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It is shown that the horizons and profiles of anthropogenically transformed soils of podzolic type—light typical agrozems, typical texture-differentiated soils developed from glaciolacustrine loamy sands and clays and from noncalcareous mantle loams, agrosoddy deeply podzolic soils developed from noncalcareous mantle loams, and agrosoddy shallow-podzolic soils developed from noncalcareous mantle loams and from calcareous loams underlain by ancient glaciolacustrine loams and clays—are characterized by some anisotropy of most of their properties. The highest anisotropy is typical of the field water content, bulk density, and total porosity. The coefficients of anisotropy (gradients) calculated for the separate horizons as the ratios between the values of the properties measured in the horizontal and vertical directions (k = Phoriz/Pvertic) of these properties are much higher than those of other soil properties. The coefficient of anisotropy of the soil profile (K) is suggested as the coefficient of correlation between the values of a given property determined in the horizontal and vertical soil sections. For the considered properties, K varies from 0.4 to 0.6. For other soils properties, such as the solid phase density, the electrical resistance determined in a laboratory and in the field, and the organic carbon content, the coefficients of anisotropy are close to 1.0. The clay content has an intermediate anisotropy. The values of anisotropy and its direction (gradient) should be taken into account upon the assessment of the soil physical properties and the processes controlling them; this is particularly important in the study of soil transformation. The revealed regularities of the soil anisotropy make it possible to suggest a new interpretation of the data on the distribution of water and energy in soil profiles.  相似文献   

The analysis of the microfabric of soils developing from calcareous argillites (with sandstone interlayers) and their derivatives revealed the mechanisms of the transformation of the initial lithogenic features into pedogenic features. They include the release of primary carbonates and their segregation in secondary forms, the redistribution of iron oxides, and changes in the shape of the rock fragments and in the optical properties of the fine material in the lithomarge zone. The subsoil—the metamorphic BM horizon—is characterized by a high content of clay composed of chlorite-vermiculite and mica-smectite minerals along with kaolinite. The BM horizon is compact and has a massive microstructure with clay pseudomorphs over skeleton grains and with nonsegregational forms of iron oxide pedofeatures. The diagnostic properties of this horizon are clearly revealed in the soils on both hard rocks and loose colluvium deposits; in the latter case, they are supplemented with a stagnic marble-like pattern. The integrity of these features corresponds to the elementary pedogenic process of the metamorphism of the mineral mass in humid subtropics. In terms of micromorphology, this is a good example of pedoplasmation. The features testifying to the contribution of biota in the topsoils are few; dark compact nodules are common there. Zheltozems developed from hard rocks may be correlated with Cambisols in the WRB system; zheltozems developed from clayey colluvium display the features of clay illuviation; together with some physicochemical characteristics of these soils, they allow us to qualify such soils as Acrisols. There are also eluvial-gley variants of zheltozems with stagnic features.  相似文献   

Mineralogical composition of silt and clay fractions (<1.1–5 and 5–10 µm) in heavy loamy agrogrey soils (Luvic Retic Phaeozems) considerably changes both in the vertical (along the soil profile) and horizontal (along soil microcatenas) directions. The eluvial–illuvial distribution pattern of the clay fraction in the podzolized agrogrey soils with the second humus horizon is replaced by the homogeneous distribution in the agrogrey soils with residual carbonates. The distribution of silt fractions in the soil profiles is relatively homogeneous. The clay (<1 µm) fraction of the parent material is represented by the poorly ordered micasmectite interstratifications minerals, the proportion between which changes in the soil profiles in dependence on the particular pedogenetic processes. Hydromicas represent the second important component of the clay fraction. They consist of di- and trioctahedral varieties, the proportion between which changes in the soil profiles. Kaolinite and iron–magnesium chlorite are present in smaller amounts. The second humus horizon is characterized by the lowest content of mica-smectite interstratifications minerals with the high content of smectitic layers and by the lowest content of the clay fraction. Silt fractions are composed of quartz, micas, potassium feldspars, and plagioclases.  相似文献   

