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Sir — I am grateful for the opportunity to reply to the criticisms raised by Mr Vincent (5) Vincent, K. 1977. (Correspondence). N.Z. vet.J., 25: 226226. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. It seems to me that the bulk of his argument is concerned with the statistical treatment of the data that I presented (3) Elliott, D. C. 1977. The effect of fenbendazole in removing inhibited early-fourth-stage Ostertagia ostertagi from yearling cattle. N.Z. vet. J., 25: 145147. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. However, he has apparently misunderstood the purpose of statistical analysis of results, and also seems to have missed the point of my paper. For example, he states that my results “are contradictory to all previous trials (sic) results”. My interpretation. arising from the method of analysis chosen, is that under the conditions of my trials, any apparent effect of fenbendazole could be due to chance.  相似文献   

Ivermectin (IVM) is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug extensively used in veterinary medicine. The composition of the pharmaceutical preparation affects IVM absorption and its systemic availability. After the introduction of the first approved IVM formulation (propylene glycol/glycerol formal 60:40) used at 200 microg/kg, different pharmaceutical modifications have been assayed to extend IVM persistent endectocide activity. Recently, IVM 3.15% long-acting (IVM-LA) preparations to be administered at 630 microg/kg to cattle were introduced into the veterinary pharmaceutical market. The work reported here was designed to evaluate the comparative IVM absorption pattern and plasma concentration profiles obtained after subcutaneous administration of the classic pioneer IVM formulation (1%) and two different commercially available IVM-LA preparations (3.15%) to cattle. Twenty-eight Holstein heifers were divided in four experimental groups (n=7) and treated subcutaneously as follows--Group A: IVM 1% given at 200 microg/kg, Group B: IVM 1% administered at 630 microg/kg, Group C: IVM-LA (A) injected at 630 microg/kg and Group D: IVM-LA (B) given at 630 microg/kg. Blood samples were taken between 0.5 and 90 days post-treatment and IVM plasma concentrations were determined by HPLC with fluorescence detection. There were no differences in the persistence of IVM plasma concentrations after the administration of IVM 1% formulation at the two used dose levels (200 and 630 microg/kg). Higher peak plasma concentration (C(max)) and shorter mean residence time (MRT) were obtained for IVM 1% given at 630 microg/kg (Group B) compared to the treatments with both IVM-LA preparations. The IVM-LA (A) formulation showed a more extended absorption process than IVM-LA (B) preparation, which accounted for a longer persistence of detectable IVM plasma concentrations. The parasitological implications of the observed differences in peak plasma concentrations (C(max) values) and in the IVM concentration levels measured from day 20, and afterwards until day 90 post-treatment, between the different preparations assayed need to be elucidated. The characterization of the absorption patterns and kinetic behaviour obtained after injection of these novel long-acting formulations used at three times the therapeutic dose recommended for the classic IVM preparation in cattle is a further contribution to the field.  相似文献   

Lambs severely parasitized by Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum, and Nematodirus were treated with fenbendazole (methyl 5-(phenylthio)-2-benzimidazolecarbamate) given at 3 dose levels: 3.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mg/kg of body weight. Efficacies against these genera, except Haemonchus and Nematodirus, were 100% at the 3 dose levels. Efficacies for the 3 doses against Haemonchus were 93.4, 95.3, and 99.8%, respectively, and against Nematodirus, 99.5, 99.6, and 100%. Efficacies for the doses against Trichuris were 69.1, 83.6, and 98.2%. Toxicosis due to the durg was not seen in these lambs, although they were severely debilitated.  相似文献   

Adult feral swine, naturally infected with kidney worms (Stephanurus dentatus) and gastrointestinal nematodes, were divided into two groups of 10 pigs each. One group was treated with fenbendazole (Panacur, Hoechst AG, Frankfurt am. Main) mixed in feed at the rate of 3 mg kg-1 body weight for 3 days. The second group received feed only and was designated as non-treated controls. The animals in both groups were necropsied 3 weeks post-treatment and examined for the presence of live and dead adult kidney worms in the perirenal and ureteral area, ureteral penetration, the presence of kidney worm larvae in the liver, hepatic scars due to kidney worm larval migration, and for liver fibrosis. No live adult kidney worms were found in the perirenal and ureteral areas of treated pigs, and the non-treated pigs harbored an average of 42.8 live worms. No liver kidney worm larvae were found in the livers of treated pigs, and the non-treated pigs averaged 6.7 live larvae. At necropsy, urine samples from 8 of the 10 treated pigs contained no kidney worm eggs, and only 2 eggs were found in samples from each of the remaining 2 pigs in this group. In contrast, urine samples from 8 of the non-treated pigs contained numerous kidney worm eggs. Reductions in ascarid (Ascaris suum) and nodular worm (Oesophagostomum dentatum) egg counts were also observed in treated pigs.  相似文献   


