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The harvest index Z is defined, for example for cereals, as the ratio between grain yield X and biological yield Y: Z = X/Y. For many purposes the variance of Z is of major interest. In this paper several approximations for this variance are derived and their accuracy was investigated. These explicit formulae depend on some characteristics (means, variances or coefficients of variation, covariances or correlations) of the component variables grain yield X and biological yield Y. It is shown that for most practical applications the approximation v2z = v2x + v2y - 2rvxvy provides a sufficient accuracy for numerical calculations (vx vy and vz are the coefficients of variation for grain yield X, biological yield Y and harvest index Z and r denotes the correlation coefficient between X and Y). Some conclusions on the relations between vx, vy and vz are derived.
Finally, all the theoretical investigations and results are demonstrated and applied to a numerical example of winter-rapeseed data.  相似文献   

Ten quite different European winter rapeseed cultivars were grown in a 3-year field trial at one location. The traits grain yield and biomass were measured based on single plant measurements (first year) or on plot basis (second and third year). Individual harvest indices were calculated.
Besides a general discussion of the experimental results for this collection of winter rapeseed cultivars the main aim of the present investigations was an examination whether these experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical conclusions on harvest indices which have been published in this journal in three preceding publications.
Hence the investigations of this paper are divided into the three chapters: 1) Calculation of mean harvest indices, 2) Variability of harvest indices and 3) Correlations among harvest index, grain yield and biomass. In all three chapters the agreement between the empirically obtained and the theoretically expected values is quite good.  相似文献   

The harvest index Z is defined, for example for cereals, as the ratio between grain yield X and biological yield Y: Z = X/Y. In this paper the character associations among biological yield, grain yield and harvest index have been investigated theoretically by calculating the covariances and correlation coefficients between harvest index and grain yield and, additionally, between harvest index and biological yield. Explicit formulae are derived for these covariances and correlation coefficients and conclusions are derived and discussed. Many facts and relations among these characters which are well-known and frequently established by many experimental studies with quite different crops can be obtained and characterized by these theoretical investigations as necessary implications of the underlying statistical relationships.
Finally, all the theoretical studies and results are demonstrated and applied to a numerical example of winter-rapeseed data.  相似文献   

小麦生物产量、收获指数与产量关系的研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
利用11个小麦新品种(系),对生物产量、收获指数与籽粒产量的关系进行了研究。结果表明,生物产量与籽粒产量的表型和遗传正相关均达极显著水平,收获指数与籽粒产量的表型正相关也达极显著水平。生物产量的遗传潜力及与籽粒产量的密切程度均大于收获指数,说明进一步提高产量的途径应是维持现有收获指数水平,主要通过提高生物产量,协调提高二者之间的关系来实现。  相似文献   

北疆玉米大田机械粒收质量调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北疆是我国玉米机械粒收率最高的区域,为了解北疆玉米大田粒收质量现状,2012-2017年在新疆奇台总场、伊犁新源71团、伊宁县和温泉县等地农户田块调查了机械粒收质量,共获得269组样本,结果表明:(1)子粒破碎率均值为6.38%,高于5%的国家标准[玉米收获机械技术条件(GB/T 21961-2008)]要求;杂质率和产量损失率均值分别为0.41%和0.96%,分别低于3%和5%的国家标准要求,子粒破碎率高是当前北疆玉米大田机械粒收存在的主要质量问题。(2)收获玉米子粒含水率均值为23.3%,其与破碎率呈显著相关,可用二次函数y=0.0263x 2-1.0433x+15.867(R 2=0.108,n=269)拟合。(3)在子粒含水率相同条件下,不同品种之间子粒破碎率表现出明显差异,其中,新引M751子粒破碎率明显低于KWS2564,而KX3564介于两者之间。(4)筛选早熟、脱水快、耐破碎品种,实施玉米密植高产全程机械化绿色生产,可以有效改善机械粒收质量,实现玉米高产高效协同。  相似文献   

