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引用本文:田立文,翁琴,王红梅,阿里甫?艾尔西,王亮. 新疆棉花与国外典型主产区棉花间差异分析与对策研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2019, 35(34): 16-22. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18090082
作者姓名:田立文  翁琴  王红梅  阿里甫?艾尔西  王亮
基金项目:国家重点研发计划“棉花化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范”(2017YFD0201900);新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发任务专项项目“机采棉机艺 融合高效关键配套技术及产品研发”(2016B01001-2);农业部国家棉花产业技术体系(CARS-18-07);农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项;水浇地合理 耕层构建技术指标研究(201503117);新疆维吾尔自治区科技成果转化专项资金项目“优良棉花新品种及配套高产技术集成示范”(201354103);农业 部荒漠绿洲作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室基金。
摘    要:通过新疆棉花与国外典型主产区棉花的对比分析,明确了新疆棉花内在品质与世界公认的优质棉(美国SJV和澳大利亚棉花)相比有明显差距,但与世界其它地区的优质棉相比,互有优、缺点,品质总体属中等略偏上,具体表现为:新疆棉花纤维较长、强力尚可和马克隆值较高。另外新疆棉花存在异性纤维污染、纤维类型单一、机采棉纤维长度短、杂质高、供给成本高、供给效益和效率低,以及各品质指标间有待进一步优化等问题,为此应加强不同纤维类型优质棉花品种选育、优化棉花品种种植区域布局、防止异性纤维污染、构建棉花种植生产管理规模化与标准化模式,推广应用轻简化栽培技术等关键措施,从而从根本上提高新疆棉花市场竞争力。

关 键 词:光伏  光伏  大棚骨架  拉挤复合材料  受力性能  经济性  

Cottons in Xinjiang and Typical Main Producing Areas Abroad: Difference Analysis and Countermeasures
Abstract:Based on the comparative analysis of cotton in Xinjiang and typical main producing areas abroad, we clarify that there is a significant difference between the intrinsic quality of Xinjiang cotton and the world’s recognized high- quality cotton (American SJV and Australian cotton), but Xinjiang cotton has its own advantages and disadvantages, and its quality is slightly above the medium, with long and strong fiber, and high value of fiber micronaire. The problems of Xinjiang cotton included the pollution caused by the foreign fibre, the single fiber type, the slight shortness of fiber and slight weakness of fiber strength of machineharvested cotton, the high cotton impurity and supply cost, the low supply benefit and efficiency, and the quality indexes needed to be coordinated and optimized. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the selection and breeding cotton varieties of different fiber types and high-quality, optimize the regional distribution of different cotton varieties, prevent the pollution caused by foreign fiber, establish the scaled and standardized cotton production management, and popularize the application of light simplified cultivation technology, so as to improve the market competition of Xinjiang cotton.
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