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氮磷钾配施对保护地番茄产量及品质的影响   总被引:52,自引:5,他引:52  
利用二次通用旋转组合设计,经微机分析,建立了氮磷钾与保护地番茄产量形成及果实品质的数学模型。结果表明,氮对产量形成及果实的品质影响最大。在适宜范围内,随着施氮量的增加,产量明显增加,果实中的维生素C、还原糖及有机酸的含量增加。施氮过量则产量变低,品质变劣。磷钾肥对促进番茄产量形成具有间接作用,利于提高番茄产品品质。但过量施用磷钾肥也对果实品质不利。  相似文献   

有机-无机肥料配施对番茄产量及品质的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
在施用无机肥的基础上进行了有机肥配施试验.结果表明,高量酵菌素生物肥的肥效最好,高于海北有机肥和低量酵菌素生物肥;优化配方施肥的产量较专用肥好;化学肥料与生物有机肥料之间的交互作用显著,在施用化学肥料基础上施用有机肥,番茄的可溶性糖和Vc含量都有所提高,其中高施用高量酵菌素生物肥和优化配方施肥处理的可溶性糖和Vc含量最高.  相似文献   

不同肥料处理对番茄产量、品质及经济效益的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以番茄品种"红泽拉118"为试材,采用不同的肥料处理(微生物菌剂与化肥混施、微生物菌肥、常规施肥、化肥混施、大量元素水溶肥料等5种)对番茄进行田间试验,测定其产量和品质,并进行经济效益分析。结果表明:各处理对番茄植株形态均有促进作用,番茄产量比对照提高8.32%~33.30%,维生素C含量提高14.93%~23.38%,总糖的质量分数提高1.58%~5.35%,糖酸比提高9.47%~37.68%,可溶性固形物质量分数提高7.78%~22.96%,番茄红素提高1.89%~18.87%。综合产量及品质因素,微生物菌肥、大量元素水溶肥料、微生物菌肥与肥料混配效果较好,可作为番茄生产的高效肥料。  相似文献   

在脐橙果实膨大期,重施钾肥,结合叶面追肥保果,结果表明,能明显减少脐橙落果和裂果,提高产量,品质得到改善。  相似文献   

朱慧  何颖悦 《中国瓜菜》2023,(5):104-108
为解决番茄连作障碍问题,分别设置常规施肥(CK)、常规施肥配施聚丙烯酰胺(T1)、常规施肥配施硅钙钾镁(T2)、常规施肥配施几丁质(T3)、常规施肥配施壳寡糖(T4)处理,研究不同土壤调理剂配施对连作番茄土壤特性和产量与果实品质的影响。结果表明,处理T2和T4均提高了土壤中有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量,降低了pH值,提高了土壤过氧化氢酶和脲酶活性;土壤调理剂配施处理(T1~T4)对番茄光合特性产生的影响均较小,但均显著提高了番茄的根系活力,且均提高了果实可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和维生素C含量,其中处理T4的可溶性固形物和维生素C含量均最高;处理T4产量最高,较CK显著增加了26.26%。综上,常规施肥配施壳寡糖(T4)处理效果最好,能提高土壤肥力,改善番茄品质、提高产量。  相似文献   

氮磷钾与有机肥配施对番茄产量品质及土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张恩平  谭福雷  王月  张淑红  段瑜  周芳 《园艺学报》2015,42(10):2059-2058
以‘辽园多丽’番茄为试材,在长期定位施肥条件下研究氮磷钾与有机肥配施对产量、品质及土壤酶活性的影响。研究结果表明:氮磷钾肥配施有机肥能够提高番茄维生素C、可溶性固形物、可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量并且提高番茄产量;钾肥对番茄维生素C和可溶性固形物含量影响显著,磷肥对提高可溶性糖含量起着关键作用,番茄产量受氮肥影响最为显著。氮磷钾肥配施有机肥,能够提高土壤酶活性,配施氮肥能显著提高过氧化氢酶活性;磷肥对提高转化酶、蛋白酶活性具有关键作用。番茄产量、品质与土壤酶活性具有一定的正相关,土壤转化酶对番茄品质影响最多。  相似文献   

