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引用本文:石 杰,高 宇,孙宇峰,张正海,刘淑霞,刘宇峰. 接种苜蓿中华根瘤菌SD101对提高国产紫花苜蓿结瘤数和产量的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2016, 32(23): 22-26. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16030068
作者姓名:石 杰  高 宇  孙宇峰  张正海  刘淑霞  刘宇峰
摘    要:为提高紫花苜蓿品种的结瘤率和产量,建立高效紫花苜蓿与苜蓿根瘤菌的共生固氮体系,本研究采用16S rDNA测序方法得知已获得的SD101 为苜蓿中华根瘤菌。通过盆栽试验研究了紫花苜蓿品种‘敖汉’和‘龙牧801’在不同处理基质中接种苜蓿中华根瘤菌SD101 和保护剂的结瘤和株高情况。通过田间小区试验研究了‘敖汉’和‘龙牧801’在接种苜蓿中华根瘤菌SD101 和保护剂后田间的结瘤和产量情况。结果发现,接种了SD101 和保护剂的‘敖汉’和‘龙牧801’在不同基质上都有很好的结瘤数和株高,达到了显著水平。尿素处理的结果表明,施用尿素对苜蓿与根瘤菌共生结瘤有一定的抑制作用。使用伽马射线处理土样能够达到彻底灭菌的效果。田间试验中土著根瘤菌在苜蓿生长的过程中起着重要作用,但是使用苜蓿根瘤SD101和保护剂拌种的处理有着更强的竞争性。

关 键 词:水稻  水稻  光合特性  比较分析  

Inoculating Sinorhizobium meliloti SD101 Improving Nodule Number and Yield of Native Alfalfa
Abstract:In order to improve the number of nodules and yield of native alfalfa, and establish a high efficient symbiosis between alfalfa and Sinorhizobium meliloti, the obtained SD101 was identified as a strain of Sinorhizobium meliloti by using 16S rDNA sequencing method. Pot experiments were conducted to study the nodule numbers and heights of‘Aohan’and‘Longmu 801’in different medium treatments after inoculating SD101 and protective agent. Field trials were conducted to study the nodule numbers and yields of‘Aohan’ and‘Longmu801’after inoculating SD101 and protective agent. It was found that‘Aohan’and‘Longmu801’ had high numbers of nodules and yields by inoculating SD101 and protective agent, and were significantly different compared with the treatments without inoculating SD101. The results showed that implementing urea could inhibit the growth of nodules and the symbiosis of alfalfa and SD101 to a certain extent. Soil samples could be completely sterilized by γ ray. In the field trials, native rhizobium played an important role in the growth of alfalfa, but the seed dressing with Sinorhizobium meliloti SD101 and protective agent was more competitive.
Keywords:native alfalfa   Sinorhizobium meliloti   number of nodules   yield
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