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A 2‐year field experiment was carried out in loessal soil in a semi‐humid climate to explore the integrative influences of subsoiling on soil properties and winter wheat grain yield. Results showed that it was essential to deepen the plough pan in loessal soil. The sharply increased soil penetration resistance (>7 MPa) in plough pan under dry soil condition was especially harmful for plant growth. In rotary tillage treatment, the waterlogging conditions caused by shallow plough pan slightly produced macropores and preferential water flow. Significantly, higher grain yield was obtained in the subsoiling tillage treatment, increased by 21.9% in 2016 and 11.3% in 2017, respectively. Subsoiling tillage improved the resilience of winter wheat under adverse climate conditions. Subsoiling tillage should be popularized in loessal soil with shallow plough pan in semi‐humid climate. This study may provide valuable information on soil sustainable use and management in loessal soil.  相似文献   

土壤耕作及秸秆还田对冬小麦生长状况及产量的影响   总被引:46,自引:6,他引:46  
该文研究了土壤耕作、秸秆还田两项技术措施及其交互效应对冬小麦群体发育动态、冬小麦产量形成及其构成要素的影响。常规耕作、免耕、耙耕、深松4种土壤耕作技术与无秸秆还田、秸秆全量粉碎还田两种秸秆还田量构成8个处理,并对不同处理中冬小麦生长发育动态及产量形成进行调查、分析。结果表明不同耕作处理对冬小麦出苗率、群体动态、产量构成有显著影响,免耕小麦出苗率仅60.2%,群体过小,产量显著低于常规耕作;耙耕、深松在与常规耕作相同播量下能形成适宜的群体,且穗粒数、千粒重均高于常规耕作,分别比常规耕作增产8.15%和6.91%;经作用力分析,耕作措施是影响冬小麦群体结构与产量构成的最重要因素,作用力大于秸秆及秸秆×耕作交互效应。  相似文献   

轮耕对土壤物理性状和冬小麦产量的影响   总被引:25,自引:12,他引:25  
针对华北地区土壤连续单一耕作存在的主要问题,进行了土壤轮耕效应的研究。试验选择冬小麦夏玉米玉两熟区连续5 a免耕田,设置免耕、翻耕和旋耕3种轮耕处理(即免耕一免耕,免耕一翻耕和免耕一旋耕),冬小麦播种前进行耕作处理。研究结果表明:多年免耕后进行土壤耕作(翻耕、旋耕)可以显著降低土壤体积质量;旋耕显著降低0~10 cm土壤体积质量,翻耕则降低0~20 cm体积质量;随时间变化各处理土壤体积质量差异逐渐降低。翻耕、旋耕均显著增加了0~10 cm土壤总孔隙,同时翻耕显著增加了10~20 cm土壤总孔隙;翻耕、旋耕显著提高了5~10 cm毛管孔隙。0~10 cm土壤饱和导水率表现为旋耕>翻耕>免耕,翻耕、旋耕在5%水平上显著高于免耕;10~20、20~30 cm土层均表现为翻耕>旋耕>免耕,且10~20 cm翻耕5%水平上显著高于免耕;饱和导水率与体积质量呈显著线性负相关。翻耕、旋耕有效穗数与免耕相比分别提高了24.1%、22.3%;冬小麦的实际产量表现为:旋耕>翻耕>免耕,翻耕、旋耕分别比免耕增产11.8%、16.9%。总之,长期免耕后进行土壤耕作有利于改善土壤物理性状,提高作物产量。  相似文献   

