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引用本文:薛亚光,魏亚凤,李波,潘宝国,刘建. 不同稻秸还田方式对冬小麦产量及冻害的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2017, 33(32): 58-63
作者姓名:薛亚光  魏亚凤  李波  潘宝国  刘建
基金项目:江苏省“六大人才高峰”资助项目“稻田还田土壤微环境变化与小麦冻害相关性研究”(NY-035);南通市科技项目“麦稻两熟秸秆全量安全 还田新技术研究及配套机具引进集成”(MS22015040)。
摘    要:为了综合评价稻秸还田方式对冬小麦产量及冻害的影响,以不还田为对照(CK),设置覆盖还田、宽行覆草、浅旋还田、翻耕还田4种还田方式,研究各处理下小麦生长和产量的变化以及对低温的响应。结果表明,与对照相比,覆盖还田和浅旋还田显著降低了冬小麦的出苗、分蘖的发生以及花后干物质的积累,其产量分别减少了21.3%和15.3%,而宽行覆草和翻耕还田则与之相反,分别较对照增产8.0%和5.2%。另外,与对照相比,覆盖还田和浅旋还田不仅显著降低了单株麦苗质量(茎蘖数、鲜重和干重),而且在低温下有更多的冻害苗和更高的冻害比例。相关分析得出,冻害苗数与单株麦苗的质量呈显著负相关。表明通过宽行覆草和翻耕还田2种方式还田均有利于冬小麦生长和产量的形成,并在一定程度上能减轻冬小麦的冻害。

关 键 词:稻秸还田  冬小麦  产量  冻害

Different Rice Straw Returning Patterns: The Effects on Yield and Freezing Injury of Winter Wheat
Abstract:To comprehensively evaluate rice straw returning effects on winter wheat yield and its freezing injury, Five straw returning patterns were conducted, including no straw returning (control), straw returning by mulching (SRM), straw returning on wide row by mulching(SRWM), straw returning by shallow-tillage(SRST) and straw returning by deep-tillage(SRDT). The characteristics of growth development of wheat and its yield under different straw retuning patterns and their response for low temperature were analyzed. The results showed that, compared with control, the number of seedling, number of tillers and dry matter accumulation after heading (DMAH)of wheat were significantly decreased under SRM and SRST, and their yield were reduced by 21.3% and 17.3%. On the contrary, there were no significant difference, and even more seedlings, tillers and DMAH under SRWM and SRDT, and their yield were increased by 8.0% and 5.3%. In addition, there were not only worse qualities of single wheat seedling (tiller number, fresh weight and dry weight), but also more seedlings with freezing injury and higher percentage under SRM and SRST. By correlation analysis, the number of seedling with injury was significantly and negatively correlated with the qualities of single wheat seedling. The results indicated that SRM and SRDT could improve the growth development and grain yield of winter wheat and relieve its freezing injury .
Keywords:rice straw returning   winter wheat   grain yield   freezing injury
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