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The effect of variation in seasonal temperature and precipitation on soil water nitrate (NO3N) concentration and leaching from winter and spring cereals cropping systems was investigated over three consecutive four-year crop rotation cycles from 1997 to 2008 in an organic farming crop rotation experiment in Denmark. Three experimental sites, varying in climate and soil type from coarse sand to sandy loam, were investigated. The experiment included experimental treatments with different rotations, manure rate and cover crop, and soil nitrate concentrations was monitored using suction cups. The effects of climate, soil and management were examined in a linear mixed model, and only parameters with significant effect (P < 0.05) were included in the final model. The model explained 61% and 47% of the variation in the square root transform of flow-weighted annual NO3N concentration for winter and spring cereals, respectively, and 68% and 77% of the variation in the square root transform of annual NO3N leaching for winter and spring cereals, respectively. Nitrate concentration and leaching were shown to be site specific and driven by climatic factors and crop management. There were significant effects on annual N concentration and NO3N leaching of location, rotation, previous crop and crop cover during autumn and winter. The relative effects of temperature and precipitation differed between seasons and cropping systems. A sensitivity analysis revealed that the predicted N concentration and leaching increased with increases in temperature and precipitation.  相似文献   

不同降水年型旱地小麦休闲期耕作的蓄水增产效应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为明确旱地小麦通过休闲期耕作实现蓄水增产的技术途径, 2009-2012年连续3个小麦生长季, 在山西闻喜县进行了休闲期深翻、深松或无耕作的田间试验, 以明确不同耕作措施对土壤水分变化、小麦产量形成的影响。结果表明, 深翻和深松处理播种期0~300 cm土壤蓄水量增加, 枯水年增加63~91 mm, 平水年增加41~70 mm, 丰水年增加54~74 mm, 尤其在枯水年和丰水年生育后期蓄水效果仍显著, 休闲期土壤蓄水效率显著提高, 枯水年提高147%~205%。深翻和深松处理在枯水年和丰水年可促进小麦生育后期吸收300 cm土层土壤水分, 使产量和产量构成因素显著提高, 尤其在枯水年产量提高34%~45%。在平水年, 穗数、穗粒数和产量显著提高, 且在平水年和丰水年深翻和深松处理对产量构成因素中的穗数影响最大。深翻和深松处理后降水生产效率和水分利用效率显著提高。不同降水年型休闲期耕作条件下, 穗数与播种至拔节期120~180 cm、拔节至开花期60~120 cm土层土壤贮水减少量关系密切, 穗粒数与播种至拔节期60~120 cm土层关系密切, 产量与拔节至开花期60~120 cm、开花至成熟期 120~180 cm土层关系密切。总之, 在本研究条件下, 旱地小麦休闲期深翻或深松耕作有利于蓄积休闲期降水, 改善底墒, 尤其枯水年的效果更为明显; 有利于增加土壤水分, 促进小麦向深层吸收土壤水分, 优化产量构成, 实现增产。在枯水年和平水年, 以休闲期深翻效果较好, 在丰水年以休闲期深松效果较好。  相似文献   

A field experiment comparing different arable crop rotations was conducted in Denmark during 1997–2008 on three sites varying in climatic conditions and soil types, i.e. coarse sand (Jyndevand), loamy sand (Foulum), and sandy loam (Flakkebjerg). The crop rotations followed organic farm management, and from 2005 also conventional management was included for comparison. Three experimental factors were included in the experiment in a factorial design: 1) crop rotation (organic crop rotations varying in use of whole-year green manure (O1 and O2 with a whole-year green manure, and O4 without), and a conventional system without green manure (C4)), 2) catch crop (with and without), and 3) manure (with and without). The experiment consisted of three consecutive cycles using four-course rotations with all crops present every year, i.e. 1997–2000 (1st cycle), 2001–2004 (2nd cycle), and 2005–2008 (3rd cycle). In the 3rd cycle at all locations C4 was compared with two organic rotations, i.e. O2 and O4. The O2 rotation in the third cycle included spring barley, grass-clover, potato, and winter wheat, whereas C4 and O4 included spring barley, faba bean, potato, and winter wheat. For the O2 rotation with green manure there was a tendency for increased DM yield over time at all sites, whereas little response was seen in N yield. In the O4 rotation DM and N yields tended to increase at Foulum over time, but there was little change at Flakkebjerg. The DM yield gap between organic and conventional systems in the 3rd cycle varied between sites with 34–66% at Jyndevad, 21–44% at Foulum, and 32–52% at Flakkebjerg. The inclusion of grass-clover resulted in lower cumulated yield over the rotation than the treatment without grass-clover. The use of manure reduced the DM yield gap between conventional and organic systems on an average by 15 and 21%-points in systems with and without grass-clover, respectively, and the use of catch crops reduced the yield gap by 3 and 5%-points in the respective systems. Across all crops the agronomic efficiency of N in manure (yield benefit for each kg of mineral N applied) was greater in O4 compared with O2 for all crops.  相似文献   