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important cereal crop in the temperate climates of western Europe. Root system architecture is a significant contributor to resource capture and plant resilience. However, the impact of soil type on root system architecture (RSA) in field structured soils is yet to be fully assessed. This work studied the development of root growth using deep cultivation (250 mm) during the tillering phase stage (Zadock stage 25) of winter wheat across three soil types. The three sites of contrasting soil types covered a geographical area in the UK and Ireland in October 2018. Root samples were analysed using two methods: X-ray computed tomography (CT) which provides 3D images of the undisturbed roots in the soil, and a WinRHIZO scanner used to generate 2D images of washed roots and to measure further root parameters. Important negative relationships existed between soil bulk density and root properties (root length density, root volume, surface area and length) across the three sites. The results revealed that despite reduced root growth, the clay (Southoe) site had a significantly higher crop yield irrespective of root depth. The loamy sand (Harper Adams) site had significantly higher root volume, surface area and root length density compared with the other sites. However, a reduction in grain yield of 2.42 Mt ha−1 was incurred compared with the clay site and 1.6 Mt ha−1 compared with the clay loam site. The significantly higher rooting characteristics found in the loamy sand site were a result of the significantly lower soil bulk density compared with the other two sites. The loamy sand site had a lower soil bulk density, but no significant difference in macroporosity between sites (p > 0.05). This suggests that soil type and structure directly influence crop yield to greater extent than root parameters, but the interactions between both need simultaneous assessment in field sites.  相似文献   

The recent adoption of conservation farming systems in the semi-arid Canadian prairies opens up the possibility of replacing the traditional fallow period with non-cereal crops (oilseeds, legumes). However, information on changes to soil water regimes by inclusion of these crops, especially in combination with zero tillage, is sparse. A study was initiated in 1984 on a sandy clay loam soil at Lethbridge, Alberta, to investigate the performance of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under conventional, minimum and zero tillage in monoculture and in 2-year rotations with fallow, canola (Brassica campestris L.) or lentils (Lens culinaris Medic.)/flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). Conventional tillage in the Lethbridge region is shallow cultivation (10 cm) with a wide-blade (sweep) cultivator. Continuous cropping greatly depleted soil water reserves, resulting in some crop failures. Averaged over 10 years, available water for establishment of winter wheat in fall was least after canola (45 mm), followed by continuous winter wheat (59 mm), lentils/flax (74 mm) and fallow (137 mm). In this semi-arid region, the effect of rotation on soil water was much greater than that of tillage. Zero tillage had relatively little impact on available water to 1.5 m depth. However, once the experiment had been established for 6–7 years, available water in the 0–15 cm depth under winter wheat in spring was greatest under zero tillage. Precipitation storage efficiency during the fallow year was generally unaffected by tillage system.  相似文献   

This paper examines how alteration of soils by tillage changes the sustainability of soil functions. Soil tillage presents an enigma in thinking about soil sustainability in ecosystems. There is a several‐thousand‐year history of gradually increasing the disturbance of ever‐greater volumes of soil. The dominant concept was that these changes by tillage increased crop production. We now have a several‐decade concern with decreasing tillage, both for reasons of economy and sustainability. Have soil conditions changed, or do we now know more about soil science and its application to crop production? Specific soil uses, specific soils, characteristics of the site, and whether short or long‐term changes are being evaluated determine the effects of tillage in agro‐ecosystems. The largest effects of tillage are increased recycling rates and long‐term decreases in porosity and in diversity of habitat. The benefits of tillage in annual crop production appear to be a temporary improvement of water and oxygen conditions in a seedbed, and the destruction of competing plant species. Environmental concerns such as water quality, diversity of habitat, storage of carbon and nitrogen, and water partitioning are negatively affected by tillage.  相似文献   

带旋和全旋耕作对稻茬小麦生长和土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为明确带旋耕作在稻茬麦区的适用性,该研究于2018-2020年在水稻秸秆切碎匀铺还田条件下,以全旋(full rotary tillage,FRT)耕作为对照,研究了带旋(strip rotary tillage,SRT)耕作对稻茬麦田土壤理化性质、小麦生长和籽粒产量的影响。结果表明,与FRT相比,SRT在土壤偏干状况下大幅提升了0~10 cm土层贮水量,提升幅度为15%~43%,而在土壤偏湿时提升幅度仅为3%~9%。带旋耕作下土壤温度日变化幅度平缓,且在低温条件下有助于提升5和15 cm土层温度。2 a间5~15 cm土层SRT土壤速效氮与速效钾含量较FRT分别增加12%、55%、41%和17%,差异显著(P<0.05),SRT促进了土壤养分在浅层富集。在2019-2020年,SRT较FRT显著增加了幼苗单株次生根数、单株地上部生物量、植株可溶性糖含量和叶片RuBPCase活性(P<0.05),明显提升了幼苗质量,同时2 a间均提高了开花期和乳熟期单茎叶面积、叶片RuBPCase活性以及开花期和成熟期单茎干物质量。2 a间均以SRT产量最高,比FRT分别增产11%和14%,穗粒数比FRT分别增加16%和5%,差异均达显著水平(P<0.05)。综上,带旋耕作下良好的土壤水、热、肥条件有助于幼苗健壮生长,提升了单茎光合生产能力,促进了幼穗发育和穗粒数形成,但带旋耕作出苗率较全旋耕作低了19.3%,未来还需结合其壮苗优势开展农机农艺配套技术研究。  相似文献   

