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将罗氏沼虾、尼罗罗非鱼单养与混养进行了生长比较,每种养殖方式设3个重要。单养罗氏沼尾虾放养密度为7只/m^2,单养尼罗罗非鱼放养密度1尾/m^2。混养密度为罗氏沼虾7只/m^2和罗非鱼1尾/m^2。罗氏沼虾放养规格为1~1.3g/尾,尼罗罗非鱼放养规格7~8g/尾,养殖5个月捕获。结果表明:罗非鱼单养和混养产量与平均个体重无显著性差异,总产量分别为2952kg/hm^2和2779kg/hm^2,平均个体重分别为350g/尾和334g/尾。罗氏沼虾单养与混养产量分别为1377kg/hm^2和961kg/hm^2,平均个体重分别为56g/只和32g/只。鱼虾混养总产量为3730kg/hm^2,比单养鱼或虾增产。  相似文献   

4.成虾养殖 (1)养殖模式的选择.在养殖模式上采用主养和混养的模式.主养模式分为两种,一种采用温棚养殖罗氏沼虾,面积2.5亩;另一种采用池塘养殖罗氏沼虾,面积100亩(表2).混养模式分为两种,一种采用主养南美白对虾混养罗氏沼虾,南美白对虾投放密度除呈祥水产养殖合作社4.1万尾/亩外,其余为2万尾/亩,面积1 375...  相似文献   

美国得克萨斯大学水产养殖研究中心,用安氏罗非鱼和罗氏沼虾进行混养研究。混养试验在四只0.1公顷池塘中进行,其中二只池塘施无机肥料,施肥量为50~100公斤/公顷。二只试验塘(1号和4号),5月29日放养安氏罗非鱼2,000尾,每尾平均重1.82克,5月31日放养罗氏沼虾稚虾1,100尾,每尾重0.29克。  相似文献   

美国得克萨斯大学水产养殖研究中心,进行安氏罗非鱼和罗氏沼虾混养研究。试验在四个O.1公顷池塘中进行,其中两个池塘施无机肥料,施肥量为50~100公斤/公顷,5月29日在两个试验塘里(1号和4号),各放养安氏罗非鱼2,000尾,每尾平均重1.82克,5月31日各放养罗氏沼虾稚虾1,100尾,每尾重O.29克,所有池塘投喂同样类型的等量饵料(Ralston Purina M-25)。  相似文献   

1996年和1997年山东省文登市水产研究所在文登市第二淡水养殖试验场利用温泉水进行工厂化育苗成功,并进行了罗氏沼虾池塘养殖试验。1996年我们利用8亩新挖池塘,进行罗氏沼虾与鲢、鳙鱼混养,平均亩产罗氏沼虾50kg,平均体长8.0cm,平均亩产鲢、鳙30kg。1997年我们利用10亩新挖池塘,进行鱼、虾混养,平均亩产罗氏沼虾75kg,平均体长8.5cm,高产达100kg。这些成绩填补了山东半岛地区罗氏沼虾养殖方面的空白,为半岛地区开展罗氏沼虾养殖打下了基础。现将试验情况报告如下。1试验条件1.1…  相似文献   

潘万富江苏江都人,他以自己的养殖方法,创造了罗氏沼虾养殖的神话,在本市周围引起轰动。今年,他在本市淤溪镇承包6hm^2池塘,养殖罗氏沼虾,10月15日前已出售商品虾60.5t,纯收入43.73万元,预计全年可产罗氏沼虾61t,平均9945kg/hm^2,鱼6.25t,纯收入47万元,平均78345元/hm^2。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾养殖在我省刚起步,为了探索一种适合我省的罗氏沼虾养殖模式,同时对罗氏沼虾养殖技术进行必要的研究,我所在本所水产试验场进行了罗氏沼虾养殖模式试验,现将试验概况分述如下:一、池塘条件”四口池塘,东1V(1#、2#、3#)和西V(5#),面积分别为4亩、2亩、2亩和3亩,平均水深为1.5—1.6米。池塘周围石头护坡、池底淤泥不深,平均15-20厘米。受水源限制,加注新水和换水不方便。其中东1V(1#、2#、3#)分别于7月9日和6月17日安装增氧机;二、放养的准备1、清塘消毒虾苗放养前十天抽掉他水至5~10厘米,清除池周杂草,先用…  相似文献   

池塘罗氏沼虾与鱼混养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗氏沼虾是热带性的大型淡水养殖虾类,具有个体大,食性杂,生长快,营养丰富等特点。虾鱼混养能充分发挥池塘生产潜力,是一种高投入、高产出、高效益的养殖方式。池塘罗氏沼虾与鱼混养要获得高产,应当掌握好以下几个技术环节。  相似文献   

池塘养殖罗氏沼虾的技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我场从1981年起引进罗氏沼虾,进行池塘养殖,经过几年来的摸索.基本掌握了罗氏沼虾的池塘养殖技术。每亩平均单产在60~80公斤,最高可达130公斤。罗氏沼虾的利润已占池塘总产值的50%左右,经济效益比较高。自1983年起罗氏沼虾人工繁殖获得成功后,每年生产虾苗100~150万尾.1990年计划生产1000万尾左右,已初步形成系列化养殖罗氏沼虾的生产基地。  相似文献   

