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作者姓名:曹建军  李胜勇
摘    要:为了探索海洋渔船推进系统的节油减排,以一艘安装有柴电混合动力系统,成功实现节能减排的金枪鱼延绳钓船为例,通过剖析柴电混合动力系统的结构,柴油机理论负荷特性,结合渔船实际使用情况,分析其节能原因。结果显示,渔船柴电混合动力系统在使用过程中,可根据工况需要,随意切换常规动力与电力推进系统;通过选择合理的主机工况,提高柴油机输出效率,降低柴油机油耗率;综合各种工况,能节油15%以上。研究表明,现阶段在金枪鱼延绳钓渔船上使用混合动力技术是可行的,能起到节能减排的作用。在核心技术不变的情况下,运用一些创新技术手段,如采用多机多桨拆分系统,赋予系统更高的智能调配作用,可以把混合动力系统推广到拖网渔船和围网渔船上。

关 键 词:渔船  柴电推进  混合动力  节能减排

Fuel consumption analysis of diesel-electric hybrid system of fishing boat
Abstract:In order to explore the energy conservation performance of ocean fishing boat propulsion systems,in this paper,a tuna longline vessel that has realized energy-saving and emission-reducing was taken as an example to analyze the reasons behind,through probing into the structure of its diesel-electric hybrid system, engine load characteristics and the actual using conditions of the vessel. The results showed that the diesel-electric hybrid system of the vessel in use can easily switch between the conventional power and the electricity propulsion systems in accordance with the actual working conditions; by selecting the reasonable working conditions of the main engine,the output efficiency of the diesel engine could thus be improved and the diesel fuel consumption rate decreased,and considering the various working conditions,the system could save energy by more than 15%.The research showed that,at present,using hybrid power technology in tuna longline vessels is feasible and can play a role in energy conservation. With the core technology remaining the same and by adopting some innovative techniques such as multi-machine paddle split system to allow the system greater intelligent deployment role, the hybrid can be further extended to trawlers, purse seiners and other fishing vessels.
Keywords:fishing  diesel-electric propulsion  hybrid  energy conservation
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