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作者姓名:聂福贵  尹相吉  钱英红  郭少平  陈湘江  徐跃峰  杨晓野  王瑞
摘    要:为了解内蒙古部分地区规模化牛场牛体寄生虫的感染情况,从2015—2017年,采用饱和盐水漂浮法、离心沉淀法、麦克马斯特氏虫卵计数法、血清学和免疫学等方法,对内蒙古呼和浩特市和锡林郭勒盟等地的牛场进行了流行病学调查。结果显示:所检牛群主要感染的寄生虫为毛圆科线虫和艾美耳球虫;2015年还检出了新孢子虫,个别牧场有肺丝虫检出;未有吸虫、绦虫、血液原虫和毛滴虫检出。在为期3年的调查中,经针对性地治疗,寄生虫的感染率呈显著的下降趋势。这些数据的取得为了解所调查牧场的寄生虫感染状况,并根据调查数据开展相关寄生虫的防治工作提供了重要信息。

Epidemiological Survey of Common Parasites in Large-scale Cattle Farms in Some Areas of Inner Mongolia
Abstract:In order to understand the infection status of bovine parasites in large-scale cattle farms in some areas of Inner Mongolia, an epidemiological investigation on bovine parasitic diseases in the cattle farms in Hohhot and Xilin Gol League of Inner Mongolia from 2015 to 2017 has been undertaken using saturated brine floating method, centrifugal sedimentation method, McMaster′s egg counting method, serologic method and immunological method. The results showed that the most commonly observed parasites were Trichomonas nematodes and Eimeria; the presence of Neospora caninum was found in 2015 and the metastrongylidae detection was positive in some individual cattle farms; the pathogen detection of trematode, cestode, blood protozoonoses and Trichomonas was negative. During the three-year investigation, the parasitic infection rate in the surveyed cattle farms showed a significant downward trend after the targeted treatment. The obtained data provide useful information for understanding the infection status of bovine parasites and controlling the parasitic diseases in these regions.
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