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COM(ComponentObjectModel组件对象模型)是一种用于开发和支持程序对象组件的框架,地形是地理环境的基础框架,三维可视化是目前很多领域研究和应用的热点。在COM技术下,以Arc/Info8的ArcObjects组件为基础,结合实例,论述了基于组件技术的哈尔滨市林业地形三维可视分析系统的实现要点。 相似文献
DEM生成及其在森林公园规划中的应用 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
石军南 《中南林业调查规划》2001,20(1):36-41
阐述了地理信息系统DEM的研制原理和方法,并以实例描述了其在森林公署规划中的应用意义及方法。 相似文献
景观生态学在森林公园总体规划中的应用研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对森林公园总体规划的现状分析,讨论了森林公园总体规划和景观生态学及景观生态规划的内容,阐述了景观生态学理论在森林公园总体规划中的具体应用。 相似文献
林业三维虚拟场景可视化 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着计算机技术,特别是计算机图形学、网络、多媒体、三维仿真技术、虚拟现实技术的快速发展,给二维电子地图注入了新的活力,基于三维虚拟场景的三维电子地图正成为电子地图发展的一个重要方向。文章对三维数据获取和创建三维模型库等几个关键问题在林业方面的应用进行了研究。 相似文献
对广东德庆森林公园进行实地调查,根据公园现有鸟类、植被及其他自然资源条件,分析鸟类栖息地植物配置影响因子,从植物功能分区、植被空间改造、树种选择等方面探讨鸟类栖息地营造的公园植物景观规划设计内容和要点。 相似文献
分析了园林景观中微地形的设计原则和处理应用,从居住小区绿地、公共绿地等不同绿地类型的微地形现况,探讨了园林微地形的处理技巧和方法。 相似文献
森林公园是指具有一定规模和质量的森林风景资源和环境条件,可以开展森林旅游,并按法定程序申报批准的森林地域。增城市南樵山森林公园规划,通过规划理念的创新探索、森林风景资源的调查与评价,提出森林公园的总体布局及游憩项目策划,阐述了如何在保护的前提下开展森林生态旅游。 相似文献
随着人们生活水平的不断提高,"走进森林,回归自然"的森林生态游已经成为当今人们休闲度假的一个主潮流。森林公园因良好的生态环境和优美的景观越来越受到人们的青睐。本文以森林公园景区景点规划的理念与原则、森林公园景区的布局、森林公园景观序列的展开与景点的规划作为主要研究内容,对森林公园景区景点规划进行研究与探讨。 相似文献
Significant expansion has occurred in Ireland's forest estate since the 1950s. However, the design of the monocultural plantations established in the 1950s and 60s is now considered insensitive to local landscapes and re-design intervention and transformation is needed to improve integration into the environment. This case study was carried out in Laracus forest, Co. Donegal. The rotation of all stands in this 581-ha property has reached the final production phase, with coupes scheduled for clearfelling from 2003 to 2015. The implications of forest re-design for both the volume production in the current rotation and the financial return of the current and subsequent rotations were examined. Results indicated a volume loss due to design planning for the current rotation of 5.6% compared to the volume produced under the standard regime. In financial terms, this represents a loss of 4.6%. For the subsequent rotation, a significant financial gain of 22% in net present value was achieved as a result of redesigning the plantation. The overall financial out-turn for the property, when both the current and subsequent rotations were considered, was a 3.4% lower net present value for the design plan than for the standard regime. This result represents a lower impact of design planning in Laracus than most other forest restructuring studies have reported. 相似文献
福建三明仙人谷国家森林公园风景资源分析与评价 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
廖小英 《中南林业调查规划》2007,26(2):45-48
根据中国森林公园风景资源质量等级评定标准,分析和评价三明仙人谷国家森林公园的森林风景资源。结果表明,三明仙人谷国家森林公园的风景资源包括5类94个资源点,其中一级景点4个、二级景点45个、三级景点45个;三明仙人谷国家森林公园的风景资源等级评定综合得分为43.1分,属一级风景资源,其资源价值和旅游价值较高。 相似文献
John L. Vankat 《Forest Ecology and Management》2011,261(3):309-325
