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麦套移栽棉高产的密肥因素中,增加密度的经济效益,明显大于增加施肥量的效果。根据江苏省不同生态地区的试验结果,每公顷单产1500公斤左右的最佳密肥组合以每公顷7.5万株,氯素150公斤的产量最高,经济效益最好。氮肥如与有机肥和磷钾肥配施,增产效果更好。  相似文献   

不同密、肥水平下苏棉9号的生育特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不同密、肥水平下苏棉9号生育主要特点有:株高、果枝台数、主茎果枝节间距等随密度和施肥量的增加而增加;果枝节位数随密度下降(或施肥量增加)而增加;单株结铃数(率)随密度增加而下降;棉铃的分布以中、下部和内围铃为主;伏秋桃比一般在6∶4~7∶3之间,稀植(或高肥)条件下霜后花和僵瓣花的比例增加以及增密的效益比增肥的效益要高等特点。合理密植、控制氮肥用量,可协调营养生长和生殖的关系,控制主茎节间距和果枝长度,减少外围果节的结铃数,改善田间通风透光条件,提高结铃率,促进早熟,提高品质,提高种植苏棉9号的效益。  相似文献   

为了充分发掘特优233的高产潜力,组装高产配套栽培技术,对该组合的施肥水平和种植密度进行了研究。结果表明:能使特优233产量潜力得到充分发挥的栽培方式是合理稀植,提高施肥水平,即每公顷施用纯N300kg,栽植21万蔸。  相似文献   

种植密度为45万株·hm-2、施氮3375~4875kg·hm-2,为江苏里下河棉区麦套移栽地膜棉花的适宜密肥组合,在使棉花群体质量得到优化的同时,能有效地获得优质与稳产和高产。  相似文献   

以吉宏6为供试品种,通过设置2种施肥模式(耐冷施肥、高产施肥)和5种插秧密度,筛选最优和次优肥密组合,以指导东北粳稻区水稻覆膜湿润栽培。结果表明,耐冷施肥条件下,由于总施肥量低且施用比例大幅前移,水稻前期生物量、叶面积指数的增速快,成熟期倒伏率低,体现了较好的稳产作用;高产施肥条件下,后期肥料供应充足,单产高,可达705.8 kg/667 m2,体现了较好的丰产作用。综合来看,覆膜湿润栽培条件下的最优和次优肥密组合分别是“高产施肥+插秧密度30 cm×17 cm”和“耐冷施肥+插秧密度30 cm×13 cm”,分别适合在积温充足的东北平原地区和低温冷害频发的东北东部山区应用。  相似文献   

夏大豆高产与密,肥效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
河南省黄淮海平原为大豆主要产区,种植大豆的历史悠久。但由于栽培管理粗放,密度、施肥不合理,以致长期以来产量低而不稳,一般亩产70~100公斤,近年来少数地块产量高达150~200公斤,重演性差。针对以上大豆生产存在的问题,我们对密度、氮、磷肥三个主要...  相似文献   

泉麦 3号系泉州农科所育成的小麦新品种 ,1997年 4月初通过省级生产示范鉴定和科技项目评审 ,1998年 2月通过省农作物品种审定委员会的审定。为了探求泉麦 3号经济有效的栽培措施 ,1997~ 1999年连续两年在泉州所农地进行密度肥料试验。1 材料与方法1 1 供试土壤为红壤赤砂土 ,其有机质含量为 0 82 %~1 2 3% ,速效氮 0 71~ 0 90mg/kg ,速效磷 3 52~4 42mg/kg ,速效钾 7 41~ 11 82mg/kg ,PH值6 3左右 ,质地为中赤砂土。1 2 试验材料与方法供试品种为“泉麦 3号” ,试验采用裂区设计 ,以密度 (A)为主区 …  相似文献   

通过对垦啤8号及垦啤9号2个啤酒大麦新品种不同密度与施肥量级对其产量的影响试验,结果分析表明,在黑龙江省西部雨养农业区种植垦啤麦麦8号垦啤麦9号施肥量氮磷钾纯量为160 kg/hm2量级和密度水平在500万/hm2左右,在平丰年份优质啤酒大麦产量水平可达6 000 kg/hm2~7 000 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

