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The genus Jatropha is native of tropical America with more than 200 species that are widely distributed in tropics with a promise for use as an oil crop for biodiesel. This investigation was carried out to assess the genetic diversity of 12 Jatropha species based on random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. From 26 random primers used, 18 primers gave reproducible amplification banding patterns of 112 polymorphic bands out of 134 bands scored accounting for 80.2% polymorphism across the genotypes. Three primers viz., OPA 4, OPF 11, and OPD 14 generated 100% polymorphic patterns. The polymorphic information content was highest for the primer OPD 14 (0.50) followed by the primers OPF 11 and OPAD 11 (0.48). Jaccard’s coefficient of similarity varied from 0.00 to 0.85, indicative of high level of genetic variation among the genotypes studied. UPGMA cluster analysis indicated three distinct clusters, one comprising all accessions of J. curcas L., while second included six species viz., J. ramanadensis Ramam., J. gossypiifolia L., J. podagrica Hook., J. tanjorensis J. L. Ellis et Saroja J. villosa Wight and J. integerrima Jacq. J. glandulifera Roxb. remained distinct and formed third cluster indicating its higher genetic distinctness from other species. The overall grouping pattern of clustering corresponds well with principal component analysis confirming patterns of genetic diversity observed among the species. The result provides valid guidelines for collection, conservation and characterization of Jatropha genetic resources.  相似文献   

Citrus depressa Hayata is an indigenous mandarin species on the Ryukyu Islands located in the subtropical region of Japan. We deduced its phylogenetic relationships by evaluating accessions grown on various Ryukyu Islands via cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence analysis of cpDNA and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP). The cpDNA results indicated that C. depressa could be classified into two types. SRAP revealed patterns of diversity within C. depressa consistent with our cpDNA results. These results indicate that maternal origin may influence or is correlated with the constitution of the nuclear genome of C. depressa. Another Japanese mandarin species, Citrus tachibana (Makino) Tanaka was distinguished from C. depressa by SRAP markers. Moreover, both C. depressa and C. tachibana could be distinguished from other Citrus species. Our results suggest that Japanese mandarin possesses a characteristic genome with the genus Citrus.  相似文献   

The Arachis genus is native to South America, and contains 70–80 described species assembled into nine sections. A better understanding of the level of speciation and taxonomic relationships is a prerequisite to the effective use of Arachis species in peanut breeding programs. Forty-eight genotypes representing 19 species in 6 sections were evaluated to assay the genetic variability within and among species, and 10 recombinant lines and those parents were identified with introgression of Arachis species chromosome segments into A. hypogaea genome using SRAP markers. Sixty of sixty-four SRAP primers tested were selected for DNA amplification reactions. A dendrogram and principal component analysis were constructed based on 353 SRAP polymorphic bands of the accessions. The number of scored polymorphic bands per each primer combination varied from 1 to 25 with an average of 5.9 per reaction. Estimates of genetic distance among the 48 accessions Arachis species ranged from 0.11 to 0.76. A-genome accessions 475845 (A. duranensis), and 331197 (A. villosa) were most closely associated to A. hypogaea. The first two PCAs accounted for 77.74% (62.02 and 15.72%) of the total variation observed and separated the different genomic groups. SRAPs also identified introgression of Arachis species chromosome segments into A. hypogaea. genome with 10 recombinant lines and those parents. The present results indicated that SRAPs can be used to determine the genetic relationships among species of the different sections of the genus Arachis and to identify introgression of Arachis genus chromosome segments into A. hypogaea genome.  相似文献   

