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Summary Corn yields for full irrigation and 4 different levels of deficit irrigation were simulated using a model developed by Stockle and Campbell (1985). Different irrigation levels were obtained by holding the application depth constant and allowing the irrigation interval to vary from 1 to 5 days. Silt loam and loamy sand soils, two root depths, two water contents at planting time, total pumping heads ranging from 0 to 800 m, four ratios of energy cost to commodity price and climatic data for the 1974 growing season at Davis, California were examined. The different variable combinations resulted in a wide range of crop water deficit and yield. Results indicated that, for given combinations, slight deficit (ratios of actual to potential transpiration larger than 0.89) provided higher net benefit than full irrigation. Larger deficits were never advantageous across the diverse range of conditions examined, indicating that potential benefits are associated with only a narrow range of irrigation deficits. This result illustrates the risk involved when deficit irrigation is practiced. Large soil water holding capacity, high soil water contents at planting and deep root exploration were found important for successful implementation of deficit irrigation. Total pumping head and the ratio of energy cost to commodity price were important factors in determining the feasibility of deficit irrigation for the conditions examined. It was also found that the level of irrigation which maximized net benefits tended to be lower for situations where the quantity of water available for irrigation was fixed and the amount of land which could be irrigated was unlimited than when there was sufficient water to fully irrigate the entire farm. Situations where deficit irrigation is a more effective way of reducing energy cost than reducing system operating pressure were ob served.Scientific Paper No. 7571 Project 0634, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6120, USA  相似文献   

In most cases, when calculating soil water availability, only thewater content is considered. The effect of salinity on the wiltingpoint is neglected. The objective of this work is to use asimulation model (CERES-maize) in order to predict cornyields as a function of water salinity under severalenvironmental, agrotechnical, and plant characteristics. A modelis presented in which the wilting point is a function of the soilsalt content. At high salinity, the water content at wilting pointis higher than at low salinity, resulting in an insufficient amountof available water and, therefore, a reduced yield. The modelwas used to simulate several theoretical and experimentalsituations for forage corn and grain corn. Simulation resultsshowed that nitrogen fertilization increases the salinity thresholdvalue and the yield sensitivity (rate of yield reduction per unitof salinity). The also showed that forage corn is more sensitiveto salinity than grain corn. If the soil is not leached, a heaviersoil texture has a higher salinity threshold value. On the otherhand, if the soil is leached, the soil texture has no influence onthe salinity threshold value and the yield is less sensitive tosalinity in sandy soils. The determination coefficient (r2= 0.75) indicated that the results of the simulations were in goodagreement with the field data.  相似文献   

Drip irrigation systems are prone to changes in flow rate (FR) and increasing coefficients of variation (CV) when fed with treated wastewater, due to fouling inside the drippers. A model system was designed to measure the FR and fouling accumulation in laterals and drippers under different treatment conditions. A novel approach was taken to compare the different maintenance treatments. A comparison of chlorination and acidification strategies showed that daily chlorination and periodic acidification may prolong proper functioning of the drippers by maintaining a normal FR [(up to ±7 %) of nominal FR] and CV (<7 %) index in correlation with low fouling accumulation in the pipeline (<0.01 mg deposit/cm pipe 2 ). Current recommendations for the frequency of conventional treatments were found to be insufficient. Chemical analyses of the fouling inside the dripper and accumulated on the pipe wall showed that biofilm can survive inside the dripper under harsh environmental conditions, even when the pipeline stays clean. These results shed light on biofilm growth and survival mechanisms inside the dripper and may pave the way to developing new treatments or improving dripper design.  相似文献   

Summary A simulation model capable of predicting the yield response of corn to a limited water supply was developed by combining two existing mathematical models. The resulting computer model was evaluated using experimental data taken under a wide range of soil moisture conditions. The soil profile water balances was simulated using SWATRE and SUCROS was used to model the crop growth in response to environmental conditions. In addition to the integration of the two existing models, some minor changes were made to each in an effort to improve the accuracy of the combined models. The model input parameters were derived entirely from published literature. The experimental data necessary for model validation were available from irrigation studies at the Sandhills Agricultural Laboratory of the University of Nebraska. These experiments not only provided the required input soil and climatic data, but also the observed irrigation levels, soil moisture distributions and crop yield required for model validation. Initial evaluation of the computer model indicates that the combined model adequately describes crop evapotranspiration, soil moisture extraction and crop yield under a fairly wide range of soil moisture stress. Additional modifications for the prediction of leaf area expansion and senescence, especially under moisture stress, are needed to improve the accuracy of the model.  相似文献   