Manfred Huehn 《Euphytica》1993,68(1-2):27-32
Summary The variation of the two parameters, harvest index and grain/straw-ratio, has been theoretically compared by applying the relative measure coefficient of variation. The harvest index exhibits a clear superiority (= lower variation) compared to the grain/straw-ratio.Applications to ten European winter oilseed rape cultivars and lines are in an excellent agreement with the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

倒伏对玉米机械粒收田间损失和收获效率的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过大田机械粒收过程田间植株倒伏、机收落穗、落粒损失的大样本数据分析以及人工模拟倒伏控制试验, 研究了倒伏率与机械粒收产量损失率及收获效率之间的定量化关系。结果表明, 黄淮海夏玉米区田间倒伏率、机械粒收落穗率、落粒率均高于北方和西北春玉米区。大田自然条件下, 倒伏对产量损失的影响主要表现为落穗损失, 倒伏率每增加1%, 落穗率增加0.15%; 分区分析表明, 倒伏每增加1%, 春玉米区落穗率增加0.12%, 夏玉米区落穗率增加0.15%; 不同类型收获机械的测试结果表明, 采用全喂入式机械时落穗率随倒伏率增加呈指数递增趋势, 采用半喂入式机械时落穗率和倒伏率呈线性增加趋势, 即倒伏在黄淮海夏玉米区对机械粒收落穗损失的影响更大。在倒伏控制试验条件下, 倒伏每增加1%, 落穗率增加0.59%; 落粒与倒伏则呈显著负相关, 可能与倒伏增加使进入机械的果穗减少从而降低了机械落粒有关; 收获速度随倒伏率增加呈指数递减趋势, 降低收获机割台可以减少落穗损失, 但是降低了收获速度。通过选用抗倒伏品种、构建高质量群体、适时收获等防止倒伏措施, 能够有效降低玉米机械粒收的田间损失。  相似文献   

Based on well-known statistical approximations for the mean, variance, and for the third moment about zero of the ratio of two random variables, a general expression has been derived for the skewness of the distribution of harvest indices. The skewness of the distribution of harvest indices depends on three parameters: coefficients of variation for the two component traits and their correlation. Conclusions for the sign of this skewness are discussed. Finally, the theoretical results and conclusions have been checked and applied to an experimental data set of winter oilseed rape. The agreement between expected and observed skewness is extraordinary good.  相似文献   

以30个小麦品种为研究对象,采用随机区组试验,设3个重复,对13个主要农艺性状与产量进行相关分析和通径分析,分析参试品种的农艺指标与产量的关系。结果表明:各性状与产量的相关性表现为千粒重>穗长>穗粒重>苗叶宽>有效分蘖数>株高>苗叶长>生物学产量>小穗粒数>不育小穗数>每穗小穗数>分蘖数>穗粒数,千粒重与产量达到极显著正相关,穗长与产量呈显著负相关。在通径分析中,直接通径系数的变化规律为穗粒重>穗粒数>千粒重>苗叶宽>不育小穗数>有效分蘖数>株高>每穗小穗数>生物学产量>分蘖数>苗叶长>穗长>小穗粒数。因此,高产选育应充分考虑千粒重和穗粒重高的小麦品种。  相似文献   

Nitrogen management for production of bread quality wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) in eastern Canada has received little research attention. An experiment was conducted for 2 years at each of two sites in Québec to study the effect of level and timing of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application on grain protein concentration, protein content per seed, non-protein seed dry matter, grain protein yield and nitrogen harvest index (portion of plant N in the grain) of four hard red spring wheat cultivars known to have potential as bread wheats in eastern Canada. The soil types were Bearbroock clay (fine, mixed, non-acid, frigid, Humaquept) and Ste-Rosalie clay (typic, non-acid, frigid, Humaquept). The experiment was a 4 × 4 × 2 factorial. Four cultivars were used: Columbus, Katepwa, Max and Hege 155–85. In both years 0, 60, 120 and 180 kg Nha−1 were applied either all at seeding or 60 % at seeding and 40 % at heading. Grain protein concentration and grain protein yield increased consistently with increasing N fertilizer and with split N application. Nitrogen harvest index was not increased by increasing applications of N fertilizer. Protein content per seed was more critical in determining grain protein concentration than non-protein seed dry matter content. The western Canadian cultivars Columbus and Katepwa generally had greater grain protein concentration than the European cultivars Max and Hege 155–85, With reasonable N fertility the grain protein concentration of spring wheats grown in eastern Canada are sufficient for bread production.  相似文献   

