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The impact of slope aspect and gradient on the contents and distribution of heavy metals (Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, Pb, and Cd) in the profiles of ordinary chernozem (Haplic Chernozems) was studied in Kursk oblast. Slope aspect was found to be a significant factor controlling the distribution of most of the bulk, mobile, and acid-soluble compounds of heavy metals, whereas the position on the slope (slope gradient) did not exert a significant influence on the distribution of elements. Bulk compounds of Co, Ni, Pb, and Cd showed the eluvial type of distribution in the soil profiles along with accumulation in the lower horizons. Distribution patterns of the mobile Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, and Cd were similar to those of the bulk ones. The latter phenomenon may be attributed to the high content of carbonates, an increased content of clay, and some alkalization of the soil solution in the lower horizons.  相似文献   

The effect of pollution of an ordinary chernozem with oil and oil products depends on the nature and concentration of the pollutants, their distribution in the soil profile, and the period of the pollution. The soil contamination causes a rise in the number of microorganisms and changes in their species composition: a decrease in the diversity of micromycetes and an increase in the diversity of bacteria. In most cases, it inhibits the activity of soil enzymes. Oxidoreductases are more sensitive to oil pollution than hydrolases. The soil ecological functions are disturbed under the impact of contamination.  相似文献   


Increasing exchangeable potassium (ExK) content in soil to an appropriate level is important to mitigate the transfer of radioactive cesium to crops. We focused on a buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) field with a low ExK content, despite the application of K, in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan (Field A), following the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Dai-ichi (No. 1) Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011. We examined the relationship between K concentration and clay mineral composition in the soil of Field A and compared the findings with another field in Fukushima Prefecture (Field B) to clarify whether K applied to the soil was leached or remaining fixed. Pot experiments showed that K concentration in water seepage from pots following irrigation was significantly lower in pots from Field A than in those from Field B. Soil ExK content after soybean cultivation was lower in soils of Field A than those of Field B. These results indicate that K applied to Field A was fixed in the soil. Analysis of clay mineral composition confirmed the distinctive vermiculitic nature of Field A soils. This clay mineralogy would be associated with the higher K fixation ability of Field A than Field B soils. This study demonstrated that K fixation in vermiculite was a factor preventing the increase in ExK content from K application to Field A.  相似文献   

本文对氮钾配合对强筋小麦济南17的产量和加工品质的影响进行了研究。结果表明,氮钾配合对强筋小麦济南17的产量有较大影响,中氮中钾配合(N210kg/hm2和K2O90kg/hm2)和高氮高钾配合(N300kg/hm2和K2O180kg/hm2)两处理的产量分别为6783 7kg/hm2和6950 3kg/hm2,极显著高于其它氮钾配合处理,但两者间差异不显著。不同氮水平之间品质性状有明显差异,随着施氮量增加,品质性状有改善的趋势,N用量为120kg/hm2、210kg/hm2和300kg/hm2的湿面筋含量分别为32 0%、32 8%和33 8%,沉降值分别为41 9mL、43 8mL和49 2mL,稳定时间分别为19 7min、22 5min和24 6min;不同钾水平的湿面筋含量基本无差异,而中钾水平的沉降值显著高于高钾水平,稳定时间极显著高于高钾水平。本试验条件下最佳氮(N)和钾(K2O)用量分别为219 7kg/hm2和96 7kg/hm2。  相似文献   

The spatial changes in the ecological conditions of the humus formation; the humus content and reserves and its fractional-group composition and amphiphilic properties; and the structure, density, and water absorption coefficient of ordinary chernozems were studied on nine key plots at distances of 34 and 2 km from two forest massifs of different sizes??the Buzuluk Bor (111 000 ha) and a small birch grove (25 ha)??in the steppe zone of the Cis-Ural region. With an increase in the distance from the forests, the soil humus reserves decrease, the Cha/Cfa ratio becomes larger, and the portion of hydrophilic and amphiphilicneutral fractions in the soil organic matter increases. In the same direction, the structure coefficient decreases (from 2.5?C3.7 to 1.5?C2.2), the soil density gradually increases, and the water permeability decreases and remains within the optimal values range.  相似文献   

