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Trace elements in liver were examined in vitamin B12 deficient lambs which developed ovine white-liver disease (OWLD), in cobalt/vitamin B12 supplemented lambs on the same pastures as well as clinically healthy, but sometimes subclinical B12 deficient lambs on other pastures (H). Liver Co was marginal to deficient in both OWLD lambs (S lambs) and H lambs. Supplementation with B12 or Co elevated liver Co. Liver copper was significantly lower in OWLD lambs than in the H lambs, and Co/B12 supplementation on pasture generally had no significant effect on the contents. Dosing lambs on OWLD pastures with copper oxide needles (SCuO), however, resulted in high/toxic liver Cu. Dosing with Co, Se and Cu glass boluses resulted in adequate liver Cu, except for 1 lamb with toxic amounts indicating dissolution and absorption of the bolus. OWLD lambs had significantly lower liver molybdenum than H lambs, and Co/B12 supplementation elevated values, while CuO treatment depressed them. Liver zinc, manganese and selenium are also reported.  相似文献   

Microscopic liver changes could earliest be found after 1 month on OWLD pasture, and include extensive fatty change with large spherical vacuoles in hepatocytes, varying size of hepatocytes and nuclei, and formation of Councilman bodies. Later came ceroid deposits, biliary hyperplasia and mesenchymal proliferation. Changes occurred in all lambs which died or were killed due to OWLD, and altogether 83% of the lambs grazing OWLD pastures showed typical or suspect changes. Widespread haemosiderosis of the spleen was common. In severely affected lambs, sclerosis of the Peyer's patches and of the germinative centres of the intestinal lymph nodes were seen, as were neuronal atrophy and patchy microcavitation of areas in the brain stem. Four had polyvasculitis. Cobalt/vitamin B12 supplemented lambs showed no specific changes. Lambs which grew well on other pastures (H lambs), but which were subclinically Co/B12 deficient some years, showed no fulminant hepatic OWLD, but 15% developed some features seen in OWLD. They showed no extensive fatty change. Results indicate that OWLD is a manifestation of B12 deficiency worsened by factors triggering early hepatic fatty change resulting in a more severe liver damage with loss of intracellular homeostasis rendering the hepatocytes vulnerable to other elements, like copper.  相似文献   

Serum copper was generally higher in lambs affected with ovine white-liver disease (OWLD) than in cobalt/vitamin B12 supplemented lambs grazing the same pastures. Although the copper content of the grass was very low on the OWLD pastures, dosing lambs with Cu alone resulted in worsening of the clinical condition and aggravation of clinical pathology. Dosing with selenium had no effect on OWLD. Dosing with a combination of Co, Se and Cu resulted in normal lamb growth and normal laboratory tests. Lambs growing well on other pastures (H) showed elevated serum Cu when they were subclinically B12 deficient.  相似文献   

At pasture outlet, mean plasma vitamin B12 varied between 210 and 1,200 pmol/l in 1 month old lambs, 19% of them had values below 250 pmol/l. In those put on OWLD pastures, mean values dropped after 2-4 weeks, and mostly stayed below 150 pmol/l throughout grazing. Plasma methylmalonic acid (MMA) rose above 5 mumol/l 2-8 weeks after outlet, and above 15 mumol/l 4 weeks later. Reduced growth occurred 3-8 weeks after plasma B12 dropped below 150 pmol/l, and 4-6 weeks after MMA rose above 5 mumol/l. Clinical OWLD was most often associated with plasma B12 less than 150 pmol/l and MMA greater than 15 mumol/l. Cobalt fertilization of pastures induced satisfactory plasma B12/MMA values for 3 succeeding years. Elevated plasma B12 was found 3 weeks after Co pellet dosing. The use of Co lick resulted in large individual variations in plasma B12/MMA. The control lambs, which were healthy and grew well on pastures which some years contained marginal/deficient cobalt, had plasma B12/MMA values which varied considerably. One year values indicated functional Co deficiency, but none developed OWLD, and growth was satisfactory, but less than other years. In these lambs, high MMA was not always associated with low B12, or depressed growth. OWLD occurred in Co/B12 deficient lambs, but Co/B12 deficient lambs on other pastures did not develop OWLD.  相似文献   