Between 1930 and 2003 with emphasis on the 1940s maize landraces (Zea mays L. ssp. mays) from all over Switzerland were collected for maintenance and further use in a new Swiss breeding program. The genetic relationship and diversity among these accessions stored in the Swiss gene bank is largely unknown. Our hypothesis was that due to the unique geographic, climatic, and cultural diversity in Switzerland a diverse population of maize landraces had developed over the past three centuries. The aims were to characterize the genetic diversity of the Swiss landraces and their genetic relationship with accessions from neighbouring regions as well as reviewing their history, collection, and maintenance. The characterization and grouping was based on analyses with ten microsatellite markers. Geographic, cultural, and climatic conditions explained a division in two distinct groups of accessions. One group consisted of landraces collected in the southern parts of Switzerland. This group was related to the Italian Orange Flints. The other group contained accessions from northern Switzerland which were related to Northern European Flints in particular German Flints. Historic evidence was found for a frequent exchange of landraces within the country resulting in a lack of region-specific or landrace-specific genetic groups. The relatively large separation between the accessions, indicated by high F ST (0.42), might be explained partly by a bottleneck during the collection and maintenance phase as well as by geographical and cultural separation of north and south of the country. Due to the high genetic diversity, the accessions here are a potential resource for broadening the European flint pool.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), highly dispersed nucleotide sequences in genomes, were used for germplasm analysis and estimation of the genetic relationship of the D-genome among 52 accessions of T. aestivum (AABBDD), Ae. tauschii (DtDt), Ae. cylindrica (CCDcDc) and Ae. crassa (MMDcr1Dcr1), collected from 13 different sites in Iran. A set of 21 microsatellite primers, from various locations on the seven D-genome chromosomes, revealed a high level of polymorphism. A total of 273 alleles were detected across all four species and the number of alleles per each microsatellite marker varied from 3 to 27. The highest genetic diversity occurred in Ae. tauschii followed by Ae. crassa, and the genetic distance was the smallest between Ae. tauschii and Ae. cylindrica. Data obtained in this study supports the view that genetic variability in the D-genome of hexaploid wheat is less than in Ae. tauschii. The highest number of unique alleles was observed within Ae. crassa accessions, indicating this species as a great potential source of novel genes for bread wheat improvement. Knowledge of genetic diversity in Aegilops species provides different levels of information which is important in the management of germplasm resources.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to evaluate the genetic relationships and diversities of Chinese vegetable mustards. Fourteen pairs of primers generated a total of 366 scorable fragments among 16 accessions of Brassica juncea studied, of which 296 bands were polymorphic with an average of 21.1% polymorphic bands per primer combination. Genetic similarities were obtained using Nei and Li similarity coefficients, and a dendrogram of the 16 accessions was made by UPGMA clustering method. The Nei and Li Similarity coefficient value ranged from 0.63 to 0.88. This result indicated that the 16 accessions of B. juncea possessed high level genetic variations. The cluster analysis showed that the vegetable mustards could be grouped into two main groups and some minor rami, which was partially in accordance with the traditional classification that based on different edible organs of vegetable mustards. The incongruity between morphological and molecular classification might be attributed to the high selection pressure during domestication of Chinese vegetable mustards, producing some accessions with similar genetic backgrounds evolving into abundant morphological variations. The great diversification among Chinese vegetable mustards not only provides an excellent object for molecular evolution research of B. juncea but also is of great value for widening the genetic basis of breeding programs and breeding materials selection. Besides, our study also indicates that AFLP are informative and can provide significant insights for genetic diversity research in B. juncea.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and relationships within and among nine species of Coffea, one species of Psilanthus and the Piatã hybrid from the Coffee Germplasm Collection of Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC), Brazil were assessed using RAPD markers. Genetic diversity and relationships were evaluated by proportion of polymorphic loci (P), Shannon’s genetic index (H′ and GST) and clustering analysis. The overall RAPD variation among all accessions was mostly partitioned between rather than within species. However, C. canephora and C. liberica showed a high genetic diversity within the species (\({\underline{\hbox{H}'}} \) sp = 0.414 and \({\underline{\hbox{H}'}} \) sp = 0.380, respectively) and this was highly structured (high \({\underline{\hbox{G}'}} \) ST). Genetic diversity from C. congensis and C. arabica was also structured, but with lower levels of genetic diversity (\({\underline{\hbox{H}'}} \) sp = 0.218 and \({\underline{\hbox{H}'}} \) sp = 0.126, respectively). The results were consistent with agronomic and molecular studies and demonstrated that the IAC Coffea Collection is representative of the phylogenetic structure observed in the genera. This study devises sampling strategies for coffee germplasm collections and provides genetic diversity parameters for future comparisons among them.  相似文献   