收获期对青贮玉米产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江是中国最北、纬度最高的省份,随着畜牧业的发展,饲料不足已成为影响寒地畜牧业发展的瓶颈之一。围绕着人们对青贮玉米不同收获期的质量和缺乏理论依据和参考数据这一问题,以青贮玉米龙辐单208、东青1号、吉饲8号和中原单32为材料,研究了不同收割期对青贮玉米鲜草产量和干物质产量的影响,以期为北方寒地青贮玉米的优质、高产、高效生产及其合理利用提供理论与技术支撑。试验结果表明,青贮玉米整株鲜草产量在授粉后20~30天较高,干物质产量随着收获期的延迟而不断增加,不同青贮玉米品种的干物质分配差异很大。从干物质积累角度讲北方寒地青贮玉米适宜收获期为授粉后40~50天。  相似文献   

Grain yield and yield components of winter wheat were recorded during 2-year field trials in Southern Bavaria, Germany. The impact of single ear sink size on the efficiency of grain production was studied in plants differing in single ear weight. While total grain yield showed only slight differences between N fertiliser treatments, significant variations were detected in harvest index and N harvest index. For single culms, a decrease in ear weight was related to decreasing values of harvest index and N harvest index. This correlation could not be altered by means of N fertilisation. The most efficient grain production, i.e. high value of harvest index and N harvest index, was regularly recorded in plant stands developing large single ear weights. The study confirms that with increasing sink size, the efficiency of grain production in winter wheat is improved. A N fertilisation strategy, favouring the formation of a large sink size, is described. In this respect, lower N rates in early spring and emphasis on N fertilisation during stem elongation proved to be decisive. This strategy favoured the generative growth at the expense of vegetative growth without excessively decreasing the corresponding source size.  相似文献   

Eight sweet potato cultivars ( Ipomoea batatas Lam.) were grown under four different light regimes (0, 26, 42 and 60 % light reduction (LR)) at two experimental sites of the International Potato Center (CIP) in Peru during the 1990 and 1991 growing season. Increasing shade diminished the tuber yield of five cultivars, two showed a tolerance for slight (26 % LR) and moderate (42 % LR) shade and one had the same yield in full sunshine and slight shade. Shade mainly reduced the sink-size (tubers m −2) of sweet potato and to a lesser extent the sink-strength. The growth of the plant top was hardly affected by shade; slight shade even favoured shoot development of some cultivars. The plant top was the stronger sink under shade conditions and tuber yield was not only reduced by lesser assimilate production as a whole but also by an altered assimilate partitioning.  相似文献   

To compare the statistical properties of harvest index and grain/straw-ratio their variabilities (expressed by the relative measure coefficient of variation), their skewnesses and kurtoses have been compared theoretically.
With regard to variability, the harvest index exhibits a clear superiority (= smaller variability) compared to the grain/straw-ratio. For skewness and kurtosis no such generally valid relationships exist. But, for the range of the empirically most relevant parameter values one obtains approximately equal numerical values for skewness as well as for kurtosis of harvest index and grain/straw-ratio. Finally, the theoretical results and conclusions have been checked and applied to the experimental data sets from a field trial with ten European cultivars/lines of winter oilseed rape.  相似文献   

对南果梨适宜采收期进行了研究。试验结果表明,早期采收果实中可溶性固形物含量较低,果实呼吸代谢旺盛,耐贮性差;晚期采收的果实可溶性固形物含量增加,适合鲜食,不适合长期贮藏;南果梨较为适宜采收期应为9月9日前后。果实硬度、可溶性固形物含量、种子转色指数可作为确定采收成熟度的指标。  相似文献   

