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作者姓名:石永莲  严宁珍  倪九派
作者单位:1. 西南大学资源环境学院
摘    要:白河是南阳市的重要旅游胜地和饮用水源地。为了解白河水质状况,2010年在白河设置了七个监测断面,采集了12个月的水样来评价。为了克服传统模糊评价模型评价因子选取主观性强,评价结果可比性差的问题,本文利用主成分分析降维的思想筛选评价因子.利用改进后的模糊贴近度法来评价水质。最后,本文选择溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、化学需氧量、总氮、总磷、氟化物和粪大肠杆菌评价因子,用改进的模糊贴近度法评价水质状况。结果表明,从上游到下游呈现出逐渐恶化的趋势。鸭河水库坝下和内乡盆窖断面水质级别为Ⅰ级,淅川张营水质级别为Ⅲ级,方城夏河、邓州汲滩、新野梅湾和新甸铺水质级别为Ⅴ级。改进后的方法与模糊综合评价法和层次分析法评价结果一致。


Water quality evaluation of Bai river based on fuzzy Nearness
Abstract:Bai river is an important tourist destination and the source of drinking water in nan yang.To evaluate the water quality,set up seven monitoring section ,water samples were collected in 12 months of 2010.Based on the traditional fuzzy synthetic evaluation theory,a new model based on principal component analysis is proposed to overcome the limitations of traditional model in practice, such as factor selection and results analysis.In the new model, factors were selected by dimension reduction principle.Meanwhile,a case study of source water quality assessment,using the improved model in bai river,was presented.The result showed that from upstream to downstream showing a worsening trend.water quality level of Duck river reservoir and Nei Xiang section isⅠ.Xi chuan zhang ying is Ⅲ.Fang cheng xia he,Deng zhou ji tan,Xin ye mei wan and Xin dian pu isⅤ.The improved method and analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method evaluation results.
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