Potassium replenishment capacity of eight soil series with varying illite content of their clay fraction were studied at their minimal exchangeable K through green house experiments. Higher minimal K levels were found in soils with high initial K status. Maximum K uptake values were associated with high minimal K. The % illite also had a significant relationship with minimum K levels. Average daily rates of K replenishment of soils varied between 0.25 and 0.67 mg kg?1 soil after reaching minimum K. The K replenishment rates were found highly correlated with minimal exchangeable K (0.96**). Amount of clay failed to attain the level of significance with K replenishment rate. Soils with higher illite content in their clay showed high K replenishment rates.  相似文献   

马铃薯的钾素需求及营养诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
了解马铃薯的钾素营养特点是马铃薯养分管理的基础,综述了马铃薯钾素营养的研究进展,并提出了进一步研究的方向。尽管文献报道的马铃薯需钾量存在差异,但已有的研究结果表明,马铃薯是需钾量较大的作物,其对钾素的需求多于其他元素。而且与小麦等作物相比,马铃薯的钾素营养效率较低。已有的研究还证实土壤交换性钾含量与马铃薯产量的关系并不稳定,仅依靠土壤测试制定钾肥施用方案存在较大的误差,因而马铃薯钾素营养状况诊断并依此指导生育期钾肥施用就显得必要。业已发现叶柄钾浓度能很好的反映马铃薯植株的钾素营养状况,对土壤供钾高度敏感,与块茎产量存在很好的数量关系,因此,用于指导马铃薯施肥的叶柄的临界钾浓度被不同研究人员确立,但干重基础的叶柄钾浓度指标指导施肥实践的时效性较差,这意味着简便快速的诊断方法有待建立。  相似文献   

The interaction of different ameliorants and fertilizers with the solid phase of clayey vertic chernozems was studied in a model experiment. Changes in the organization and properties of the mineral mass from the plow horizon under the impact of ameliorants took place at several hierarchical levels. At the level of soil aggregates, both the disaggregation of the soil mass and the formation of agronomically valuable soil aggregates under the impact of different ameliorants were observed. The method of fractional peptization of the soil mass was applied to study the behavior of clay minerals. The specificity of the crystallochemistry of smectitic minerals and their changes under the impact of introduced substances were studied in different fractions of clay.  相似文献   

Thirty two soil samples from China were analyzed for exchangeable K before and after drying. Most soil samples were higher in exchangeable K after air-drying and ovendrying (60°C) than when wet. Soil clay minerals, especially clay-size mica, affected K released in air-dry and oven-dry samples. According to composition of clay minerals of air-dried samples, five classes were recognized. Soil samples with high mica and montmorillonite have the highest exchangeable K. Samples that contained higher kaolinite than mica had lower exchangeable K. Samples with higher kaolinite than quartz and mica had still lower exchangeable K. Samples of sandy soils contained very low exchangeable K. When quartz was the main mineral, the samples that had kaolinite and gibbsite as the main clay minerals had very low exchangeable K. The degree of weathering (weathering mean) bore an inverse relationship to the amount of K released on drying in air or at 60°C. Udults and Udalfs (Red Earths) of southeastern China, because of their high K release on being dried, are inferred to have received fine mica from the Western Desert dust rainout, reported to Liu et al. (1981).  相似文献   

We conducted a study to investigate the role of aggregates in the stabilization of residue‐ and root‐derived C in an illitic Mollisol and a kaolinitic Oxisol under the following treatments: (i) incorporated residue, (ii) growing plants, and (iii) both incorporated residue and growing plants. Residue‐C dynamics were followed in soils incubated with 13C‐labelled wheat residue with and without unlabelled growing wheat plants. Root‐C was traced by growing wheat plants with and without unlabelled wheat residue in a 13CO2‐labelling chamber. After 46 and 76 incubation days, residue‐ and root‐C were measured in four aggregate size classes and in microbial‐C. Both soils had greater residue‐derived than root‐derived total aggregate‐associated C at day 76, which we attributed to the larger residue‐C than root‐C inputs at the start of the experiment. On an aggregate basis, the ratio of residue‐derived over root‐derived C decreased in most size fractions over time, indicating a greater potential for longer‐term root‐C than residue‐C stabilization by aggregates in both soils. At both sampling days, all aggregates > 53 µm had greater residue‐C concentrations in the illitic soil than in the kaolinitic soil and this difference increased with increasing aggregate size. This suggested a greater affinity of illite clay than kaolinite clay to bind with fresh residue‐derived compounds into larger aggregates and hence a greater importance of aggregates in stabilizing residue‐C in illitic compared with kaolinitic soils. The stabilization of root‐C by aggregates was less affected by clay mineralogy and thus less dependent on the affinity of clay minerals to bind with root‐derived compounds.  相似文献   

