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邓波  洪绂曾  高洪文 《草地学报》2004,12(3):251-255
简要介绍了OdumHT创立的能值分析理论、能量分析与能值分析的主要区别以及能值分析在草业系统中应用的实际意义。在现行的可持续发展度量方法中,很难有效地解决环境和资源在经济体系中的价值问题,而能值理论在此方面有了一个很好的尝试。所以,本文提出了以能值分析(EmergyAnalysis)为理论支撑的草业生态经济系统可持续发展的评价指数,为正确认识草业资源环境的重要性和草业战略决策的科学化提供理论支持。  相似文献   

任浪 《中国动物检疫》2001,18(10):20-20
规模养殖是传统牧业向现代牧 业转变的必由之路,它可以集科学 技术、现代管理、先进的生产工艺于 一体,是转变畜牧业增长方式的有 效途径。近年来随着农村生活水平 的提高,农村千家万户养猪越来越 少,小规模养猪场呈现逐年增加的 势头,至2001年4月底,我市存栏 20头以上的小规模养猪场已达169 家,占全市饲养量的25%。由于小规 模养猪场都是以家庭式为主,经营 者的文化程度普遍较低,对传统产 业的认识不够,在思想上又不重视 疫病的防制,因此极易引起疫病的 流行,有的甚至造成烈性传染病的 发生,导致全场覆灭,损失…  相似文献   

During the last few years, methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ST398 has been isolated frequently from livestock, especially from pigs and to a lesser extent from cattle and poultry. To gain insight into the distribution of this bacterium in pig farms versus multispecies farms, 30 Belgian farms (10 pig, 10 pig/poultry and 10 pig/cattle farms) were screened for the presence of MRSA. On each farm, 10 nasal swabs were taken from pigs. When present, cattle (n = 10) were sampled in the nares and poultry (n = 10) in the nares, earlobes and cloaca. A selection of the obtained isolates were further characterized using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa typing, SCCmec typing, pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multiple‐locus variable‐number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. On 26 of 30 farms, MRSA was isolated from pigs. Furthermore, MRSA was also isolated from poultry and cattle on one pig/poultry and five pig/cattle farms, respectively. All tested MRSA isolates belonged to ST398. Eight spa types (t011, t034, t567, t571, t1451, t2974, t3423 and t5943) were detected, among which t011 predominated. SCCmec cassettes type IVa and V were present in 20% and 72% of the isolates, respectively. When combining the results of the two remaining typing methods, PFGE and MLVA, eighteen genotypes were obtained of which one genotype predominated (56% of the positive farms). All MRSA isolates were resistant to tetracycline. Resistance to trimethoprim, aminoglycosides, macrolides, lincosamides, fluoroquinolones and chloramphenicol was also observed. In conclusion, there was no effect of the farm type on the MRSA status of the pigs. A statistically significant difference was observed when comparing the pig/poultry or the pig/cattle MRSA status on the multispecies farms. Additionally, a wide variety of MRSA ST398 strains was found within certain farms when combining different typing methods.  相似文献   

2011, CSIRO Publishing, 150 Oxford Street, PO Box 1139, Collingwood, VIC 3036, Australia

144 pages, softcover

ISBN 9780643094437. Price AU$49.95  相似文献   

[目的]通过对肉牛养殖场(小区)建设、饲养管理等方面的调查,发现存在问题,为今后的规划设计、布局及饲养管理提供科学依据.[方法]实地走访、调查.[结果]养殖场(小区)存在选址不当、布局不合理、制度不健全及疫病风险大等问题.[结论]规划设计需要改进、布局要科学,制度要健全和加强督查,进一步减少疫病风险.  相似文献   

李庆岗 《广东饲料》2003,12(5):33-34
妊娠母猪饲养管理的好坏直接影响母猪的产仔数、仔猪初生重、仔猪成活率、仔猪的生长发育及母猪的泌乳等,同样也是现代化猪场提高商品猪的数量以及经济效益的关键所在。1妊娠母猪的营养需要1.1能量需要能量供给大致应保持在每日每头进食消化能范围为20~27MJ,我国妊娠母猪能量需要标准可按公式“378W0.75+25.67×母猪日增重(g)”计算,由于前期能量过高会增加母猪体脂含量,降低母猪泌乳期的采食量,推迟断奶到发情的间隔时间,能量过低会减少窝产仔数,所以就在此公式的基础上增加10%的能量;而妊娠后期是胎儿快速发育及母猪合成代谢旺盛的时期…  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine outcome in dogs and cats that underwent extensive (ie, > 50%) resection of the small intestine and identify factors associated with outcome. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 13 dogs and 7 cats. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed, and follow-up information was obtained. RESULTS: In all 7 cats and in 8 of the 13 dogs, extensive intestinal resection was performed because of a foreign body. Mean+/-SD estimated percentage of intestine that was removed was 68+/-14% (range, 50% to 90%). Two dogs were euthanized 3 days after surgery because of dehiscence of the surgical site and development of septic peritonitis; 1 dog died of acute respiratory distress syndrome 5 days after surgery. The remaining 10 dogs and 7 cats were discharged from the hospital, and follow-up information was available for 15 of the 17. Median survival time was 828 days, and 12 of the 15 animals for which long-term follow-up information was available had good outcomes. However, none of the factors examined, including percentage of intestine resected, were significantly associated with outcome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Most dogs and cats that underwent extensive resection of the small intestine had a good outcome. The amount of intestine resected was not associated with outcome. These data may be useful in providing prognostic information in cases of extensive small intestinal resection.  相似文献   