本文报导0.7厘米罗氏沼虾苗经3~21天的网箱暂养,体长达到1.0~2.5厘米,每公顷池塘放养11.35万尾左右,与鱼混养,经120天的饲养,达到了每公顷产罗氏沼虾1532.3公斤和鲢鱼1152.0公斤,平均每公顷经济效益达43059.0元,投入产出比为1:1.79,罗氏沼虾的饲料系数2.12,平均成活率75.3%,平均规格18.4克。  相似文献   

2012年5-10月,在面积为0.19hm2的试验池1中放养体质量160g的松浦镜鲤(Cyprinus carpio Songpu)117,700尾·hm^-2,混养体质量160g的长丰鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)春片、乌子头和鳙(Aristichthys no-bilis)夏花鱼种。在面积为0.19hm2的试验池2中放养体质量149.5g的松浦镜鲤3,450尾·hm^-2,只混养鲢和鳙夏花,采用常规饲养方法。2012年10月2日,试验池1平均每hm2产鱼21,025.5kg,其中松浦镜鲤平均全长34.3cm,体质量1425g,产量18,294.0kg;长丰鲢春片平均体质量674g,平均产量1,816.5kg,长丰鲢夏花平均全长18.6cm,体质量112.4g,平均产量592.5kg;鳙夏花平均全长达12.1cm,体质量39.9g,平均产量322.5kg。试验池2平均每hm2产鱼3,069.0kg,其中松浦镜鲤平均全长35.0cm,体质量1225g,平均产量2,766.0kg;鲢夏花平均全长达11.3cm,体质量24.9g,平均产量130.5kg;鳙夏花平均全长达11.1cm,体质量35.1g,平均产量172.5kg。试验表明,高密度养殖的松浦镜鲤产量显著高于密度低时,长丰鲢夏花的出池体质量是普通鲢的4.5倍,特殊生长率(6.27%·d^-1)是普通鲢(3.5%·d^-1)的1.79倍。文中还讨论了松浦镜鲤养殖池的水质和技术特点。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to 1) evaluate the compatibility of prawns (Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii) with carps, especially the effect of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio); and 2) measure the ability of prawns to utilize the foods available in manured systems. Carps used were the silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), bighead (Aristichthys nobilis), grass (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Four ponds (0.09 to 0.17 ha) were stocked with silver, bighead and grass carps while common carp were stocked in only two ponds. Total fish densities were 8,600/ha where four carps were stocked, but only 6,200/ha when common carp were omitted. Post-larval prawns (wt 0.116 g) were stocked at densities of 17/m2. Swine (approximately 60/ha of pond surface area) were housed on pond dikes so that fresh manure continuously entered each pond. Two lots of swine were fattened during the experimental period and loadings of swine manure were calculated based on hog size and feed consumption. Growth periods were 163 days for fish and 107 and 121 days for separate stockings of prawns. Gains in biomass by prawns averaged 714 kg/ha in ponds without common carp and 364 kg/ha in ponds containing common carp. Gains in biomass for both fish and prawns were 3,619 kg/ha (19.8 kg/ha/day) in ponds with common carp and 2,924 kg/ha (18.0 kg/ha/day) in those without common carp. Prawn survival was higher (X = 84.5% vs X = 72.5%), but final average weight of prawns was lower (2.64 vs 5.86 g) in the presence of common carp due to competition for food between common carp and prawns. Competition from carp is believed to have exerted less influence on prawn survival than predation on small prawns by larger, faster-growing prawns.  相似文献   

于2017—2019年采用在池塘上方搭建简易保温大棚的方式开展了美洲鲥当年鱼种越冬养殖试验,研究探讨了越冬养殖相关的技术参数。结果显示:搭建保温大棚后,冬季池塘水温可保持在10℃以上,在美洲鲥当年鱼种(0+龄鱼种,平均体长12.45~16.65 cm,平均体质量27.29~66.41 g)放养密度为1518~2970尾/亩(15亩=1 hm^2,下同)和81.04~100.78 kg/亩的条件下,在越冬前中期(12月至次年3月中旬),日投饲量在0.8~1.6 kg/亩,越冬后期(次年3月中旬至4月上中旬),日投饲量也由2.0 kg/亩左右迅速增加到4.0~5.0 kg/亩。经过125~130 d的越冬养殖,鱼种平均体长达17.48~21.19 cm,增长28.04%~40.40%,平均体质量77.57~137.96 g/尾,增加了106.53%~184.24%,鱼种的体长和体质量特定生长率分别为(0.193~0.261)%/d和(0.585~0.804)%/d,日均增长量和日增重分别为0.036~0.039 cm/d和0.387~0.572 g/d;收获时美洲鲥鱼的肥满度为1.42~1.43 g/cm3,养殖成活率为89.29%~94.81%,饲料系数为1.50~1.65,亩产量为198.50~205.68 kg。试验结果表明,在江浙地区,养殖池塘上方搭建保温大棚后,冬季池塘水温(10~20℃)在美洲鲥当年鱼种的适宜水温范围,能获得较理想的越冬养殖效果。  相似文献   