This study shows the effect of organic fertilizers at different stocking rates, on nitrogen (N) leaching, measured using zero-tension lysimeters under undisturbed grassland soil. The experiment included two organic fertilizer types – cow dung with dung water (D) and slurry (S), both at a range of stocking rates: 0.9 LU (livestock unit) ha?1, 1.4 LU ha?1, 2.0 LU ha?1 (corresponding to 54, 84 and 120 kg N ha?1, respectively) and a control (C) treatment. In percolated water, the contents of ammonia nitrogen (NH4+–N) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3?–N) were studied. The average concentration of NH4+–N ranged from 0.91 to 1.44 mg l?1 on fertilized plots compared to 0.55 mg l?1 on the control plot. The average concentration of NO3?–N ranged from 5.2 to 9.5 mg l?1 on fertilized plots compared to 3.2 mg l?1 on the control plot. The results of this study showed that the use of organic fertilizers at chosen stocking rates influenced N leaching, but the concentration of N did not exceed the limits for drinking water permitted by Czech legislation. Stocking rates at 2.0 LU ha?1 and below do not result in elevated N concentrations in percolated water that pose environmental threat.  相似文献   

研究海南浅海沉积物发育砖红壤上高钾与高铝共存对不同镁肥淋洗的影响,可为该缺镁土壤上合理施用镁肥提供理论依据。采集浅海沉积物发育砖红壤,设置四个处理:不加钾铝(-K-Al)、高钾(+K)、高铝(+Al)、高钾高铝共存(+K+Al),通过模拟土柱试验研究了5种镁肥的淋失特征。结果表明:第1次淋溶液中镁浓度最大(125.47~898.81 mg/kg),第2次骤降(8.79~151.57 mg/kg),第3次再骤降(0.51~29.28 mg/kg),往后第4~11次趋于平稳(0.25~9.41 mg/kg),施用镁肥的淋溶液中镁浓度均比CK的高,其中一水硫酸镁的最高(898.81 mg/kg),而白云石的最低(212.50 mg/kg)。+K+Al处理的淋溶液中镁浓度显著高于其它处理的,镁累积淋失量几乎都是+K+Al >+Al >+K > -K-Al,不同种类镁肥的镁累积淋失量在18.76~141.25mg,+K+Al处理下镁累积淋失量由高到低顺序为:一水硫酸镁>钙镁磷肥>纳米氢氧化镁>氧化镁>白云石,镁淋失率最低的是白云石(8.30%),最高是一水硫酸镁(81.70%)。11次淋洗结束,0~20 cm土层中与CK相比,除一水硫酸镁外,施用镁肥都提高土壤pH,土壤交换性镁含量几乎都是+K+Al <+Al<+K< -K-Al,同一处理中CK与一水硫酸镁、白云石处理的土壤交换性镁含量几乎都没有显著差异,而且都显著低于氢氧化镁、氧化镁、钙镁磷肥。综上所述,施用镁肥后注意水分管理防止镁被大量淋洗;+Al对镁淋洗的影响大于+K,且+K+Al对镁淋洗有促进作用。因此在海南浅海沉积物发育的砖红壤上易淋洗的一水硫酸镁不宜作为基肥施用,尤其在钾铝共存条件下应少量多次施用,可选择镁肥淋失率较低的白云石做基肥。  相似文献   

The character of the quantitative changes in the main physical properties of ordinary chernozems under the impact of irrigation has been studied. It is shown that irrigation leads to a weak or moderate degradation of the aggregate state of the soils and a weak degradation of the soil bulk density, total porosity, and air capacity.  相似文献   

The rates of organic matter renewal in gray forest soils and chernozems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rates of soil carbon renewal were determined by the method of natural 13C abundance in a chernozem under a 40-year-long monoculture of corn and in a gray forest soil after application of corn residues. The mean rate of soil carbon renewal in the chernozem reached 1271–1498 years, whereas in the gray forest soil it depended on the amount of carbon introduced with corn residues and varied from 19 to 63 years. The rate of organic carbon renewal in the chernozem decreased from 697 years in the upper horizon to 2742 years in the layer of 40–60 cm. The mean residence time of organic carbon generally increased with a decrease in the size of particle-size fractions.  相似文献   

