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Despite the importance of edges effects in ecological systems, the causes and consequences of animal responses to habitat edges are largely unknown. We used three years of live-trapping and measures of the plant community around trap stations to explore the responses of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus), and short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) to forest-field edges in upstate New York. We found that capture probabilities of voles were highest in grass- and forb-dominated micro-habitats and in old-field zones distant from the forest edge. In contrast, capture probabilities of white-footed mice were highest in shrub-dominated microhabitats and in zones near the forest edge. Short-tailed shrews did not show strong micro- or macrohabitat associations. The responses by voles, the competitive dominant in our system, to variation along forest-field edges were more consistent across years than were those of the competitively inferior, white-footed mouse. Mice were less likely to use the old-field interiors when vole density was high than when it was low, suggesting competitive displacement of mice by voles. Finally, we found good agreement between the spatial activity patterns of mice and voles in old-fields and their impacts on patterns of survival of tree seeds and seedlings in concurrent studies. These results suggest that a dynamic interaction exists between the plant and animal communities along forest edges.  相似文献   

The predator–prey relationship plays an integral role in community structure. In the presence of habitat fragmentation, the dynamic interaction among co-existing species may be disrupted. In this paper we investigated the interaction between small skinks resident in open woodland remnants and the predatory birds that cross-forage between the remnants and the surrounding peri-urban matrix. Skinks were found in significantly fewer numbers in the edge of remnants compared to their core. In contrast, predatory birds were in largest numbers at the edge compared to the core of remnants. We found that there was a strong negative correlation between skink numbers and predatory birds (individually and combined) consistent with higher predation pressure in the edge compared to the core of remnants. Strike rates on decoys that mimicked skinks were also higher in the edge compared to core habitats, consistent with higher predation rates in this edge habitat.  相似文献   

Delattre  P.  De Sousa  B.  Fichet-Calvet  E.  Quéré  J.P.  Giraudoux  P. 《Landscape Ecology》1999,14(4):401-412
Landscape Ecology - Analysis of population variations in space and time suggests that landscape may act as a substrate for several kinds of interactions: neighborhood effects, edge effects,...  相似文献   

We compared the performance of individuals and whole populations of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, within and between experimentally created habitat fragments of three sizes (1.0, 0.25, and 0.0625 ha) and between a 20-ha fragmented and a 20-ha continuous habitat landscape. We recorded 10,020 captures of 3946 individuals over 17 censuses between June 1993 and October 1994. Five demographic parameters showed significantly different population responses between the two landscapes but no difference in tests comparing fragment size: i.e., mean and peak population densities (the latter, in each of the two growing seasons) averaged 149 to 172% higher, population growth rate averaged 219% higher, and adult recruitment 170% higher in fragmented than in the continuous control landscape. Observations at the individual level (body sizes, rates of reproduction, residence times) suggested that these landscape differences involved enhanced performance of adult females associated with edge habitats rather than differential immigration or emigration. If this turns out to be a common response to fragmentation, the detection of such responses will be greater when comparing fragmented and unfragmented landscapes with qualitatively different structure than for fragments of varied size with differing proportions of edge. That responses to habitat fragmentation may be more evident at the very small (individual) and very large (landscape) scales, but may be obscured at the intermediate spatial scale of fragments, is a proposition that clearly requires more attention.  相似文献   

Nest predation is an important cause of mortality for many bird species, especially in grassland ecosystems where generalist predators have responded positively to human disturbance and landscape fragmentation. Our study evaluated the influence of the composition and configuration of the surrounding landscape on nest predation. Transects consisting of 10 artificial ground nests each were set up in 136 roadsides in six watersheds in south-central Iowa. Nest predation on individual roadside transects ranged from 0 to 100% and averaged 23%. The relationship of landscape structure within spatially-nested landscapes surrounding each roadside transect (within 200, 400, 800, 1200, and 1600 m of the transect line) to nest predation was evaluated by using multiple regression and canonical correlation analyses. The results of this multiscale landscape analysis demonstrated that predation on ground nests was affected by the surrounding landscape mosaic and that nest predators with different-sized home ranges and habitat affinities responded to landscapes in different ways. In general, wooded habitats were associated with greater nest predation, whereas herbaceous habitats (except alfalfa/pasture) either were associated with less nest predation or were not important. Different landscape variables were important at different spatial scales. Whereas some block-cover habitats such as woodland were important at all scales, others such as rowcrops and alfalfa/pasture were important at large scales. Some strip-cover habitats such as gravel roads and paved roads were important at small scales, but others such as wooded roadsides were important at all all scales. Most landscape metrics (e.g., mean patch size and edge density) were important at large scales. Our study demonstrated that the relationships between landscape structure and predator assemblages are complex, thus making efforts to enhance avian productivity in agricultural landscapes a difficult management goal.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation lead to changes in species richness and composition which may affect ecosystem services. Yet, few studies distinguish between the effects of habitat loss and isolation, or how multiple ecosystem services may be affected simultaneously. We investigated the effects of variation in cover of woody and open semi-natural habitats and isolation from forest on the relative functioning of pollination, seed predation and insect scavenging in agricultural landscapes. We established 30 sites in grassland locations in the Swiss plateau around Berne. The sites varied independently in their isolation from forest edges, in the percentage of woody habitats and in the percentage of open semi-natural habitats in the surrounding landscape (500 m radius). We experimentally exposed primroses, sunflower seeds and cricket corpses during spring 2008. None of the three studied services was affected by variation in woody or open semi-natural habitat cover. However, the proportion of flowers setting seed was significantly reduced by isolation from forest. Further, seed predation and insect scavenging were significantly lower at isolated sites than at sites connected to woody habitat. This pattern was particularly pronounced for seeds and insect corpses that were enclosed by wire netting and thus inaccessible to vertebrates. Thus, all three studied services responded quite similarly to the landscape context. The observed small-scale determination of seed set, seed predation and insect scavenging contrasts with larger-scale determination of pollination and insect pest control found in other studies.  相似文献   