The mineralogical composition of agrogray, dark gray, and agro-dark gray soils (Luvic Greyzemic Retic Phaeozems); agro-dark gray residual-calcareous soils (Calcaric Cambic Phaeozems); clay-illuvial agrochernozems (Luvic Chernic Phaeozems); and agrochernozems with migrational–mycelial carbonates (Haplic Chernozems) developed in the forest-steppe of Central Siberia within the Irkutsk Depression has been studied. The clay (<1 μm) fraction separated from these soils consists of mixed-layer minerals with alternating layers of hydromica, smectite, vermiculite, and chlorite; the proportions between them change within the soil profiles. The clay fraction also contains hydromicas, kaolinite, chlorite, and some admixture of the fine-dispersed quartz. Each type of the soils is characterized by its own distribution pattern of clay material with specific alternation of layers in the mixed-layer formations. Mixed-layer minerals of the chlorite–vermiculite type predominate in the upper horizons of texture-differentiated soils. Down the soil profile, the content of mixed-layer mica–smectitic minerals increases. In the clay fraction of arable dark gray-humus soils with residual carbonates, the distribution of the clay fraction and major mineral phases in the soil profile is relatively even. An increased content of well-crystallized kaolinite is typical of these soils. The parent material of agrochernozems has a layered character: the upper horizons are generally depleted of clay, and the middle-profile and lower horizons are characterized by the considerable kaolinite content. In general, the clay material of soils of the Tulun–Irkutsk forest-steppe differs considerably from the clay material of foreststeppe soils developed from loesslike and mantle loams in the European part of Russia. In particular, this difference is seen in the proportions between major mineral phases and between biotitic and muscovitic components, as well as in the degree of crystallinity and behavior of kaolinite and chlorite.  相似文献   

Dark gray soils in the Tambov Plain are developed from the light-textured glaciofluvial deposits underlain by the calcareous loam. Their morphology, water regime, and productivity are determined by the depth of the slightly permeable calcareous loamy layer, relief, and the degree of gleyzation. The light texture of the upper layer is responsible for its weak structure, high density, the low content of productive moisture, and the low water-holding capacity. If the calcareous loam is at a depth of 100?C130 cm, dark gray soils are formed; if it lies at a depth of 40?C70 cm, temporary perched water appears in the profile, and dark gray contact-gleyed soils are formed. Their characteristic pedofeatures are skeletans in the upper layers, calcareous nodules in the loamy clay layer, and iron nodules in the podzolized humus and podzolic horizons. The appearance of Fe-Mn concretions is related to gleyzation. The high yield of winter cereals is shown to be produced on the dark gray soils; the yields of spring crops are less stable. Spring cereals should not be grown on the contact-gleyed dark gray soils.  相似文献   

Earlier studies showed considerable differences in the properties of automorphic loamy soils developing under middle-taiga vegetation in Western Siberia and on the Russian Plain. It was found that the soils without clear features of textural differentiation are common in Western Siberia. In particular, they are represented by cryometamorphic gleyzems. In this study, we analyze the properties of a cryometamorphic gleyzem in the Vakh area (the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug). The distribution pattern of clay minerals in the soil profile is analyzed in relation to the specific features of the soil hydrothermic regime. In the upper mineral horizons, the clay fraction is enriched in minerals of the group of soil chlorites and somewhat depleted of labile phyllosilicates. In the cryometamorphic horizon and in the underlying permafrost, the degree of crystallization of the clay minerals somewhat decreases. An even distribution pattern of aluminum oxide in the soil profile is explained by the increased content of Al in the clay fraction from the upper horizons combined with the loss of Al from the coarse fractions (as judged from data on the bulk elemental composition of clay-free samples). These features can be explained by the specificity of the hydrothermic regime of the cryometamorphic gleyzems with late thawing of the soil profile and frequent phase transitions of soil water in the upper humus and middle-profile cryometamorphic horizons.  相似文献   

The iron oxide and clay minerals in some typical red and yellow podzolic soils from New South Wales have been investigated by X-ray diffraction and infra-red spectroscopy. The dominant iron oxide mineral is goethite containing about 13–14 mol % AlOOH, this being the mineral which gives the yellow soils their characteristic colour. The red soils also contain finely divided hematite which masks the colour of the goethite. Lepidocrocite was not detected in any of the soils examined. The dominant clay minerals are kaolinite and dioctahedral interstratified illite-smectite, the latter being more concentrated in the finer clay fractions, especially in soils developed on calcareous greywacke. In the red podzolic soil developed on Ashfield shale, illite-smectite is strongly interlayered with well-ordered aluminous material. Dickite occurs in this soil.  相似文献   

