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In a screening experiment with 215 different winter cultivars of Triticum aestivum L. for response in anther culture, pollen embryos or callus were obtained from 200 different cultivars and green plants from 93 different cultivars. On average, from the whole material, 1.3 green plants were obtained per 100 anthers cultured. Variance components estimated from replicates with selected parts of the plant material indicated that for the formation of pollen embryos from anthers, interactions between genotypes and replications were dominating, accounting for 45 to 50 per cent of the variation. Main effects from genotypes were less prominent, accounting for 25 to 30 per cent of the variation, and the replications showed relatively little effect, accounting, for about 4 to 12 per cent of total variation. Regeneration of plants from pollen embryos or callus was not significantly influenced by either genotype or replicates. The frequencies of plants regenerated being green, however, were influenced from both genotype and environments contributing 42.5 and 34.9 per cent of the total variation respectively, while only minor interactions between genotype and environments were indicated for this character.  相似文献   

S. Agache    J. De  Buyser  Y. Henry  J. W. Snape 《Plant Breeding》1988,100(1):26-33
A population of thirty-eight doubled haploid lines, developed from the F1 between two wheat parents differing in anther culture and somatic tissue culture responses, ‘was used to examine the genetical control of responses to these in vitro systems. During anther culture genetic variation between lines was exhibited for frequencies of callus induction., embryo production and embryo regeneration rates. In addition the relative frequencies of green and albino plants was shown to be genotype dependent. However, there was no correlation, between the frequencies of embryo production and the regeneration rate of those embryos suggesting an independent genetic control of these two components. Transgressive segregation for performance was observed for all components indicating that at least two genes are involved in the response of each, and lines for improved performance, combining high ernoryo production rates and good regeneration capacity were identified. No genetic variation for frequencies of callus induction from immature embryos was observed in this cross. However, genetic variation for the regeneration frequencies of plants was observed. Lines with an improved tissue culture response over the two parents were identified. There was no correlation between the performance of lines in anther culture and somatic tissue culture, indicating separate genetical control, and lines with alternative levels of response to the two systems were identified.  相似文献   

N. Amrani    A. Sarrafi  G. Alibert 《Plant Breeding》1993,110(2):123-128
Crosses were made between 14 wheat genotypes (11 tetraploid, 3 hexaploid) and a single Fl hybrid of maize that was used as the male parent. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with three replications. Plants were grown under controlled greenhouse conditions (day length 16 h and temperature 25 °C/15 °C, day/night). To enhance embryo survival, 2, 4-D treatment (10 mg/1) was applied to spikes 24 h after pollination with maize. Embryos were recovered from all tetraploid and hexaploid wheats at a rate of 2.09 to 26.76 per 100 pollinated florets. Haploid and doubled haploid plants were obtained from all hexaploid genotypes (T. aestivum) and from 5 of 11 tetraploid genotypes (T. turgidum var.). The most important point of these experiments was the ability to produce haploid plants from tetraploid wheat for two reasons: firstly, anther culture cannot be applied in tetraploid wheat (T. turgidum var.) due to the inefficiency of embryo formation and the high proportion of albino plants. Secondly, to date, crosses between tetraploid wheat and maize have resulted in embryo formation, but not in haploid plants.  相似文献   

Genetic stocks of Triticum aestivum including the disomic, 8 ditelosomic and 3 nullisomic-tetrasomic ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat lines were employed to ascertain the chromosomal arm locations of the genes acting on the production of embryos from micro-spores and on the regeneration capacity (green and albina) of the microspore-derived embryos. All these aneuploid lines differed significantly from the parental line ‘Chinese Spring’ for embryo production. Our results confirmed or in most cases established that genes affecting embryo production are located on several chromosomal arms: IBS, 1BL, 3AS, 3AL, 5AS, SAL, 5BS, 5BL, 7DS, 7DL. Whereas most of the chromosomal arms stimulate the production of embryos from the microspores, IBS and 1BL reduce it. The results of plant production from microspore-derived embryos suggest that the genes increasing regeneration ability are located on CS5A chromosome and are likely associated to a gene increasing green plant frequency. On the contrary, the 1BL arm increases the albina frequency.  相似文献   