A fertile amphidiploid × Brassicoraphanus (RRCC, 2n = 36) between Raphanus sativus cv. HQ-04 (2n = 18, RR) and Brassica alboglabra Bailey (2n = 18, CC) was synthesized and successive selections for seed fertility were made from F4 to F10. F10 plants exhibited good fertility with 14.9 seeds per siliqua and 32.3 g seeds per plant. Cytological observation revealed that frequent secondary pairing occurred among 3 chromosome pairs in pollen mother cells of plants (F4) with lower fertility, but not of plants with high fertility (F10). GISH analysis indicated that these F10 plants included the expected 18 chromosomes from R. sativus and B. alboglabra, respectively, but they lost approximately 27.6% R. sativus and 35.6% B. alboglabra AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) bands. The crossability of the Raphanobrassica with R. sativus and 5 Brassica species (13 cultivars) were investigated. Seeds or F1 seedlings were easy to be produced from crosses × Brassicoraphanus × R. sativus, and B. napus, B. juncea and B. carinata × Brassicoraphanus. Fewer seeds or seedlings were obtained from crosses × Brassicoraphanus × B. napus, B. juncea and B. carinata. However, few seeds were harvested in the reciprocals of × Brassicoraphanus with B. rapa and B. oleracea. The possible cause of fertility improvements and the potential of the present × Brassicoraphanus for breeding were discussed.  相似文献   

The wild Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss., systematically belonging to the genus Brassica L. in the Cruciferae family, has become a noxious weed for cropping systems nowadays. Here, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were applied to investigate the genetic diversity, genetic structure and migration routes of the wild B. juncea populations in China. The results showed that a total of 90 alleles, with extensive allelic diversity, were observed at the 11 SSR loci of the wild B. juncea. The STRUCTURE analysis indicated that all the 25 wild populations were best described as belonging to two lineages. High Fst value (0.568), together with the partitioning, provided significant evidence for lineage differentiation in wild B. juncea. The high differentiation between the two lineages was, perhaps, due to limited gene flow (Nm?=?0.301) of this species. The analysis of molecular variance with distances among individuals corrected for the dominant nature of SSRs showed that most of the variation (59%) occurred within populations, and the remaining 41% variance was attributed to differences among populations. The distribution of diversity across China was significantly geographically dependent. NJ cluster analysis, based on genetic distance, grouped populations geographically, which further corroborated spatial pattern of two lineages. Based on these results, two routes were proposed for the migration of wild B. juncea in China after its origin from northwest China, heading east along the Yellow River or Yangtze River, respectively. We concluded that China, especially the northwest, is one of the primary origins of B. juncea.  相似文献   