Mediterranean cropping systems in rainfed conditions are generally based on rotations with a very high frequency of winter wheat and, therefore, they are at risk of declining trends for yield and soil health in the long-term. In order to quantify this risk, a long-term experiment was set-up in 1971 in central Italy, which is still running at present (2016). This experiment is based on 13 rotations, i.e. three continuous winter wheat systems with different N fertilization rates (W150, W200 and W250), five maize/winter wheat rotations with increasing wheat frequency (maize preceded by 1–5 years of wheat: i.e., WM, 2WM, 3WM, 4WM and 5WM) and five two-year rotations of winter wheat with either pea (WP), faba bean (WFB), grain sorghum (WGS), sugar beet (WSB) or sunflower (WSU). All these rotations are managed either with the removal of crop residues after harvest (REM), or with their burial into the soil at ploughing (BUR). For each rotation, all phases are simultaneously grown in each year, according to a split-plot design (with REM and BUR randomised to main plots), with three replicates in complete blocks and plots of 24.5 m2 each. The following data are considered: (1) total and marketable biomass yields from 1983 to 2012; (2) content of Organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (N) in soil, as determined in 2014. Considering the 30-year period, BUR resulted in an average positive effect on yield (+3.7%), increased OC (+13.8%) and total N content (+9.4%) in soil, while the C/N ratio was not significantly affected. Wheat in two-year rotations showed a significantly higher (+19.4%) average yield level than in continuous cropping or in 2WM, 3WM, 4WM and 5WM, mainly due to a drop in yield occurring in the first (−13%) and second (−19%) year of recropping. Increasing N fertilisation level from 150 to 250 kg N ha−1 with continuous cropping resulted in an increase (+3.7%) in long-term average yield and in a decrease in yield stability. All rotations heavily based on wheat (continuous cropping and 5WM) produced the highest amount of buried biomass (>175 t ha−1 in 30 years), with the highest increase in soil OC content (>16 t ha−1). All the other rotations produced a lower amount of residues and were less efficient in terms of carbon sequestration in soil, apart from WFB, which gave a high increase in soil organic carbon content (+18.9 t ha−1 in 30 years), in spite of a low amount of buried residues (158 t ha−1).  相似文献   

免耕轮作对内蒙古地区农田贮水特性和作物产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2005—2011年,在内蒙古清水河县进行了免耕留高茬覆盖(NHS)、免耕留低茬覆盖(NLS)、免耕留高茬(NH)、免耕留低茬(NL)和常规耕作(T)5种耕作方式与3种轮作模式(燕麦-大豆-玉米、大豆-玉米-燕麦和玉米-燕麦-大豆)对土壤贮水特性和作物产量影响的研究。结果表明,不同免耕轮作处理中以免耕留茬覆盖结合燕麦-大豆-玉米轮作模式对土壤贮水量的提高程度最大,增幅为常规耕作的35.66%~41.63%。不同免耕轮作模式均能提高作物水分利用效率和作物产量,且作物产量高低与降雨量的变化趋势一致。第一个轮作周期后NHS、NLS、NH和NL分别较T作物水分利用效率增加43.77%、31.45%、26.74%和13.91%,作物产量增加29.68%、27.69%、18.05%和15.66%。第二个轮作周期内由于干旱比较严重,免耕方式结合燕麦-大豆-玉米模式效果较轮作第一个周期有所下降,但NHS、NLS、NH和NL仍分别较T作物水分利用效率增加29.83%、20.51%、6.18%和3.15%,作物产量增加17.52%、13.60%、4.33%和1.95%。因此,在土壤水分基本来源于自然降水的内蒙古旱作区,免耕轮作能够提高土壤蓄水保墒能力,增加作物产量,尤其以免耕秸秆覆盖结合燕麦-大豆-玉米模式效果最佳。  相似文献   

