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Clinical records and thoracic radiographs of 19 horses with a confirmed pathologic diagnosis of silicosis were reviewed. These horses had histories of varying degrees of chronic weight loss, exercise intolerance, and respiratory distress. At the time of presentation, two horses were asymptomatic. Ten horses were geldings and nine were female. The mean age of the 19 horses was 10.7 +/- 5.5 years. Fourteen horses were identified as being from the Monterey-Carmel Peninsula of midcoastal California. An abnormal, structured interstitial pulmonary pattern was identified on thoracic radiographs in each horse. The interstitial pulmonary changes were classified as miliary (13 horses), reticulonodular (4), or linear interstitial (2), and were best visualized dorsally and caudodorsally. In addition to the abnormal interstitial pulmonary pattern, areas of pulmonary consolidation were evident caudodorsally in seven horses. Other thoracic radiographic features included: hilar lymphadenopathy (4 horses), pleural effusion/thickening (4), cranial mediastinal lymphadenopathy (2), hyperinflation (1), and a discrete pulmonary mass (1). Necropsy findings in eight horses and results of lung biopsies in an additional five horses showed a diffuse, multifocal, granulomatous pneumonia with areas of pulmonary fibrosis. Cellular infiltrates included predominantly macrophages with intracellular and/or extracellular crystalline material, occasional lymphocytes, and giant cells. Similar cellular changes were also identified, during necropsy, in the hilar and tracheobronchial lymph nodes in each of the eight horses, although gross enlargement of the lymph nodes was present in only six horses. The radiographic and pathologic findings of these 19 horses are consistent with chronic or the accelerated forms of silicosis that are recognized in humans.  相似文献   

Radiographic prevalence and correlation of radiographic findings has not been performed in Lusitano Purebred horses. The aim of this study was to (1) evaluate the prevalence of primary osteoarthritis radiographic findings in Lusitano Purebred horses; (2) to assess correlations between radiographic findings in different joints of the same limb and different limbs; and (3) elucidate the effect of age in the radiographic findings. A radiographic protocol of the stifle, tarsi, fetlocks and distal limbs was done in 98 Lusitanos and the classification of the radiographs was performed using a 0-4 scale developed and applied blindly by three veterinarians. The distal interphalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal, metatarsophalangeal, tarsometatarsal, distal intertarsal, proximal intertarsal/, tibiotarsal and femorotibial-patellar joints were evaluated. Most joints presented no abnormal findings or minor abnormal radiographic findings (82.86% grade ≤1). The most affected joint was tarsometatarsal and more severe lesions were found in tarsometatarsal and distal intertarsal. Femorotibial-patellar radiographic changes were rare (2.13%). A strong/moderate correlation was found between contralateral joints with exception hindlimb fetlocks. A moderate correlation was found between fore and hindlimbs for distal limb joints. When analyzing ipsilateral as well as diagonal distal limbs, a strong/moderate correlation was also found. The total score progressed in 0.2 score points per each year of age, revealing that age can be a statistically significant predictor for radiographic changes. Overall, Lusitano horses presented a low prevalence of severe radiographic sings of primary osteoarthritis. Findings in contralateral joints tend to be correlated.  相似文献   

Case records of 27 draft horses with laryngeal hemiplegia were reviewed. Twenty-one horses were treated by ventriculectomy with or without prosthetic laryngoplasty, and 17 owners were contacted to determine the results. Fifteen horses improved after surgery and were able to perform to the owners' expectations. Performance improved significantly and hospitalization was shorter after ventriculectomy alone. Results of this study indicate that the clinical signs of exercise intolerance and excessive inspiratory noise associated with left laryngeal hemiplegia in draft horses can be treated successfully by ventriculectomy without prosthetic laryngoplasty.  相似文献   