Among 371 oat accessions from the world collection of the Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) mostly represented by the landraces from Asia (Maritime Territory of Russian Federation, Mongolia, China, Japan, North Korea, India, Iran, Afghanistan, and Bhutan) ninety five were heterogeneous for resistance to the North Caucasus populations of the greenbug (Schizaphis graminum Rondani). Damage ratings of resistance in 47 accessions were high, low level of resistance was identified in 48 genotypes. Higher frequency of greenbug resistant accessions (60.5%) was found among landraces from Mongolia. Lines with high expression of the resistance were selected from seven landraces with wide range of damage ratings. North Caucasus populations of S. graminum from Krasnodar area and Dagestan significantly differ by the frequencies of virulence to host plant. Seven virulence phenotypes differentially interacting with oat genotypes were found in the Krasnodar population and 10 phenotypes were revealed in the Dagestan population. Results of the experiments with the greenbug test clones revealed that all the lines selected from the accessions VIR-2490, VIR-2539, VIR-4074, VIR-12213, VIR-12214 (Mongolia), VIR-6688 (India) and VIR-13624 (North Korea) are protected by diverse alleles of resistance genes which differ from the earlier identified gene Grb3. These lines are supposed to have aphid resistance genes nonidentical to the Grb1 and Grb2. The accessions VIR-6688, VIR-4074 and VIR-12214 possess high resistance to Krasnodar and Dagestan greenbug populations and the accession VIR-13624 is protected by the most effective gene (genes) of resistance to the both populations from North Caucasus.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate and compare the germplasm resources of wheat in Tibet, we analyzed the genetic diversity of 136 Triticum aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao and 119 Tibetan wheat landraces (Triticum aestivum L.) by using Intron-Splice Junction (ISJ) primers. The results showed that polymorphism of PCR products were obtained by 33 primer combinations, which accounted for 11% of the 300 primer combinations produced by 26 ISJ primers. A total of 333 stable bands can be amplified from the T. aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao and 243 bands were polymorphic, which accounted for 72.9% of the total bands. Tibetan wheat Landraces produced 316 stable bands, of which 197 bands were polymorphic. The polymorphic bands accounted for 62.34% of the total bands produced from Tibetan wheat landraces. The genetic diversity of T. aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao was higher than that of Tibetan wheat landraces in Tibet, suggesting that T. aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao can be used as important genetic resource for the breeding and genetic improvement of wheat in Tibet. Matrix (1, 0) was generated according to the presence or absence of the bands produced from a particular wheat accession. Clustering and principle coordinates analysis showed that T. aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao and Tibetan wheat landraces were divided into two groups. We conclude that high polymorphisms produced by ISJ primers can reflect the genetic diversity between T. aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao and Tibetan wheat landraces.  相似文献   

Some more than a century old Chinese fir genotypes with high biomass that are now rare in China were historically called “the king of Chinese fir”. The genetic diversity and relationships of those ancient Chinese fir genotypes were investigated using morphological analysis and sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. The morphological analysis indicated that the tree volume parameter had the maximum variable coefficient value (70.2 %). In total, 18 selected primers generated 154 bands, and 150 bands were polymorphic (97.4 %). Higher values of genetic diversity parameters (h = 0.3593, I = 0.5283) were maintained at the species level, indicating that the ancient Chinese fir in China has retained a relatively high level of genetic diversity. AMOVA indicated that 73.16 % of the variation resided within provenances. The UPGMA dendrogram and genetic structure analysis identified 3 major clusters and grouped the genotypes in agreement with their geographic origins. A Mantel test revealed a significant correlation between genetic distances and geographic distances among the genotypes (r = 0.4275, p < 0.01). Overall, we recommend a combination of conservation measures including a germplasm repository and the implementation of in situ conservation.  相似文献   

The genus Zanthoxylum, belonging to Rutaceae, has a long history of cultivation both for economic and chemical values in China. To effectively conserve and sustainably utilize this genus resource, a study on genetic diversity and relationships of Zanthoxylum germplasms was carried out by employing SRAP markers. We used 16 primer combinations to assess genetic variations and relationships among 175 accessions from eight cultivated provenances, including Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan. A total of 145 clear repetitive and intense bands were yielded, and the percentage of polymorphic bands was 100 % for per primer combination, indicating a relatively high diversity among Zanthoxylum germplasms. From a geographic perspective, the highest genetic diversity level was observed within Guizhou provenance (N a  = 1.97, Ne = 1.52, H = 0.31, I = 0.46) while Henan provenance had the lowest genetic diversity (N a  = 1.68, Ne = 1.45, H = 0.25, I = 0.37). Based on AMOVA results, the abundant genetic variation was mainly caused by variation of intra-provenances (84.96 %), rather than among provenances (15.038 %). The results indicated low genetic differentiation (G st  = 0.133) and high gene flow (N m  = 3.2605) among provenances. The neighbor-joining tree revealed that the 175 accessions could be divided into four groups, and groupings indicated a divergence between the cultivated accessions of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. and Z. armatum DC. Moreover, three accessions of Z. piperitum DC. var. inerme without prickles introduced from Japan gathered one cluster. Cluster IV is composed of accessions of different geographical origin, including 11 wild species and 10 cultivated accessions of Z. bungeanum. The cluster analysis also reflected a relatively close relationship between the geographical origins and the classification of accessions in cluster I. Structure analysis indicated that collected Zanthoxylum accessions could be divided into two major groups. The information obtained from our research would benefit to make use of Zanthoxylum germplasms and assist the management of a Zanthoxylum germplasms collection.  相似文献   