冷凉区旱地玉米微垄覆膜土壤水热及产量效应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对冷凉区旱地玉米生产中存在的干旱缺水和低温冷凉两大主要限制因子,于2016年采用单因素随机区组设计,在山西省旱作节水农业试验示范基地阳曲县河村,采用地膜半覆盖模式,设置5种不同覆膜起垄高度处理,进行了冷凉区旱地玉米微垄覆膜土壤水热及产量效应研究。结果表明,覆膜垄高每增加5cm,玉米苗期垄侧播种行8cm日平均地温降低0.3℃;当覆膜垄高从0cm增加到5和10cm时,膜侧播种行0~20cm土壤含水量分别极显著(P<0.01)增加3.6和5.3个百分点;覆膜垄高每增加10cm,玉米拔节期推迟1d,抽雄吐丝期相应推迟1d;覆膜垄高5cm处理的经济产量极显著(P<0.01)高于垄高15cm、垄高20cm和地膜平铺处理,与垄高10cm处理之间没有显著差异;覆膜垄高5和10cm处理的水分利用效率最高,极显著(P<0.01)高于地膜平铺和垄高20cm处理,平均较地膜平铺和垄高20cm处理分别提高2.1和2.2kg/(hm 2·mm),增幅分别为6.8%和7.2%。研究认为,微垄覆膜(垄高5~10cm)可以协调垄高增加引起的增温和微集水之间的矛盾,同时兼顾地膜覆盖增温、保墒和微集水效应,增产增效,是冷凉区旱地玉米适宜的地膜覆盖方式。  相似文献   

In Central Aragón (NE Spain), where strong and dry winds are frequent all year round, fallow lands are susceptible to wind erosion due to insufficient crop residues on the surface and loose, finely divided soils by multiple tillage operations. Effects of conventional tillage (CT — mouldboard ploughing followed by a compacting roller) and reduced tillage (RT — chisel ploughing) on soil surface properties affecting wind erosion were studied during three experimental campaigns in a dryland field of Central Aragón. RT provided higher soil protection than CT through a lower wind erodible fraction of soil surface (on average, 10% less) and a significantly higher percentage of soil cover with crop residues and clods (30% higher). Random roughness was also higher after RT than after CT (15 vs. 4%). These results indicate that RT can be an effective soil management practice for wind erosion prevention during the fallow period in semiarid Aragón. The study shows, likewise, that significant changes in soil aggregate size distribution associated with wind erosion processes may occur in short periods of time. Thus, temporal variability of soil surface properties, including crust and clods stability, needs to be considered in wind erosion research in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

为明确旱地麦田探墒沟播增产增效机理,2015-2016年在山西农业大学闻喜小麦基地开展大田试验,研究休闲期耕作播种方式对旱地麦田土壤水分消耗、产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,旱地麦田休闲期深翻利于蓄积降雨,提高底墒46.74mm,增产10.77%~13.38%,提高净收入1.62%~5.56%。探墒沟播较常规条播越冬、拔节期0~300cm土壤蓄水量显著提高,分别达11.24~22.35、17.11~25.56mm,深翻条件下显著降低播前–拔节耗水量及其所占比例,提高拔节后耗水量,提高生育期总耗水量11.89~21.13mm;降低越冬–拔节群体分蘖增加率和拔节–开花减少率,提高成穗率、穗长、小穗数和可孕小穗数;增加穗数、穗粒数和千粒重,产量和水分利用效率分别提高16.39%~19.12%和12.67%~13.15%,分别提高净收入和产投比103.25%~111.12%和30.27%~35.93%。此外,生育期探墒沟播耗水增产作用大于休闲期深翻。总之,旱地麦田休闲期深翻结合探墒沟播有利于降低生育前期耗水,减少早春无效分蘖发生,提高成穗率和可孕小穗数,实现增产增效,效果显著。  相似文献   