以不同采收季节的油橄榄茶为试材,测定其多种化学成分并进行对比,确定油橄榄茶的最佳采收季节。结果表明,油橄榄茶中总黄酮和橄榄苦苷的含量随着季节变化呈先下降后增加的趋势,且总黄酮在秋茶中含量较高,橄榄苦苷在春茶中含量较高;总多酚含量呈下降趋势,且春茶中含量较高;VE含量呈现先升高后下降的趋势,夏茶中含量较高;重金属元素的变化规律不同,铅元素在秋茶中含量较低,镉元素在春茶中含量较低,铬元素在春茶和秋茶中含量均较低,总体来说,油橄榄茶的春茶和秋茶质量较好。通过探究油橄榄茶中多种成分的季节变化规律,采用灰色关联度分析方法对有效成分与有害重金属元素进行综合分析,确定油橄榄茶的最佳采收季节为春季。  相似文献   

山西省适籽粒直收玉米品种筛选试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验旨在筛选适宜山西春播区种植的适籽粒直收玉米新品种,为实现玉米机收和选育适机收品种提供数据支撑。[方法]试验征集到30个玉米新品种,随机区组排列,间比法设计,全程机械化管理,比较鉴定农艺性状、产量性状差异。[结果]试验结果表明,‘和育301’全生育期118天,收获时籽粒含水量17.2%,产量比对照增产5.7%,符合机收籽粒玉米审定标准,其他各参试品种尚未达到最理想的机收要求。玉米产量与生育期长短、籽粒含水量关系密切,如何平衡机收籽粒性能与生育期、籽粒含水量、产量的关系,筛选出适机收籽粒的玉米品种,还需要做多年多点的深入研究。[结论]适籽粒直收玉米品种的选育与筛选,需要在保证产量的基础上,着重选育生育期适中、籽粒脱水快、抗倒伏的品种。  相似文献   

刘焕莉 《中国农学通报》2015,31(33):269-272
日平均气温是反映气候特征的主要指标之一,计算日平均气温的方法有很多种,为了弄清不同的计算方法对日平均气温的影响,笔者对河北省5 个国家基准站的多年逐时气温资料分别进行极值平均、4 次平均、8 次平均3 种计算方法,统计日平均气温并与实际日平均气温进行对比分析。结果表明:3 种计算方法得出的平均气温序列与实际平均气温序列相关性较高,相关系数高达0.9 以上。气温平均值8 次平均最接近于实际日平均气温,平均偏低0.0052℃;极值平均比24 次平均偏高0.4568℃;4 次比24 次平均偏低0.1789℃。增温速率24 次平均最小,24 次平均比4 次平均的气温增温速率偏低0.001~0.03℃/10 a。3 种计算方法的估计精度在10-7和10-4之间,精度较高。在保证资料长度及测站数量的前提下,几种方法均能很好地代表气候的变化趋势。  相似文献   

为了探求盘锦稻区各主栽品种最佳收获期,以盘锦稻区主栽品种‘盐丰47’、‘盐粳218’及应用前景较好新品系H50、‘盐粳456’及H199为试材,结合盘锦实际收获期,于10月5日、10月15日及10月25日进行分期收获,并测定其株高、节间茎粗等形态指标,对不同收获时期各品种倒伏指数变化及其与各形态指标相关性进行研究。结果表明:倒伏指数表现趋势为S3>S4>S2>S1,这说明发生倒伏的薄弱环节为S3节间;10月5日至10月25日倒伏指数表现为先降低后升高的趋势,10月25日倒伏指数最大,其抗倒最弱。各形态指标中株高与S4至S1倒伏指数均成正相关,与S3倒伏指数达到极显著正相关;壁厚与倒伏指数相关性趋势为负相关,但均未达到显著水平;茎粗与倒伏指数均为负相关,其中与S4及S1相关性达到显著水平。最终得出测定品种最佳收获期为10月15日。  相似文献   

为探索南方机械化作业条件下大豆高产高效栽培技术,以'湘春豆V8'为材料,通过大田大区试验研究了播种量和施肥量对春大豆农艺性状、产量及产量构成以及机收质量的影响.结果 表明:(1)大豆株高、底荚高度、倒伏率随着播种量和施肥量的增加而增大,大豆出苗率、成株率则随着播种量的增加而降低.(2)大豆单位面积株数随着播种量的增大而...  相似文献   

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