In Australia, interest in wastewater reuse has grown. While wastewater can potentially offer a nutrient advantage over conventional irrigation, crop yield increases may be offset by effects of high salinity. Effects of wastewater irrigation on crop production and soil health were investigated in two ways: a field experiment addressing short-term effects and modeling longer-term impacts. The field experiment was established at the Shepparton Wastewater Treatment Plant in Shepparton, Victoria, to compare effects of wastewater irrigation to conventional irrigation. Silage maize and sweet corn (Zea mays L.) were grown over the summer of 2012–2013 under the following flood irrigation treatments: wastewater and freshwater with and without fertilizer. Both harvests produced yields and qualities comparable to commercial farm standards, and no significant differences were found between water types. Maize production with long-term wastewater irrigation at various salinities was modeled, and no significant yield losses were observed after 50 years of simulated irrigation. Topsoil electroconductivity doubled after the field trial and simulation results predicted significant soil salt accumulation by factor of 2. Mean wastewater sodium absorption ratio of 4.52 and electroconductivity of 1.52 dS/m indicate potential for sodicity-related soil problems for long-term irrigation. Management of soil health may be necessary.  相似文献   

The effect of using treated wastewater for irrigation of table grapes (Vitis vinifera cv. Superior Seedless) was studied for six seasons. The experimental vineyard was grown on clay loam soil in a semi-arid area. Treated wastewater (5.83 meq L?1 Na+) with (TWW + F) and without (TWW) fertilizer, and fresh water with fertilizer (FW + F, 2.97 meq L?1 Na+), were each applied at three irrigation levels (80, 60 and 40 % of crop evapotranspiration before harvest). Root zone (0–60 cm soil depth) soil saturated paste extract Na+ concentrations and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) values fluctuated over the years, but generally decreased in the order TWW > TWW + F > FW + F for each irrigation level. Both Na+ concentrations and SAR values developed faster and to a greater extent at higher irrigation. Adding fertilizer to TWW decreased Na+ and SAR only at the high irrigation level. Na+ concentrations in the trunk wood, bark and xylem sap of the TWW and TWW + F irrigated vines were significantly higher than those in the FW + F-irrigated vines. Leaf petiole Na+ content increased with time and its maximum value in TWW and TWW + F irrigated vines exceeded 6,500 mg kg?1, threefold higher than in FW + F irrigated vines. We conclude that in clay soils under relatively high irrigation, Na+ may pose a greater potential risk to plants and soil rather than Cl? or salinity per se. However, significant effects on yield were not recorded during this six-year study probably due to the high salinity tolerance of the ‘Paulsen’ rootstock used in the experiment.  相似文献   

Summary Characterization of root growth and distribution is fundamental in explaining crop responses to irrigation and in determining appropriate management of irrigation systems, particularly with drip systems since it is widely believed that drip irrigation may limit the extent of root development. An experiment was conducted to study root distribution of sweet corn grown under high frequency surface (S) and subsurface (SS) drip irrigation, fertilized daily through drip systems at three phosphorus levels of P0 (no injected P), P1 (P injected at 67 kg/ha) and P2 (P injected at 134 kg/ha). Root sampling at the end of the growing season indicated that: (1) Root extension continued at depths in excess of 2 m in both the surface and subsurface drip at all P levels. (2) The greatest differences between SS and S treatments were observed in the top 45 cm depth. Higher root length density was observed in the surface 30 cm in S plots while the sweet corn in the SS plots had greater root length density than S plots below 30 cm, and (3) the greater root length density in the SS irrigated sweet corn was not reflected in a similar increase in total above-ground dry matter.This project was partially supported by a grant from BARD Project no I-1116-86  相似文献   

