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内蒙古克什克腾旗的林业科研人员,经过3年多的实验研究,全面掌握了沙地云杉、无刺大果沙棘2个沙地树种的扦插育苗技术。 克什克腾旗是辽河的发源地,地处浑善达克沙地、小腾格里沙漠两大沙地的边缘地带。“九五”期间,旗林业部门开始实施“种  相似文献   

扦插育苗较播种育苗有取材方便,生长快,育苗周期短,繁殖系数大,抗性强,保持树木优良特性,提早开花结实等特点。所以难生根针叶树种的扦插研究一直受到国内外林业和园艺学者的关注。扦插技术曾多次被列为无性繁殖国际讨论会的中心议题,突破难生根针叶树的扦插技术,广泛应用予生产,对造林、园林绿化和林木育种均具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

内蒙古克什克腾旗的林业科研人员,经过3年多的实验研究,全面掌握了沙地云杉、无刺大果沙棘2个沙地树种的扦插育苗技术。 克什克腾旗是辽河的发源地,地处浑善达克沙地、小腾格里沙漠两大沙地的边缘地  相似文献   

几种针叶树扦插繁殖的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文对青海云杉、油松、园柏、龙柏、爬地柏进行了扦插繁殖研究,成活率分别达24.5-31.7%,21.6%,91.6%,77.5%、93%。  相似文献   

针叶树种扦插繁殖的研究进展及其对策   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
对针叶树种无性繁殖的技术,插条生根机理和母株复壮作了评述.重点讨论了:(1)扦插繁殖的环境因子控制,促根防腐剂筛选和使用,插条制备等技术性问题.(2)与插条生根机理有关的形态解剖和生理生化因子(包括内源激素及其抑制剂、氧化酶类、生长素增效剂、插条养分代谢的动态).(3)母株复壮技术带来的遗传变异和复壮可靠性.并就其中存在的问题提出了对策.  相似文献   

针叶树嫩枝扦插育苗,是一种新的育苗技术。在生长素如2·4—D、萘乙酸、吲(?)丙酸等批量生产之后,广泛地用于针叶树嫩枝扦插育苗。我县地处坝上高原,属内蒙古干旱草原区。气候干旱,风大、雹多。生长期短,土壤贫瘠,搞针叶树播种育苗,不仅难度大,投资高,而且成苗时间长。  相似文献   

植物细胞由细胞壁所包被,细胞壁主要是由纤维素、半纤维素和果胶质等成分构成。细胞壁的实际构成成分取决物种及其发育环境。细胞壁具有一定的硬度和膨压,因而它的作用是保持细胞结构。没有细胞壁而只有质膜包被的细胞称为原生质体。在植物育种  相似文献   

(接上期) 螺纹加厚和其他壁加厚 管胞螺纹加厚 定义:螺纹加厚指管胞内壁上的脊状凸起,一般出现在轴向管胞和射线管胞里,通常贯穿于整个细胞.  相似文献   

(接上期 )具明显气味35 .气味明显 (详细记载 )木材的特殊气味对木材识别非常有价值。例如 :北美黄杉 Pseudotsuga menziesii(松科 )与落叶松的显微结构相近 ,但通过气味 (略不愉快气味 )很容易区分开来。黄扁柏可以与其它特征十分相近的罗汉柏明显区分。其它具有特殊气味的针叶树材有 :崖柏 Thujaspp.、刺柏 Juniperus spp.、柏木属 Cupressus和扁柏属 Chamaecypari以及罗汉柏、日本柳杉、台湾杉木Cunninghamia konishii(柏科 )、日本榧树 Torreya nu-cifera(红豆杉科 )和雪松 Cedrus spp.(松科 )。要更多地了解具芳香气味的针叶树材例…  相似文献   

IAWA针叶树材显微特征一览表(续二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平均管胞长度(长度范畴).细胞间隙(横切面)。晚材管胞胞壁厚度。纹孔塞(仅在早材管胞)。纹孔塞(如存在)。  相似文献   

青钱柳繁殖技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要介绍了青钱柳的生物学特性,探讨了青钱柳有性繁殖和无性繁殖技术亟待解决的问题,综述了青钱柳人工资源培育的研究进展,旨在为青钱柳的开发利用和产业化经营提供参考.  相似文献   

Regeneration to ensure sustainable production and conservation of mahogany species globally is considered very important to foresters, investors in plantation, conservationists and timber industries worldwide. Natural regeneration of the mahoganies has been found to be far less than the rate of exploitation hence strong efforts are being made to develop other methods to regenerate mahogany seedlings to augment the low natural replacement and to ensure sustainability. This study was commissioned to investigate the effect of rooting media (river-sand, top soil and a mix of the two (50:50 v/v) on the rooting ability of four mahogany species (Khaya grandifoliola, K. ivorensis, Entandrophragma angolense and E. utile) using non-mist propagators. We investigated the effects of the source of stem cutting within a shoot (top, middle and basal position) on the rooting ability of stem cuttings from the four species in river-sand. Roots per cutting, longest root length and rooting percentage differed significantly among species in all three rooting media. Rooting ability was greatest in K. grandifoliola, which exhibited the highest average rooting percentage (73 %), longest average single root (9.9 mm) and the most roots per cutting (4.9). Rooting percentage was higher in the Khaya species than in the Entandrophragma species in all three rooting media. The mixed medium had the highest rooting percentage and the highest number of roots per rooted cutting in the two Khaya species, while the topsoil media had the best rooting percentage in the Entandrophragma species. Rooting of the two Khaya species can be maximized using a mixture of river-sand and topsoil. Cutting position within a shoot had significant impact on rooting in all four species with rooting percentage being best from middle positions in all four species. However, length of longest root and the number of roots per rooted cutting varied between the middle and basal portions. The study provides useful information for vegetative propagation of leafy stem cutting of the four African mahogany species, which could contribute to regeneration and conservation of these important timber species in the tropics.  相似文献   