Several writers have reported on the activity of thiabendazole and the organic phosphate, 4-tert-butyl-2-chlorophenyl methyl methyl-phosphoramidate (“Montrel” (Dow), marketed in New Zealand as “Kempak” (Nicholas)) when used as anthelmintics in cattle. The literature has been summarized by Hotson (1963).  相似文献   


In a trial involving 542 dairy cattle on 28 farms, 276 were treated once with thiabendazole within two days of calving. The treated group showed an average increase in milk yielded over the non‐return group of 229.8 kg during the subsequent lactation.

In the treated group, total milk fat production was increased over that of the controls by 7.4 kg per cow; milk protein was increased by 6.9 kg per cow. All treatment parameter differences were highly significant at the 1% level of probability.  相似文献   

Summary In a trial involving 542 dairy cattle on 28 farms, 276 were treated once with thiabendazole within two days of calving. The treated group showed an average increase in milk yielded over the non-return group of 229.8 kg during the subsequent lactation. In the treated group, total milk fat production was increased over that of the controls by 7.4 kg per cow; milk protein was increased by 6.9 kg per cow. All treatment parameter differences were highly significant at the 1% level of probability.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography is an ideal diagnostic tool for investigating gastrointestinal disorders in cattle. It is performed on standing non-sedated cattle using a 3.5 MHz linear transducer. In animals with traumatic reticuloperitonitis, inflammatory fibrinous changes, and abscesses can be imaged; however, magnets and foreign bodies are difficult to visualize because of the gas content of the reticulum. Ultrasonography can be used to assess the size, position and contents of the abomasum. Percutaneous ultrasound-guided abomasocentesis can be performed to evaluate the nature and chemical composition of its contents. In left displacement of the abomasum, the abomasum is seen between the left abdominal wall and the rumen. It contains fluid ingesta ventrally and a gas cap of varying size dorsally. Occasionally, the abomasal folds are seen in the ingesta. In cattle with right displacement of the abomasum, the liver is displaced medially from the right abdominal wall by the abomasum, which has an ultrasonographic appearance similar to that described for left displacement. Motility and diameter of the intestine are the most important criteria for ultrasonographic assessment of ileus. However, the cause of the ileus is rarely determined using ultrasonography. In cases with ileus of the small intestine, there is at least one region of dilatation of the intestine and motility is reduced or absent. In cattle with caecal dilatation, the caecum can always be imaged from the right lateral abdominal wall. The wall of the caecum closest to the transducer appears as a thick, echogenic, semi-circular line.  相似文献   

Clinical trials were carried out on 3 groups of 30 Friesian cattle naturally infected with Trichophyton verrucosum. One group was treated with 3.75% thiabendazole in glycerine, another with 5% tincture of iodine and the last served as the control group without any treatment. Both the preparations were applied locally on the ringworm lesions at 3 day intervals with a total of 4 applications. The percentage of animals cured was 86.7 by thiabendazole and 46.7 by tincture of iodine. No recrudescence was observed during the subsequent 4 months period.  相似文献   