Measuring edge effects in complex landscapes is often confounded by the presence of different kinds of natural and anthropogenic edges, each of which may act differently on organisms inhabiting habitat patches. In such landscapes, proportions of different habitats surrounding nests within patches often vary and may affect nesting success independently of distance to edges. We developed methods to measure and study the effects of multiple edges and varying habitat composition around nests on the breeding success of the Acadian flycatcher (Empidonax virescens), an understory, open-cup nesting songbird. The Kaskaskia River in Southwestern Illinois was our study area and consists of wide (>1000-m) floodplain corridors embedded in an agricultural matrix with a variety of natural (wide rivers, backwater swamps, and oxbow lakes) and anthropogenic (internal openings, and agricultural) habitats. We also measured vegetation structure around each nest. Nest survival increased with increasing nest concealment, and probabilities of brood parasitism increased with increasing distances from anthropogenic and natural water-related openings surrounding nests. The magnitude of these effects was small, probably because the landscape is saturated with nest predators and brood parasites. These results illustrate the importance of considering both larger landscape context and details of natural and anthropogenic disturbances when studying the effects of habitat fragmentation on wildlife.  相似文献   

The Illinois Geographic Information System was used to compare the soil and landscape attributes of the State with its historic vegetation, current land use, and patterns of land-use change over the past 160 years. Patch structural characteristics among land types in four geographic zones were also compared. The assessment of patch characteristics revealed a highly modified State with most land patches controlled by human influences and relatively few by topographic and hydrologic features. Correlation and regression analyses determined the relationships of land type and abundance within each of 50 general soil associations to properties of the soil associations - typically slope, texture, organic matter, productivity index, and available waterholding capacity. The distribution of the historic vegetation of the State and its current deciduous forests and nonforested wetlands related moderately (r2 0.44) to various landscape attributes. Urban and other highly modified land types were less closely related.  相似文献   

Timber harvesting affects both composition and structure of the landscape and has important consequences for organisms using forest habitats. A timber harvest allocation model was constructed that allows the input of specific rules to allocate forest stands for clearcutting to generate landscape patterns reflecting the look and feel of managed landscapes. Various harvest strategies were simulated on four 237 km2 study areas in Indiana, USA. For each study area, the model was applied to simulate 80 years of management activity. The resulting landscape spatial patterns were quantified using a suite of landscape pattern metrics and plotted as a function of mean harvest size and total area of forest harvested per decade to produce response surfaces. When the mean clearcut size was 1 ha, the area of forest interior remaining on the landscape was dramatically reduced and the amount of forest edge on the landscape increased dramatically. The potential consequences of the patterns produced by the model were assessed for a generalized neotropical migrant forest bird using a GIS model that generates maps showing the spatial distribution of the relative vulnerability of forest birds to brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds. The model incorporates the location and relative quality of cowbird feeding sites, and the relation between parasitism rates and distance of forest from edge. The response surface relating mean harvest size and total area harvested to the mean value of vulnerability to cowbird brood parasitism had a shape similar to the response surfaces showing forest edge. The results of our study suggest that it is more difficult to maintain large contiguous blocks of undisturbed forest interior when harvests are small and dispersed, especially when producing high timber volumes is a management goal. The application of the cowbird model to landscapes managed under different strategies could help managers in deciding where harvest activity will produce the least negative impact on breeding forest birds.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in developing criteria to evaluate the environmental implications of intensive agricultural land use. This implies discriminating between nature and man-made effects upon structural and functional attributes of agroecosystems. Adequate indicators of these combined effects should be cost efficient yet compatible with the core of ecological theory on biodiversity, spatial organization and ecosystem stability. We developed resistance-resilience metrics of plant growth to evaluate the intensity of agricultural use in a temperate irrigated basin in southern Argentina. The metrics are based on an analysis of the components of a temporal series of vegetation indices computed at a low resolution from available globally remote sensed reflectance imagery. We related the developed metrics to the properties of the soils and plant canopies observed at field scale and high-resolution imagery of the basin. Soil depth, soil erosion status and land fragmentation account for large fractions of the variance of the distribution of functional groups of the plant canopies and are also correlated with smaller scale attributes of land vegetation cover. Resistance-resilience indicators constitute a cost-efficient and adequate approach to evaluate the degree of intensification of land agricultural use.  相似文献   

