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Early local last glacial maximum in the tropical Andes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The local last glacial maximum in the tropical Andes was earlier and less extensive than previously thought, based on 106 cosmogenic ages (from beryllium-10 dating) from moraines in Peru and Bolivia. Glaciers reached their greatest extent in the last glacial cycle approximately 34,000 years before the present and were retreating by approximately 21,000 years before the present, implying that tropical controls on ice volumes were asynchronous with those in the Northern Hemisphere. Our estimates of snowline depression reflect about half the temperature change indicated by previous widely cited figures, which helps resolve the discrepancy between estimates of terrestrial and marine temperature depression during the last glacial cycle.  相似文献   

当今世界是一个经济全球化加速发展的世界,但是在全球化加速发展的同时,反全球化运动也在兴起。反全球化运动兴起的原因有三方面:一是经济全球化使发达国家内部贫富差距越来越大;二是西方发达国家的共产党在反全球化运动中起了相当大的作用;三是发展中国家也反对西方国家主导的全球化。  相似文献   

The history of pre-Columbian metallurgy in South America is incomplete because looting of metal artifacts has been pervasive. Here, we reconstruct a millennium of metallurgical activity in southern Bolivia using the stratigraphy of metals associated with smelting (Pb, Sb, Bi, Ag, Sn) from lake sediments deposited near the major silver deposit of Cerro Rico de Potosí. Pronounced metal enrichment events coincide with the terminal stages of Tiwanaku culture (1000 to 1200 A.D.) and Inca through early Colonial times (1400 to 1650 A.D.). The earliest of these events suggests that Cerro Rico ores were actively smelted at a large scale in the Late Intermediate Period, providing evidence for a major pre-Incan silver industry.  相似文献   

The widespread extinctions of large mammals at the end of the Pleistocene epoch have often been attributed to the depredations of humans; here we present genetic evidence that questions this assumption. We used ancient DNA and Bayesian techniques to reconstruct a detailed genetic history of bison throughout the late Pleistocene and Holocene epochs. Our analyses depict a large diverse population living throughout Beringia until around 37,000 years before the present, when the population's genetic diversity began to decline dramatically. The timing of this decline correlates with environmental changes associated with the onset of the last glacial cycle, whereas archaeological evidence does not support the presence of large populations of humans in Eastern Beringia until more than 15,000 years later.  相似文献   

更强韧的木制品冲击着建筑材料市场,木结构建筑可以盖得更高。在以"木建筑中的革新"为主题的研讨会上,工程师和建筑师们介绍了木建筑的优点并指出新的木质建筑材料的出现可以打破木建筑不能超过6层的限制规定。工程师Karsh认为,交叉层积材(crosslaminatedtimber,CLT)这种材料应当列入加拿大的建筑法典。建筑法典需要承认材料之间的差异,并且应当将其纳入标准中。  相似文献   

周静莉  滕兰稳 《安徽农业科学》2008,36(1):305-305,318
分析我国生态旅游的现状,权衡生态旅游效应的利弊,提出关注生态旅游双向效应尤为重要。  相似文献   

四川尊经书院是近代蜀学兴起的一个重要前提,它在科举制度病入膏肓之时,以通经学古课蜀士,肩负起"绍先哲,起蜀学"的学术使命,经过张之洞、王闿运的精心规划和整饬,培育出一大批优秀的蜀学人才,对中国近现代历史产生了深远的影响。以尊经书院为中心,是准确把握近代蜀学特质的基本途径,必须由此出发,许多问题才可能获得满意的解释。  相似文献   

稻谷价格上涨成为市场主基调   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2010年中国稻谷产量实现7连增。在农产品价格整体走高、生产成本增加和市场竞争加剧的背景下,新粮开秤后,稻谷收购价格持续走高,进入第四季度后上涨速度明显加快。2011年中国稻谷供需形势仍将维持紧平衡格局,生产成本有望保持上涨势头,在国家宣布大幅提高2011年稻谷最低收购价之后,上涨一致预期已经形成,稻谷价格上涨已经成为市场主基调。  相似文献   