文静  黄海涛  李家慧  张杰  牛义松 《蔬菜》2022,(12):23-26
摘要:为研究不同水溶肥料配施在设施番茄水肥一体化中的应用效果,采用田间试验和室内试验 相结合的方法,研究了大量元素水溶肥料、中量元素水溶肥料、含腐植酸水溶肥料、含氨基酸水溶肥 料(中量元素型)、含氨基酸水溶肥料(微量元素型)等5种常见水溶肥料组配对番茄产量、品质及土 壤养分含量的影响。结果表明:施用不同组合水溶肥料均可以改善番茄农艺性状,具有显著的增产效 果,大量元素、大量元素+中量元素、大量元素+含腐植酸、大量元素+含氨基酸(中量元素型)、大 量元素+含氨基酸(微量元素型)水溶肥料处理667 m2 产量分别比清水对照提高8.3%、10.2%、5.3%、 5.6%和6.4%;同时还能改善番茄的品质和土壤养分状况,各处理VC含量分别比对照增加8.7%、13.4%、 23.8%、19.2%和16.9%,可溶性固形物含量分别比对照增加11.3%、14.5%、25.8%、24.2%和22.6%。综合 追肥效果,建议在设施番茄生产中,按照大量元素+中量元素水溶肥料处理施肥以提高产量,或按照大量 元素+含腐植酸水溶肥料处理施肥以提高番茄品质。  相似文献   

以充分腐熟的羊粪及尿素和二铵为试材,以最佳尿素和二铵使用量与不同羊粪使用量作为基肥进行温室番茄栽培比较,以期得出最优羊粪使用量。结果表明:处理A(尿素0.15t/hm2+二铵0.45t/hm2)的番茄株高最高(113cm),茎粗也最粗(1.220 4cm);产量也较高,达到103.96t/hm2;但其可溶性蛋白质含量(1.74mg/g)和可溶性总糖(1.48%)含量最低,且亚硝酸盐含量(1.86mg/kg)最高,分别显著性低于和高于其它各处理番茄的品质。处理D(羊粪75t/hm2)的番茄株高较高(106cm),茎粗也较粗(1.206 8cm),叶长最长(15.9cm),单株果数最多,达到17.71个,果实品质较好,产量也较高,达到(100.18t/hm2)。综合考虑番茄产量、品质、种植成本和经济效益等方面,在夏季温室栽培番茄时,推荐使用羊粪做为基肥,最佳使用量为75t/hm2。  相似文献   

以“塞特科”F1番茄为试材,研究了不同用量肥料添加剂对番茄产量和品质的影响.结果表明:肥料添加剂可以起到壮苗作用,使番茄生长前期株高、叶片数、坐果数都有明显提高,并可提高番茄产量4.84%~12.29%;此外,可显著提高番茄果实中维生素C、可溶性糖含量和糖酸比,降低果实中有机酸和硝酸盐含量,显著改善番茄的品质.  相似文献   

探究不同种类叶面肥对番茄植株生长势、产量、品质、商品率以及经济效益等方面的影响,为设施番茄叶面追肥提供参考依据.以番茄品种西润2007为试材,在番茄生长发育期叶面喷施5种不同叶面肥.结果表明,叶面肥均能显著促进番茄植株的生长发育,美盖美可以显著提高番茄产量,磷酸二氢钾不仅能提高番茄结果盛期和结果后期的商品率,同时也可以...  相似文献   

以荷兰型短黄瓜为试材,在现代化温室栽培条件下,研究了不同果实负载对黄瓜植株生长、产量以及干物质生产和分配的影响。结果表明,每3节留2个瓜的处理和每5节留3个瓜的处理的植株高度、叶片数量和根、茎、叶干质量都明显大于对照(每节留1个瓜的处理),但果实干质量小于对照。每5节留3个瓜处理的根、茎、叶干质量大于每3节留2个瓜的处理。从干物质分配率来看,对照的果实干物质分配率最多,为54.26%,每5节留3个瓜处理中果实干物质分配率最低,为42.95%。随着果实去除数量的增加,植株高度、叶片数量和叶面积也随之加大。果实的去除直接造成单株产量和单株结瓜数量下降,同时,畸形瓜比例也明显下降。因此,适当的去除果实可以增加植株的长势,虽然单株产量有所降低,但提高了商品瓜率。  相似文献   

在蔬菜产区小白菜上进行施用卓亿有机肥的田间试验,探讨其对小白菜产量、经济性状和效益的影响。结果表明:在氮、磷、钾养分等量的条件下,施用有机肥加化肥的处理小白菜表现最好,比不施肥的对照和单施有机肥的处理,产量分别增加62.1%和36.3%,667m2分别增收1499.9和806.3元。  相似文献   

