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Farmers often make complex management decisions during a cropping cycle. To design new cropping systems that go beyond standard setups and are better adapted to local constraints, agronomists must formalize these farmer's decisions into decision rules that can be tested and disseminated. In Mali, there has been a marked decrease in cotton productivity over the last 10 years, whereas the area planted with cotton has doubled. However, cropping recommendations remain almost the same throughout the country. Cotton researchers have been asked to put forward new technical proposals suited to a wider range of socio-economic and biophysical cropping conditions.

The aim of this study was to develop a methodology to build a decision rule (DR) to help Malian farmers in making decisions on the use of growth regulators in cotton fields.

In the first phase, a 2-year experiment was conducted in two experimental stations, under a wide range of cotton vegetative growth conditions, along with different stand densities and fertilization rates. Mepiquat chloride (MC) was applied to half of the plots, and its effects were then computed against selected vegetative growth indicators measured before the date of MC application. A DR was proposed on this basis. In the second phase, the DR was tested in a six-village experiment. MC was applied in plots on 15 farms in each village and its effects on yield were recorded.

The results showed that is possible to build a DR for MC application based on LAI or aerial biomass indicators. The usual indicators, such as the five-node length technique, were not found to be useful. The response of cotton plots to MC for a given level of vegetative growth remained scattered, as other factors probably interfered, such as the length of the rainy season. Testing the DR in farmers’ fields showed that it was useful in determining appropriate MC applications. The usefulness of the DR is discussed on the basis of its accuracy and on the complexity of the selected indicator.  相似文献   

Moving to more agroecological cropping systems implies deep changes in the organization of cropping systems. We propose a method for formalizing the process of innovating cropping system prototype design using a tool called PRACT (Prototyping Rotation and Association with Cover crop and no Till) applied to a Malagasy case study. The input information for PRACT is comprised of: (i) crop and cover crop adaptation to biophysical conditions, (ii) agroecological functions of the cover crops, (iii) crop production, (iv) association possibilities between crop and cover crop, and (v) agroecological functions of the cropping system. All the information was derived from expert knowledge developed over more than 12 years of agronomic experiments in Madagascar. The final output from PRACT is a list of cropping systems, i.e., crop and cover crop associations and their sequences over three years. These cropping systems are characterized by their potential agroecological functions and crop production. The PRACT model selects a list of cropping systems taking into account the above information by using elaborate rules governing the intercropping and sequences between crops and cover crops. Examples of the outcomes of model simulations are provided for four different kinds of field. Taking into account the range of potential crops and cover crops, the number of cropping systems that was theoretically possible for the different field types ranged from 19,683 to 2.98 ×  1013. In a first step, PRACT reduced this number by a factor of up to 28 times to propose possible cropping systems. To do so, cropping systems are selected in terms of the biophysical requirements of plants, plant compatibility and agronomic rules. Not all of these systems are suitable for every farmer. Thus using PRACT output, a second cropping system selection step can be taken based on these cropping system characteristics, i.e., crop production and agroecological functions. By doing so the number of cropping systems selected can reach a reasonable value that can be handled by technicians and farmers. Possible uses and further development of the tool are discussed.  相似文献   

is a model that has been developed at INRA (France) since 1996. It simulates crop growth as well as soil water and nitrogen balances driven by daily climatic data. It calculates both agricultural variables (yield, input consumption) and environmental variables (water and nitrogen losses). From a conceptual point of view, relies essentially on well-known relationships or on simplifications of existing models. One of the key elements of is its adaptability to various crops. This is achieved by the use of generic parameters relevant for most crops and on options in the model formalisations concerning both physiology and management, that have to be chosen for each crop. All the users of the model form a group that participates in making the model and the software evolve, because is not a fixed model but rather an interactive modelling platform. This article presents version 5.0 by giving details on the model formalisations concerning shoot ecophysiology, soil functioning in interaction with roots, and relationships between crop management and the soil–crop system. The data required to run the model relate to climate, soil (water and nitrogen initial profiles and permanent soil features) and crop management. The species and varietal parameters are provided by the specialists of each species. The data required to validate the model relate to the agronomic or environmental outputs at the end of the cropping season. Some examples of validation and application are given, demonstrating the generality of the model and its ability to adapt to a wide range of agro-environmental issues. Finally, the conceptual limits of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