Objective— To assess the effect of 1 or 2 laryngeal prosthetic sutures on rima glottidis areas in equine laryngeal specimens. Study Design— Experimental, randomized design. Animals— Cadaveric equine larynges (n=16). Methods— Larynges were collected from 10 horses; 2 sutures each were preplaced in the right and left sides of each larynx. A dorsal suture (DS) was placed through the caudal rim of the dorsal midline of the cricoid cartilage, under the cricopharyngeus muscle and through the proximal and rostral aspect of the muscular process. A lateral suture (LS) was placed 1.5 cm lateral to the DS and through the muscular process more distal and caudal to the 1st suture. Larynges were positioned in a customized stand and the rima glottidis photographed after each suture (LS or DS) or suture combination (CS) was tied in random sequence. An additional 6 larynxes were used to determine whether the tension applied to the sutures was repeatable. Sutures were preplaced in both the right and left side of each larynx as described above and each suture and CS was tied and released 3 times in each larynx. Photographs were taken of the rima glottidis after each suture or CS was tied generating 3 replicates for each suture configuration on each side of the 6 larynges. Results— Mean rima glottidis area was not different between DS and LS when tied alone (P=.85); however, mean area after CS (DS+LS) was greater than DS (P<.001) and LS (P<.001) alone. The coefficient of variation for the 6 suture patterns were low (1–7%) and the intraclass correlation coefficient estimates were very high (0.997–0.998) demonstrating excellent repeatability between replicates for each of the 3 suture configurations. Conclusion— Our results suggest that laryngoplasty using 2 prostheses; 1 placed dorsally in the cricoid and through the rostral and proximal muscular process and 1 placed 1.5 cm lateral to the 1st and more caudal and distal in the muscular process results in a greater cross sectional area of the rima glottidis than either suture used alone. Clinical Relevance— Seemingly prosthetic sutures contribute independently to each other in determining the contour of the rima glottidis. Use of 2 prosthetic sutures improves crosssectional area of the rima glottidis compared with each suture alone and may improve surgical outcome in laryngoplasty.  相似文献   

Objective— To describe signalment, clinical, and radiographic changes associated with carpometacarpal osteoarthritis (CMC‐OA) and to report long‐term outcome. Study Design— Case series. Animals— Horses (n=33) with CMC‐OA. Methods— Medical records (1992–2007) of horses diagnosed with CMC‐OA were reviewed and signalment, clinical, and radiographic findings retrieved. Owners were contacted for information on the impact of lameness on intended use, response to treatment, progression of lameness, outcome, and owner satisfaction with response to treatment. Results— CMC‐OA identified in 39 limbs, occurred predominantly in middle‐aged and older Quarter Horses and Arabians, and caused severe lameness that prevented normal use. Characteristic swelling was centered over the 2nd metacarpal bone/2nd carpal bone articulation. Radiographic changes consisted of proliferative new bone, narrowed joint space, and subchondral lysis. Of 20 horses with follow‐up, 7 of 14 treated horses were euthanatized within 4 years and 4 of 5 nontreated horses within 3 years. Response to treatment was short lived and considered very poor by most owners. Conclusion— CMC‐OA seemingly occurs primarily in Quarter Horses and Arabians in our region. Response to conservative treatment is very poor and short‐lived with most horses being euthanatized. Clinical Relevance— Conventional treatment methods are unsuccessful for treating CMC‐OA.  相似文献   

Videorecordings of the laryngeal activity of 108 unsedated horses were obtained at rest by passing a flexible videoendoscope into the nasopharynx through the right ventral meatus. All videotaped images were reviewed once, and 72 were reviewed twice, by three veterinarians. Laryngeal cartilage movement was assessed subjectively with a five-tier grading system. The mean intraobserver agreement was 83.3% (range, 75.0%-90.2%) with a kappa statistic of .65 to .98. The mean interobserver agreement was 79.0% (range, 70.4%-80.6%) with a kappa statistic of .51 to .90. A computer program was developed to measure the left:right ratio of the rima glottidis. The mean left:right ratio for horses assigned a median laryngeal grade of I was 0.84 (range, 0.55-1.03); for grade II, 0.82 (0.50-1.12); for grade III, 0.59 (0.39-0.91); and for grade IV, 0.24 (0.07-0.35).  相似文献   