由于全球变暖,水资源短缺的风险越来越大,为此优化传统栽培模式,实行节水灌溉势在必行,调亏灌溉是提高水分利用效率的关键技术。本文首先深入探讨了调亏灌溉的机理,从葡萄树体的生长状况、根系的发育情况以及相关蛋白的表达调控等多个角度进行了综合分析。其次文章对分期调亏灌溉、根系分区灌溉和隔行交替灌溉这三种具体的调亏灌溉模式进行了详细的概述。文章进一步探讨了不同灌溉时期对葡萄生长发育的影响,以及不同物候期对水分的需求及如何根据葡萄的生长周期来合理安排灌溉时间。最后,文章总结了调亏灌溉对葡萄果实中糖分、酸度、酚类化合物以及香气物质等关键品质因素的影响。通过对调亏灌溉机理的深入研究,以及对不同灌溉模式和时期影响的探讨,为科学管理葡萄园,实现节水增效,促进农业可持续发展奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

We hypothesized that organic matter (OM) content originating from treated wastewater (TWW) irrigation and soil texture dominate the intensity of soil water repellency. The relationship between soil texture, wastewater treatment level, and water repellency was examined in a 3-year lysimeter experiment (2008–2010). Soil type–water quality combinations, consisting of three soils with different specific surface area (SSA) and four levels of water quality differing in OM content, were tested. In each year, water repellency developed in all TWW quality treatments, but not in freshwater-irrigated controls. At the end of each year (except 2009), the highest degree of repellency was exhibited by sandy soil treated with the lowest quality TWW (highest OM content). The lowest degree of water repellency was consistently exhibited by the soil with the highest SSA irrigated with the highest quality TWW (lowest OM content). Water quality, rather than SSA, was the dominant factor in determining degree of repellency induced by TWW irrigation.  相似文献   

Irrigation with treated wastewater (TWW) is gaining importance due to declining water availability in dry regions. TWW irrigation has various potential adverse effects on soil quality such as hydrophobic effects on soil surfaces, reducing initial sorptivity and promoting the formation of preferential flow paths. In May and June 2010, in situ infiltration measurements using mini disk tension infiltrometer were deployed in five different orchard plots in Israel to assess the impact of different irrigation water qualities on the soil water repellency index R. In most plantations, long-term test sites were accessed to compare adjacent plots irrigated with fresh water (FW) or TWW. Topsoil samples were analyzed for selected physical and chemical characteristics. The mean R values increased at all TWW sites, from +15 up to +55 % compared with FW sites. The water drop penetration time (WDPT) increased up to 30 fold at three of five TWW sites compared with FW sites. Subsequent U tests and multilevel analysis indicated an impact of the type of irrigation water on R and WDPT. Moreover, soil electrical conductivity and exchangeable sodium percentage were consistently higher at all TWW sites. These results show that irrigation water quality clearly influences physical and chemical properties of the soil.  相似文献   

为了探究石羊河流域适宜春玉米生长的咸水非充分灌溉模式,应用SWAP模型模拟不同灌溉模式下的土壤水盐平衡、春玉米相对产量和相对水分利用效率,并预测了较长时期土壤水盐动态变化规律.研究结果表明:灌溉水矿化度为0.71 g/L和3.00 g/L的春玉米最优灌溉模式为生育期内灌4次水,灌溉定额均为408 mm,2种灌溉模式均能达到节约灌溉用水、提高作物产量和水分利用效率以及减少土体盐分累积量的目的.较长时期土壤水盐动态变化规律模拟结果表明:在冬灌条件下,春玉米最优灌溉模式下的土壤水分和盐分能够在模拟期内保持相对平稳的状态;在不同年份,相同土层土壤含水率随着土层深度的增加而增大,0.71 g/L的淡水灌溉土壤盐分主要累积在40~80 cm土层,3.00 g/L的微咸水灌溉土壤盐分主要累积在10~40 cm土层;5 a的模拟结果表明0.71 g/L和3.00 g/L的水持续灌溉5 a,不会引起土壤次生盐渍化.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in 1999 and 2000 to investigate the effect of different treatments of potable and treated wastewater on the quality of tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill) in Jordan. Tomato seedlings (cvs. GS12 and RS589956) were furrow irrigated with different mixtures of potable and wastewater (1:0, 1:1, 1:3, and 0:1). The BOD, and SS of the treated effluent used were 34 and 35 mg/l, respectively. Irrigation with treated wastewater did not affect fruit pH, increased their size up to 2 cm in diameter, and weight up to 78.7 g. Additionally, a decrease of 1.5% in the SSC, 0.59 kg in firmness, and 5.1% in weight loss of tomato fruit were recorded. The 0:1 application of treated wastewater resulted in an increased microbial contamination (TC 1.56×104 and 4.7×102 CFU/100 g; FC 3×102 and 130 CFU/100 g; TBC 188×102 and 205×102 CFU/100 g) on the surface of the fruit (skin) for GS12 and RS599956 varieties, respectively. There was a negligible contamination on fruit scar, and nil in fruit flesh. Contamination increased exponentially with increasing the proportions of treated wastewater application. Since treated wastewater was highly contaminated with total coliform (up to 42.0 CFU/100 ml) and total bacterial count (up to 7.820 CFU/100 ml), hence, contamination was aggravated with increasing the percentage of treated wastewater. It is suggested that the treated wastewater can be used as an alternative for irrigation of tomatoes eaten after cooking, but not for those taken as raw provided that the effluent quality is continuously monitored to avoid contamination.  相似文献   