The most important grass species on the ovine white-liver disease (OWLD) pastures (S) were Poa spp., Agropyron repens and Lolium perenne, while the control pastures (H), where lambs grew well, consisted of Poa spp., Festuca rubra and Agrostis tenuis. The soil was more acidic on the H pastures as compared with the S pastures. OWLD grass (S grass) contained marginal to deficient amounts of cobalt during the first 2 months of grazing. During 2 years out of 3, the average Co content was slightly lower in the S grass as compared with the content in the H grass. The lowest average grass Co was, however, found during one year in the H grass, in spite of the fact that the H lambs also this year grew well, and were 13 kg heavier than the S lambs after 3 1/2 months on pasture. Results thus indicate that the H lambs some years were subclinically Co deficient, without developing clinical symptoms or OWLD, and that factors other than marginal/deficient grass Co are of importance as to whether OWLD will develop or not. S grass differed from H grass by having significantly lower copper, molybdenum, manganese and zinc content, lower protein N/amid N ratios and higher aluminium and iron contents. According to the results, marginal to deficient grass Co is essential for development of OWLD, but cofactors play a part.  相似文献   

During 6 years, altogether 458 twin lambs of the Dala and Rygia breeds with their dams were put on ovine white-liver disease (OWLD) pastures which were moderately, heavily or not cobalt fertilized, or on control pastures 15 km apart. Groups of lambs were untreated, regularly dosed with Co sulphate or vitamin B12, dosed with Co pellets, copper oxide needles (CuO), selenium pellets or Co-Se-Cu glass boli, or had access to Co enriched salt lick. Clinical symptoms in untreated lambs included varying degree of reduced weight gain or loss of weight appearing after 6-12 weeks on pasture, at an age of 10-15 weeks. Additional symptoms were seen 2-4 weeks later, including inappetence, listlessness, and often serous eye discharge and crusty ears. Of the untreated lambs on OWLD pastures 18% died or were eutanized because of OWLD. The condition was preventable by Co or B12 administration, which yielded an average increase of mid Sept. live weights of between 8 and 17 kg. Co fertilization of pastures, use of Co enriched salt lick, or dosing with Co pellets are recommended under practical circumstances. The lambs grazing control pastures were on average 17 kg heavier by mid Sept. than the OWLD lambs. They showed some weight increase on extra Co supply.  相似文献   