Objective —To determine if omentectomy would decrease the frequency of postoperative intraabdominal adhesions. Study Design —Retrospective study. Animals or Sample Population—44 horses that had either two ventral median celiotomies or a ventral median celiotomy and a necropsy more than 4 days later; 19 of these horses had their omentum removed at the initial surgery. Methods —Data retrieved from the records included location and type of intraabdominal adhesions; location of the surgical lesion; relationship of adhesions to the surgical lesion; surgical procedures; duration of initial surgery; time interval between procedures; age, gender, and breed of the horse; and clinical outcome. Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate the association between categorical explanatory and outcome variables. The effect of potential risk factors on the incidence rate of adhesion formation was estimated using a proportional hazards regression model. Results —Of 25 horses in the nonomentectomy group, 15 (60%) had postoperative adhesions that resulted in the need for a second surgical intervention, whereas of 19 horses that had omentectomy initially, only 4 (21%) had postoperative adhesions that required a second procedure. Rate of adhesion formation was higher in horses that did not have omentectomy initially (incidence ratio rate [IRR], 0.46; 90% confidence interval [CI], 0.18 to 1.19). At initial surgery, 24 horses had a small intestinal lesion, and 20 horses had a large intestinal lesion. Fifteen horses (63%) with small intestinal lesions subsequently developed adhesions compared with four horses (20%) with an initial large intestinal lesion (P= .006). At the second procedure, small intestine lesions were identified in 32 horses and large intestine lesions in 12 horses (1 horse had both small and large intestine lesions), and 1 horse had a gastric lesion. Adhesions were identified as the cause of colic signs in 19 (61%) horses with small intestinal lesions and in none of the horses with large intestine lesions. The frequency of adhesion development leading to colic associated with only the small intestine at the second surgery or necropsy was significantly greater (P= .001) than the frequency only in the large intestine. Conclusions —Omentectomy reduced the rate of postoperative adhesion formation. Adhesions are more likely to occur after small intestinal surgery and if they do occur likely involve the small intestine. Clinical Relevance —Omentectomy is a safe procedure and should be considered prophylactically for reduction of adhesion formation after abdominal surgery in horses.  相似文献   

Burkholderia mallei causes glanders or farcy in solipeds, a disease that must be reported to the OIE (Office International des Epizooties, Paris, France). The number of reported outbreaks has increased steadily during the last decade. Serodiagnosis is hampered by the considerable number of false‐positives and ‐negatives of the internationally prescribed tests. The major problem leading to low sensitivity and specificity of complement fixation test (CFT) and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been linked to the test antigens currently used, i.e. crude preparations of whole cells. Future perspectives for the development and evaluation of serological test kits using well‐characterized single antigens are discussed in the light of recent molecular research on B. mallei and the closely related saprozoonotic agent B. pseudomallei.  相似文献   

The clinical and radiographic progression, and arthroscopic findings for nine young horses (<1 year of age) with femoropatellar osteochondrosis (OCD) are presented. Horses had a 2 to 12 week history of bilateral (8 horses) or unilateral (1 horse) hindlimb lameness. The most consistent clinical signs included femoropatellar joint distention and bilateral hindlimb lameness. At the onset of clinical signs, radiographic lesions were not present (4 horses) or subtle (5 horses), but were easily identified on radiographs taken 4 to 24 weeks later. Arthroscopic surgery was delayed until radiographic changes became obvious. Surgical findings in 20 femoropatellar joints were most commonly osteochondral "flaps" located on the proximal lateral trochlear ridge of the femur and were larger than had been indicated by the radiographs. Eight horses were being used for their intended purpose, which was racing (3 horses were racing and 3 were in race training), dressage (1 horse) or pleasure riding (1 horse). One horse required a second surgery when similar lesions developed in the opposite stifle, and was euthanatized 2 months later because of persistent lameness. Once clinical signs are observed, osteochondrosis lesions of the distal femur can progress in foals younger than 9 months of age and the full extent of the radiographic lesion may take several weeks to develop.  相似文献   

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