Soils developed from the red-brown Neogene clay and the Quaternary loesslike loams have been studied in the south of the forest-steppe zone on the Central Russian Upland. A polygenetic nature of the soil profile on the loesslike loams is shown. The modern pedogenetic processes in this soil ensure its eluvial-illuvial differentiation with the development of multilayered coatings in the illuvial horizon. The soil developed from the Neogene clay has a lower degree of differentiation despite the more acid reaction. The micromorphological study of the coatings and the mineralogical analysis of the clay fraction separated from the coatings and from the intraped mass disclose differences in the geneses of B horizons of the two soils. In the soil developed from the loesslike loam, hydromica predominates among clay minerals of the coatings; in the soil developed from the red-brown clay, smectitic minerals predominate in the clay fraction. Differences in the properties of these two parent materials predetermined differences in the major directions of soil formation: the metamorphic pedogenesis predominates on the red-brown clay, whereas the textural differentiation develops in the soil on the loesslike loam. The middle horizons in the studied soil profiles are referred to as the structural-metamorphic and textural (clay-illuvial) horizons, respectively.  相似文献   

Light gray soils of Tambov oblast mainly develop from sandy and loamy sandy parent materials; these are the least studied soils in this region. Despite their coarse texture, these soils are subjected to surface waterlogging. They are stronger affected by the agrogenic degradation in comparison with chernozems and dark gray soils. Morphology, major elements of water regime, physical properties, and productivity of loamy sandy light gray soils with different degrees of gleyzation have been studied in the northern part of Tambov Plain in order to substantiate the appropriate methods of their management. The texture of these soils changes at the depth of 70–100 cm. The upper part is enriched in silt particles (16–30%); in the lower part, the sand content reaches 80–85%. In the nongleyed variants, middle-profile horizons contain thin iron-cemented lamellae (pseudofibers); in surface-gleyed variants, iron nodules are present in the humus horizon. The removal of clay from the humus horizon and its accumulation at the lithological contact and in pseudofibers promote surface subsidence and formation of microlows in the years with moderate and intense winter precipitation. The low range of active moisture favors desiccation of the upper horizons to the wilting point in dry years. The yield of cereal crops reaches 3.5–4.5 t/ha in the years with high and moderate summer precipitation on nongleyed and slightly gleyed light gray soils and decreases by 20–50% on strongly gleyed light gray soils. On light gray soils without irrigation, crop yields are unstable, and productivity of pastures is low. High yields of cereals and vegetables can be obtained on irrigated soils. In this case, local drainage measures should be applied to microlows; liming can be recommended to improve soil productivity.  相似文献   

Formation of Terrae fuscae from carbonate parent rocks in the Northern Calcareous Alps during the holocene period The paper describes loamy to clayey soils, which developed mainly as clay residue by the desintegration of stratified slope deposits derived from Hauptdolomit. They are occuring in the Tegernsee mountains, a typical part of the calcareous Alps in Bavaria. These soils exhibit a typical difference in texture and structure (5-30 cm silty subpolyedric loam covering 10-30 cm loamy clay with polyedric structure), which determines many other physical and chemical characteristics of the soils. The clay fraction of both layers is dominated by 2:1 minerals, mainly illite. The stratified solum is further modified by clay migration and may show weak hydromorphic features induced by slope wetness or some podzolisation. Those profiles are classified as Parabraunerde-Terra fusca (Eutroboralf) with Ah-A1Bv - II Btv-BvCv-Cv-horizons derived from a silty sediment overlying Hauptdolomit detritus; there is clear evidence that these soils developed during the holocene period.  相似文献   