Intensive land use in the Rolling Pampa of Argentina have resulted in a mosaic of fields with different cultural histories creating different soil environments, which interact with crops and cropping activities producing a wide range of habitats for insects. Species and functions in canopy structure, food quality and essential oils of the crop–weed associations may vary depending on the field's cropping history and management (i.e. crops, soil degradation, weeding and fertilization). Species composition and functional structure of insect communities may respond to these changes. We studied insect communities in wheat and coriander crops that differed in their canopy structures, essential oil production, and the cropping histories of the fields on which they grew. For this purpose we planted wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and two coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) landraces in plots with two levels of weeding and fertilization. The crops were grown in two consecutive years at two locations differing in cropping history and related to this in level of soil degradation. Insects were sampled in all plots at crop full flowering, and were classified and related to agronomic variables and to essential oils using multivariate techniques. Among all the environmental factors tested in this study, year and soil degradation were the main factors explaining insect community structure; and also weed community structure in unweeded plots. The proportion of essential oil components varied with cropping history, suggesting an association among soil properties indicative of soil degradation, plant chemical signals and insect distribution. Although insect community composition varied widely, functional structure was very similar among crop–weed communities. Soil degradation appeared to have affected directly crop–weed communities and insects’ assemblages, since no consistent relationship was found between plant composition and insect community structure. It can be hypothesized that soil degradation might have affected the amount of volatiles produced especially by coriander, generating a “soil degradation scent” that determined the structure in the insect community, and/or the soil itself emitted different signals, in relation to changes in its physical, chemical and biological characteristics.  相似文献   

为明确区域要素变动与约束背景下生计资本与生计活动的差异,厘定影响农户生计活动的关键驱动,以元江干热河谷新平县为例,采用非度量多维尺度分析和方差分析等统计学方法,揭示河谷区与半山区农户生计资本、生计活动的区域差异,通过冗余分析和方差分解阐释生计资本对生计活动的影响机制。研究表明:(1)农户生计资本构成的差异主要由4项与土地流转相关的指标贡献,即人均旱地面积、人均水田面积、政府补贴、土地流转收入(单个差异贡献率>10%,累计贡献率=56.85%)。(2)两地农户在从事种植、就地务工和外出务工3种生计活动上有较大不同。河谷区农户以种植和外出务工为主,半山区农户以就地务工为主。(3)生计资本对生计活动构成的解释率为57.3%,对生计活动影响的重要程度排序为自然资本>人力资本>金融资本>物质资本>社会资本。当前农户生计活动的发展有赖于自然资本和人力资本,物质资本、金融资本和社会资本对农户生计活动的支撑与转换作用仍未突显。  相似文献   

了解农户宅基地退出意愿及其影响因素对促进乡村振兴、耕地保护和国家粮食安全具有重要意义。本文以扶沟县为例,采用分层抽样和Logistic二元回归模型对豫东典型农区农户的宅基地退出意愿及影响因素做了研究。结果表明:(1)农户对宅基地退出政策的认知水平较低,52.7%的农户完全不了解国家的宅基地政策、47.3%的农户部分了解;受访农户对宅基地认知存在较大误区,超过50%的农户认为宅基地能够买卖。(2)农户宅基地退出意愿较低,仅有28.57%的农户愿意退出宅基地,不愿退出的主要原因为“习惯在这里居住”、“退出后务农不便”、“想要留给下一代居住”以及“无能力购买新房”,分别占总数的34.4%、21.6%和20.8%、18.4%。(3)最受农户认可的补偿方式是安置补偿,占总人数的68.0%;选择货币补偿方式的农户最少,仅有14.3%。(4)影响农户宅基地退出意愿的主要因素是宅基地数量、家庭年收入、对宅基地政策的了解程度、家庭总人口、年龄等5方面,相关系数分别为3.840、1.028、0.850、-0.414、-0.858。因此,大力发展区域产业经济、增加农村家庭收入、加大政策宣传力度是提高农户退出意愿的必要保障。  相似文献   