Management of plant litter or crop residues in agricultural fields is an important consideration for reducing soil erosion and increasing soil organic C. Current methods of quantifying crop residue cover are inadequate for characterizing the spatial variability of residue cover within fields or across large regions. Our objectives were to evaluate several spectral indices for measuring crop residue cover using satellite multispectral and hyperspectral data and to categorize soil tillage intensity in agricultural fields. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and EO-1 Hyperion imaging spectrometer data were acquired over agricultural fields in central Iowa in May and June 2004. Crop residue cover was measured in corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max Merr.) fields using line-point transects. Spectral residue indices using Landsat TM bands were weakly related to crop residue cover. With the Hyperion data, crop residue cover was linearly related to the cellulose absorption index (CAI), which measures the relative intensity of cellulose and lignin absorption features near 2100 nm. Coefficients of determination (r2) for crop residue cover as a function of CAI were 0.85 for the May and 0.77 for the June Hyperion data. Three tillage intensity classes, corresponding to intensive (<15% residue cover), reduced (15–30% cover) and conservation (>30% cover) tillage, were correctly identified in 66–68% of fields. Classification accuracy increased to 80–82% for two classes, corresponding to conventional (intensive + reduced) and conservation tillage. By combining information on previous season's (2003) crop classification with crop residue cover after planting in 2004, an inventory of soil tillage intensity by previous crop type was generated for the whole Hyperion scene. Regional surveys of soil management practices that affect soil conservation and soil C dynamics are possible using advanced multispectral or hyperspectral imaging systems.  相似文献   

冷凉地区不同耕作措施对土壤环境和作物生长发育的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过不同耕作措施的实施,比较其对玉米种植地土壤水分、土壤温度、玉米生长发育及产量的影响,从而探讨不同的耕作方式在旱作农业试验区的适宜性。结果表明:不同的保护性耕作措施均可提高土壤水分含量,其中留茬旋耕处理的土壤贮水量最高,达(4.542±0.894)×105L/hm2;在玉米播种前期及苗期,免耕覆盖处理降低土壤温度1~2℃,而整个生育期留茬旋耕处理与传统耕作处理的土壤温度相近;苗期,留茬旋耕处理的玉米株高、根长、鲜重和干重均优于其它处理,促进了玉米的生长发育;不同的保护性耕作措施均可提高玉米的产量,与传统耕作相比可增产4.01%~22.1%。整秆还田和留茬旋耕处理玉米产量较高,两者之间差异不显著。综合考虑不同耕作措施的效应,留茬旋耕处理比整秆还田处理更适宜于冷凉地区的推广、应用。  相似文献   

多年固定道保护性耕作对土壤结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
为了解决拖拉机作业机组作业时造成的土壤普遍压实,在10a连续固定道保护性耕作试验基础上,研究了固定道保护性耕作对土壤容重、孔隙度、紧实度、水分以及冬小麦产量的影响。试验结果表明,对于作物生长带,固定道保护性耕作可以降低0~20cm土层的容重6.8%,提高0~40cm土层土壤总孔隙度4.6%,降低0~30cm土层土壤紧实度31.5%,提高0~1m土层蓄水能力,在固定道占地20%的情况下,仍能提高冬小麦产量10.8%。因此,固定道保护性耕作是减少土壤压实、改善土壤结构、提高小麦产量的有效耕作方式。  相似文献   