为探讨不同保花保果剂对番茄果实生长发育指标的影响,本试验以番茄品种‘粉都77’为试验材料,对早春茬番茄进行不同保花保果剂处理,调查了番茄的坐果率、平均坐果数、商品率。结果表明,无畸形番茄座果丰处理番茄的坐果率、平均坐果数、商品率分别比对照高出42.4%、2.3个、34.0%,为综合效果较好的番茄保花保果剂。  相似文献   

The influence of fruit load on the leaf characteristics and on the distribution of dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L., cv. Cornado) plants was investigated under Mediterranean glasshouse conditions during a winter–spring production cycle (from December till June). DM weight of all organs (roots, stems + petioles, leaves and fruits) and N content were determined throughout the growing cycle over a 3-week interval. The results showed that the cyclic fruit load pattern (production flushes) was associated with strong variations of N-leaf content on an area basis and specific leaf weight, SLW. On a whole plant scale, the value of SLW dramatically decreased (≈30%) with increasing fruit load; the reverse held true as long as the fruit dry weight remained low (<30 g pl−1). The decline in SLW was coincident with a shift in distribution of DM and N in the plant, both preferentially diverted to the fruits. The time evolution of DM and N fractions in organs exhibited periodic fluctuations, with a duration close to the length of a fruit growth cycle (about 70 days, from anthesis to harvest). Linear relationships were found between the fraction of dry mass and N in fruits, and those of the other organs. The slope of these relationships was considered as an indicator of the response and sensitivity of the organ growth to an increase in fruit load. The root dry mass fraction was the most affected by increases in fruit load (slope of −0.75), while the N fraction in roots and in leaves was affected to a similar extent (slope of −0.50 and of −0.40, respectively). We conclude that, in the sweet pepper, the cyclic pattern of fruit load induces opposite cyclic patterns of dry matter and N content in the other aerial organs as well as in the roots, thereby reflecting close shoot–root coordination in the allocation of carbon and nitrogen resources among the organs. Finally, we discuss the possible implications that could derive from these findings for modelling dry matter partitioning in plants subjected to continuous fruit harvesting.  相似文献   

The effects of temperatures and growth regulators on deformations in tomato fruits, a common occurrence in winter, were examined in greenhouses and in controlled-climate conditions with cultivars ‘Arava’ and ‘Orith’. The malformations could be attributed both to low-temperature conditions during flower development and to the use of growth regulators. Deformations caused by low temperatures differed from those caused by growth regulators. As a result of flower development under low-temperature conditions, fasciated fruits, fruits with a navel-like scar at the blossom end, puffy (hollow) fruits, and seedless fruits were obtained, where as with growth regulators there were more seedless fruits, sharply elongated blossom ends and green jelly. The 2 cultivars tested differed in their susceptibility to low-temperature conditions and growth regulators.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out during the years 2007 and 2008 on 30-year old Zaghloul cultivar growing in clay soil. Mineral fertilization sources: N, ammonium nitrate or NPK, ammonium nitrate + calcium superphosphate + potassium sulphate, and organic sources: chicken manure (CM), cow dung (CD) and composted domestic refuse (CDR) were applied either alone or in combinations in order to study their influence on the yield and fruit physical and chemical quality characteristics. The results revealed that applying organic manure alone or in combination with mineral NPK increased palm yield as compared to mineral fertilization alone (NPK or N). In general, fruit weight, flesh weight, length, diameter and dry weight were increased, while fruit moisture content decreased by the application of organic manures either alone or in combination with mineral NPK as compared to the mineral N. Higher fruit TSS and total sugars content were obtained by the application of organic manures alone or in combination with mineral NPK as compared with mineral fertilization alone (NPK or N). Overall values of fruit minerals content did not differ among the different treatments. Organic manures fertilization (especially CM and CD) resulted in decreasing fruit lead, cadmium, nitrate and nitrite contents more than mineral fertilization. In general, the application of organic manures either alone or in combinations with mineral NPK did not differ from each other in their effect on yield and fruit quality.  相似文献   

