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引用本文:王 佳,陈钰文. 江苏省空中云水资源评估[J]. 中国农学通报, 2017, 33(2): 121-124
作者姓名:王 佳  陈钰文
基金项目:国家973 计划项目“东亚季风区年际-年代际气候变率机理与预测研究”(2012CB955204);江苏气象科研基金“江苏空中水资源特征分析研 究”(Q201205);江苏气象科研基金“基于不同双参数云方案的人影云水数值预报模式集成”(KM201403);江苏气象科研基金“CORDEX-EA多模式对 江苏气温的模拟评估和集成预估”(Q201516);
摘    要:研究旨在定量化评估江苏省空中云水资源可开发量及基本特征。根据云水收支方程,将参与大气云水循环且未降落到地面的资源定义为空中云水资源。利用1981—2010年EAR-Interim高分辨率再分析资料的风场及云含水量,计算江苏上空云水资源年均总量、时空特征及变化趋势。结果表明,资源年均总量353.1亿t,春夏季偏多,秋冬季偏少,开发潜力巨大。旱期(缺水期)沿淮淮北最多,达70.8亿t,沿海垦区、苏南环太湖次之;非旱期总量约占全年58.3%。近30年,云水资源呈下降趋势,平均每10年减少18亿t。建议加大开发力度,实现常态化开发利用,率先建立淮北、沿海、环太湖开发利用重点作业区,加强开发利用技术研究,提高开发效率。

关 键 词:大气云水循环  空中云水资源  开发量  时空特征  

Evaluation of Cloud Water Resources of Jiangsu Province
Abstract:The paper aims to quantitatively evaluate the amount and characteristics of cloud water resources of Jiangsu Province. According to the function of inflow and outflow of cloud water, the cloud water resources were defined as the resources which participated in the recycle of atmospheric cloud water, but did not fall in ground. The fields of wind and cloud water content from the high resolution reanalysis data (ERA-Interim) during 1981-2010 were applied to calculating the total annual amount of cloud water resources of Jiangsu Province in average, whose spatial-temporal characteristics and variation trend were analyzed. Results showed that: the annual average amount reached 35.31 billion tons. It was more in spring and summer, but less in autumn and winter. In drought (water shortage) period, the amount reached the maximum of 7.08 billion tons within the areas in Huaibei along the Huai River, followed by that in the coastal reclamation region and areas around Taihu Lake, respectively. The amount during non-drought period accounted for 58.3% of the total annual amount. The cloud water resources of Jiangsu had a decline of 1.8 billion tons per decade within the past 30 years. It is suggested to increase the exploitation intensity and realize the normalization of exploitation of the resources. The major operation areas should be established in Huaibei, the coastal region and around Taihu Lake. In order to improve the efficiency of exploitation, the technology should be advanced.
Keywords:atmospheric cloud water recycle   cloud water resources   amount of exploitation   spatial-temporal characteristics
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