Vegetation plots originally sampled in Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP), Arizona, USA in 1935 are the earliest-known, sample-intensive, quantitative documentation of forest vegetation over a Southwest USA landscape. These historical plots were located as accurately as possible and resampled in 2004 to document multi-decadal changes in never-harvested Southwestern forests. Findings for ponderosa pine forest (PPF) differed among three forest subtypes (dry, mesic, and moist PPF), indicating that understanding the ecology of PPF subtypes is essential for development of ecologically based management practices. Dry PPF, which is transitional with pinyon-juniper vegetation at low elevation, exhibited no changes from 1935 to 2004. Mesic PPF, the core subtype of PPF, had increased densities of total trees, ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), and white fir (Abies concolor) in the 10-29.9 cm diameter class from 1935 to 2004 that may have induced decreased densities of larger ponderosa pines and total tree and ponderosa pine basal areas. Moist PPF, which is transitional with mixed conifer forest at high elevation, was the most dynamic PPF subtype with decreases from 1935 to 2004 in total density and total basal area that are largely attributable to decreases in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). Graphical synthesis of datasets with historical and modern values for density and basal area indicates that overall PPF (all subtypes combined) increased in sapling density of all species combined and conifers with canopy potential and decreased in density of quaking aspen trees since the late 19th century. PPF of GCNP has passed through an accretion phase of forest development with increases in density and, depending on PPF subtype and variable being examined, is at or past the point of inflection to recession of density and basal area. Increases in small diameter ponderosa pine and white fir from 1935 to 2004 portend potential additional accretion, but decreases in total basal area, density and basal area of quaking aspen, basal area of ponderosa pine, and density of larger diameter ponderosa pine indicate PPF has passed the inflection point from accretion to recession. Uncertainties about 19th-century PPF structure and composition and about future ecological and societal environments lead to the conclusion that resource managers of GCNP and other natural areas should consider a change in focus from the objective of achieving desired future conditions to an objective of avoiding undesired future conditions. 相似文献
张伟光 《内蒙古林业调查设计》2010,33(5):115-116,119
安徽老嘉山省级森林公园位于安徽省明光市境内,森林植被多为人工针叶、阔叶纯林或针阔混交林,境内植物种类繁多,森林类型多样,植被丰富。但长期以来由于缺乏合理有效的规划,致使景观资源利用、开发的不够充分。文章通过对老嘉山森林公园植物景观提出规划构想,旨在提高老嘉山森林公园植物景观层次,为森林公园建设提供参考。 相似文献
利用典型样地取样法,对江苏龙潭森林公园植被进行了调查,发现共有种子植物1 063种(变种),隶属于146科515属,其中,木本植物65科163属348种(变种),草本植物77科345属708种(变种)。依据优势种组成,可将森林植被分为7种次生林群落:松阔混交林、糙叶树-朴树-榉树林、青冈栎林、紫楠林、落叶栎林、枫香林和毛竹林群落;5种人工林群落:杉木林、国外松林、板栗林、茶林及毛竹林群落。与邻近宜兴地区森林资源相比,植被组成具有一定相似性和重叠性,但比位于北亚热带的南京紫金山、常熟虞山森林植物资源总量明显增加,丰富性增强。基于植被现状,对不同森林群落类型提出了相应合理林分改造措施,以提高森林群落的稳定性。 相似文献
根据土地类型和植被特征划分景观类型,然后运用GIS软件进行数字化,并计算斑块指标。分析结果表明:南湾国家级森林公园森林景观共有松林、杉林、栎林、竹林、板栗林和茶园等6种类型。各类型的面积、周长及斑块数都不均衡;松、杉林景观处于主导地位;茶园形状最复杂,而松、杉林景观破碎化程度最高,受人为因素影响最大。 相似文献