AIM: To establish a method for measuring phylloerythrin in plasma or serum and skin from lambs photosensitised after ingestion of the plant, Narthecium ossifragum, which induces an hepatogenous photosensitisation similar to the disease known as facial eczema in sheep. METHODS: For two successive summers, lambs were grazed on uncultivated pastures containing N. ossifragum. Clinical photosensitisation was deemed to have occurred when symptoms such as restlessness, scratching, oedema and reddening of the skin were observed. Sixteen lambs that exhibited signs of photosensitisation were included in this study in the first year and five in the following year. A total of 16 clinically healthy lambs served as controls. Fluorescence emission and excitation spectra of phylloerythrin were measured in plasma or serum samples from the 21 photosensitised and 16 non-photosensitised lambs. In the first year of the study, skin samples were collected post mortem from the ear, lip, neck, nose, leg, belly, udder, back, vulva and perineal region, from all photosensitised and from seven non-photosensitised lambs, and examined by fixing them between two glass plates (each of 1 mm thickness) and placing them at a fixed angle in front of a fluorescence spectrofluorometer. RESULTS: All plasma or serum samples obtained from the photosensitised lambs exhibited strong phylloerythrin-like fluorescence of identical spectra; maximum fluorescence was at 650 and 711 nm, and maximum excitation at 425 nm. Emission spectra obtained from plasma or sera from non-photosensitised sheep grazing the same N. ossifragum-containing pastures exhibited either no or only minor fluorescence. Phylloerythrin concentration in plasma or serum exceeded 0.3 microg/ml before clinical photosensitisation occurred, whereas the concentration in samples from clinically healthy lambs was <0.05 microg/ml. Fluorescence from skin samples from the photosensitised lambs showed emission peaks at 650, 670 and 711 nm, whereas the phylloerythrin emission peaks at 650 and 711 nm were not observed in skin from clinically healthy lambs. CONCLUSION: Plasma concentrations of phylloerythrin in healthy sheep were <0.05 microg/ml. Clinical signs of photosensitisation were not observed until the concentration of phylloerythrin in plasma exceeded 0.3 microg/ml. This is the first reported spectroscopic method for analysis of phylloerythrin and the only one which does not involve exposure of the analyst to hazardous chemicals. It has the additional benefit of distinguishing between hepatogenous and primary photosensitisation.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate growth response of cobalt deficient lambs to increasing doses of microencapsulated vitamin B12, and to measure associated changes in serum and liver vitamin B12 concentrations over 243 days. METHODS: From a flock grazing pastures that had low cobalt (Co) levels (about 0.06 mg Co/kg dry matter), 4-6-week-old lambs (n=137) were assigned to four groups and received either no treatment or a subcutaneous injection of 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 mg of microencapsulated vitamin B12 on Day 1. At approximately monthly intervals, all lambs were weighed and blood samples were collected from a selection (n=10) of monitor animals, up to Day 243. Liver biopsies were also carried out on the monitor lambs (n=8) on Days 1, 124 and 215. RESULTS: The vitamin B12-treated lambs grew significantly faster (p<0.001) than untreated animals. Liveweights after 243 days were 28, 45, 45 and 47 kg for the untreated, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 mg vitamin B12-treated lambs, respectively. Of the initial group of untreated lambs, 68% had to be removed before the end of the trial because of substantial weight loss, but none of the treated animals were similarly afflicted. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations increased in all vitamin B12-treated lambs, reaching a peak at Day 25, and those of the 4.5 and 6.0 mg vitamin B12-treated lambs remained significantly higher (except at Day 124) than the untreated lambs to Day 187. However, at Day 124, but not Day 215, the liver vitamin B12 concentrations of treated lambs were two to three times higher than those of controls. CONCLUSIONS: The growth rates of Co deficient lambs were markedly improved by injection of 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 mg of microencapsulated vitamin B12, and liveweights were maintained for at least 243 days. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations were related to this growth response; concentrations of <220 pmol vitamin B12/l were associated with a 95% probability that lambs were Co deficient and would thus respond to Co/vitamin B12 supplementation. Based on these data, the current New Zealand reference criteria for Co deficiency should be reviewed. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: An injection of 3 mg microencapsulated vitamin B12 given to lambs at tailing will treat Co deficiency and will increase and maintain liveweights in a flock for up to 8 months.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effect of increasing doses of long-acting injectable vitamin B12 plus selenium (Se) given pre-mating on the vitamin B12 and Se status of ewes and their lambs from birth to weaning. METHODS: Four groups of 24 Poll Dorset ewes each were injected 4 weeks pre-mating with different doses of a long-acting vitamin B12 + Se product, containing 3 mg vitamin B12 and 12 mg Se per ml. The treatment groups received 5 ml (15 mg vitamin B12 + 60 mg Se), 4 ml (12 mg vitamin B12 + 48 mg Se), 3 ml (9 mg vitamin B12 + 36 mg Se), or no vitamin B12 or Se (control). Twelve of the twin-bearing ewes per group were selected for the study. Efficacy of the product was evaluated from changes in the concentrations of vitamin B12 in serum and liver, and of Se in blood, liver and milk in the ewes during gestation and lactation, and in their lambs from birth to weaning. Pasture samples in paddocks grazed by the ewes and lambs were collected at about 2-monthly intervals from 200-m transects. RESULTS: The flock was Se-deficient, as the mean initial concentration of Se in the blood of ewes was 182 (SE 20.3) nmol/L. Compared with untreated controls, all doses significantly (p < 0.01) increased concentrations of Se in the blood of ewes for at least 300 days. Selenium concentrations in milk were likewise increased throughout lactation, as were those in the blood and liver of lambs. The mean concentration of vitamin B12 in the serum of ewes was initially > 1,000 pmol/L, but this decreased within 28 days to < 460 pmol/L. Treatment with the 5-ml and 4-ml doses raised serum vitamin B12 concentrations of ewes for at least 176 days (p < 0.01), while their lambs had significantly greater concentrations of vitamin B12 in serum and liver for less than 37 days after birth. Tissue concentrations and duration of elevation of both vitamin B12 and Se were proportional to the dose administered. The mean concentrations of Se and cobalt (Co) in the pastures were 32 and 74 microg/kg dry matter (DM), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Injecting ewes from a Se-deficient flock 4 weeks prior to mating with 48 or 60 mg Se and 12 or 15 mg vitamin B12 increased and maintained the Se status of ewes for at least 300 days, and of their lambs from birth to weaning. The vitamin B12 status of ewes was increased for at least 176 days and that of their lambs for less than 37 days. Due to the proportional nature of the response to increasing dosage, the dose rate of the formulation tested can be adjusted according to the severity of Se and Co deficiency in a flock. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: A single subcutaneous injection of vitamin B12 + Se administered pre-mating to Se-deficient flocks is likely to prevent Se deficiency in ewes and their lambs until weaning, as well as increase the vitamin B12 status of ewes and their lambs until 5 weeks after lambing.  相似文献   