朱秀良  黄颂禹 《江西棉花》1998,(6):10-13,16
针对移栽棉花采用地膜覆盖后,常规的密,肥,调技术与之相适应的情况,采用三因素二次饱和D-最优设计方法,对密度,施肥,化调三个决策变量进行了试验研究。建立了理想的调控数学模型,提出了移栽棉花在地膜覆盖条件下,必须采用扩行降密,增肥重促,重肥前伸后延和激素轻调的栽培策略。仿真模拟选优了皮棉产量≥1725kg.hm^-2的密,肥,调最佳组配。  相似文献   

稻田油菜免耕直播密度与播种期探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为完善稻田油菜免耕直播技术,探讨其在本地的最适播种期和最佳密度,2002~2003年度在安乡进行了播期和密度试验。通过分析播期、密度与产量及其构成因素的关系,认为稻田油菜免耕直播在9月底到10月份均可播种,都能获得一定的产量,且播期越早,产量越高;播种密度以每公顷36万~45万株时为最佳。  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Projection of future changes in agricultural water demand and supply through numerical model simulations can be one of the reference materials used for long-term rural...  相似文献   

麦茬复种饲料油菜的播种量对其生长性状的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过田间小区试验,研究在麦茬复种条件下,不同播量的油菜株高、鲜重、干重、叶面积指数和净同化率的动态变化规律。结果表明,麦茬复种油菜地上生物产量的累积规律为幼苗期缓慢,蕾薹期最快,开花后减缓,基本符合“S”型生长曲线。高密播种能极显著提高复种油菜地上部干重、鲜重及其日生长量,以播量11.5kg/hm2处理为最优。增加播种量能明显提高复种油菜叶面积指数以及群体同化率。不同播种密度下,油菜生长期与其生长指标数学方程拟合为:干重y = k/(1+ae-bx),叶面积指数y = a+bx+cx2,其它指标均为y = a+bx+cx2+ dx3,其拟合度均达极显著性水平。  相似文献   

Paddy fields converted into winter wheat fields in Hokkaido, Japan, receive extremely high snowfall, creating a risk of flood damage to crops in spring due to waterlogging of snowmelt runoff and poor drainage. Meanwhile, in June there is relatively little rainfall, and a lack of moisture inhibits winter wheat growth. Therefore, we developed a method involving a series of 30-cm-deep ditches in agricultural fields to be used for drainage during the flood-prone period and for furrow irrigation during the dry period using water drawn from the canals that feed the paddy fields. The ditches are called ‘hybrid ditches’ as they are able to perform both drainage and irrigation functions. In this study, we investigated the optimal construction timing and spacing for hybrid ditches. We also evaluated their ability to improve the drainage and irrigation of winter wheat. We found that the optimal timing for digging hybrid ditches is immediately after sowing, and the inter-ditch spacing for irrigation should be 15 m or less. The hybrid ditches promoted increased soil temperature and healthy development of wheat plants by improving drainage during the flood-prone period. In addition, water was successfully supplied via the hybrid ditches to irrigate the fields in June. Under experimental conditions in which rainfall was excluded, grain yield was 10% higher and percent protein content was more than 1% point greater in the irrigated plot compared with the non-irrigated plot. Grain yield was also observed to increase by 3–29% in demonstration tests conducted at local farms. From these results, we conclude that hybrid ditches are capable of improving the growth and yield of winter wheat by improving drainage and providing irrigation in converted paddy fields in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