不同钾肥对赤红壤和水稻土中铅有效性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验,研究了赤红壤和水稻土上,施用4种钾肥(KH2PO4、K2SO4、KNO3、KCl),在各为5种用量(K,0,60,140,240,360 mg/kg)条件下,小油菜对铅的吸收量及土壤溶液铅和植株吸收铅之间的关系。结果表明,赤红壤上KCl、KNO3、K2SO4各处理土壤溶液铅的浓度均随钾肥施入量的增加而显著增加。其中KCl最高用量下土壤溶液铅增加最高,达106.9%,K2SO4第4水平下增加97.8%;水稻土上3种钾肥的情况与之类似,只是增加幅度略低,这可能与赤红壤具有较多的可变电荷和因其CEC较小而缓冲性也小有关。两种土壤施用KH2PO4下,随施入量的增加,土壤溶液的铅均显著减少;KH2PO4最高用量下,赤红壤和水稻土水溶性铅分别比对照减少45.0%和63.8%。另外,种植第2季作物后,施用KH2PO4后,两种土壤溶液铅含量与植株茎叶和根系吸收铅浓度之间均表现为良好的正相关。  相似文献   

不同钾肥种类对苹果产量、 品质及耐贮性的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】苹果需钾量高,而果农普遍忽视钾肥的施用,随近年来密植栽培的推广,苹果单产大幅提升,使得陕西苹果园土壤面临缺钾现状,故合理补充钾肥对苹果生产至关重要。本文通过比较两种钾肥(KCl与K2SO4)对树体生长、 矿质养分吸收、 果实产量品质及采后贮藏特性的影响,为苹果树钾肥的合理施用提供科学指导。【方法】以陕西凤翔8年生红富士苹果树为研究对象,连续两年(2011~2013)对果树进行3种施肥处理,分别为不施钾(CK)、 KCl和K2SO4。在果树生长期间测定新梢生长量、 新梢叶片及果实矿质元素含量、 果实产量品质并定期测定采后贮藏期果实品质的变化(包括硬度、 可溶性固形物、 可滴定酸、 腐烂率)。【结果】1)CK、 KCl、 K2SO4 3个处理的平均新梢生长量分别为18.25 cm、 17.83 cm、 19.39 cm,无显著差异。与CK相比,施KCl 和K2SO4 7月中旬新梢叶片的氮、 磷含量均有所提高,其中K2SO4处理的叶片氮、 磷含量显著高于CK,但钙、 镁含量降低。2)年均苹果产量表现为KCl K2SO4CK,且3者之间差异显著。3)CK、 KCl、 K2SO4的年均单果重分别为267.42 g、 304.72 g、 287.73 g,其中KCl处理的单果重显著高于其它处理。施用KCl和K2SO4,横径80 mm以上的果实比例分别比CK提高14.9%和11.5%; 4)与对照相比,两种钾肥均提高了果实的氮、 磷含量和累积量,且KCl处理果实氮、 磷累积量高于K2SO4。果实中的钾含量和累积量3个处理之间无显著差异。施钾与对照相比均降低了果实中的钙、 镁含量及累积量。5)施钾与否对果实采收时的硬度无显著影响,但施钾可提高果实的可滴定酸、 可溶性糖及Vc含量。在室温下贮藏,90 d内不同处理果实可滴定酸含量降低,并趋势一致; KCl和K2SO4处理可溶性固形物含量呈上升趋势,而不施钾处理的可溶性固形物逐渐降低。贮藏结束后,果实软化率CK、 KCl、 K2SO4分别为19.23%、 6.96%、 22.19%,腐烂率分别为11.11%、 9.25%、 5.55%。【结论】短期内施KCl肥在增加产量,促进果实膨大,改善采收时果实品质方面效果稍好于K2SO4; 而K2SO4在促进新梢生长、 树体养分吸收,提高果实贮藏性能方面优于KCl。  相似文献   

An approach to assess the mineralogical status of chernozems is discussed. It is based on ten characteristics of the main groups of minerals composing the silicate part of the soil and allows us to give a comprehensive assessment of the mineralogical status of chernozems and its transformation under the impact of pedogenetic processes. The obtained data may be used for determining the soil genesis; improving soil classification; and solving various applied problems, including the assessment of the adverse effect of irrigation of chernozems on the state of their minerals, the irrigation-induced degradation of smectites and illite formation, illite formation upon the nonexchangeable fixation of potassium from fertilizers, etc. The principles of this approach may also be applied to other soils with due consideration for their mineralogical composition.  相似文献   

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