Cobalt and copper concentrations were measured in 599 lamb livers collected at slaughter from 58 sheep flocks in 6 different parts of Norway in 1993. Information about pasture, additional feeding and mineral supplements in the flocks was obtained through a questionnaire. Average hepatic levels of cobalt in the lamb flocks varied from < 0.003 to 0.22 microg/g ww, and of copper from 5 to 240 microg/g ww. Flocks with deficient or marginal cobalt status were found in all parts of southern Norway, but primarily in the west and south-west. Some flocks with marginal copper status were found in the south-west, while flocks with signs of excessive hepatic copper concentrations were found mainly in inner parts of central and northern Norway. Hepatic copper concentrations were significantly higher in lambs that had grazed mountain pastures than in those that had grazed lowland pastures in the summer.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effect of increasing the Vitamin B12 status of the ewe on the Vitamin B12 supply to the suckling lamb. METHODS: The Vitamin B12 status of the ewe was increased during gestation and lactation by three injections of a long-acting preparation of Vitamin B12 microencapsulated in an organic acid polymer. The Vitamin B12 status of the ewes and suckling lambs was assessed from changes in serum and liver Vitamin B12 concentrations. RESULTS: Compared to untreated animals, serum and liver Vitamin B12 concentrations of the treated ewes were increased at least 70% during gestation. Foetal liver Vitamin B12 concentrations were increased 270%. Over the lactation, ewe serum and milk Vitamin B12 concentrations were increased at least 200% and 44%, respectively. The liver Vitamin B12 stores of the newborn lambs from Vitamin B12-treated ewes were depleted within 58 days. There were no significant differences in the serum Vitamin B12 concentrations of suckling lambs from Vitamin B12-treated and untreated ewes. CONCLUSION: Ewes with a high Vitamin B12 status will ensure an adequate supply of Vitamin B12 to their lambs for at least the first 30 days of life. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: In flocks grazing Co-deficient pastures, treating ewes with a long-acting Vitamin B12 supplement at mating will prevent Vitamin B12 (Co) deficiency in ewes, as well as their lambs, until they can be treated at tailing at 4-6 weeks of age.  相似文献   