Complete sequences of transcribed spacers and introns from the trnT trnF region of chloroplast DNA (cp DNA) were generated from Musaceae species to establish the phylogenetic relationships among 3 species of Ensete including the economically important Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman and 13 species of Musa. Parsimony analysis and pair wise distance data produced a single tree, with Ensete and Musa as clearly distinguished clades. Six Musa and three Ensete clades were generated. The topology of these clades did not change when the data were split into spacers and introns, although the split resulted in poor bootstrap support. Removing a hotspot from the entire data set improved clade support. The clades produced are discussed with reference to existing taxonomic and phylogenetic treatments. In contrast to previous suggestions, most of the Rhodochlamys species that we investigated clustered together with strong support establishing their distinctiveness from the Musa species studied. Ensete glaucum (Roxb.) Cheesman and Musa beccartii Simmonds appear to represent ancestral forms of Ensete and Musa, respectively for the presently studied species, and both genera have a common ancestor that is yet to be established. Our data also show that E. ventricosum cannot be reduced to E. glaucum, nor can E. gilleti (De Wild.) Cheesman be reduced to E. ventricosum, as some authorities have suggested. Ensete gilleti or a species very close to it appears to be the ancestral species of E. ventricosum.  相似文献   

This study reports for the first time the presence of diazotrophic bacteria belonging to the genera Achromobacter and Zoogloea associated with wheat plants. These bacterial strains were identified by the analysis of 16S rDNA sequences. The bacterium IAC-AT-8 was identified as Azospirillum brasiliense, whereas isolates IAC-HT-11 and IAC-HT-12 were identified as Achromobacter insolitus and Zoogloea ramigera, respectively. A greenhouse experiment involving a non-sterilized soil was carried out with the aim to study the endophytic feature of these strains. After 40 days from inoculation, all the strains were in the inner of roots, but they were not detected in soil. In order to assess the location inside wheat plants, an experiment was conducted under axenic conditions. Fifteen days after inoculation, preparations of inoculated plants were observed by the scanning electron microscope, using the cryofracture technique, and by the transmission electron microscope. It was observed that all isolates were present on the external part of the roots and in the inner part at the elongation region, in cortex cells, but not in the endodermis or in the vascular bundle region. No colonizing bacterial cells were observed in wheat leaves.  相似文献   

In Ethiopia, barley is generally grown in two different planting seasons per year: during the long rainy season (Meher) and the short rainy season (Belg). The aim of the present study was to assess for the first time the role of this ‘two-season system’ on the structure of the genetic diversity of the Ethiopian barley landraces. We characterised 3,170 individual genotypes from 106 landrace populations using eight morphological spike traits. The diversity within population was higher in the season where barley is more important (Belg), and in general, where its cultivation is in larger plots because of weaker ‘competition’ with others crops. This indicates that barley diversity has a complex relationship with variations in the surrounding agro-ecosystem. Overall, the divergence between the two seasons was quite small (3.4%), suggesting that seed flow does not occur independently across the years within the two seasons. This would affect the amount of mutations and historic recombination that have accumulated within these populations.  相似文献   

