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摘    要:生殖崇拜是指人们为祈求生殖,对男女生殖器官执以宗教的崇拜与祭祀的一种文化现象.竹因其生命力之强盛和繁殖的特殊形态,被原始部族神圣化,视作为生殖和生命的象征而加以崇拜.竹的生殖崇拜主要包括生殖器崇拜和生殖神崇拜.竹的生殖器崇拜是生殖崇拜的最初阶段,它是对生殖器象征物--竹的崇拜,其深层内涵是祈望生殖繁盛.它主要包括竹的女阴崇拜和竹的男根崇拜两部分,前者是母系社会的产物,后者是父系社会的产物.竹的生殖神崇拜是生殖崇拜的最高阶段,它是将生殖象征物--竹神化,通过一系列借竹的求子巫术仪式,祈求竹神的保护,获得生殖神力,求得子嗣,实现生殖旺盛的目的.

关 键 词:生殖崇拜  女阴崇拜  男根崇拜  生殖神崇拜  生殖器崇拜

The Generative Adoration of Bamboo in China
Guan Chuanyou.The Generative Adoration of Bamboo in China[J].Journal of Bamboo Research,2005,24(3):54-59.
Authors:Guan Chuanyou
Abstract:Generative adoration refers to the cultural phenomenon that people worship at the male and female genitalia to beget and conceive offspring. Bamboo is regarded as a symbol of high reproduction because of its vigorous vitality and unique shape. The generative adoration of bamboo includes genitalia adoration and deification. Genitalia adoration is the initial stage. It refers to the worship at the bamboo, a symbol of genitalia. The deep connotation is to seek to prosperously reproduce offspring. Genitalia adoration of bamboo consists of vulvae adoration and phallism, the former is the outcome of matrilineal society, while the latter is the outcome of patrilineal society. The generative deification of bamboo is the top stage. The bamboo, a symbol of high reproduction, is apotheosized. People perform a wizard ceremony to impetrate bamboo deity.
Keywords:Generative adoration  Vulvae adoration  Phallic worship  Deification  Genitalia adoration
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