Tomato plants were grown at four humidities in factorial combination with two levels each of Ca (150 and 300 mg 1-1) and salinity (5 and 7 mS cm-1) in the nutrient solution applied to the rockwool substrate. The humidity treatments, defined as vapour pressure deficits, were 0.15, 0.25, 0.43 and 0.65 kPa (held constant day and night) in Experiment A, and high (0.21 kPa) or low (0.47-0.55 kPa) humidity during the day in combination with high (0.16 kPa) or low (0.45-0.50 kPa) humidity at night in Experiment B. High humidity reduced the dry weight of the leaves, as did the higher salinity. The Ca content (%) and the total amount of Ca (mg) accumulated by the leaves always decreased at high humidity, this response being greater at night than during the day, and always increased with the higher level of Ca. Accumulation of Ca by the fruit was markedly reduced by low humidity during the day, increased by the higher Ca level, and was decreased by high salinity at the lower Ca level. High humidity during the day appears to promote Ca movement into the young fruit, irrespective of the humidity at night.  相似文献   

为建立西瓜高产的肥水耦合模式,以三倍体西瓜品种‘黑帝’为试验材料,在伸蔓期和膨瓜期设置不同肥水组合,探讨其对西瓜苗期植株干物质积累、膨瓜速度及产量的影响。结果表明,处理T3(灌水2次,每次灌水量225 m~3·hm~(-2),冲施复合肥112.5 kg·hm~(-2)有利于西瓜苗期植株干物质积累,明显提高了西瓜果实生长速度,日平均膨瓜量为122.91 cm~3;其产量最高,可达59 894.6 kg·hm~(-2),显著高于其他处理。在总灌水量和施肥量相同的条件下,处理T3的肥水耦合方式可起到以水调肥的协同作用,提高西瓜膨瓜速度和产量。试验结果为实际生产中肥水耦合模式的建立提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

富士苹果施钙肥效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以8年生富士苹果(Malusdomesticacv.Fuji)为试材进行不同组合钙肥试验,结果表明,土施CaSO4肥显著提高了土壤总钙、交换性钙和果实钙含量,以3.5kg/株CaSO4处理效果最显著;将3.5kgCaSO4分为幼果期和膨大期2次使用增钙效果明显,分期施肥无论配合秋施有机肥还是春季喷氨基酸钙都极显著提高了果实钙含量,以S2+1.5AM处理(春施2kgCaSO4+喷3遍氨基酸钙+夏施1.5kgCaSO4+秋施5kg苹果专用有机肥)的钙含量最高,达到179.17mg/kg;秋施苹果专用有机肥明显提高果实钙含量,增加根系和枝条的贮藏钙,以10kg/株配合春施1kg/株CaSO4的效果较好。当有机肥施用量达到15kg/株或CaSO4超过3.5kg/株时增钙效果下降。交换性钙、土壤及果实Ca/Mg比值与果实钙含量呈正相关,土壤速效磷、钾、果实N/Ca比值与果实钙含量呈显著负相关。不同施肥处理果实的N/Ca比值和Ca/Mg比值差异显著,采收时富士果实N/Ca比值<17,Ca/Mg比值≥7,贮藏期间的苦痘病发生率较低。有利于富士苹果钙素营养的施肥组合是秋冬施有机肥加钙化肥、幼果期喷钙和果实膨大期土施钙肥。  相似文献   


A crop-scale experiment between March and October 2000 investigated the effects of split-root salinity stress and rooting volume on the expansion of leaves, fruit yield and quality in two standard round fruited cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill) Solairo and Espero, grown in rockwool. To implement the treatments, a split-root method was utilized whereby different levels of salinity (expressed as EC), adjusted by the addition of NaCl, was administered to two halves of a root system. The split-root high EC (2.8/8.0 dS m–1) treatment enhanced fruit quality by increasing the concentrations of sugar, acid, total soluble solids and reducing the incidence of visual defects such as uneven ripening and gold-spot. Split-root high EC did however reduce leaf area that corresponded with low K concentration in the leaf tissue. The split-root method utilized doubled the rooting volume compared with the standard single rockwool slab, but this extra rooting capacity had no detectable effect on leaf expansion, yield or fruit quality. Although there was little impact on yield for ten weeks after the imposition of the high EC split-root treatment, mean reductions in weekly yield occurred thereafter and were of the order of 9 and 13% for ‘Solairo’ and ‘Espero’ respectively through to the end of the experiment. The fall in yield was due, in part, to a decrease in fruit size. Whilst water uptake was reduced it was unclear how the effects on leaf growth and fruit yield were mediated in the shoot. Possible processes that coordinate responses to root-zone salinity stress are discussed. The potential use of the split-root system in commercial production is considered.  相似文献   

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