In the northern forest-steppe of European Russia, under the conditions of surface waterlogging (freshwater) and a stagnant-percolative regime, gleyic podzolic chernozem-like soils with thick light-colored eluvial horizons are formed. These horizons are close or similar to the podzolic horizons of bog-podzolic soils in many properties of their solid phase. They are bleached in color and characterized by the removal of Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, and Mn and the relative accumulation of quartz SiO2. These soils differ from leached chernozems in their acid reaction and very low CEC, the presence of Fe-Mn concretions and coatings, and the significant decrease in the clay content in the A2 horizon as compared to the parent rock. The soils studied differ significantly from loamy podzolic and bog-podzolic soils by the composition of the clay minerals in the A2 horizons: (1) no essential loss of smectite minerals from this horizon was found as compared to the rest of the solum, (2) pedogenic chlorites (HIV and HIS) are absent, and (3) the distinct accumulation of illites is observed as compared to the subsoil and parent material, probably, due to the process of illitization.  相似文献   

在贵阳市乌当区采集了白云岩、石灰岩、钙质紫色砂页岩等9种母质(岩)上发育的土壤样品763个,分别进行了土壤主要理化性质的测定和差异性分析。结果表明不同母质(岩)发育的土壤理化性质具有很大的差异:红色粘土、老风化壳和页岩上发育的土壤pH值均为酸性至强酸性,有机质和CEC含量中等,土壤质地较粘重;石灰岩、白云岩和钙质紫色砂页岩上发育的土壤pH值为中性至微碱性,有机质和CEC含量较高,质地较为适中;砂页岩和河流冲积物上发育的土壤pH值为酸性至中性,其余理化性质为中等水平;砂岩发育的土壤pH值为强酸性,其余理化性质均较差。  相似文献   

Changes in the mineralogical composition of the clay fraction (<0.001 mm) sampled from soils of the model lysimetric experiment of Moscow State University have been studied. The mineralogical composition of clay is represented by the paragenetic association of minerals typical of noncalcareous mantle loams in the center of the Russian Plain. The predominant smectitic phase consists of complex mixed-layered minerals (mica-smectite with high and low contents of the smectitic layers, chlorite-smectite with different ratios between the chloritic and smectitic layers) and individual smectites. Tri-and dioctahedral hydromica, kaolinite, chlorite, and clay-sized quartz are present in lower amounts. At the early stages of the experiment, the distribution of the smectitic phase in the soil profile is more contrasting than the distribution of the clay fraction. Under the impact of artificially planted meadows, forests, and agrocenoses, soil profiles with different distribution patterns of the clay fraction are formed. The weakly pronounced eluvial distribution pattern of the clay fraction has been registered. Under spruce and mixed stands, the loss of the clay fraction from the upper horizons is due to the hydrolysis of smectitic minerals in the acidified medium. Under broad-leaved stands, perennial herbs, agroecenoses, and fallow, the depletion of smectites from the upper horizons is due to lessivage. The relative accumulation of hydromica and kaolinite is observed in the uppermost soil layer.  相似文献   

The efficiency of deep reclamation loosening used for soils of different types on the main parent rocks in the Nonchernozemic zone (mantle and moraine loams, Permian and varved loamy clays, and clays) is assessed basing on the results of long-term stationary and analytical investigations. The long-term aftereffect of the deep loosening on the density, porosity, water permeability, and the main elements of the soil water regime and factors limiting the use of deep loosening are considered. Over 6–12 years after the deep loosening, in the area, where active and passive loosening by a plough was made, a zone of elevated water permeability is preserved at the depth of 40–75 cm. Based on this phenomenon, a new technology of deep reclamation loosening, which restores the hydraulic connection between the arable and deeper soil layers, is proposed. The data on active deep rippers that provide soil loosening to the depth of 0.9–1.0 m are presented. Some agroecological aspects related to the duration of deep loosening effects on the soils and their productivity are discussed. Recommendations on the application of passive and active loosening and moling of heavy-textured gleyed soils are suggested for the European part of the Nonchernozemic zone in the Russian Federation. Field and laboratory works on estimating the efficiency of deep loosening continued for 15 years (1976–1990) for heavy-textured soils on the loess-like, fine-stratified varved clays, as well as on acid moraine and calcareous Permian clays and loamy clays in Moscow, Vologda, Novgorod, and Kirov oblasts.  相似文献   