灌溉制度对机采棉生长、产量及品质的影 响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 1膜2管6行是新疆机采棉的主要种植模式。为确定该模式适宜的灌溉制度,采用田间试验研究了灌溉频率(F5、F8)与灌水定额(I80、I60和I40)对棉花生长、产量、品质及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,高频高定额(F5I80)与高频中定额(F5I60)灌溉可有效降低棉花株高,增加叶面积指数,提高蕾铃生物量在地上部中的比例。灌溉频率相同时,灌水量过高与过低均不利于棉花增产;灌水定额相同时,高频(F5)较低频(F8)灌溉增产0.59%~1.56%。灌溉制度对棉花纤维品质无显著影响。灌水定额显著影响棉花耗水量及水分利用效率,而灌溉频率对二者影响不显著。研究认为高频(F5)和中灌溉定额(I60)是南疆地区机采棉种植模式适宜的灌溉制度,即在全生育期内灌水12次,灌溉定额300 mm左右。  相似文献   

罗凤  范丹  潘兴兵 《中国农学通报》2021,37(22):158-164
为稳定烟农队伍,引导烟农高质量生产,促进烟草行业的可持续发展,运用二元Logistic模型和攀枝花市3个烤烟主产区242户烟农的调查数据,分析农户种植烟草的意愿及其影响因素。结果表明,户主的年龄及参加农业专业知识培训的经历对烟农种植意愿具有正向的显著性影响,农户是否兼业、农户的家庭人口数量及非烟作物收入对烟农种植意愿具有负向的显著性影响。由此建议加强专业知识培训、引导烟农专业化生产、优化农村农业从业人口结构,这将有利于正向强化烟农生产积极性,进而通过种植经济作物达到农民收入持续增长、地区农业稳步发展的效果。  相似文献   

连作对棉田土壤枯、黄萎病菌数量及细菌群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用选择培养法测定新疆库尔勒不同连作年限棉田土壤枯、黄萎病病菌数量的变化,运用PCR-DGGE(Polymerase chain reaction-denatured gradient gel electrophoresis)技术分析棉花连作对土壤细菌群落结构和多样性的影响。结果表明,不同连作年限棉田的枯萎病菌和黄萎病菌量具有相似的变化特征,即在5~20年连作年限内,土壤中病原菌量随着连作年限的延长而增加,20年连作土壤病原菌数量达到最高峰;连作超过20年,土壤菌源数量开始下降。不同连作年限棉田土壤中枯、黄萎病病原菌的数量与发病株率呈显著正相关关系。连作棉田土壤细菌群落的DGGE图谱分析显示,连作棉田土壤细菌种群的组成、结构、丰富度均发生变化。连作5~40年的棉田土壤细菌种群Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、均匀度(EH′)和丰富度(S)指数均降低,且连作年限越长降低越突出。  相似文献   