Top ranking varieties are tested in multiple environments before and after registration in order to assess their value for cultivation and use (VCU testing). Recently, interest has increased in obtaining varieties specifically adapted to organic farming conditions. This raised the question if an independent system of trials may be required for this purpose. To help answering this question, through the exchange network of European cereal researchers SUSVAR (), a number of data sets of agronomic traits from barley, wheat and winter triticale, from trials performed in Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland, UK and Germany, were made available and analysed using an approach based on mixed models involving parameters describing genetic correlation between the two types of experiments, i.e., organic and non-organic (high or low input). Estimated variance components and correlations were used to evaluate response to selection and index selection. The response to index selection was analysed as a function of the fraction of available trials assigned to the organic system. The genetic correlations were interpreted in terms of ranking agreement. We found high genetic correlations between both systems for most traits in all countries. Despite high genetic correlations, the chances of very good agreement in observed rankings were moderate. Combining information from both organic and non-organic systems is shown to be beneficial. Further, ignoring information from non-organic trials when making decisions regarding performance under organic conditions is a sub-optimal strategy.  相似文献   

不同供肥条件下水分分配对旱地玉米产量的影响   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
以盆栽试验和田间试验研究了不同供肥条件下不同生育期水分状况对玉米产量的影响。结果表明,任何生育期的土壤干旱胁迫均会导致玉米减产,肥料供应充足时减产幅度较小;干旱胁迫越严重,肥料的这一作用越显著。无论正常供肥还是低肥,玉米对抽雄期土壤水分最敏感,防止这一时期干旱胁迫对保证玉米产量具有重要意义。拔节期是旱地玉米有限灌溉的另一个关键时期,水分的增产潜力很大,低肥时增加拔节期土壤水分供应效果更显著。玉米苗期并不耐旱,尤其是低肥时苗期干旱显著影响玉米的籽粒产量。在相对含水量45%~90%范围内,玉米产量随土壤含水量的增加而增加,但增加幅度与肥料供应和生育期有关。玉米获得最高产量的土壤水分条件与肥料供应密切相关,与正常供肥相比,低肥时所需土壤含水量较低。玉米增产的肥效大于水效,产量随肥料投入的增加显著提高,水分胁迫条件下增加肥料供应同样具有增产作用。肥料供应不足时水分的增产作用会受到限制。在现有的水资源条件下,提高肥料供应水平是旱地玉米增产的主要途径。  相似文献   

Approaches are needed to broaden the genetic base and improve earliness and yield potential of large-seeded beans under sustainable cropping systems. The objective of this research was to develop adapted dwarf bean populations having a commercial seed quality and yield suitable for the production in the South of Europe. The original base populations were produced from crosses between genotypes within each Mesoamerica, Nueva Granada and Peru races, and between Peru and Nueva Granada, and Mesoamerica and Nueva Granada races. Visual mass selection for plant performance was practised in the F2 and F3 generations. In the F4 and F5, single plants were harvested under two cropping systems (sole cropping and intercropping with maize). From F4, selection was based on precocity, combined with seed yield and seed commercial type. The F4:7 selected lines from each original population were compared with their parents and five checks at four environments and two cropping systems. Differences among environments, populations, parents and checks were observed for all traits. Under intercropping with maize, there was a 50% reduction in seed yield. Yield of parents and checks belonging to Andean South American races, intraracial (Nueva Granada × Nueva Granada) and interracial (Nueva Granada × Peru) populations, was higher than that of those of Middle American origin. Intraracial crosses within large-seeded Andean South American (Peru race) and Middle American gene pools (Mesoamerica race) did not produce lines yielding more than the highest yielding parent. Only two large-seeded lines selected from crosses between small- and large-seeded gene pools out-yielded the best parent and check cultivar.  相似文献   