Micropropagation mostly leads to the production of innumerable true-to-type plants. However, establishing pathogen-free explants through in vitro culture requires a precise management of time for the exposure of explants to antimicrobial chemicals. The application of antimicrobial chemicals must also be managed to impose the least injury on explants. This review discusses the contributions of micropropagation procedures, explant types, subculture duration, media ingredients and plant growth regulators to the in vitro response of conifer explants. Even though regeneration from mature conifer explants such as mature shoots are laborious, the chances of variation, induced in vitro, are unlikely.  相似文献   

Tests were conducted to assess rootability of red alder softwood cuttings from shoots of young trees and epicormic sprouts of mature individuals. Ortets were 3 to 34 years old, and treatments with and without indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were compared. The extent of rooting and root vigor on the cuttings varied greatly among ortets and treatments. Among nonterminal cuttings, the best overall rooting success, with and without IBA, was obtained with cuttings of the youngest ortet. Average rooting of terminal and nonterminal cuttings of one clone were 100% and 64%, respectively. Although cuttings of some trees rooted well without IBA, the IBA treatment appeared to be generally beneficial. For all nonterminal cuttings of all clones, best results (80.0%/x) were obtained with a 10-sec dip in 2,000 or 4,000 ppm IBA. Vigorous planting stock was obtained from the rooted cuttings of all clones. Using epicormic sprouts from mature trees of proven performance will presumably allow propagation of superior trees and establishment of new plantations with improved stock.  相似文献   

油橄榄全光照喷雾扦插育苗试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用全光照喷雾扦插育苗技术进行油橄榄育苗,同时选用不同枝龄及部位的扦穗进行对比试验,结果表明:1年生枝和萌蘖枝能使成活率分别提高到85.4%和100%;扦插时间选择4-10月期间,对提高成活率有利。  相似文献   

紫椴嫩枝扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了筛选能提高紫椴生根率的扦插繁殖技术,文中研究了植物生长调节剂的不同种类(ABT1、IBA、NAA)、浓度(50、100、200 mg L-1)、浸泡时间(1、4、8 h)、基质类型(河沙、蛭石、体积比为3∶1的泥炭与珍珠岩)、母株年龄(1、2 a)对紫椴嫩枝扦插生根质量的影响情况。结果表明:植物生长调节剂的处理效果以IBA为最好,其对紫椴嫩枝的生根率、生根数量和平均根长的影响显著;嫩枝扦插,以100 mg L-1的IBA浸泡时间8 h的处理为最优组合,其生根率为63.07%;3种不同类型扦插基质的生根效果明显不同,河沙的生根效果最好,生根率最高达到37.16%,蛭石次之,泥炭土+珍珠岩(体积比为3∶1)最差。不同母株年龄对紫椴嫩枝扦插生根的影响也不同,1年生紫椴嫩枝的生根质量比2年生嫩枝好,其生根率、生根量和平均根长均明显优于后者。  相似文献   

为了探索影响勃氏甜龙竹扦插生根的因素,为其快繁提供试验依据,通过正交试验,探讨勃氏甜龙竹扦插生根的适宜条件,如杀菌剂处理时间(A)、插穗年龄(B)及不同植物生长调节剂(C)。结果表明:对勃氏甜龙竹扦插生根率影响的主次关系是C>A>B,杀菌剂处理时间和不同植物生长调节剂对勃氏甜龙竹扦插生根率影响差异均达极显著水平,以多菌灵800倍液杀菌浸泡6分钟(A2)+插穗年龄18个月(B2)+ABT1号生根促进剂(C3)组合为促进勃氏甜龙竹扦插生根率的适宜条件。人为创造适宜的外界条件有利于工厂化快繁扦插育苗。  相似文献   

龙芽葱木无性繁殖技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了长白山龙芽葱木无性繁殖的整个技术过程,得出了影响其成活的主要外部因素地温、室温、光照时间,为龙芽葱木扦萆繁殖提供了可靠的理论依据和实践指导。  相似文献   

闽楠嫩枝扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决多用途树种闽楠苗木快繁的问题,开展了闽楠嫩枝扦插繁殖技术研究.结果表明:闽楠3年生苗木嫩枝扦插单株间生根率有显著差异,半木质化穗条带2片叶进行扦插可显著提高穗条生根率,GGR生根剂不同浓度处理闽楠穗条对其生根率有极显著影响,不同扦插基质对闽楠插穗生根率有显著影响.  相似文献   

研究不同扦插季节、不同穗条采集部位、不同插穗留叶量和不同生根剂对沉水樟扦插生根的影响.结果表明,沉水樟扦插应选择优良母株树冠上部当年生嫩枝作为插穗.扦插时,插穗保留半片叶子,并用100 mg/kg的吲哚丁酸或500 mg/kg的GGR生根粉浸泡处理,选择夏季5~6月进行扦插;插后,应加强水分管理和病害防治,插床土壤湿度维持30%,空气湿度维持70%左右,每隔一定时间用杀菌剂进行灭菌,防止苗期病害;1年生沉水樟扦插苗高可达15 cm,成活率能达84%.  相似文献   

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