Soil structure and structural stability are key parameters in sustainable soil management and optimum cropping practices. This study aimed to improve the knowledge of potential precision tillage practices by characterizing the effect of varied tillage intensities on structural properties of a clay loam soil. An experiment with seedbed preparation was conducted using a power take‐off‐driven rotovator equipped to measure torque and angular velocity and with operational speed (OS) and rotational speed (RS) as main factors. Effects of soil coverage prior to tillage and wheeling directly after tillage were measured at one combination of OS and RS. The soil was sampled at 0–80 mm depth. Under slow OS (2.9 km hr?1) compared with fast OS (6.3 km hr?1), specific energy input was greater (116 and 52 J kg?1 on average, respectively), and it increased with RS. Wheeling resulted in larger aggregate diameter right after tillage (at T1; 56 mm as geometric mean compared with 9 mm), with 42 times smaller geometric mean of air permeability 45 days after tillage (at T2) and with greater soil dispersibility at T2. Highly significant correlations were observed between soil dispersibility and energy input, specific surface area of aggregates, fractions of small (<4 mm) and medium (8–16 mm) aggregates, and geometric mean diameter. Slow OS combined with fast RS showed significantly greater air permeability than all other treatments. The results suggest that there is a potential for controlling soil structure in seedbed preparation by minimizing compaction from traffic and adapting site‐specific control of rotovation intensity.  相似文献   

实施16年保护性耕作下黑土土壤结构功能变化特征   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
通过东北典型黑土区旱作平地连续16 a保护性耕作田间长期定位试验,研究保护性耕作实施后对土壤结构功能的影响,分析土壤结构功能的生育期动态特征及其与土壤有机碳的相关关系,探究作物产量变化的原因。以玉米-大豆轮作黑土农田为研究对象,设置4个耕作处理:秸秆覆盖免耕(No-tillage with straw returning,NT)和少耕(Reduced-tillage,RT)保护性耕作;平翻(Moldboard-tillage,MT)和旋耕(Rotary-tillage,Rot)传统耕作,探讨大豆幼苗期(Seeding-stage,SS)、开花期(Flowing-stage,FlS)、鼓粒期(Filling-stage,FiS)和成熟期(Maturing-stage,MS)耕层0~20 cm土壤容重、孔隙度、水分状况以及水稳性团聚体含量对耕作方式的响应。在大豆收获后取样测定不同耕作处理土壤有机碳的垂直分布和地表土壤水分入渗速率。结果表明:1)NT改善并稳定土壤结构。NT可以保持容重在生育期内的相对稳定;NT可以有效克服机械压实作用;表层土壤NT水稳性大团聚体(>0.25 mm)含量最多,平均重量直径(Mean Weight Diameter,MWD)高于其他耕作处理。2)NT提高土壤持水蓄水能力。NT增加表层0~5 cm土壤田间持水量;NT改善地表土壤水分入渗,整体初始入渗速率为其他处理的1.26~1.63倍,非种植带处稳定入渗速率为其他处理的2.24~6.63倍。3)NT显著增加土壤表层0~5 cm有机碳的积累,NT分别比MT、RT和Rot处理高32.59%、30.28%和25.79%。4)NT不会导致作物减产。长期连续保护性耕作尤其是秸秆覆盖免耕在改善土壤的结构功能,并显著增加表层土壤有机碳积累的同时,维持土地生产力,有效克服保护性耕作短期不良效应,提升黑土质量的作用明显。  相似文献   

不同耕作方式对中国东北黑土有机碳的短期影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A tillage experiment, consisting of moldboard plow (MP), ridge tillage (RT), and no-tillage (NT), was performed in a randomized complete block design with four replicates to study the effect of 3-year tillage management on SOC content and its distribution in surface layer (30 cm) of a clay loam soil in northeast China. NT did not lead to significant increase of SOC in topsoil (0-5 cm) compared with MP and RT; however, the SOC content in NT soil was remarkably reduced at a depth of 5-20 cm. Accordingly, short-term (3-year) NT management tended to stratify SOC concentration, but not necessarily increase its storage in the plow layer for the soil.  相似文献   

深旋松耕改善耕层结构促进马铃薯增产   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了探究深旋松耕提升马铃薯产量与质量的可行性。在山东省胶河地区以常规旋耕为对照,研究深旋松耕对土壤物理性质、马铃薯根系及产量形成的影响。结果表明:与常规旋耕相比,深旋松耕能打破犁底层,显著降低20~40 cm土层的容重和穿透阻力,提高0~50 cm土层的贮水量25.67%,促进作物生长,其中马铃薯根系生物量显著提高26.61%,中、下层叶片净光合速率分别增加20.82%、37.13%,进而提高花后光合产物积累量,促进花后干物质向块茎的转运,使得单块薯重量提高29.82%,马铃薯增产38.68%。  相似文献   