Lovett-Doust  J.  Biernacki  M.  Page  R.  Chan  M.  Natgunarajah  R.  Timis  G. 《Landscape Ecology》2003,18(6):621-633
Surprisingly few studies have considered the extent to which the nature of the ownership of land is associated with differences in biodiversity. We analysed ownership and other landscape-level effects on rare-species richness for both globally- and regionally-rare biota (including birds, herpetofauna, butterflies, mammals, and plants) in 289 designated natural areas (NAs) in southern Ontario, Canada. Information about each NA −including area, number of plant communities, ownership status and details of species diversity were collected from published sources. Length of perimeter of NA, relative isolation, and an estimate of fragmentation were measured using image analysis and GIS techniques. NAs were in general relatively small, with mean area of 158 ha (median 85 ha, range from 0.9 to 1278 ha) for private NAs; public NAs had mean area of 132 ha (median 16 ha, range from 0.1 to 1481 ha). Mean number of plant communities was 4.6 (median 4, range 1- 13) at private NAs and 3.8 (median 3, range 1-16) at public NAs. Our results show that, of several landscape-level factors, area had the greatest effects on rare-species richness and other biotic indices. Effects of area were followed by effects of plant community diversity, however this was itself significantly affected by area and the extent of perimeter of the NA. Both these factors were followed by effects of ownership of the NA and by effects of isolation of the NA (represented by minimum distance to nearest NA and by number of NAs in 10 km radius). Other landscape- level factors did not appear to have overall significant effects. Variation in area accounted for 0.1% to 29% of variation in number of rare species, with lower values for globally-rare, than for regionally-rare taxa. For all biotic groups, public ownership of NAs was associated with significantly greater rare-species richness compared to private ownership, even after other factors such as area were controlled. For all globally-rare biota except butterflies, area of NA had greater effects on rare-species richness than did ownership. Richness of regionally- rare birds was more affected by plant community diversity than by area of NA. Number of recorded plant communities accounted from 2.1% of variation in number of globally-rare plant species to as high as 31% of variation in regionally-rare butterflies. The diversity of plant communities was itself influenced by total site area (accounting for 45% of variation), extent of elongation of the NA, and both external- and interior- edge perimeters. Public NAs had greatest numbers of rare biota and so should be a significant focus for conservation programs. Smaller, privately-owned patches of natural area dominate (by number and area) in this densely populated region and their significance should not be overlooked. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

McGarigal  Kevin  Romme  William H.  Crist  Michele  Roworth  Ed 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(4):327-349
In the southern Rocky Mountains of temperate North America, the effects of Euro-American activities on disturbance regimes and landscape patterns have been less ubiquitous and less straightforward in high-elevation landscapes than in low-elevation landscapes. Despite apparently little change in the natural disturbance regime, there is increasing concern that forest management activities related mainly to timber harvest and to the extensive network of roads constructed to support timber harvest, fire control, and recreation since the late 1800s have altered disturbance regimes and landscape structure. We investigated the magnitude of change in landscape structure resulting from roads and logging since the onset of timber harvest activities in 1950. We found limited evidence for significant impacts in our study area when all lands within the landscape were considered. The relatively minor changes we observed reflected the vast buffering capacity of the large proportion of lands managed for purposes other than timber (e.g., wilderness). Significant changes in landscape structure and fragmentation of mature forest were, however, evident on lands designated as suitable timberlands. Roughly half of the mature coniferous forest was converted to young stands; mean patch size and core area declined by 40% and 25%, respectively, and contrast-weighted edge density increased 2- to 3-fold. Overall, roads had a greater impact on landscape structure than logging in our study area. Indeed, the 3-fold increase in road density between 1950–1993 accounted for most of the changes in landscape configuration associated with mean patch size, edge density, and core area. The extent of area evaluated and the period over which change was evaluated had a large impact on the magnitude of change detected and our conclusions regarding the ecological significance of those changes. Specifically, the cumulative impact on landscape structure was negligible over a 10-year period, but was notable over a 40-year period. In addition, the magnitude of change in landscape structure between 1950–1993 varied as a function of landscape extent. At the scale of the 228000 ha landscape, change in landscape structure was trivial, suggesting that the landscape was capable of fully incorporating the disturbances with minimal impact. However, at intermediate scales of 1000–10000 ha landscapes, change in landscape structure was quite evident, suggesting that there may be an optimal range of scales for detecting changes in landscape structure within the study area.  相似文献   

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