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引用本文:张大为,罗进仓,金社林,郭建明,惠娜娜,魏玉红. 不同光谱杀虫灯对苹果园害虫诱杀效果及灯下昆虫种群结构分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(31): 140-146. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17080040
作者姓名:张大为  罗进仓  金社林  郭建明  惠娜娜  魏玉红
基金项目:甘肃省苹果产业科技攻关项目“苹果病虫害生物物理防控与质量追溯体系建设研究”(GPCK2013-5);甘肃省农业科学院创新专项“不同寄 主梨小食心虫产卵特性及防治指标研究”(2015GAAS38);甘肃省农业科学院创新专项“甘肃苹果枝干性病害综合防控技术研究”(2016GAAS18);甘 肃省农业科学院创新专项“甘肃苹果园刺吸式害虫(螨)减药化绿色防控技术研究”(2016GAAS07)。
摘    要:

关 键 词:杀虫灯  不同光谱  诱杀效果  多样性指数、均匀度

Insecticidal Lamps with Different Spectrum: The Effect on Trapping Pest and Insect Population Structure in Apple Orchard
To explore the trapping effects of the insecticidal lamps with different spectrum on pests in apple orchard, and evaluate the effects on insect population structures, the authors carried out a trapping pests experiment in an apple orchard by insecticidal lamps with 3 kinds of spectrum from July to August in 2015 in Tianshui. The results showed that: the insecticidal quantities and insecticidal spectrum of insecticidal lamps with multi- spectrum and LED multi- spectrum were much better than that of the insecticidal lamp with frequency vibration type; the revised natural enemies and pests ratio of the insecticidal lamps with frequency vibration type, multi- spectrum and LED multi- spectrum was 1:16.39, 1:28.57, 1:21.80, respectively; the trapping effect of the insecticidal lamps with LED multi-spectrum on Coleoptera, Homoptera, Hemiptera andDiptera was better than that of the other lamps; parameter analysis of community diversity showed that: the Shannon- wiener index of trapping insect with the 3 kinds of insecticidal lamps was 3.9231, 3.6982 and 3.8134; the evenness index was 0.7082, 0.6399 and 0.6770. The insecticidal lamps with frequency vibration type, multi-spectrum and LED multi-spectrum all show a good control effect on pest in apple orchard, have a little trapping effect on natural enemies and neutral insects. This study provides a basis for scientific use of the solar insecticidal lamp.
Keywords:insecticidal  lamp, different  spectrum, trapping  effects,Shannon-wiener  index,evenness
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