不同土壤耕作模式对冬小麦籽粒品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
冬小麦籽粒的品质受土壤环境影响。为了研究不同土壤耕作模式对冬小麦籽粒品质的影响,采用了5种土壤耕作模式(常规耕作秸秆不还田、常规耕作秸秆还田、旋耕秸秆还田、缺口圆盘耙耕秸秆还田、免耕秸秆覆盖)在山东龙口进行了3年田间试验,测定了冬小麦籽粒蛋白质品质、面团流变学特性和淀粉糊化特性。结果表明:少耕模式特别是旋还模式有利于改善籽粒蛋白质质量、改善面粉的加工品质,免覆模式对改变面条蒸煮品质有利。土壤耕作可改变土壤环境,但耕作方式对冬小麦品质的长期影响仍有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

采用田间大区试验,连续3年在河套重盐碱区开展了冬季咸水结冰灌溉试验研究,设置冬季咸水结冰灌溉(FSWI)和无灌溉对照(CK)两个处理,其中FSWI处理的灌水量为180 mm,矿化度为6.79~7.97 g·L~(–1),种植作物为青贮玉米,以分析不同处理下土壤水盐和钠吸附比(SAR)的周年动态以及对作物生长的影响,探究冬季咸水结冰灌溉对河套重盐碱地的改良效果。结果表明:与CK相比,FSWI处理显著改变了春季土壤水盐和SAR动态。0~20 cm土层,春季FSWI处理的土壤含水量显著高于CK处理,玉米苗期, FSWI处理的土壤含水量平均为24.3%,显著高于CK的21.6%; FSWI处理的春季土壤含盐量和SAR显著低于CK处理,其中, FSWI处理的土壤含盐量由灌溉前的33.86 g·kg~(–1)降低至玉米苗期的5 g·kg~(–1)以下,而CK处理土壤含盐量逐渐升高至玉米苗期的34.2 g·kg~(–1); FSWI处理土壤SAR由灌溉前的21.9降低至玉米苗期的9.86, CK土壤SAR则逐渐升高至玉米苗期的25.00。后续地膜覆盖和夏季降雨使FSWI处理的土壤含水量维持在23.0%以上,土壤含盐量保持在5 g·kg~(–1)以下,土壤SAR保持在9左右。20~40 cm土层与0~20 cm土层的土壤水盐和SAR变化趋势与表层一致,但没有表层变化剧烈。此外,随着灌溉年限的延长,同时期土壤含盐量和SAR呈逐年降低的趋势。FSWI处理玉米出苗率在70%以上,干物质产量为9~12t·hm~(–2),而CK处理由于土壤含水量较低(21.0%),并且土壤含盐量和SAR均较高,造成玉米出苗率极低,进而导致绝收。因此冬季咸水结冰灌溉改变了土壤水盐动态过程,变春季积盐为脱盐,显著降低了土壤SAR,并补充了土壤水分,保证了饲用玉米的正常种植和生长,这为该地区盐碱地改良和饲料作物种植提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