Saline groundwater is often found at shallow depth in irrigated areas of arid and semi-arid regions and is associated with problems of soil salinisation and land degradation. The conventional solution is to maintain a deeper water-table through provision of engineered drainage disposal systems, but the sustainability of such systems is disputed. This shallow groundwater should, however, be seen as a valuable resource, which can be utilised via capillary rise (i.e. sub-irrigation). In this way, it is possible to meet part of the crop water requirement, even where the groundwater is saline, thus decreasing the need for irrigation water and simultaneously alleviating the problem of disposing of saline drainage effluent. Management of conditions within the root zone can be achieved by means of a controlled drainage system.A series of lysimeter experiments have permitted a detailed investigation of capillary upward flow from a water-table controlled at shallow depth (1.0 m) under conditions of moderately high (5 mm/day) evaporative demand and with different levels of salinity. Experiments were conducted on a wheat crop grown in a sandy loam soil. Groundwater salinity was held at values from 2 to 8 dS/m while supplementary (deficit) irrigation was applied at the surface with salinity in the range 1-4 dS/m.Our experiments show that increased salinity decreased total water uptake by the crop, but in most treatments wheat still extracted 40% of its requirement from the groundwater, similar to the proportion reported for non-saline conditions. Yield depression was limited to 30% of maximum when the irrigation water was of relatively good quality (1 and 2 dS/m) even with saline groundwater (up to 6 dS/m). Crop water productivity (grain yield basis) was around 0.35 kg/m3 over a wide range of salinity conditions when calculated conventionally on the basis of total water use, but was generally above 1.0 kg/m3 if calculated on the basis of irrigation input only.  相似文献   

Irrigation with treated wastewater (TWW) is commonly practiced in Israel to relieve freshwater (FW) shortages. We hypothesized that the organic matter (OM) originating from TWW irrigation alters the physico-chemical properties of the soil, induces water repellency in the soil’s top layer, and consequently alters water distribution in the soil profile. In measurements taken in an avocado orchard on a clayey soil, water repellency was found in TWW-irrigated plots. In addition, smaller wetted surface areas were recorded around the drippers in comparison with FW drippers. Drier zone below soil surface was observed in TWW-emitting drippers. OM extraction from the different plots exhibited differences in quantity and quality of organic substances between TWW- and FW-irrigated soils, with a higher quantity of hydrophobic substances in the TWW-irrigated soil extract.  相似文献   

It is important to promote efficient use of water through better management of water resources, for social and economical sustainability in arid and semi-arid areas, under the conditions of severe water shortage. Based on the developments in deficit irrigation research, a recurrence control model for regional optimal allocation of irrigation water resources, aiming at overall maximum efficiency, is presented, with decomposition-harmonization principles of large systems. The model consists of three levels (layers). The first level involves dynamic programming (DP) for optimization of crop irrigation scheduling. The second level deals with optimal allocation of water resources among various crops. The last level concerns optimal allocation of water resources among different sub-regions. As a test, this model was applied to the combined optimal allocation of multiple water resources (surface, ground and in-take from the Weihe river) of Yangling, a semi-arid region on the Loess Plateau, China. Exemplary computation showed that not only are the results rational, but the method can also effectively overcome possible “dimensional obstacles” in dynamic programming of multiple dimensions. Furthermore, each sub-model is relatively independent by using various optimization methods. The model represents a new approach for improving irrigation efficiency, implementing water-saving irrigation, and solving the problem of water shortage in the region studied. The model can be extended in arid and semi-arid areas for better water management.  相似文献   

