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作者姓名:曹静晖  魏雅岚  严继舟
摘    要:为建立斑马鱼(Danio rerio)脑部细胞移植模型,先用红色荧光染料标记供体胚胎细胞,再移植细胞到AB品系和两种转基因斑马鱼仔鱼脑部。荧光显微镜和组织学切片观察发现移植细胞沿组织或细胞间隙而不是通过血管向周围组织扩散,但细胞增殖分化不明显。在细胞移植24 h后,脑部组织学结构与对照组无明显差别。带有白血病基因的胚胎细胞在AB仔鱼的脑部没有产生肿瘤样增生和转移。相比之下,正常胚胎细胞在白血病模型的仔鱼脑部非白血病细胞聚集区出现较多增殖和迁移。这些结果提示脑局部微环境不支持移植细胞的增殖分化;细胞移植只能弥补局部细胞的空疏而不能用作细胞替代治疗。

关 键 词:斑马鱼(Danio  rerio)  胚胎细胞  细胞移植    白血病

Trials on embryo cell allotransplantations in Danio rerio larval brain
Abstract:To establish a brain cell transplant model , here Danio rerio embryo cells were labeled with red fluorescent dye and separately transplanted into the larval brains of AB line and two different transgenic D.rerio.Fluorescence microscopic and histological observations showed the transplanted cells were migrated along interstitial /intercellular space instead of blood vessels, revealing little proliferation and differentiation .24 hours after transplantation, the brain histological struc-ture looked similar to the control.The transplanted embryo cells from the leukemia transgenic fish did not display any neo -plasm proliferation and metastasis in AB larvae .In comparison, the transplant cells from AB lines showed a bit more pro -liferation and migration at the region far from leukemia cell aggregate in the brain of leukemia transgenic fish .These results suggested that the brain microenvironment was not suitable for the growth of the cell transplants , thereby cell transplant cannot replace the existing cells but fill a few cell sparsities .
Keywords:Danio rerio  embryo cell  cell transplant  brain  leukemia
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