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Performance of Larval and Postlarval Pacific White Shrimp,Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone), Fed Two Commercial Liquid Diet Supplements

Two commercial liquid diet supplements were evaluated as a partial replacement for live foods fed to larval and postlarval Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Larvae were stocked in 20-L buckets at a density of 113 shrimp/L and fed one of four diets (5 replicate buckets per diet): (1) a control diet consisting of the diatom, Chaetoceros neogracile, and live Artemia; (2) the control diet plus Treflan (a fungicide); (3) LiquaLife liquid larval diet supplements with reduced concentrations of C. neogracile and Artemia; and (4) Epifeed liquid larval diet supplements with reduced concentrations of Artemia. Diets were evaluated by comparing shrimp rostro-caudal length and survival to PL-8, survival to osmotic and pH stress, as well as shrimp gut fullness, gut lipid content, and fouling. Rostro-caudal length and survival to PL-8 were not significantly different among the four treatments. However, mean survival to PL-8 was 12-34% greater in the Epifeed treatment than in the other three treatments. Shrimp fed Epifeed exhibited greater survival (P < 0.05) when exposed to 7 ppt water for two hours than shrimp in the control treatments. In contrast, there was no significant difference in survival (P > 0.05) among the four treatments when shrimp were exposed to apH of 3.35 for two hours. Although shrimp fed liquid diet supplements had more fouling (P < 0.05) than shrimp in either of the control treatments, commercial liquid diet supplements can be used in penaeid shrimp hatcheries to partially replace Artemia without compromising shrimp growth or survival.
Keywords:Larval feeds  Artemia replacement  Pacific white shrimp  Litopenaeus vannamei
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