Paddy rice is the staple food in Taiwan, where rice farming always plays an important role in agricultural activities. The paddy fields and irrigation activities hold diversified functions, such as production, eco-environmental and living-associated functions. This paper is to provide information regarding the potential magnitude and monetary value of seven functions of paddy fields in Taiwan, including flood mitigation, fostering water resources, preventing soil erosion, purifying water, cooling air temperature, refreshing atmosphere and recreation. For quantification of the above values, replacement cost method (RCM), contingent valuation method (CVM), and the travel cost method (TCM) are adopted. In addition, the ratio of monetary value and their rice production commodity value (R) was also estimated. The results indicated that the flood mitigation function had a monetary value of US$ 389 million each year, and the ratio to the rice production value R was estimated at 37%. Water resource fostering function was US$ 501 million and R at 47%; soil erosion reduction function was US$ 433 million and R at 41%; water quality purification function was US$ 3 million and R at 0.3%; cooling air temperature function was US$ 961 million and R at 91%; refreshing air function was US$ 196 million and R at 19%, health and recreation function was US$ 987 million and R at 93%, respectively. Due to the significant importance of these externalities, it is recommended that the government should properly take into account the multifunctionalities in policy making to ensure sustainable development of agriculture.  相似文献   

麦后夏播油葵生育特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过麦后夏播油葵的品种筛选、种植密度及施肥试验等,研究影响夏播油葵生长发育的因素。结果表明,高产油葵杂交种G101产量达2463.0kg/hm^2,比其它品种增产8.7%~55.2%。夏播油葵适宜种植密度为52500~60000株/hm^2,蕾期追施氮磷肥比花期追施增产11.8%。  相似文献   

何文选  李建华 《作物研究》2005,19(4):236-238
通过对邵东县肥料施用总量和农户施肥情况的调查和施肥对水稻产量及土壤肥力影响的分析,指出当前水稻施肥上存在的主要问题:一是重化肥轻有机肥,二是重氮肥轻磷钾肥,三是重单质肥轻复合肥.对水稻施肥提出的对策是一要增施有机肥,二要推广测土配方施肥技术.  相似文献   

以菜用早熟大豆新品种通酥1号为指示作物,讨论其最佳的播种密度.结果表明:适宜的栽培密度为2.3~2.5万株/667m2,密度和单株结荚数、密度和百荚鲜重之间均呈显著负相关关系,密度和鲜籽百粒重之间不存在显著关系.  相似文献   

Percolation loss of water in rice fields is a major cause of low water use efficiency. Variation of infiltration rate and soil compactness in four paddy fields (with clay, silty clay, clay loam, and loam textures) was investigated in northern Iran. In each field, in longitudinal and transverse directions, points located 0.5, 2.5, 6.5, 12.5, … m from the bunds were selected and water infiltration rate and resistance to penetration of a pocket penetrometer were measured. The results showed that in clay soil, average final infiltration rate (f c) in longitudinal direction, transverse direction, and center of the field was 0.216, 0.136, and 0.08 cm day−1, respectively. The f c for loamy soil was 2.77, 2.32, and 0.409 cm day−1, respectively. Similar differences were observed in the other two soil textures. In general, effect of direction of the field for measuring infiltration rate was not statistically significant. Loam and clay loam soils, with resistance to penetration of 0.37 and 0.33 kg cm−2, were not significantly different. But, clay and silty clay soils with resistance to penetration of 0.25 and 0.14 kg cm−2 were significantly different (P < 0.05). Resistance to penetration of the penetrometer was not affected significantly (P < 0.05) by direction of measuring this parameter in the field. The conclusion is that if measured soil physical properties in a paddy field are going to be representative of the whole field, they should be measured at different locations, especially near the bunds. Another strategy for obtaining a representative infiltration rate or compactness for a paddy field is uniform puddling of the field.  相似文献   

小麦花生两熟制一体化高产高效平衡施肥技术研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
将小麦花生两作视为一项整体工程,经研究建立了麦油两熟制一体化栽培平衡施肥决策系统。该系统充分考虑了土壤、作物产量、栽培措施等对肥料决策的影响,并通过气候、土壤及农业措施等对作物产量的综合影响,总结出确定适宜目标产量的方法,确保了系统决策结果的准确性和经济性。该系统用BASIC语言编制而成,用户可直接进行人机对话,操作简单,使用方便。山东、河南两省5 县(市)4 年(1995~1998)176个定点农户使用结果表明,小麦、花生分别平均增产9.1% 和12.5%  相似文献   

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