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郝晨, 李云, 姜金仲, 崔彬彬

郝晨, 李云, 姜金仲, 崔彬彬. 四倍体刺槐大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2007, 29(5): 12-17. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.2007.05.003
引用本文: 郝晨, 李云, 姜金仲, 崔彬彬. 四倍体刺槐大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2007, 29(5): 12-17. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.2007.05.003
HAO Chen, LI Yun, JIANG Jin-zhong, CUI Bin-bin. Megaspore and microspore genesis and the development of gemetophytes in tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2007, 29(5): 12-17. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.2007.05.003
Citation: HAO Chen, LI Yun, JIANG Jin-zhong, CUI Bin-bin. Megaspore and microspore genesis and the development of gemetophytes in tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2007, 29(5): 12-17. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.2007.05.003





    郝晨,硕士.主要研究方向:生物技术与林木遗传育种. Email:haochen@163.com 地址:北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院.


    李云,教授,博士生导师.主要研究方向:生物技术与林木遗传育种.电话:010-62336094 Email:yunli63@163.com 地址:同上.

  • 中图分类号: S718.46;S792.27

Megaspore and microspore genesis and the development of gemetophytes in tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia

  • 摘要: 为了积累四倍体刺槐生殖生物学资料和为四倍体刺槐遗传改良奠定基础,对四倍体刺槐的大小孢子发生与雌雄配子体发育进行了研究.结果表明:四倍体刺槐花药壁由孢原细胞分裂形成的初生壁细胞发育而来,中层较早解体,绒毡层发育属腺质绒毡层.小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,多形成四面体型的四分体,成熟花粉为2-细胞型;胚囊发育为蓼型,成熟胚珠为双珠被、厚珠心、弯生型胚珠,靠近合点端的大孢子为有功能大孢子,成熟胚囊为8核.
    Abstract: In order to calculate the information about the procreation biology and make a base for genetic improvement for tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia,the development of megaspore and microspore genesis and the formation of female and male gametophytes were researched.The results were as the followings:the anther was 4-sporangia and its anther wall formation conformed to the dicotyledonous type.And also,the tapetum was of the glandular type and its most cells were a 1-nucleate and of cytokinesis at meiosis of microspore mother cells and were simultaneous,and tetrads were tetrahedral.Besides,mature pollen grains were 2-celled.In addition,the development of embryo sac was of the polygonum type.The mature ovules were campylotropous with dual-integument and crassinucellate.The megaspore at chalazal end became a functional megaspore.There were eight nuclears in the mature embryo sac.
  • 期刊类型引用(2)

    1. 胡静静,赵静,沈向. 黄金梨雄性不育的细胞学研究. 中国农学通报. 2010(02): 185-188 . 百度学术
    2. 高芳,万勤,张素丽,于兆海,胡建芳. 京白梨与鸭梨雄配子体发育特性的比较及其花粉败育的研究. 中国农业大学学报. 2008(04): 25-30 . 百度学术


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  • 被引次数: 8
  • 收稿日期:  2007-03-28
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-03-28


