神经炎症的蔓延,并增强神经元的兴奋性和突触的传递;另一方面采用穴位注射疗法,将地塞米松、盐酸普鲁卡因、VB1和VB(12)注射液混合均匀后于患熊的"百会穴"注入,直接作用于受损神经周围,使其在刺激下加速修复;同时口服大活络丸,舒筋活络、消肿止痛。经过4周左右的积极治疗,该马来熊后肢逐渐恢复,直至站立自如,精神活泼,完全康复。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the outcome of total hip arthroplasty in canine hindlimb amputees. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective evaluation of clinical cases. METHODS: Data recorded from the medical records of nine dogs included patient signalment, indication for amputation and total hip arthroplasty (THA), interval between amputation and THA, and surgical complications. Radiographs were used to assess implant orientation and evidence of complications. Functional outcome was assessed using direct patient evaluation by one of the authors or primary surgeons, or through telephone interview between the primary author and the owner. RESULTS: Seven dogs ultimately had a good or excellent clinical results. Complications occurred in five dogs. Four dogs luxated the prosthetic joint without an obvious traumatic event within 9 weeks of the initial surgery. Revision surgeries resulted in successful coxofemoral reduction in three of four dogs. There were no clinical or radiographic findings suggestive of implant loosening or infection. CONCLUSION: THA can be a successful salvage procedure in the canine hindlimb amputee with disabling, non-neoplastic, noninfectious coxofemoral disease. The risk of luxation in the early postoperative period is high and revision surgery is required for stabilization.  相似文献   

Subluxation of the proximal interphalangeal joint is a rare and little studied condition in horses. We describe the case of a 12-year-old mare with bilateral dorsal subluxation of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the hind feet. Tenectomy of the medial digital flexor was performed in both limbs, and the patient showed signs of recovery within 14 days. Goniometry of the proximal interphalangeal joints 10 months after surgery showed diminution of 5° for the proximal interphalangeal axis of the left hind limb. However, no change was found for the joint angle of the right limb. Even so, the patient's gait and radiographic results were normal, and clinical abnormalities such as joint clicking and swelling were no longer observed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the handled walking and trotting kinematics (linear, temporal, and angular traits) of 35 Menorca Purebred (MEN) stallions, and the relationships among these variables is presented for the first time, along with a discussion of the influence of the hind limb pastern angle on kinematic variables at both gaits. For data collection, all animals, aged between 3 and 10 years old and belonging to 28 different studs, were recorded under the same experimental and environmental conditions, using a three-dimensional (3D) semiautomatic movement analysis system. A total of 24 kinematic variables (temporal, linear, and angular) at the walk and the trot and a morphometric variable measured at the mid stance position of walking (hind pastern angle) were included in this analysis. Angle-time diagrams of the hind pastern angle while walking and trotting normalized to stride duration were also obtained. Generally the MEN stallions' forelimb movements closely resembled the movement characteristics of other European dressage performance breeds, while the hind limb locomotion showed a greater likeness to Iberian dressage Purebreds. Despite this, their ability in collection and propulsion at the walk and the trot was relatively low. The hind limb pastern conformation was partially connected to the hind limb movements for both gaits, with an apparently negative effect of excessively upright pasterns on the amplitude at the trot, which indirectly reduced collection ability.  相似文献   

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