萝卜花药愈伤组织诱导及褐变因素初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以萝卜为试材,研究了不同激素配比、供体基因型、光照与温度以及蔗糖浓度对花药愈伤组织诱导的影响,同时比较研究了花药愈伤组织褐变过程中几种抗氧化酶活性变化。结果如下:P403在2.0mg/L 2,4-D+1.0mg/L 6-BA+2.0mg/L KT的MS培养基中愈伤组织的诱导率最高,愈伤组织开始褐化的时间晚,抗氧化酶的活性较高;同时进行低温预处理、高温预培养和初期暗培养的协同效果较任何一种单独处理好;6%的蔗糖浓度有利于愈伤组织的诱导。  相似文献   

Variation at Glu-1 Loci in Club Wheats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hexaploid club wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) possess unique end-use quality characteristics and are grouped as a U.S. market subclass of soft white common wheat. Although there have been many reports on associations among high-molecular-weight glutenin storage protein (HMW-Glu) sub-units with end-use quality in hard wheats; there has been very limited work done on surveying the club wheats for these subunits. The HMW-Glu subunits, spike types and grain color were determined for 41 U.S. club wheat cultivars and 79 club accessions obtained from the National Small Grains Collection (NSGC), USDA-ARS. Accession ‘Harlan JR 35’ (PI 420948), which appears morphologically to be a hexaploid club wheat, was determined to be tetraploid. Egyptian line ‘Maya II-Tel's’ (PI 422288) was shown to have previously undescribed HMW-Glu subunits. In the U.S. club wheats the most common HMW-Glu subunits were: null, 49 % (Glu-A1); 6, 37 % (Glu-B1); and 2 + 12, 94 % (Glu-D1). In the NSGC group the most common HMW-Glu sub-units were: 2*, 52 % (Glu-A1); 7 + 8, 31 % (Glu-B1); and 2 + 12, 92 % (Glu-D1). The high frequency of subunits 2 + 12 in the club wheat groups has not been observed previously in numerous surveys of diverse wheat cultivars. The Glu-B1 subunits 6 (without subunit 8) and 20 which have not been reported in US red wheats, were shown to be common in both club wheat groups. A comparison of diversity indices, including previous studies on HMW-Glu subunit frequencies on all market classes of wheat, showed that the club groups are as diverse for the Glu-A1 and Glu-B1 loci and less diverse for the Glu-D1 locus.  相似文献   

G. Ziegler    K. Dressler  D. Hess  ) 《Plant Breeding》1990,105(1):40-46
Homozygous doubled-haploid plantlets derived from anther culture of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and triticale (×Triticosecale Wittmack) are useful breeding materials. However, efficiency of an-drogenesis needs improvement. We used media (basic components, are the same as 85DI2) each containing one of the seven auxins [2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5–T), P-chloraphenoxyacetic acid (pCPA), 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid (dicamba), 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (picloram), indole-3-butrytic acid (IBA), indole-3-acctic acid (IAA), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) as a control] in combination with 6-furturyl-aminopurine (kinetin). In addition, each of the four cytokinins [6-benzylaminopurine (6-HA), 2-isopenlylnyl adenine (2-ip), 6-(4-hydroxy-3-meihylbut-2-enylamino) purinc (zeatin), and kinetin as a control] was tested in combination with 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). Anthers containing microsporcs at miduninucleatc stage from live wheat cultivars (Angus, Centurk, Chris, K.itt, and Pavon 76) and two octoploid trilicale lines (T81, T82) were tested mainly for callus induction and polyhaploid production on each of the 11 media. The cultivar × medium interaction was not significant, When averaged over all growth regulators, Pavon was (he best cultivar which produced 14.4 % calli and 23 % polyhaploid plantlets. Averaged over all cultivars, the medium containing 2, 4-U produced the highest calli (13.9 %). Undifferentiated calli were regenerated on 87T1 medium, which contained IAA (1 mg/1) and kinetin (2 mg/1).  相似文献   

