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The effect of time of sowing and sowing method on production of white clover in mixed swards
Institution:Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland;The Queen's University of Belfast, Newforge Lane, Belfast
Abstract:Two field trials were carried out in successive years in which (1) perennial ryegrass and white clover seeds were drilled together, or (2) clover was broadcast and grass drilled, or (3) both clover and grass were broadcast. The last two treatments were followed by harrowing or not of the seed bed. Sowing took place in early May or August. Four harvests were taken in each full harvest year. In establishment years, sowing in May resulted in a total dry matter (DM) production at least ten times higher than that resulting from sowing in August. No sowing method treatment effects on total DM or clover yield were significant in the establishment year (measured only in spring-sown plots). In the first harvest year the August-sown treatments produced 15% less DM than those sown in May and clover yield was, on average, 40% lower than the earlier sown treatments; clover proportion followed a similar pattern to yield. Drilling of both grass and clover without harrowing produced swards with a significantly lower proportion of clover in the first harvest year in the first trial than in treatments in which clover was broadcast but not harrowed. In the second trial at harvest 1, clover proportion just failed to be significantly lower in the treatment in which grass and clover were drilled than in the treatment when clover was broadcast and the seed bed harrowed. In the second harvest year (first trial only), annual clover yield and proportion were not affected but drilled grass and clover had lower DM yield than when grass was drilled and clover broadcast without harrowing and when both were broadcast, without harrowing. At one harvest, the yield of clover in treatments sown in May was actually lower than that in the later-sown plots. In a subsidiary controlled environment experiment to investigate the effect of stage of clover development on cold hardiness (a factor in autumn-sown swards), plants which were about to initiate stolons (58 days old) had an LD50 of ?5·1° compared with ?9·3°C for plants 60 days older. It is concluded that autumn sowing delays the time at which optimum clover production is achieved (late in the first full harvest year) and method of sowing does not compensate for this. However, sowing in August under Northern Ireland conditions does not seem to jeopardize the chances of a successful establishment of white clover, and plants should be sufficiently winter hardy to withstand relatively hard freezing conditions.
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