Severe treading damage to soils often occurs when cattle and sheep graze standing forage crops during winter. Soil recovery is a long process that may take several months if not years. Noninversion tillage can speed up the recovery process by improving drainage and air diffusion. This research assessed the ongoing benefit of noninversion tillage for improving soil structure relative to non‐tillage. This assessment was made following a land‐use transition from winter forage cropping to re‐establishment of seasonal pasture that was rotationally grazed by cattle or sheep. Prior to commencement of this study, the research site had poor soil structure due to four consecutive years of cattle and sheep grazing of winter forage crops [macroporosity (0–100 mm) <0.075 and 0.113 m3/m3 under cattle and sheep, respectively]. Tillage was effective in increasing soil macroporosity to ca. 0.175 m3/m3 under both grazing classes, which was significantly higher than nontilled soils (ca. 0.140 m3/m3, 0–100 mm depth). Improvements gained from tillage generally did not persist longer than 18 months. Average annual pasture production in tilled plots was 22.1 and 20.9 tons of dry matter per hectare (t DM/ha) for respective cattle‐ and sheep‐grazed plots, while in the nontilled plots, it was 19.1 and 18.6 t DM/ha, respectively. Results indicate noninversion tillage can provide an immediate increase in the porosity of compacted soils and improve pasture growth. However, processes involved in the formation of resilient soil aggregates are curtailed if subsequent grazing events coincide with high moisture content that causes recompaction.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对土壤水分和小麦产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
采用3种稻田保护性耕作栽培模式与传统栽培模式的定位试验,对成都平原稻田小麦季的土壤水分及产量进行了研究。结果表明:小麦全生育期,免耕覆盖处理的土壤含水率明显地高于翻耕覆盖处理,而翻耕不覆盖处理最差;小麦分蘖高峰期,覆盖处理的土壤含水率比不覆盖处理高17.7%~75.9%,免耕覆盖处理的土壤含水率比翻耕覆盖处理高12.7%~41.0%;免耕覆盖处理的小麦最高茎蘖数又比翻耕覆盖处理增加23.8%~72.3%,均极显著优于翻耕处理;覆盖处理的小麦产量比不覆盖处理增产6.3%~19.5%,免耕覆盖处理比翻耕覆盖处理增产3.2%~8.0%。稻田保护性耕作有利于提高成都平原区小麦产量。  相似文献   

苗期土壤含水率变化对冬小麦根、冠生物量累积动态的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为合理进行冬小麦生长过程的适时水分调控,该文对不同生育期土壤含水率对冬小麦根冠影响的试验进行分析。采用的试验包括5种水分处理,即苗期充分供水,其它生育期进行中度胁迫(FB)、重度胁迫(FC)处理和从苗期开始的中度水分胁迫(SB)、重度水分胁迫(SC)处理以及全生育期充分供水的对照处理。试验结果表明:苗期土壤含水率对冬小麦根、冠的生物量,生物量的累积速率产生不同影响,使全生育期内根、冠占植株总量的比例和根冠比发生改变。当苗期水分改变时,生育初期,根、冠均没有明显响应,但到播后16 d,播后20 d,根、冠生物量分别随胁迫程度的增加而减小(FB>SB,FC>SC);在播后28 d,SB和SC的根系质量累积速率超过对应FB和FC处理,且苗期受胁迫处理的冬小麦在生殖生长阶段所维持的根系大于苗期不受胁迫处理的根系;冠的累积速率则在播后28 d和35 d也出现SB>FB,SC>FC的结果,到播后42 d,SB、SC的冠质量分别超过对应的FB、FC的冠质量。在此过程中,根、冠生物量占总质量的比例发生改变,根表现为SB>FB,SC>FC;冠在营养生长阶段FB>SB,FC>SC,在生殖生长期SB达到最大;相应根冠比改变。  相似文献   

为防治黑土退化、保护好利用好黑土地,本研究基于东北黑土区已发表61篇文献543组研究数据,利用Meta分析和随机森林模型等方法,分析黑土地保护性耕作与深耕对作物产量的影响及其驱动因素,耦合东北黑土地区气候、地形和土壤等信息,评价保护性耕作与深耕的适宜性。结果表明:与传统耕作相比,东北黑土地区整体而言保护性耕作增产不明显(1.21%),而深耕增产显著(12.3%),区域分析表明前者仅在辽河平原显著增产14.6%,而后者在三江、松嫩和辽河平原均增产10%以上。因素分析表明黑土区保护性耕作产量效应主要受多年平均气温(20%)、积温(19%)和干燥指数(16%)的影响,深耕产量效果则受坡度影响最大(14%),平坦区域适宜深耕,陡坡耕地适宜保护性耕作。综合上述因子评价区域适宜性程度,东北地区的西南部,包括辽宁省西部、吉林省西部以及内蒙古自治区东部(赤峰市、通辽)等严重风蚀区域实行保护性耕作效果更佳;典型黑土带以及三江平原等湿润、冷凉、低洼区域深耕的效果较好。本研究成果可为保护性耕作与深耕技术在东北黑土区的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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