Alveld is a disease in lambs of domestic sheep (Ovis aries L.), characterized by a combination of photosensitivity and liver damage. Generation of singlet oxygen play a major role in phototoxicity reactions. The compound phylloerythrin (phytoporphyrin) is so far assumed to be the main photodynamic agent in hepatogenous photosensitivity diseases in sheep. Phylloerythrin is a potent photosensitizer and an efficient source of singlet oxygen. The compound accumulates in the peripheral circualtion upon liver damage. Liver dysfunction is also likely to cause an increase in the blood level of bilirubin. Formation of singlet oxygen by bilirubin is reported. In the present work the photosensitizing potential of serum has been measured and related to the bilirubin- and phylloerythrin levels in lambs suffering from alveld and in clinically healthy controls. The singlet oxygen level of the serum was taken as a measure of the photosensitizing potential. The observed singlet oxygen values in serum from alveld lambs were significantly higher than the corresponding values observed in clinically healthy control lambs. This indicates that the serum of the alveld lambs contains an elevated concentration of photosensitizer. The singlet oxygen level was not correlated to the concentration of bilirubin or phylloerythrin. The results indicate that the photosensitizing mechanism is quite complex and may involve other sensitizer(s) than phylloerythrin.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance and lamb viability in cobalt sufficient and subclinically deficient ewes, and from ewes experiencing repletion from and depletion into cobalt deficiency, were investigated in two experiments. The sheep were fed a cobalt deficient ration and supplementation was by oral dose according to treatment. The treatments had a significant effect (P less than 0.001) on ewe serum vitamin B12 and methylmalonic acid concentrations. There were no significant effects on ewe liveweight, condition score or conception rate. Cobalt deficient ewes produced fewer lambs and had more stillbirths and neonatal mortalities than cobalt sufficient controls. Lambs from deficient ewes were slower to start suckling (P less than 0.05), had reduced concentrations of serum immunoglobulin G and zinc sulphate turbidity levels (P less than 0.05), and had lower serum vitamin B12 and higher methylmalonic acid concentrations (P less than 0.05), than lambs from cobalt sufficient dams. Cobalt supplementation in either the first or second half of pregnancy only did not fully alleviate these adverse effects.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare serum analyses of vitamin B12 and methylmalonic acid (MMA) as indices of cobalt/vitamin B12 deficiency in lambs around weaning. METHODS: Lambs on five properties, considered to be cobalt- deficient, were supplemented with either cobalt bullets, or short- or long-acting vitamin B12 preparations. Blood samples, and in some cases liver biopsies, and liveweights were obtained at monthly intervals. Serum samples were assayed for vitamin B12 and MMA and liver for vitamin B12 concentrations. Pasture cobalt concentrations were measured on three of the properties. RESULTS: Pasture cobalt concentrations were generally maintained below 0.07 microg/g dry matter (DM) on the properties sampled. Growth responses to supplementation were observed on only 2/5 properties, despite serum vitamin B12 concentrations being within the currently used 'marginal' reference range (336-499 pmol/L) for at least 3 months on all properties and in the deficient reference range (0-335 pmol/L) for at least 2 months on all farms except one. Serum MMA concentrations in supplemented lambs were <2 micromol/L, except in those animals sampled 1 month after receiving treatment with a short-acting vitamin B12 injection. Serum MMA concentrations in unsupplemented animals on properties on which no growth response to supplementation occurred generally reached peak levels of between 4 and 7 micromol/L at the nadir of serum vitamin B12 concentration. When a growth response was observed, differences in weight gain between supplemented and unsupplemented lambs occurred as mean serum MMA concentrations increased from 9 to 14 micromol/L. On one property where supplementation commenced before weaning, normal growth rates were maintained despite serum vitamin B12 concentrations of 140 pmol/L and serum MMA concentrations in excess of 40 micromol/L serum. CONCLUSIONS: The possibility that current serum vitamin B12 references ranges for diagnosis of cobalt deficiency are set too high and lead to over-diagnosis of responsiveness to cobalt/ vitamin B12 supplementation is discussed. The suggestion is made that serum MMA concentrations in excess of 9-14 micromol/L will provide a more reliable diagnostic test for cobalt deficiency. However, there was sufficient variation between properties in the relationships between cobalt concentrations of pasture and serum vitamin B12 or MMA concentrations to require more rigorous testing of the reliability of using serum MMA concentration for this purpose. The possibility that differences in rumen fermentation and therefore propionate and vitamin B12 production could be involved is discussed. The measurement of serum MMA and vitamin B12 appears to be of little value whilst the lamb is still suckling. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Serum MMA concentration may offer advantages over serum vitamin B12 concentrations in the diagnosis of a cobalt/vitamin B12 responsiveness in weaned lambs.  相似文献   