Using mini-pigs with an indwelling vascular catheter, the pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol were investigated in healthy and liver-damaged animals. The liver damage was induced by thioacetamide and its degree was estimated by measuring the level of bile acids in serum. Employing a two-compartment open model for analysing the time-dependent course of the chloramphenicol concentration in serum, it was shown that in liver-damaged animals the elimination half-time was almost doubled as a result of reduced total body clearance. The consequences of liver damage for withdrawal times and dosage schedules are discussed.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic behaviour of fenbendazole in buffalo and cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sanyal, P.K. Pharmacokinetic behaviour of fenbendazole in buffalo and cattle. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 17, 1–4.
Concentrations of fenbendazole and of drug metabolites in plasma were measured in buffalo and cross-bred cattle after single intraruminal administration at two different doses. Plasma concentrations of the parent compound fenbendazole and the two metabolites, viz. oxfendazole and fenbendazole sulfone, were much lower in buffalo compared with cattle, at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg body weight as indicated by lower area under concentration curve and concentration maximum. At a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight there were corresponding increases in plasma metabolite concentrations in cattle. However, buffaloes did not show a similar corresponding increase.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the feasibility of using multivariate cluster analysis to meta-analyze pharmacokinetic data obtained from studies of pharmacokinetics of ampicillin trihydrate in cattle and identify factors that could account for variability in pharmacokinetic parameters among studies. SAMPLE POPULATION: Data from original studies of the pharmacokinetics of ampicillin trihydrate in cattle in the database of the Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank. PROCEDURE: Mean plasma or serum ampicillin concentration versus time data and potential factors that may have affected the pharmacokinetics of ampicillin trihydrate were obtained from each study. Noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analyses were performed, and values of pharmacokinetic parameters were clustered by use of multivariate cluster analysis. Practical importance of the clusters was evaluated by comparing the frequency of factors that may have affected the pharmacokinetics of ampicillin trihydrate among clusters. RESULTS: A single cluster with lower mean values for clearance and volume of distribution of ampicillin trihydrate administered PO, compared with other clusters, was identified. This cluster included studies that used preruminant calves in which feeding was withheld overnight and calves to which probenecid had been administered concurrently. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Meta-analysis was successful in detecting a potential subpopulation of cattle for which factors that explained differences in pharmacokinetic parameters could be identified. Accurate estimates of pharmacokinetic parameters are important for the calculation of dosages and extended withdrawal intervals after extralabel drug administration.  相似文献   

Forty spring-calving cows and heifers (20 of each) were allowed to acquire infection with gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes naturally during grazing. The control group (10 cows and 10 heifers) were compared with 20 similar animals treated with eprinomectin in order to evaluate the effect of GI nematodes on grazing behaviour, milk production, body condition score and live weight. The animals were paired according to parity and milk yield during the week prior to treatment, then within replicate pair randomly allocated to a different treatment group. The grazing area was sub-divided into 20 replicated paddocks of equivalent size and topography. Grazing pairs of either control or treated animals were randomly assigned to each paddock over the duration of the study (one pair per paddock). Grazing behaviour was recorded for both groups over a 10-day period commencing 4 days after treatment with eprinomectin. Milk yield was recorded daily and milk quality was recorded weekly. Live weight and body condition score were recorded on the day of allocation, the day of initial treatment and thereafter at weekly intervals until the end of the 4-week trial. Faecal samples were collected from each animal prior to, and after, allocation and submitted for counts of nematode eggs. Additional faecal samples were taken at the end of the study for culture and nematode identification. Individual faecal samples were also analysed for residual digestibility. Pasture samples for nematode larval counts were taken at the same time as faecal sampling. The parasitological results showed low levels of faecal nematode egg output throughout the study, with the heifers having higher counts than the cows. Faecal culture yielded species of Ostertagia, Cooperia, and Trichostrongylus. Pasture larval levels were very low throughout with no value exceeding 68 larvae/kg dry matter (DM) of herbage. There were significant (P < 0.05) effects of treatment on grazing time, eating time, total bites, total grazing jaw movements (TGJM), idling time and mean meal duration. Treated cows and heifers grazed for 47 and 50 min longer per day, respectively, than controls (P = 0.016). Mean meal duration was extended as a result of anthelmintic treatment by 11 and 38 min, in cows and heifers, respectively (P = 0.012). There were no significant (P > 0.05) treatment effects on ruminating time or residual faecal digestibility, but idling time was significantly reduced in both treated cows and heifers, by 50 and 110 min, respectively (P = 0.010). In the treated cattle, there was an increase in solids-corrected milk yield compared with the control cattle, which was significant (P < 0.05) in weeks 2 and 3 after treatment. The response was particularly marked in heifers, where the difference in yield between treated and controls was up to 2.35 kg/day. The differences in live weight gain and condition score over 28 days post-treatment were significant (P < 0.05) in both cows and heifers, in favour of the treated animals.  相似文献   

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