Treated effluent was used for eggplant (aubergine) irrigation through a trickle system at As-Samra experimental site. The soil characteristics were determined prior to irrigation. Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the effluent were determined during the growing season. Suitability of the effluent for irrigation was studied. The crop and soil were tested for pathogenic pollution. The accumulation of salts and heavy metals in the soil as well as concentration of the nutrients and heavy metal accumulation in the plant tissues were determined. Clogging of the irrigation system was evaluated and treated. Yield was determined.Results of the study showed that the effluent has a low heavy metal content. It showed moderate restriction for surface trickle irrigation. Regarding the microbiological quality of the treated wastewater, it was found that the faecal coliform ranged from 2.1 × 103 to 1.8 × 10 Most Probable Number (MPN) per 100 ml at the irrigated site, while it is free from nematode eggs. The soil surface under the effluent irrigation water was found to contain faecal coliform, but the count drastically decreased with depth. Except for a very low coliform count on fruit skins, no colifonn count was found on the crop leaves, whether they were free or in contact with the soil. The effluent showed a rather high concentration of chlorophyll a due to the presence of algae. Results of soil analysis after eggplant harvest showed a slight increase in heavy metals and salt accumulation at the periphery of the wet zone. Nutrients and heavy metal concentration in eggplant tissue under treated effluent irrigation was within the normal range in agricultural crops. Although filtration of the effluent was not practised, there was minimum clogging of the irrigation system. This clogging was successfully controlled with acid and chlorine. Eggplant yield under treated effluent was twice the average eggplant production under fresh water irrigation using conventional fertiliser application in Jordan.  相似文献   

In this paper, an economic optimisation model for hydrologic planning in deficit irrigation systems is proposed. Irrigation water allocation between agricultural demands is carried out following an economic efficiency criterion with the aim of maximising the overall economic benefits obtained, allocating available water to each user as a function of the water’s profit margin. Water resources constraints in the system are considered. Aggregated economic functions for each irrigation district are generated optimising the water used for the cropping pattern. Stochastic nature of water availability and irrigation requirements have been taken into account.Due to the complexity of the system, the problem has been broken down into three independent optimisation sub-problems that perform hierarchically. Each of these sub models takes into account a different resolution level of the system: crop, irrigation district and the whole basin.The proposed model has been used in a subsequent paper to optimise water allocation planning in a small basin in southern Spain; the Bembézar system.  相似文献   

为探索饲用甜高粱最佳灌溉定额和节水效果,设置了不同灌溉定额(2 400, 3 000, 3 600, 4 200, 4 800 m3/hm2)对两茬收割饲用甜高粱生长和生物产量的影响的田间试验.结果表明,甜高粱茎粗和株高的峰值分别出现在播后62 d和158 d.随灌溉定额增加甜高粱在形态上表现为株高增加、茎粗减小的趋势.在头茬收割(播后76 d)时,株高日增长率最大,为4.00~4.89 cm/d.两茬收割甜高粱鲜生物学产量为63.9~115.5 t/hm2,干生物学产量为12.7~21.4 t/hm2,全生育期耗水量为326.95~504.24 mm,鲜生物学产量WUE为15.53~24.63 kg/m3,干生物学产量WUE为3.89~4.51 kg/m3.灌溉定额为4 200 m3/hm2时,甜高粱总鲜、干生物量最大,灌溉定额为4 800 m3/hm2时,甜高粱总鲜、干生物量增幅不大.从节水和增加生物量角度而言,畦灌方式下的两茬收割饲用甜高粱全生育期灌水4次,灌水定额为1 050 m3/hm2,灌溉定额为4 200 m3/hm2的灌溉效果最佳.  相似文献   

本文通过黄河水滴灌试验,分析了滴头堵塞及其出流水含沙量变化情况,提出了对黄河水滴灌的一些看法,为这一先进的灌水技术在以高含沙水为水源的应用上做出了有益的探索。  相似文献   

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