An abomasal syndrome affecting mainly three- to four-week-old lambs was studied by using a case-control design involving 88 cases and 85 controls. The principal clinical signs were tympany and colic. The cases were divided into three groups according to the main gross pathological findings in 82 of them. The 28 lambs in group 1 had abomasal tympany, the 29 lambs in group 2 had severe damage to the abomasal mucosa, and the 25 lambs in group 3 consisted mainly of lambs with various other diseases in combination with abomasal changes. The lambs in group 1 had a significantly (P<0.05) lower mean (se) abomasal pH (2.7 [0.19]) than those in group 2 (4.1 [0.32]), group 3 (3.7 [0.39]) or the controls (3.3 [0.13]). The ruminal pH values ranged from 3.5 to 7.4 but there were no significant differences between the groups. Lambs with ulcers had a significantly (P<0.05) higher frequency of trichophytobezoars, than the cases without ulcers or the controls. The tympanic lambs in group 1 had a significantly higher mean packed cell volume, and higher mean red and white blood cell counts, and a significantly lower mean cell volume and mean cell haemoglobin concentration than the healthy control lambs.  相似文献   

Malignant theileriosis of sheep is a highly fatal, acute or subacute disease is caused by the tick-borne protozoan parasite, Theileria hirci. In this investigation ten healthy male lambs aged 5-6 months were randomly divided into two groups, A and B and were kept in isolated tick-proof pens. They were treated for internal and external parasite before commencement of the experiment. The lambs were experimentally infected with T. hirci by placing ticks Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum infected with T. hirci on them. The ticks used in this survey had originally been isolated from sheep and colonies of them were established in an insectarium. Before and after infection rectal temperatures and clinical signs of the lambs were recorded, blood and prescapular lymph node smears were prepared and examined to determine the extent of the parasitaemia, and blood samples were analyzed to evaluate their haemoglobin (Hb) and packed cell volume (PCV) rates. Three days after the commencement of a febrile reaction and appearance of the schizonts in the lymph node smears, treatment of the lambs in Group A with an extract containing the alkaloids of Peganum harmala (wild rue) was commenced. Group B lambs were kept untreated controls. Before treatment there were no significant differences in the rectal temperature, parasitaemia rate, and the Hb and PCV values between animals in the two groups but after treatment significant differences in these values was detected (P < 0.05). After treatment, the clinical signs and parasites in the lymph node smears of the animals in Group A disappeared and they all animals recovered. These parameters in the animals of Group B progressed until their death. Pathological studies showed the characteristic lesions of theileriosis in lambs in Group B, but not in Group A. The results indicate a therapeutic effect of the alkaloids of P. harmala for treatment of ovine malignant theileriosis.  相似文献   

Acute nephropathy in young lambs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acute renal failure was diagnosed by clinical, necropsy and histological criteria in 39 flocks (20 low ground, 13 hill and six marginal upland) in areas served by six veterinary investigation centres. Forty-eight lambs of 12 different breeds or crosses were investigated. The mean age of affected lambs was 38 days (range seven to 84 days); 21 lambs (44 per cent) were aged seven to 28 days, while only eight (17 per cent) were older than two months. Mortality in clinically affected lambs was almost 100 per cent, with no response to various treatments. Histological examination showed that 40 lambs (83 per cent) had nephrosis, while the rest had toxic tubular necrosis, interstitial nephritis or tubular damage associated with oxalate crystal deposits. Only about half of the lambs had any evidence of enteric infections or enteropathy. Acutely ill lambs had azotaemia, haemoconcentration and proteinuria; some lambs had glycosuria or haematuria. Samples of plasma from 22 lambs with nephrosis were compared with similar samples from 82 incontact but asymptomatic lambs. The clinically affected group had significantly elevated plasma urea, creatinine, total protein, globulin, phosphorus and chloride concentrations and significantly reduced plasma calcium concentrations compared with healthy lambs. Affected lambs had a significant reduction also in the calcium:phosphorus ratio. No significant differences between groups was found in plasma concentrations of albumin, glucose, lactate, glycerol, creatine kinase, alkaline phosphatase, sodium, potassium or magnesium.  相似文献   