Weeds are harmful for crop production but important for biodiversity. In order to design cropping systems that reconcile crop production and biodiversity, we need tools and methods to help farmers to deal with this issue. Here, we developed a novel method for multi-objective cropping system design aimed at scientists and technical institutes, combining a cropping system database, decision trees, the “virtual field” model FlorSys and indicators translating simulated weed floras into scores in terms of weed harmfulness (e.g. crop yield loss, weed-borne parasite risk, field infestation), weed-mediated biodiversity (e.g. food offer for bees) and herbicide use intensity. 255 existing cropping systems were simulated with FlorSys, individual indicator values were aggregated into a multi-performance score, and decision trees were built to identify combinations of management practices and probabilities for reaching performance goals. These trees are used to identify the characteristics of existing cropping systems that must be changed to achieve the chosen performance goals, depending on the user's risk strategy. Alternative systems are built and simulated with FlorSys to evaluate their multi-criteria performance. The method was applied to an existing oilseed rape/wheat/barley rotation with yearly mouldboard ploughing from Burgundy which was improved to reconcile weed harmfulness control, reduced herbicide use and biodiversity promotion, based on a risk-minimizing strategy. The best alternative replaced a herbicide entering plants via shoot tips (during emergence) and roots after barley sowing by a spring herbicide entering via leaves, introduced crop residue shredding before cereals and rolled the soil at sowing, which reduced the risk of unacceptable performance from 90% to 40%. When attempting to reconcile harmfulness control and reduced herbicide use, the best alternative changed the rotation to oilseed rape/wheat/spring pea/wheat, replaced one herbicide in oilseed rape by mechanical weeding, delayed tillage before rape and applied the PRE herbicide before oilseed rape closer to sowing. This option reduced the risk of unacceptable performance to 30%. None of the initial or alternative cropping systems succeeded in optimal performance, indicating that more diverse cropping systems with innovative management techniques and innovative combinations of techniques are needed to build the decision trees. This approach can be used in workshops with extension services and farmers in order to design cropping systems. Compared to expert-based design, it has the advantage to go beyond well-known options (e.g. plough before risky crops) to identify unconventional options, with a particular focus on interactions between cultural techniques.  相似文献   

吕娜 《中国农学通报》2022,38(15):156-164
为推动北京地区绿色农业高效发展,了解广大农户的绿色农业生产意愿并寻求可靠提升路径意义重大。本研究借鉴技术接受模型的分析框架,将意愿的影响因素设计为农户感知和政策因素两大类,利用北京市10个区350个农户的调查数据,采用结构方程模型系统分析了农户感知与政策因素对农户绿色农业生产意愿的影响效果及其相互关系。感知有用性和政策响应对农户参与绿色农业生产意愿具有显著正向影响;感知易用性通过感知有用性的中介作用对意愿产生影响;政策执行力通过感知易用性、感知有用性和政策响应的中介作用对意愿产生影响。并对各因素的综合影响力进行了比较。基于以上分析,提出提升北京农户绿色农业生产意愿的路径建议:采取有效措施提升农户对发展绿色农业有用性和易用性的认知;科学合理设计有效政策,力求提升政策响应效果;强化政策执行落实,发挥政策应有效力。  相似文献   

From all plant nutrients N fertilizer rates deserve highest attention as too high rates may result in nitrate leaching, volatilisation of N2O (greenhouse gas) and affect the farmers’ profit. Too low rates will also depress the profit. The problem is accentuated by the fact that crops not only feed from soil inorganic but also from organic soil N. Most soil N tests do not consider the available organic soil N. The Electro-Ultra-Filtration (EUF) method applied by us takes into account the EUF extractable inorganic and organic soil N for calculating the N fertilizer rate. This method developed at the Liebig University Giessen is called Giessen model (sampling in autumn out of the upper soil layer, 0–30 cm). We compared it with the standard soil N test the “Nmin method” recommended by German officials which method does not consider the available organic soil N (sampling in spring out of three or two soil layers, depending on soil depth). The investigation was carried out on farmers’ fields on five different sites with winter cereals (wheat, barley) in 1989/1990, 1990/1991 and 1991/1992. Recommended fertilizer application rates differed somewhat for both methods. Of the 23 cases, significantly higher grain yields were obtained five times by Nmin and four times by EUF; otherwise grain yields did not differ significantly between both methods. Grain yield and crude protein concentration were increased by fertilizer N compared with the plots without N fertilizer. On the site Giessen, however, there were some cases in which the N fertilizer did not increase grain yield. The soil of the Giessen site was rich in interlayer NH4+ which is not recovered by the EUF and Nmin method, but which obviously contributed to the N supply of the crop, and therefore the N rates were too high. Grain crude protein concentration were higher with Nmin for Wernborn and Bruchkobel sites because of higher N fertilizer rates. For the Giessen site in 1989/1990 the reverse was true. Nitrogen agronomic efficiency (AE) ranged from 0 to 35.6. Apparent N recovery (ANR) ranged from 0 to 111. The gross profit differed from −88 to 489 Euro/ha. Negative values (three cases out of 23) were found on the Giessen site where no yield increase was obtained by the N fertilizer because of interlayer NH4+. This interpretation is supported by the finding that interlayer NH4+ significantly decreased from autumn to spring. Apart from the results found in 1 year on the Giessen site, the gross profit calculation showed that a precise N fertilizer application based on soil analysis yields a high profitability of cereal production.  相似文献   