现代奶牛场技术管理体系的建立与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析和总结了当前我国奶牛养殖业中普遍存在的问题和弊端,提出了"三关一过程"即饲料入口关、繁殖配种关、牛奶产出关和奶牛场饲养管理全过程的监管控制体系,实践证明这是一套行之有效的奶牛场技术管理体系.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济快速增长和城乡居民生活水平提高,全国各大中城市和农业主要产区相继实施了一批“菜篮子”工程,为发展农村经济、提高城乡居民生活水平做出了重大贡献,同时也促进了我国禽畜养殖业向规模化、集约化方向发展,但随之也带来了集约化养殖场畜禽粪便排放量急剧增长的问题.  相似文献   

对兽医微生物病原的主动监测和监督,选用岗哨动物是一种低成本高效率的方法。国际动物卫生组织在《国际动物卫生法典》中,提出的设立岗哨动物计划,主要指在某一相对封闭的区域内,在已经形成了有效的防疫、检测和屏障体系的基础上,利用合理分布和有效数量的岗哨动物,及时全面预报动物疫病的发生和发展状况。  相似文献   

Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) seroprevalence and its relationship with housing and mode of rearing of replacement ewe-lambs was investigated in 38 non-randomly selected sheep-flocks in Spain. They included extensive lamb-producing Manchega cross-bred flocks raised almost permanently at pasture, semi-intensive Latxa dairy flocks housed 2-8 months/year and intensively raised Assaf dairy flocks housed most time and at higher stocking density in less ventilated buildings than other flocks. Most flocks raised replacement lambs naturally with their dams until weaning and as a separate flock thereafter until lambing at one year of age. Seroprevalence (95% confidence intervals) was 77%, 25% and 5% (4-6) in intensive, semi-intensive and extensive flocks, respectively and the median (interquartile range) flock-seroprevalence was 82% (66-94) in intensive flocks, 31% (14-31) in semi-intensive flocks and 4% (0-7) in extensive flocks. Seroprevalence was lowest in one year-old sheep and increased to flock levels during the year after introduction into the adult flock in most intensive flocks and more gradually in other flocks. Adult flock seroprevalence was associated with housing time but this relationship was not evident within a particular rearing system, indicating that other unknown factors are critical in horizontal MVV-transmission. Low seroprevalence in extensive flocks further supports previous indications that lactogenic MVV-infection is relatively inefficient and horizontal transmission is necessary to ensure long-term maintenance of MVV and this could explain that MVV has not been reported from countries with mainly extensively reared sheep such as Australia and New Zealand. Moreover, it indicates that MVV-control in extensive and semi-intensive flocks can be simple and inexpensive.  相似文献   

在大型的集约化奶牛场,奶牛的正常配种和关键产科疾病的防治,是影响奶牛场经济效益的关键。作者根据在现代化奶牛场多年的工作经验,设计“奶牛繁殖性能监控表”,记录和掌握产后母牛及犊牛的个体状况,并根据此表记录的信息制定牛群产后不同阶段的具体任务。文章指出,产后20~30天之内,对产后母牛进行全覆盖子宫药物灌注,使奶牛在产后60天内出现第一次发情;产后100天以内出现第二次发情再配种。一次配种,成功率在70%以上,半年以上不孕牛控制在10%以下。配种一头母牛平均消耗精液1.8~2支,使全年成年母牛的总受胎率保证完成92.5%以上。此套奶牛产后监控管理措施的实施,可减轻授精员的工作量,有效提高奶牛的利用效率,减少牛群产科疾病的发生。  相似文献   

<正>随着我国畜牧业的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对动物性食品的要求逐渐由数量型向质量型转变,无污染、无残留和无公害的安全绿色食品已成为人们的一种消费时尚,这对畜产品安全提出了更高更严的要求。如何在畜禽养殖过程中达  相似文献   