Automorphic loamy soils of the northern taiga and forest-tundra zones in the northeastern part of European Russia are characterized. These soils are diagnosed by the presence of a paragenetic system of the podzolic (often, with gley features) and iron-illuvial horizons combined with a specific cryometamorphic CRM horizon. The podzolic horizon is considerably impoverished in the total and oxalate-extractable iron and slightly impoverished in aluminum and clay in comparison with the iron-illuvial horizon. A distinctive feature of the cryometamorphic horizon is its fine angular blocky, ooidal, or granulated structure in the dry state and curdled cryogenic structure in the wet state. The soil profile is relatively weakly differentiated with respect to the contents of clay and sesquioxides. The genesis of these soils is related to a combination of the gley-Al-Fe-humus mobilization, migration, and illuvial accumulation of substances and the cryogenic structuring. According to the new Classification and Diagnostic System of Russian Soils, these soils fit the criteria of iron-illuvial svetlozems in the order of cryometamorphic soils. In the studied area, these soils are found together with texture-differentiated gley-podzolic soils having the Bt horizon and belonging to the order of texture-differentiated soils.  相似文献   

Gravelly clay loamy and clayey soils developed from the derivatives of ultramafic rocks of the dunite-harzburgite complex of the Rai-Iz massif in the Polar Urals have been studied. They are represented by raw-humus pelozems (weakly developed clayey soils) under conditions of perfect drainage on steep slopes and by the gleyzems (Gleysols) with vivid gley color patterns in the eluvial positions on leveled elements of the relief. The magnesium released from the silicates with the high content of this element (mainly from olivine) specifies the neutral-alkaline reaction in these soils. Cryoturbation, the accumulation of raw humus, the impregnation of the soil mass with humic substances, gleyzation, and the ferrugination of the gleyed horizons are also clearly pronounced in the studied soils. Despite the high pH values, the destruction of supergene smectites in the upper horizons and ferrugination (the accumulation of iron hydroxides) in the microfissures dissecting the grains of olivine, pyroxene, and serpentine, and in decomposing plant tissues take place. The development of these processes may be related to the local acidification (neutralization) of the soil medium under the impact of biota and carbonic acids. The specificity of gleyzation in the soils developing from ultramafic rocks is shown in the absence of iron depletion from the fine earth material against the background of the greenish blue gley color pattern.  相似文献   

Greyzems (Grey Forest Soils) are zonal soils of the forest–steppe, in Russia geographically situated between the (Podzo) Luvisols of the southern taiga forest and the (Luvic) Chernozems of the steppe. Greyzems are characterized by a dark mollic horizon, with uncoated (bleached) silt and sand grains on pedfaces, and an argic horizon as diagnostic horizons. The FAO–Unesco soil map of the world shows Greyzems and Luvisols in Russia at this transition (the Russian soil map shows only Greyzems), while in similar geographic position in the USA and Canada the proportion of Greyzems is very small and Luvic Phaeozems/Chernozems and Albic Luvisols occupy those transitional zones of the grassland–forest interface. Three Greyzem profiles, presently under forest, and developed on loess-like mantle loams of Late Weichselian (Valday) age in the northern forest–steppe zone of the East European plain (Middle Russian Upland) were described and sampled near Pushchino, some 100 km south of Moscow. Micromorphology, particle size data, chemical data and clay mineralogy were studied. Based on the particle size distribution and the occurrence of fragments of a second humus horizon (SHH) the presence of two, rather similar, deposits in the solum is advocated. The following processes have been deduced from the study: (i) decalcification and secondary accumulation of carbonates; (ii) humus accumulation, including the significance of the SHH; (iii) clay illuviation, presumably two main phases; (iv) biological activity; (v) degradation of the mollic A: occurrence of bleached grains; (vi) downward migration of textural components and organic matter, in the Bt horizon along major pedfaces: occurrence of black organo-clay coatings and uncoated silt/sand grains; (vii) gleying. The tentative sequence of these processes during Late Weichselian and Holocene times leads us to conclude that Greyzems are polygenetic. They formed as Podzo(Luvisols) under forest, with fine clay coatings in the fine pores inside the blocky and prismatic peds, in the Late Glacial and Early Holocene. The change to tall grass steppe in the Atlanticum created a mollic horizon, that degrades when forest re-invades during the Subatlanticum. Fine clay, combined with organic matter forms black coatings on the major pedfaces. Uncoated silt and sand particles also migrate downward along those major pedfaces. Biological activity is involved in the very complex pattern of the transitional AhE and EBt horizons. Active gleying only occurs in the profile on the lowest topographic position. These latter processes are still active today. Similar soils do occur in the grassland–forest interface in North America, except where the younger age of the landscape and high CaCO3 content at shallow depth prevented their full development.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of clay fractions separated from deep low-humus deep-gleyic loamy typical agrochernozems on loess-like loams of the Upper Bug and Dniester uplands in the Central Russian loess province of Ukraine consists of complex disordered interstratifications with the segregation of mica- and smectite-type layers (hereafter, smectite phase), tri- and dioctahedral hydromicas, kaolinite, and chlorite. The distribution of the clay fraction is uniform. The proportions of the layered silicates vary significantly within the profile: a decrease in the content of the smectite phase and a relative increase in the content of hydromicas up the soil profile are recorded. In the upper horizons, the contents of kaolinite and chlorite increase, and some amounts of fine quartz, potassium feldspars, and plagioclases are observed. This tendency is observed in agrochernozems developed on the both Upper Bug and Dniester uplands. The differences include the larger amounts of quartz, potassium feldspars, and plagioclases in the clay material of the Upper Bug Upland, while the contents of the smectite phase in the soil profiles of the areas considered are similar. An analogous mineral association is noted in podzolized agrochernozems on loess-like deposits in the Cis-Carpathian region of the Southern Russian loess province developed on the Prut–Dniester and Syan–Dniester uplands. The distribution of particle-size fractions and the mineralogy of the clay fraction indicate the lithogenic heterogeneity of the soil-forming substrate. When the drifts change, the mineral association of the soils developed within the loess-like deposits gives place to minerals dominated by individual smectite with some mica–smectite inter stratifications, hydromicas, and chlorite.  相似文献   