我国农业对自然环境依赖性强,农业生产环境相对恶劣、资源利用效率低下,作物栽培理论与技术需要不断创新和完善。为建立与当前生产模式相匹配的作物高产高效栽培管理方式,选用棉花品种泗杂3号,于2012—2013年在长江下游棉区(江苏大丰)不同地力水平田块(高、低)进行麦棉两熟栽培管理方式定位试验,设超高产栽培、常规栽培和高产高效栽培,系统测定棉花生物量、产量和生育期间的温光、氮肥资源利用效率。结果表明,栽培方式和地力水平显著影响棉花产量,而产量的差异主要由温光、氮肥资源利用效率的差异造成。棉花产量提高的限制因子是低下的资源利用效率。高产高效栽培较常规栽培产量提高27.5%,温光资源利用效率分别提高27.7%、23.4%、氮肥偏生产力提高10.1%,是长江下游较为适宜的栽培方式。因此未来生产中应进一步合理优化栽培方式来提高棉田资源利用效率,以达到高产高效的目标。  相似文献   

研究长期连作棉田土壤中氨基糖的含量和组成变化,旨在评价棉花长期连作及秸秆还田对土壤有机质转化积累的微生物群落的影响。采用棉花长期连作定位试验,通过气相色谱法测定了棉花连作9、14、19、24、29年棉田土壤不同土层中氨基葡萄糖、胞壁酸和氨基半乳糖的含量。结果表明:随棉花连作年限的逐年增加,棉田土壤中总氨基糖、氨基葡萄糖和氨基半乳糖含量均逐渐增加,而胞壁酸含量为先降低后增加,以氨基葡萄糖的转化积累具有明显优势,占土壤氨基糖总量的70.4%~71.1%;在土层0~30 cm范围内,总氨基糖及3种氨基单糖的含量随着土层深度的增加而降低;土壤中GluN/MurA值随着棉田连作年限的增加呈增大趋势,对0~20 cm土层影响较大。棉花长期连作及秸秆还田可促进土壤中总氨基糖及3种氨基单糖的积累,土壤有机质的转化过程逐渐以真菌占主导作用,长期连作棉田土壤向着真菌为优势群体的环境转变。  相似文献   

农业农村工作,说一千、道一万,增加农民收入是关键.本文通过系统回顾改革开放40多年来广东农民收入的变动历程及其来源构成,分析当前及今后一段时期广东农民增收面临的主要问题和挑战,判断未来广东农民收入的增长点及政策选择,具有重要现实意义.研究发现,改革开放以来广东农民收入增速经历了"快速增长—明显下滑—恢复—低迷—持续较快...  相似文献   

盐碱地棉花花生间作种植模式对产量和效益的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为优化硫酸盐盐碱地棉花花生种植模式和提高单位土地面积综合经济效益,本研究以‘鲁棉研37 号’和‘花育36 号’为供试材料,在高唐硫酸盐盐碱地条件下,通过两年大田试验分析了棉花花生不同间作种植模式下作物产量、单位面积的土地当量比、种植成本和效益。结果表明,在试验点的气候条件下,棉花花生不同种植模式中两种作物产量存在年际间差异;棉花花生2:4 和4:8 间作种植模式的土地当量比、总效益、总成本和净效益均较高,其中4:8 种植模式的最高。棉花花生4:8 大小幅间作种植,年际间换带轮作,可作为当地棉花花生复合种植的最优配置。  相似文献   