Empirical studies of risk-induced overgrazing have been rarely reported in northern China grasslands, thus, the risk indicators that act as proximate drivers of herders stocking rate (SR) are poorly understood. This paper investigates the impact of the Chinese Grassland Eco-compensation Reward and Subsidy Policy implementation (2011–2015) in Inner Mongolia on overgrazing as a consequence of SR. We used a linear mixed-effects model to develop the relationship between SR and designated risk indicators. The best-fit models obtained were used to evaluate the role of each indicator on the tendency of herdsmen to overgraze grasslands. The major drivers of SR identified prior to the policy implementation are the area of grassland owned, living expenses, and the area of grassland rent-out. Subsequent to the policy implementation, the area of grassland owned and the area of grassland rent-in emerged as the principal factors that induce herders to use high SR on grassland, indicating the persistence of overgrazing. Our most promising finding was that the policy eliminated living expenses from the factors that compel herdsmen to use high SR on grassland. This represents a significant positive impact on herders’ welfare, which is one of the objectives of the subsidy and reward policy. Therefore, to sustain the success recorded in the first phase of the policy implementation, we advocate for an improved grassland rental market that will encourage livelihood diversification, better funding, herdsmen cooperation, consideration of local ecological condition and herders’ perspective in policy design, and consistent education of herders’ about the merits of reducing SR on grasslands. To achieve the desired target of reducing overgrazing, we recommend an independent process of policy inspection that will strengthen effective bottom-up feedback and village level governance.  相似文献   

畜牧环境,一般包括以下两方面,一是小环境,即畜舍环境,二是大环境,即畜牧场周围的生态环境。因此畜牧环境的研究不仅包括畜舍环境对家畜生产性能以及健康状况的影响.而且也包括畜牧生产对环境质量的影响以及畜牧与环境之间相互作用关系等研究内容。京郊奶业生产的硬件以及软件都比较优良,奶牛生产的小环境条件比较好.但异军突起的京郊奶牛生产对外界大环境的污染问题却逐渐暴露出来。  相似文献   

为评价消毒剂对规模化鸡场的消毒效果,采用有限稀释法和茵悬混合液定量杀菌试验分别测定50 g/L苯扎溴铵(A)、20 mL/L戊二醛溶液(B)、100 g/L聚维酮碘(C)、100 g/L癸甲溴铵(D)和过硫酸氢钾复合物粉(E)5种消毒剂对大肠埃希茵最小杀菌浓度(MBC)和杀灭对数值;采用带鸡消毒试验对5种消毒剂进行现场...  相似文献   

Monkeypox with extensive lesions was diagnosed in a prairie dog that was involved in a recent human outbreak of monkeypox in the Midwestern United States. Gross lesions included oral ulcers, pulmonary consolidation, enlarged cervical and thoracic lymph nodes, and multifocal, small, white umbilicated plaques in the gastrointestinal wall. Microscopic lesions were extensive in the lungs and consisted of fibrinonecrotic bronchopneumonia with vasculitis and poorly defined eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in cells thought to be alveolar epithelial cells, histiocytes, and fibroblasts. Multifocal necrotizing lesions, often accompanied by myxedema, were also present in most of the other examined organs. Aggregates of pox viral particles were observed within lesions by transmission electron microscopy. Monkeypox virus infection was confirmed by real-time polymerase chain reaction and virus culture at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This report highlights the difficulties of rapid diagnosis of exotic or emerging diseases and further substantiates the prairie dog as an animal model of monkeypox.  相似文献   

Developing sustainable ranch management systems requires integrated research that examines interrelations among ecological and economic factors. In south central Florida, where phosphorus (P) loading is an overriding environmental concern, we established an interdisciplinary experiment to address the effects of cattle stocking density and pasture type on P loading and other ecological and economic factors in subtropical Florida ranchlands through a partnership including ecologists, agricultural faculty, agency personnel, and producers. Here we present an overview of all project components detailed in 3 accompanying papers in this issue of Rangeland Ecology & Management. We describe the experimental design, which included 2 replicates of 4 different cattle stocking density treatments (control, low, middle, and high [0, 15, 20, and 35 cow–calf pairs per pasture]) maintained on 8 improved summer pastures (∼ 20 ha each), and 8 seminative winter pastures (∼ 32 ha each) from 1998 to 2003. Stocking densities did not significantly affect P loads and concentrations in surface runoff, soil chemistry, or soil nematode communities, but did affect cattle production and economic performance. Cattle production was greater at the high than at the middle or low stocking density; economic performance declined significantly with decreasing stocking density (break-even was $1.89·kg-1 for high and $2.66·kg-1 for low density). Pasture type significantly affected environmental factors; average P runoff from improved summer pastures (1.71 kg P·ha-1·y-1) was much greater than from seminative winter pastures (0.25 kg P·ha-1·y-1), most likely because of past P fertilizer use in improved pastures. We integrate results from all the papers within the context of a conceptual model and a P budget, and emphasize that management practices targeted at specific environmental factors on beef cattle ranches, such as nutrient loading, must include consideration of economic impacts and broader ecosystem implications.  相似文献   

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