To determine the level of gametoclonal variation among doubled-haploid lines (DHLs) of Triticum aestivum L. developed using anther culture techniques and its effect on agronomic performance, 70 anther culture-derived DHLs of ‘Kitt’ were compared for 7 agronomic traits to 50 single-seed descent-derived lines (SSDLs) of ‘Kitt’ and to the cultivar ‘Kitt’. In a second experiment, 26 DHLs of ‘Chris’ were compared for 7 agronomic traits to 29 SSDLs of ‘Chris’ and to the cultivar ‘Chris’. Each experiment was grown as a randomized complete block design with three replications in three environments. For ‘Kitt’, the DHLs averaged significantly lower grain yields than the comparable SSDLs. For ‘Chris’, the DHLs averaged lower, but not significantly lower, grain yield than the SSDLs. In both ‘Kitt’ and ‘Chris’, the genetic component of variance for yield of the DHLs was significantly larger than that of the SSDLs indicating the presence of gametoclonal variation. The lower average grain yield of the DHLs was explained by a larger group of low-yielding DHLs than was present in the SSDLs. Six ‘Kitt’ DHLs and 3 ‘Chris’ DHLs were lower yielding than the lowest yielding SSDL, respectively. Elite DHLs and SSDLs were similar for mean grain yield performance. Though the DHLs and SSDLs were significantly different for some yield components, the affected yield component changed with the cultivar and there was no consistent effect. Significant genotype × environment interactions were detected for some traits which were caused by changes in the magnitude of differences, rather than reversals in ranking, indicating that low yielding DHLs could be culled on the basis of visual selection or single-environment testing. Hence, gametoclonal variation was induced by the anther culture techniques used in this study, tended to be deleterious for grain yield, and was sensitive to the growing environment. However, as the DHLs and SSDLs had similar expected population means based upon expected gains from selection, this gametoclonal variation should not be a major hindrance to wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Hexaploid wheat genotypes from north-western Europe show low responses to current anther culture techniques. This phenomenon was investigated on 145 north-western European wheat lines. Twenty-seven lines from eastern Europe were included to observe the response pattern of wheat from an area, where the technique has been used successfully. On average, eastern European wheat lines produced 3.6 green plants per 111 anthers, while only 1.4 green plants per 111 anthers were obtained in north-western European lines. This difference was due to the high capacity for embryo formation among the eastern European lines, while the ability to regenerate green plants was widespread in both germplasm groups. Isolated wheat microspore culture performed on 85 of these wheat lines gave an average 3.7-fold increase in green plants per anther compared with the anther culture response. The increased recovery of green plants was due to improved plant regeneration and increased green plant percentage from embryos derived from isolated microspore culture.  相似文献   

Substitution Analysis of Plant Regeneration from Callus Culture in Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G. Galiba    G. Kovacs  J. Sutka 《Plant Breeding》1986,97(3):261-263
The genetic determination of the plant regeneration ability of tissue cultures arising from immature embryos was studied using a ‘Chinese Spring’/‘Cheyenne’ substitution series. Plant regeneration proved to be polygenically determined. In tile current experiment the chromosomes 7B, 7D and ID were found to be effective, although the possibility of other chromosome effects cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

TDZ对橡胶树花药愈伤组织诱导和体细胞胚发生的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为了提高橡胶树优良品种的愈伤组织诱导和体细胞胚发生的频率,促进其花药植株再生体系的优化,以橡胶树品种‘云研73-477’、‘热垦525’和‘云研77-2’的花药为外植体,研究不同浓度的TDZ对愈伤组织诱导和细胞胚胎发生能力的影响。结果表明,在愈伤组织诱导实验中,MS+TDZ 0.2 mg/L+ 6-BA 1 mg/L+2,4-D 1.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L+椰子水50 mL/L+蔗糖70 g/L效果最好,诱导率均达到最大,分别为98%、98.67%、28.6%,当TDZ浓度逐步升高时,其诱导率又有所下降。在体细胞胚诱导实验中,愈伤组织诱导阶段加入TDZ对体细胞胚的发生有抑制作用;将愈伤组织转移到不含TDZ的培养基中继代增殖后,体细胞胚的诱导率随继代次数的增加呈上升趋势;愈伤诱导阶段使用的TDZ浓度越低越利于体细胞胚的分化;在体胚诱导阶段以TDZ代替KT后,体细胞胚诱导率较低,且分化出的体胚为畸形胚。这表明TDZ虽然有利于愈伤组织的产生和生长,但不利于体细胞胚的发生。  相似文献   