The potential growth and yield of 1- and 2-year-old carp, Cyprinus carpio L., in climatic conditions similar to those of la Dombes were determined by a stochastic-deterministic model, derived from data on growth of Polish carp cultured under intensive methods. The model's forcing functions are the water temperature, effective for carp body mass growth, recorded in ponds of la Dombes, the final fish density, the protein content in feeds and the initial body mass (for 2-year-old fish). It was assumed that the pond ecosystem does not limit fish growth and that the pond trophic chain works correctly. Quantification of relations between basic elements of the carp culture techniques enables prediction of the required final output from ponds, permitting the most efficient culture methods to be chosen.  相似文献   

王武 《水产学报》1981,5(4):351-360
由蓝绿色裸甲藻(Gymnodinium,sp.)形成的蓝绿色水华是无锡渔区高产鱼池典型水质之一。本文对该藻的形态特征、生态、池塘培育和控制以及对鱼类的影响进行了研究。蓝绿裸甲藻水华具喜温、喜光、喜有机氮肥,喜红褐色水色(生物因子),且对外界环境的变化十分敏感等生态特点。蓝绿裸甲藻水华池的理化条件较差,特别是藻体繁殖过度,极易恶化水质,造成鱼类泛池。采用增施有机氮肥、合理使用增氧机、加水等综合措施可促进和控制该藻的繁殖。经鱼类消化道镜检表明,蓝绿裸甲藻能被鲢、鳙鱼及鲤、鲫、罗非鱼鱼种大量摄食,并被鱼类消化。对无锡河埒渔业一队成鱼池三年统计,蓝绿裸甲藻水华池的鲢鳙鱼净产量比无水华池高33.4~37.5%。  相似文献   

不同养殖结构鱼塘能量生态学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
谷孝鸿 《水产学报》1999,23(1):33-39
本文从养针池生态系统利用能量利用各环节,分析了两种不同养殖结构鱼生态学能量利用效率。主养草食性鱼类,其输入的总补助能,光合能、生物能的转换效率分别为9.86%、6.92%、10.10%;其生产吨鱼总补且能、光合能、生物能分别为46.64GJ、66.46GJ、45.54GJ。而对于主养滤食性鲢、鳙的池塘,其对应的指标 8.3.%、3.75%、8.66%、46.99GJ、105.52GJ、45.73G  相似文献   

Raising ducks on fish ponds (fish-duck culture) on a commercial scale is a new practice in Egypt, therefore, a study was undertaken to evaluate this practice from production, carcass composition and economic viewpoints.Five earthern ponds were used in the non-integrated system (no ducks) whereas four earthen ponds, in which each pond was supplied with 125 Pecking ducks per 0.42 ha, were used for the Integrated system. In both systems, each pond was stocked with four species of fish (common carp Cyprinus carpio, silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Grey mullet Mugil cephalus and tilapias Oreochromis niloticusand O. aureus) at the same densities.There were no differences in temperature or pH in any of the ponds but dissolved oxygen levels were lower in integrated ponds concomitant with increasing levels of ammonia, phosphate and nitrate. Water in integrated ponds was richer in natural productivity (phytoplankton and zooplankton) either in species or density when compared with those variables in non-integrated ponds.Fish species reared in integrated ponds exhibited better body weight, food conversion and protein efficiency ratios compared with those of fish species in the non-integrated ponds. Fish yield per 0.42 ha produced from the integrated ponds was significantly higher than that obtained from non-integrated ones. Also, body composition of fish species was affected by the type of farming. Carcass crude protein of grey mullet, silver carp and tilapia was improved in the integrated system. The data on return on sales, return on costs, return on equity, pay-back period and break-even point showed that the integrated system was more profitable than the non-integrated system.  相似文献   

池塘面积1067m^3,主养彭泽鲫鱼种,搭配团头鲂及鲢鳙鱼种,经156天饲养,共产鱼1029.6kg,折合667m^2产鱼643.5kg。其中每667m^2产彭泽鲫鱼种367.8kg,平均规格70g。每667m^2利润3498元。投入产出比为1:1.67。  相似文献   

Four 20m3 cages stocked with 120 bighead carp x silver carp hybrids per cage were placed in each of four ponds varying in trophic status from mesotrophic to hypereutophic. Fish were cultured, without feeding, from 13 March to 1 Octorber 1987. Fish in the mesotrophic pond survived but lost weight (-0.37 g/fish/d). The mesotrophic pond produced insufficient food to sustain fish growth. Maximum fish growth rate occured in the two eutotrophic ponds (6.61vand 7/04 g/fish/d). Fish growth in the hypereutrophic pond was about one-half (3.64 g/fish/d) that in the two eutrophic ponds. Guy analysis of fish in the hypereutrophic pond revealed consumption of larger quantities (P < 0.05) of colonial blue-green algae that were apparently poorly digested and less (P < 0.05) zooplankton (primarily cladocerans) than was found in fish from the eutrophic ponds.  相似文献   

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