Automorphic loamy soils developing from different parent materials in the central and southern parts of the Timan Ridge are described. Pale-podzolic soil and iron-illuvial texture-differentiated svetlozems are developed from silty covering loams underlain by moraine deposits. Podzolic, iron-illuvial, cryometamorphic, and clay-illuvial horizons are distinguished in the svetlozems; soils with such a complex morphology have been described in the taiga zone of European Russia for the first time. Humus-iron-illuvial podzols are developed from acidic slates. Raw-humus rzhavozems (iron-metamorphic soils) are developed from substrates with the high content of pebbles of mafic rocks. Such soils are typical of the middle taiga zone of Central Siberia and the south of Far East. In the northwestern part of European Russia, these soils occupy small areas.  相似文献   

Initial soils that developed at the bottom of an artificial hollow 30 × 40 m in size and 3 m in depth have been studied. The hollow was dug on a plot with a predominance of solonetzic complexes in the soil cover on the territory of the Dzhanybek Research Station in 1979. A soil with a shallow but clearly differentiated profile composed of a litter, a humus-accumulative W horizon leached from carbonates, and an underlying C1ca horizon with a high content of dispersed carbonates formed in the hollow over 30 years. The total thickness of these horizons is 7–10 cm. The morphology of the profile corresponds to the slightly alkaline humus-accumulative calcareous soil type of the order of immature soils in the current classification of Russian soils. The soil-sediment layer to a depth of >80 cm contains little soluble salts, predominantly sulfates; the content of exchangeable Na does not exceed 1 meq/100 g. Groundwater of calcium sulfate composition occurs at a depth of ~3.8 m. These features, together with additional moistening by low-saline melt water, ensure favorable conditions for the spontaneous propagation and development of herbaceous, shrubby, and woody plants in the bottoms of artificial hollows. The development of a soil profile is accompanied by the depletion of the clay fraction from the upper W horizon, presumably due to the predominant removal of smectite minerals. In the upper W horizon, transformations of layered aluminosilicates takes place: it involves the formation of illites from smectites and from smectitic layers in illite-smectite mixed-layered minerals and partial vermiculitization of chlorites. The technology used upon the excavation of the hollow can be recommended for growing woody-shrubby plants on soils of the solonetzic complex in the clay semidesert during a relatively short time period.  相似文献   

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