C-banding, which stains the heterochromatic regions of chromosomes, was utilized in order to ascertain whether or not several varieties from a Yugoslavian wheat-breeding program contained a 1RS/1BL substitution or a 1RS/1BL translocation. Only one variety contained the 1R (1B) substitution, while in the remaining sixteen varieties, the 1RS/1BL translocation was present. The C-banding results were confirmed utilizing an SDS-PAGE analysis, and the results indicated that both techniques should be used together. In all of the Yugoslavian wheats containing observable rye chromatin, the C-band corresponding to the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) was clearly reduced over that found in the wheat parents used in Yugoslavia or the other wheats from around the world containing either the substitution or the trans location. Some unknown selection pressure applied in the Yugoslavian wheat program in Novi Sad over the years has evidently caused a deletion of most of the rye NOR region.  相似文献   

小麦花粉植株中保卫细胞长度的分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对小麦植株叶片保卫细胞长度进行了测量.研究结果,472丛小麦花粉植株叶片中保卫细胞长度的分布在36—84μ之间,453株普通六倍体小麦叶片保卫细胞长度分布在57.6—81.6μ之间,二者分布有交叉重迭.经分析检验,花粉植株中叶片保卫细胞长度达65.0μ以上的,可以认为该植株已自然加倍了.经应用于花粉植株的倍数鉴定,准确率达93—94%.  相似文献   

G. Galiba  J. Sutka 《Plant Breeding》1988,101(2):132-136
The genetic control of frost resistance was studied in callus cultures using some of the chromosome substitution lines of the variety ‘Cheyenne’ into ‘Chinese Spring’. The survival of the calli derived from immature embryos was studied with triphenyltet-razolium chloride (TTC) and fluorescein diacetate (5DA) methods after hardening and freezing at a temperatures of -7 °C, -9 °C, -11 °C, -13 °C, and –15 °C. The donor ‘Cheyenne’ and the substitution lines 5A and 5D proved to be more frost resistant than the recipient ‘Chinese Spring1. These results are well correlated with the previously published studies when seedlings were tested under controlled conditions. Based on these results the tissue culture technique seems to be useful for testing varieties and lines for different levels of frost resistance and even for mutant selection.  相似文献   

离心对蒺藜苜蓿花药愈伤组织生长和分化的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以蒺藜苜蓿杂交F1代花药为材料,检测了离心力、离心时间对不同基因型花药愈伤组织诱导、生长及分化的影响。结果表明:离心能促进花药愈伤组织的形成;对A基因型花药的诱导作用更明显;不同离心力处理的花药愈伤组织诱导率差异极显著(P<0.01),其中1000×g,2 min的效果最好;离心对愈伤组织的生长无明显影响,但对抗氧化酶的活性强弱有影响;随离心力的增大,过氧化物酶(POD)的活性逐渐增强,其变化趋势与过氧化氢酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的相反。  相似文献   

中国冬播小麦品种淀粉特性的遗传变异分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
研究淀粉特性的遗传变异有助于小麦面条品质的改良。分析了260份国内冬播小麦品种(系)和5份澳大利亚优质面条小麦品种的Waxy蛋白亚基组成和淀粉特性的遗传变异及其与籽粒硬度的关系。结果表明,除峰值时间外,国内小麦品种(系)的籽粒硬度和淀粉特性等性状都表现出较大的变异,籽粒硬度、峰值黏度、低谷黏度和稀澥值等性状  相似文献   