Intensive land use in the Rolling Pampa of Argentina have resulted in a mosaic of fields with different cultural histories creating different soil environments, which interact with crops and cropping activities producing a wide range of habitats for insects. Species and functions in canopy structure, food quality and essential oils of the crop–weed associations may vary depending on the field's cropping history and management (i.e. crops, soil degradation, weeding and fertilization). Species composition and functional structure of insect communities may respond to these changes. We studied insect communities in wheat and coriander crops that differed in their canopy structures, essential oil production, and the cropping histories of the fields on which they grew. For this purpose we planted wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and two coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) landraces in plots with two levels of weeding and fertilization. The crops were grown in two consecutive years at two locations differing in cropping history and related to this in level of soil degradation. Insects were sampled in all plots at crop full flowering, and were classified and related to agronomic variables and to essential oils using multivariate techniques. Among all the environmental factors tested in this study, year and soil degradation were the main factors explaining insect community structure; and also weed community structure in unweeded plots. The proportion of essential oil components varied with cropping history, suggesting an association among soil properties indicative of soil degradation, plant chemical signals and insect distribution. Although insect community composition varied widely, functional structure was very similar among crop–weed communities. Soil degradation appeared to have affected directly crop–weed communities and insects’ assemblages, since no consistent relationship was found between plant composition and insect community structure. It can be hypothesized that soil degradation might have affected the amount of volatiles produced especially by coriander, generating a “soil degradation scent” that determined the structure in the insect community, and/or the soil itself emitted different signals, in relation to changes in its physical, chemical and biological characteristics.  相似文献   

半干旱地区马铃薯覆膜方式的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在大田条件下,以不同的种植方式和覆膜时期为处理,研究半干旱区不同种植模式对马铃薯产量和经济效益的影响。结果表明:采用全膜双垄沟播技术种植马铃薯使得产量和经济效益较其他种植模式分别提高9.0%~46.8%和9.20%~59.62%。  相似文献   

为探讨不同土壤条件下氮肥处理对小麦产量及品质的影响,采用盆栽试验,以Egypt1和津强7号为供试材料,研究不同土壤条件下氮肥处理对小麦产量及品质的影响。试验设黑土、潮土2种土壤类型和不追肥、拔节期追氮肥、挑旗期追氮肥3种肥料处理,3次重复。结果表明: 在2种土壤条件下,小麦籽粒产量和各蛋白质组分产量表现为黑土>潮土,除球蛋白产量外,土壤处理间均差异显著。不同时期追施氮肥均显著提高了籽粒产量和蛋白质产量。黑土和潮土配合追施氮肥都可以有效提高小麦籽粒产量,改善品质。  相似文献   

2002—2003年连续两年在冀西北半干旱高寒区的两种不同类型的土壤中,对13个玉米品种和4个莜麦品种进行产量和消化能比较研究。结果表明,反交冀丰58在滩地种植产量最高,其次为冀丰503,其最高鲜重产量分别为60000 kg/hm2和56000 kg/hm2,相应干重产量分别为10500 kg/hm2 和9250 kg/hm2。9244莜麦在滩地种植其产量高于其它3个莜麦品种,鲜重产量最高达32852 kg/hm2,相应干重产量为8377 kg/hm2。玉米和莜麦两种作物混合比较,在滩地种植的反交冀丰58玉米的消化能处于第一位。在降水一定的年份,同样的栽培条件下,滩地的储水量大,耗水量小,玉米和莜麦在滩地的水分利用率均高于沙地,这也是两种作物滩地产量高于沙地产量的原因。  相似文献   

