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作者姓名:郑建国  黄婉芳
摘    要:本文是大面积开花苦竹Pleioblastus spp.复壮技术试验的总结。经过1984—1988年5年的试验,取得了明显的效果,试验结果表明:1.削草松土加施尿素是苦竹复壮最有效措施,试验第五年(即1988年)的新竹,木苦竹(PL.amarus(Keng)Keng t.)每亩立竹量达3196株,平均地径2.09厘米,平均高度445.8厘米,蓄积达2237.2公斤,与封山育竹12年的竹林比较,立竹量增长4.74倍,蓄积量增长7.48倍;同期,青苦竹(PL.amarus var PendulifoliusS.Y.Chen)立竹量每亩比封山12年的竹林增长2.462倍,蓄积量增长2.13倍。2.削山松土是苦竹提前复壮的基本措施。采取这一方法,5年就可使竹林恢复正常生长,其88年木苦竹每亩立竹量达到1908株,平均地径1.77厘米,平均高度395.7厘米,蓄积达954公斤,比封山12年的竹林每亩立竹量增长2.831倍,蓄积量增长4.04倍;同期,青苦竹立竹量比封山12年的竹林每亩增长1.657倍,蓄积量增长1.289倍,复壮时间可比封山提前5—6年。

关 键 词:苦竹  开花  复壮

Abstract:This artical reports experiments on rejuvenescence of large-area flowering pleiblastus. After 5-year experiments from 1984 to 1988, the trial results are showed: 1. Weeding loosening the soil and fertilizing with urea were the most effective method for rejuven- escing flowering pleiblastus. New bamboos in the fifth tvial year, the standing bampoo number of pleiblastus per mu was up to 3196, 2.09cm for average ground diameter, 445.8cm for average height, 2237.2kg for stock volume. Compared to the closed bamboo forest for 12 years, standing bamboo numbers and stock volame were increased by 4.74 times and 7.45 times respectively, meanwhile, for pI. amarus var. pendufolius, by 2.462 and 2.13 times. 2.Weeding and loosening the soil was a fundamental method for early-rejuven- escence of flowering pleiblastus. If 5 years later, flowening bamboo could return back. In 1988, standing bamboo numbers per mu was up to 1908 culms, 1.77cm for average ground diameter, 397.7cm for average height, 954kg for stock vdume. Compared to the closed bamboo forest for 12years, standing bamboo numbers and stock volume increased by 2.831 and 4.04 times respectively; meanwhile, for pl. amarus var. pendufolius, by 1.657 and 1.289 times.
Keywords:Pleiblastus  Flowering  Rejuvenescence
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