为了对干旱区村域种植业生产效益影响因素进行研究,以旱地区生态脆弱的奇台县西北湾乡三屯村为例,通过实地调查和入户问卷调研与访谈获取研究数据,利用回归分析方法,分析种植业成本构成及关键成本、成本与土地种植面积对种植业收益的影响、作物种植类型对种植业收益的影响。结果表明:打井成本和作物种植成本是影响农户种植业生产总成本的重要因素;种植业生产属于资本密集型,地租、作物种植成本和打井费用是影响种植业收益的主要因素;种植业属于粗放的土地资源依赖型,承包土地面积扩张是影响农民种植业收益的主要方式;小麦种植是农户的种植业的主要收益来源。  相似文献   

河北低平原区是全世界地下水超采的主要地区,同时又是中国主要的粮食主产区。不同的种植模式对水资源利用和粮食安全生产起着非常重要的作用。为了探清河北低平原区不同种植模式对区域地下水平衡及水分经济利用效率等方面的影响,以河北低平原区沧州市为研究区域,通过利用实验结果及统计数据,对该区主要存在的一年两作、一年一作和两年三作的12种不同种植模式下的耗水、产量及对地下水的影响等进行了分析。结果表明:冬小麦—夏玉米一年两作的传统种植模式2年的产量最高(30000 kg/hm2),需水量也最大,达到1683 mm,但效益和水分利用经济效益最低[2.61元/(mm·hm2)],并且对地下水的影响最大;棉花—冬小麦—夏玉米的两年三作模式经济效益和水分利用经济效率最高,分别为15750元/hm2和12.2元/(mm·hm2);一年一作的种植模式对地下水的影响最小。因此,从该区域农业水资源可持续发展和粮食安全角度考虑,应该发展棉花—冬小麦—夏玉米的两年三作种植模式。  相似文献   

长期连作对南疆棉田土壤物理性质影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究连作年限对棉田土壤物理性质的影响,以南疆连作3年、10年、15年的棉田为研究对象,对不同种植制度条件下棉田土壤物理性状各指标进行测定与分析。结果表明:棉花连作10年以后,水稻→小麦-绿肥→棉花种植制度棉田水分状况优于水稻→棉花种植制度;棉花连作3年、15年,与水稻→棉花种植制度相比,水稻→小麦-绿肥→棉花种植制度土壤容重分别减轻2.5%、2.8%;土壤孔隙度在不同连作年限之间存在极显著差异;从种植制度及连作年限对棉田土壤物理性质的影响综合分析,在南疆极端干旱条件下适应棉花长期连作的种植制度为水稻→小麦-绿肥→棉花,棉花连作年限不宜超过15年。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper examines the extent to which traditional techniques and practices remain current among a sub‐set of Indonesian tree crop smallholders. Village‐based studies of independent oil palm and rubber smallholders in Riau (Sumatra) indicate that bio‐diverse ‘jungle rubber’ and multi‐cropping techniques still exist, but primarily as components of farmers’ coping strategies under low commodity prices. A further strategy, seeking income from non‐agrarian sources, notably ‘illegal’ logging and land sales to migrants, partially fits Rigg's ‘deagrarianisation’ thesis, though his suggestion that the farm household has become a mere ‘shell’ is not substantiated. The lack of full legalisation of tenure constrains full capitalist development but does not impede land sales. Land seizures during the Suharto period reduced belief in the efficacy of customary (adat) law, though adat has retained importance in dispute resolution and as a cultural framework. New structures of village governance following decentralisation have so far had minimal impact in either empowering villagers or dispossessing elites.  相似文献   

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