为探明西北半干旱雨养农业区冬小麦生产中不同覆盖栽培方式的增产机理,设置了秸秆带状覆盖(MS)、地膜覆盖(PM)、露地种植(CK)3种栽培方式,其中MS处理设置了58.82%、50.00%、41.66%、37.04% 4个覆盖度,分别在种植带内播种3行(MS3)、4行(MS4)、5行(MS5)、6行(MS6)小麦,研究了不同覆盖度对小麦灌浆阶段植株和旗叶的水分变化情况,及其对产量形成的影响。结果表明,MS处理平均较CK增产9.05%,以MS5增产幅度最大(10.34%),PM处理较CK增产11.42%。在灌浆期,MS处理小麦植株含水量、旗叶相对含水量、12和24h内离体旗叶失水速率分别较CK提高了1.49~2.49个百分点、3.29~5.26个百分点、7.11~8.19mg/(g·h)和3.77~4.55mg/(g·h),较PM处理分别提高了3.24~4.37个百分点、5.34~10.46个百分点、27.03~28.66mg/(g·h)、6.67~12.28mg/(g·h),不同覆盖度间比较,各指标较CK和PM处理的提高幅度均随覆盖度降低而降低。地膜覆盖可增加分蘖、促进植株营养生长,从而提高小麦产量;秸秆带状覆盖提高灌浆阶段植株含水量和旗叶相对含水量,延迟功能叶衰老,进而增加粒重,是其较露地增产的原因之一。秸秆带状覆盖条件下,MS5与地膜覆盖的增产效应相近,是较为适宜的秸秆覆盖栽培模式。  相似文献   

半干旱区全膜覆土穴播小麦高产施肥技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间试验的方法研究旱地全膜覆土穴播小麦高产施肥技术。结果表明:在全膜覆土穴播种植方式下,N、P、K平衡施肥和增施P肥有利于增加小麦干物质积累量,小麦全株干物质量随生育期的增长而增长;N、P2O5和K2O的施用量分别为180kg/hm2、180kg/hm2、90kg/hm2时,小麦产量和纯收益最高,分别达到了4631kg/hm2和8454元/hm2,明显高于其他处理;在N、K肥相同施用水平下,随着施P量的增加小麦产量呈现增加趋势,表明小麦在全膜覆土穴播栽培技术条件下,应配套实施N、P、K平衡施肥,以提高小麦产量和经济效益。  相似文献   

小麦高产育种中粒重作用的研究   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
胡延吉  赵檀方 《作物学报》1995,21(6):671-678
研究了山东省及黄淮麦区不同时期小麦品种产量及其有关性状的演变趋势。产量构成因素中,以千粒重增幅最大,单株穗数趋向减少,穗粒数在点播条件和大田条件下的演变趋势有所不同。由于千粒重的提高,导致穗粒重增加而使品种产量水平提高。从性状的演变、相关通径分析、灰色关联度、灰色预测等不同角度的综合分析表明:穗粒重是决定产量的主导因素,而影响穗粒重的主要因素是千粒重,故千粒重在小麦高产育种中具有极重要的作用和改良  相似文献   

土壤水分胁迫对冬小麦耗水规律及产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
在温定盆栽和池栽防雨旱棚条件下,研究了土壤水胁迫对冬小麦耗水规律及产量的影响,结果表明,随土壤水分胁迫加剧,干物质积累减少,子粒千物质来自贮藏同化物的比例上升,产量下降,产量构成三因子中穗粒数,亩穗数下降均极显著,而千粒重下降较少,随水分胁迫加剧,拔节前耗水量占总耗水量的比率增高,从播种到拔节期,耗水量占总耗水量的比例愈高,拔节后植株衰老死亡愈早,产量降低就愈大,中度水分胁迫下,虽然水分生产率和经  相似文献   

干旱是影响作物生长发育和产量的主要因素之一,对旱地小麦产量特征进行探索具有重要意义。以抗旱闻名的山西省旱地小麦育成品种为材料,在雨养和灌溉2种水分处理下分析了不同年代小麦品种产量构成因素的变化趋势以及各年代小麦品种的抗旱性,探明品种改良过程中产量提升的生理及形态机制,对未来旱地小麦育种的性状选择提供指导。结果表明,山西旱地小麦品种平均产量随年代逐渐增加,1990s前产量的年均增益明显高于1990s后,1990s-2010s间产量增加差异不显著;有效穗数和千粒重随年代呈增加趋势,而穗粒数和抗旱性随年代呈波动性变化。山西省旱地小麦产量整体偏低,通过遗传改良提升产量仍具有较大的空间。综合产量因素的改良趋势,在今后的旱地小麦育种中应继续增加有效穗数和千粒重,以提高小麦穗粒数作为重要途径和手段。  相似文献   

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