Chromosome doubling is critical for obtaining doubled-haploid plants from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) anther culture. The most common doubling method applies colchicine to the plant. However, colchicine is phytotoxic and can induce a high frequency of plant death. In this experiment, anthers from two wheat genotypes (“Pavon 76” and ‘Centurk’) were placed on nine embryoid initiation media having three sugar sources (maltose, sucrose, and maltose + glucose) with three colchicine concentrations (0.0, 0.1, and 0.2 g · l-1). Wheat starch was used as a gelling agent. After three days, the anthers were washed and moved to fresh media without colchicine. Increasing the colchicine concentration decreased the number of embryoids produced from 77.4 embryoids/100 anthers to 29.9 embryoids/100 anthers, but did not significantly affect the frequency of plant regeneration (0.49 green plants/embryoid to 0.40 green plants/embryoid), and increased the frequency of doubled-haploid plants (19.0 doubled-haploid plants/100 green plants to 72.3 doubled-haploid plants/100 green plants). Considering the total number of doubled-haploid plants produced, low levels of colchicine added to the initiation media were very effective.  相似文献   

Sixty genotypes of different wheat species (30 cultivars of common wheat, 12 durum wheat and 18 wild wheat relatives) were estimated for response to anther culturing and capability of plant regeneration. The 4 level of responding anthers out of the total number of anthers cultured was proposed as the criterion for genotype fitness for breeding with the aid of anther culture. Among common wheat cultivars, 13 exceeded this level. Among durum wheat, none of the genotypes investigated exceeded the 4% level. Among other species, 5 cultivars of T. dicoccum as well as T. petropavlovsky and T. dicoccoides spont. exceeded the 4 value.  相似文献   

提高水稻同源四倍体花药培养愈伤诱导率的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈红  秦瑞珍 《作物学报》2007,33(1):120-125
以同源四倍体水稻原种零轮、02428、培矮64、轮回422及其成对二倍体为实验材料,分别以琼脂浓度(0.5%、0.75%和1%)、碳源种类(蔗糖和麦芽糖)与用量(60 g L-1和80 g L-1)、不同激动素(KT和Zip)以及不同基本诱导培养基(MS、N6、M8、NB)等因素为变量,共设计26种诱导培养基(2种对照),进行了花药愈伤诱导实验,旨在筛选出愈伤诱导率的培养基优化组合。结果表明,琼脂浓度0.75%和60 g L-1蔗糖组合对提高水稻花药诱导率作用较好, N6培养基及其衍生NB培养基对提高四倍体水稻特别是粳稻花药诱导率有着较好作用。激动素的加入,能显著提高愈伤诱导率,最高可达到84%。在供试的26种培养基中,有6种诱导培养基得到较高的四倍体粳稻愈伤诱导率,有2种诱导培养基得到较高的四倍体籼稻愈伤诱导率,在8种较好的诱导培养基中有3种不但有较高的愈伤诱导率而且具有较高的绿苗率。  相似文献   

Utilization of the doubled haploid method of breeding usually shortens the time to cultivar release, and methods of haploid production need evaluation in a breeding programme. Thirty-eight different three-way crosses were tested for anther culture response. On average 5.8 percent of the anthers cultured produced calli. Three crosses were found recalcitrant for callus induction. Overall, the anther culture method produced 0.6 plantlet per 100 anthers cultured. Five crosses with an average of 5.8 and 2.8 percent of anthers producing calli and plantlets, respectively, were compared using anther culture and wheat × maize crosses. Non-responsive genotypes for callus induction and plantlet formation in the anther culture method proved to be good parental material in wheat × maize crosses. The average percentages of embryo formation and plantlet production in wheat × maize crosses were 10.3 and 4.7, respectively. Anther-derived plants were cytologically unstable, whereas all the plants regenerated from wheat × maize crosses were haploids (n = 21 chromosomes). The chromosome numbers of the polyhaploids were doubled with a colchicine treatment. Improvement of the two haploid production methods to facilitate their efficient use in a breeding programme is discussed.  相似文献   

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