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Aquacultureagriculture systems integration: an Australian prospective
Authors:B A Ingram  G J Gooley  L J McKinnon  S S de Silva
Institution:Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Alexandra, Victoria, Australia;School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia
Abstract:The concept of integrating aquaculture with irrigated farming systems was evaluated in three projects in the GoulburnMurray Irrigation District (GMID) in south-eastern Australia. (1) Semi-intensive cage culture trials using silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell), were undertaken in a range of irrigated farming systems: irrigation supply channels; groundwater supplies; and on-farm storage dams. Survival and growth of fish under these conditions were comparable to fish reared in conventional aquaculture ponds. However, poor water quality at some sites reduced survival and growth. (2) A study was undertaken to assess the feasibility of the cage culture of silver perch and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), in three irrigation water storage reservoirs. Conditions within each reservoir, particularly water quality, wind and wave action, and cage fouling, varied considerably, and influenced fish growth and survival. (3) Mariculture trials were undertaken in two saline groundwater evaporation basins, which were part of an integrated agriforestry and salt reclamation system. The species tested included two oyster, two prawn and nine fish species. Some species exhibited exceptional survival and growth rates under trial conditions. These projects indicate that the concept of integrating aquaculture with existing irrigated farming systems has the potential to enhance productivity, water use efficiency and overall environmental sustainability in the GMID.
Keywords:aquaculture  Australia  enhancement  irrigation
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