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引用本文:刘盛全,江泽慧,鲍甫成. 人工林场杨木材性质与生长培育关系的研究[J]. 林业科学, 2001, 37(2): 90-96
作者姓名:刘盛全  江泽慧  鲍甫成
作者单位:1. 安徽农业大学森林利用学院
2. 中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所
基金项目:“九五”国家科技攻关!“工业用材林木材材性和功能性改良技术研究”专题,国家自然科学基金资助项目中的一部分!(批准号 3980 0 116 )
摘    要:本文以生长在 3种长江滩地类型 (江滩、洲滩、湖滩 )、3种栽植密度 ( 3m×4m ,4m× 5m ,5m× 6m)下的3个品系速生人工林杨树木材 [欧美杨无性系 72杨 (Populus×euramericacv.I -72 58) ,美洲黑杨无性系 63杨(P .deltiodescv.I-63 51 )和 69杨 (P .deltoidescv.I-69 55) ,以下简称 72杨 ,63杨 ,69杨 ]为对象 ,深入地分析了人工林杨树木材材性与生长培育之间的关系。结果表明 :( 1 )品系对滩地杨树木材材性有较大的影响。安徽新洲洲滩和湖北黄洲江滩上生长的 63杨 ,湖南沅江湖滩上生长的 72杨纤维长度最长 ,微纤丝角最小 ,导管比量最大 ,方差分析表明 :72、63、69杨微纤丝角和主要物理力学性质差异均达显著和极显著。 ( 2 )滩地类型对72、63、69杨木材材性都有或大或小的差异。方差分析表明 :63杨、69杨微纤丝角、基本密度、抗弯强度和干缩率差异显著 ,说明 63杨和 69杨受滩地类型影响较大。 ( 3)栽植密度对 72、63、69杨木材材性的影响因材性指标的不同而不同。对 72、63、69杨来讲 ,栽植密度越大 ,微纤丝角、导管比量增大 ,纤维长度、木纤维比量、木射线比量都减小 ,基本密度、抗弯弹性模量和抗弯强度也越小。方差分析表明 ,72杨和 69杨受栽植密度影响较大 ,63杨受栽植密度影响较小

关 键 词:人工林 杨树 木材性质 培育措施 品系 立地条件 栽植密度 定向培育

Liu Shengquan,Jinag Zehui,Bao Fucheng. THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN WOOD PROPERTIES AND FOREST CULTURES IN PLANTATION POPLAR[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2001, 37(2): 90-96
Authors:Liu Shengquan  Jinag Zehui  Bao Fucheng
Abstract:In this study, three kinds of fast growing Poplar, Poplar 72 ( Populus×euramericana cv. I - 72/58), Poplar 63 ( P. deltoides cv. I - 63/51 ), Poplar 69( P. deltoides cv. I - 69/55), in brief, it is called Poplar 72, Poplar 63, Poplar 69 in the following, grown in three different beaches of Changjiang River( River beach, Islet beach and Lake beach)with three different spaces(3m×4m,4m×5m,5m×6m)were selected as the materials. Their relationships between the wood properties and forest culture were systematically revealed. The results show that:( 1 )There are large differences for the wood properties of poplar grown in the beaches of Changjiang River influenced by different clones. The longest fiber length, the lest microfibril angle and the largest vessel proportion for poplar 63 grown in the beaches of Anhui and Hubei, and poplar 72 grown in Hunan were revealed. It indicates that there are significant differences for microfibril angle and main physical mechanical properties of poplar 72, poplar 63 and poplar 69 by variance analysis. (2) There are large or small differences of wood properties influenced by different beaches. It indicates that there are significant differences for microfibril angle, basic density, bending strength and rate of shrinkage of poplar 63 and poplar 69 by variance analysis. (3)The effects of spaces on wood properties of poplar 72, poplar 63 and poplar 69 change with different wood property. For poplar 72, polar 63 and poplar 69, the wider the spaces, the larger the microfibril angle and the proportion of vessel, the shorter the fiber length, the proportion of fiber and ray, the basic density, the modulus of elasticity and the modulus of rupture. It indicates that different spaces have larger influences on poplar 72 and poplar 69 than poplar 63 by variance analysis.
Keywords:Plantation of poplar   Wood properties   Forest cultures   Relationships between wood properties and forest cultures
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