A total of 8117 suitable SSR-contaning ESTs were acquired by screening from a Malus EST database, among which dinudeotide SSRs were the most abundant repeat motif, within which, CT/TC followed by AG/GA were predominant. Based on the suitable sequences, we developed 147 SSR primer pairs, of which 94 pairs gave amplifications within the expected size range while 65 pairs were found to be polymorphic after a preliminary test. Eighteen primer pairs selected randomly were further used to assess genetic relationship among 20 Malus species or cultivars. As a result, these primers displayed high level of polymorphism with a mean of 6.94 alleles per locus and UPGMA cluster analysis grouped twenty Malus accessions into five groups at the similarity level of 0.6800 that were largely congruent to the traditional taxonomy. Subsequently, all of the 94 primer pairs were tested on four accessions of Pyrus to evaluate the transferability of the markers, and 40 of 72 functional SSRs produced polymorphic amplicons from which 8 SSR loci selected randomly were employed to analyze genetic diversity and relationship among a collection of Pyrus. The 8 primer pairs produced expected bands with the similar size in apples with an average of 7.375 alleles per locus. The observed heterozygosity of different loci ranged from 0.29 (MES96) to 0.83 (MES138), with a mean of 0.55 which is lower than 0.63 reported in genome-derived SSR marker analysis in Pyrus. The UPGMA dendrogram was similar to the previous results obtained by using RAPD and AFLP markers. Our results showed that these EST-SSR markers displayed reliable amplification and considerable polymorphism in both Malus and Pyrus, and will contribute to the knowledge of genetic study of Malus and genetically closed genera.  相似文献   

The genus Arachis is divided into nine taxonomic sections. Section Arachis is composed of annual and perennial species, while section Heteranthae has only annual species. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic relationships among 15 Brazilian annual accessions from Arachis and Heteranthae using RAPD markers. Twenty-seven primers were tested, of which nine produced unique fingerprintings for all the accessions studied. A total of 88 polymorphic fragments were scored and the number of fragments per primer varied from 6 to 17 with a mean of 9.8. Two specific markers were identified for species with 2n = 18 chromosomes. The phenogram derived from the RAPD data corroborated the morphological classification. The bootstrap analysis divided the genotypes into two significant clusters. The first cluster contained all the section Arachis species, and the accessions within it were grouped based upon the presence or absence of the ‘A’ pair and the number of chromosomes. The second cluster grouped all accessions belonging to section Heteranthae.  相似文献   

Paracetamol, the most widely and globally used analgesic and antipyretic, is easily accumulated in aquatic environments. In the present study, the biodegradation of paracetamol in different media (one for general growth, one specific for sulfate reducing bacteria, a mineral salts medium and municipal wastewater) inoculated with two types of sludge (from anaerobic lagoon and from oxidation ditch) under different oxygenic conditions (anoxic; moderate oxygenation in open flasks and high oxygenation by aeration) was investigated. In addition, bacteria with relative abundances increasing simultaneously with paracetamol degradation, when this drug was the only carbon source, thus with a putative role in its degradation, were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequences. The results show that aerobic microorganisms had a major role in the degradation of paracetamol, with 50 mg/L totally removed from municipal wastewater after 2 days incubation with aeration, and that the metabolites 4-aminophenol and hydroquinone plus one compound not identified in this work were produced in the process. The identification of bacteria with a role in the degradation of paracetamol revealed a strain from genus Pseudomonas with the highest final relative abundance of 21.2%, confirming previous works reporting strains of this genus as paracetamol decomposers. Besides, genera Flavobacterium, Dokdonella and Methylophilus were also in evidence, with initial relative abundances of 1.66%, 1.48 and 0.00% (not detected) in the inoculum and 6.91%, 3.80 and 3.83% after incubation, respectively. Therefore, a putative role of these genera in paracetamol biodegradation is suggested for the first time.
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