随着中年男演员担当主演的影视剧的热播,引发了一股大叔审美热潮。大叔审美趋势的形成既有男色消费时代女性消费者支持的原因,也是传统男性审美积淀影响的结果,其中内容为王的影视剧起到了关键作用。此外,在男性形象多元化的时代,大叔审美是对传统男性形象的传承与重塑。  相似文献   

排舞作为一项新型休闲体育项目引入我国,受到我国广大人民群众的喜爱,已有上亿人参加排舞健身活动。排舞在我国蓬勃兴起有着深刻的社会背景,采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等深入的研究与分析了排舞在我国快速开展的原因,提出了未来我国排舞的发展趋势。通过研究认为排舞以其自身的项目特点和独特的魅力,将会吸引越来越多的人参与其中,在我国的开展也会更加的普及化,应科学合理地开发与推广这一体育资源,挖掘其发展潜力,实现排舞运动的可持续发展。  相似文献   

书店与图书馆都是与书结缘的地方,二者目标人群大体相同。对城市书店的特点进行了分析,指出书店某些合理的经营理念和服务方式值得图书馆学习和借鉴,并提出了图书馆应立足自身优势,积极应对城市书店崛起对图书馆工作的挑战。  相似文献   

元成斌  张野田 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(11):6840-6841,6843
针对中部地区农业发展现状,通过实地调研,对促进中部地区崛起的农业政策进行了研究,结果表明,中部地区崛起的关键在于农业的崛起,中部地区粮食主产区地位的维持必须要有特殊的扶持政策;规模经营仍不规范,保持粮食持续稳定增产,必须保证种粮大户等现代农业规模经营主体的相对稳定;农民要钱与国家要粮矛盾突出,粮食增产离不开强有力的行政推动;农业发展的整体政策和具体措施基本得当,但仍存在一些不足,必须进一步调整和完善。  相似文献   

This paper emerges from and aims to contribute to conversations on agricultural biodiversity loss, value, and renewal. Standard international responses to the crisis of agrobiodiversity erosion focus mostly on ex situ preservation of germplasm, with little financial and strategic support for in situ cultivation. Yet, one agrarian collective in the Peruvian Andes—the Parque de la Papa (Parque)—has repatriated a thousand native potatoes from the gene bank in Lima so as to catalyze in situ regeneration of lost agricultural biodiversity in the region. Drawing on participant action research and observation, this paper engages with the projects underway at the Parque—as well as “indigenous biocultural heritage” (IBCH), the original action-framework guiding the Parque’s work. IBCH grounds the ecology of successful crop diversity within the Andean cosmovisión, or worldview—which is included, but marginalized, in mainstream agrobiodiversity conservation policies. The IBCH concept counters apolitical renderings of agrobiodiversity erosion, arguing that this disregard of biocultural heritage perpetuates colonialist devaluations of efficacious “traditional ecological knowledge” and epistemologies. Accordingly, this paper discerns here an on-site, or in situ, political ecology of agricultural biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

本文论述了信息中介产生的动因、性质和作用 ,以及建立信息中介的几种方式。信息中介是基于网络的一种前景广阔的行业  相似文献   

基于2014年9月2日国家总理李克强在国务院常务会议上关于体育产业发展工作部署的背景下,运用文献资料和逻辑推理法,在分析体育产业概念和发展现状的基础上,总结出我国体育产业崛起的四大因素是国家级政策的支持是体育产业崛起的坚强后盾,蓬勃兴起的全民健身产业化是体育产业崛起的有力推手,良好的国内发展环境是体育产业崛起的有力保障以及民间社会资本的高调引入是体育产业崛起的推进剂。通过对体育产业四大崛起因素的分析,以期能为当前体育产业发展奠定坚实的理论基础,进而推动中国梦实现的进程。  相似文献   

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