Suspected photosensitisation occurred in three groups of lambs grazing birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus c.v. Grasslands Goldie). In one group, sucking lambs aged about 10 weeks, grazing birdsfoot trefoil, developed skin lesions while lambs of a similar age and from the same flock grazing lucerne (Medicago sativa) or a mixed sward of both species showed no signs of photosensitisation. Affected lambs had lesions on their backs and ears. In a few animals the tips of the ears were shortened by 2-3 cm. In the affected lambs, serum liver enzymes (gamma-glutamyltransferase, glutamate dehydrogenase), bilirubin and serum Vitamin B12 levels were within the normal range. At necropsy, no significant pathological changes were detected in the liver and histological changes in the skin were consistent with primary photosensitisation. In the second group, three of 80 weaned lambs grazing the same birdsfoot trefoil at a restricted intake were affected in the same manner as the first group. In the third group, 15 animals from 28 sets of sucking twin lambs were also affected. In only two sets of twins were both lambs affected. None of the ewes grazing with the lambs in the first or third groups showed any clinical signs of photosensitisation.  相似文献   

The effects of halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane anaesthesia on hepatic function and hepatocellular damage were investigated in dogs, comparing the activity of hepatic enzymes and bilirubin concentration in serum. An experimental study was designed. Twenty-one clinically normal mongrel dogs were divided into three groups and accordingly anaesthetized with halothane (n = 7), isoflurane (n = 7) and sevoflurane (n = 7). The dogs were 1-4 years old, and weighed between 13.5 and 27 kg (18.4 +/- 3.9). Xylazine HCI (1-2 mg/kg) i.m. was used as pre-anaesthetic medication. Anaesthesia was induced with propofol 2 mg/kg i.v. The trachea was intubated and anaesthesia maintained with halothane, isoflurane or sevoflurane in oxygen at concentrations of 1.35, 2 and 3%, respectively. Intermittent positive pressure ventilation (tidal volume, 15 ml/kg; respiration rate, 12-14/min) was started immediately after intubation and the anaesthesia lasted for 60 min. Venous blood samples were collected before pre-medication, 24 and 48 h, and 7 and 14 days after anaesthesia. Serum level of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH GGT) activities and bilirubin concentration were measured. Serum AST, ALT and GGT activities increased after anaesthesia in all groups. In the halothane group, serum AST and ALT activities significantly increased all the time after anaesthesia compared with baseline activities. But in the isoflurane group AST and ALT activities increased only between 2 and 7 days, and in the sevoflurane group 7 days after anaesthesia. GGT activity was increased in the halothane group between 2 and 7 days, and in the isoflurane and sevoflurane groups 7 days after anaesthesia. All dogs recovered from anaesthesia without complications and none developed clinical signs of hepatic damage within 14 days. The results suggest that the use of halothane anaesthesia induces an elevation of serum activities of liver enzymes more frequently than isoflurane or sevoflurane from 2 to 14 days after anaesthesia in dogs. The effects of isoflurane or sevoflurane anaesthesia on the liver in dogs is safer than halothane anaesthesia in dogs.  相似文献   

In a controlled field study of three years' duration we evaluated the effect of cobalt supplementation on pathological changes in cobalt/vitamin B12-deficient Texel twin lambs grazing the same cobalt-deficient pasture. Semi-quantitative evaluation of the histopathology of liver and brain was done on 44 sets of twins. Pathological changes were related to blood concentrations of vitamin B12, methylmalonic acid, and homocysteine. Lesions were mainly confined to the liver and brain. Acute hepatic changes were characterized by steatosis, hepatocytic degeneration, and single cell necrosis. Chronic changes consisted of bile duct proliferation, the presence of ceroid containing macrophages, and fibrosis in the portal triads. Many non-supplemented lambs showed polymicrocavitation and Alzheimer type II reaction in the brain. Polioencephalomalacia was observed in three non-supplemented lambs but was regarded as a secondary lesion. Our results indicate that the main lesions found in cobalt/vitamin B12-deficient lambs are acute and chronic hepatitis. These lesions were associated with low concentrations of vitamin B12 and high concentrations of methylmalonic acid and homocysteine in the blood. The liver lesions were also associated with polymicrocavitation of the brain, probably as morphological evidence of hepatoencephalopathy.  相似文献   

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